Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #44

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..Tiguan might have been moved away on Monday night. Adding even more car shuffling.

Interesting idea! Left by the school, perhaps? And then picked up in the morning for the drive to the airport?

Well, neighborhood video would have captured that, if it happened, so we'll eventually know for sure. Interesting to ponder in the meantime.

She didn't sleep much. Wondering if she is manic? Drugs? She's running around like crazy on essentially just a few hours of sleep, if even that much, every night. Online activity shows she was awake late at night and early in the mornings.

I don't think the blood soaked through the mattress. According to the AA there were bloodstains "on" the mattress. The blood did soak through the carpet, the carpet pad, and onto the concrete floor, though, which indicates a large amount of blood from a fatal injury. The blood spatter on the wall near the head of the bed might have been from the same injury, as well as the blood covering the electric panel.

Now THAT makes sense!! So now I feel old lol Each time I read that I read “through” the mattress not thinking sliding down the outside of it o_O. TY for pointing that out.
I completely agree with you that’s why I started researching it. To me at first I never questioned the soaking through because I though it was like pouring liquid to see the same results. Then after reading (my interpretation only) the blood is thicker & grabs on to it’s surroundings as it soaks through.

I was still all for G returning home after the shopping trip so I convinced myself maybe blood mixed with cleaning liquid would speed up the flow/soaking. UGH I am still trying to wrap my brain around so much of LH’s mess/evilness she created that in 10 no doubt I will be doing another detour in thought. MOO

I thought the point of the baking soda was to form a paste to absorb liquids/blotting/scrubbing/eventually vacuuming.

I don't know I am not a Suzy homemaker type. I usually buy my products based on color or smell. Fabulosa was a fav until I got stone flooring.

These are my bloody bedroom concerns:

- the blood is where his head would be. There is not a blood trail to any water source (the closest one would be HH's bathroom) to me that indicates there is no attempt to clean up an alive boy. I would expect a more profound blood trail: droplets from walking. The blood "trail" leads directly to the back of the Tiguan.

- I would think your own hair would be a natural absorber of blood without that I believe the stain would even be even bigger.

- 50 droplets of blood AFTER cleaning

- stated a large volume of blood found, they speculate bedding was likely saturated

- bedding is missing (this was never found after 5 searches in the house) and possible pillow missing

- Luminol is utilized for some blood testing but they have used BLUE Star on the carpet stains. My understanding is Blue Star is better at recognizing blood that has been diluted or cleaned.

"With a little practice, BLUESTAR® FORENSIC makes it impossible to get confused between blood and false positives since the luminescence differs in color, intensity and duration." BLUESTAR Forensic - Latent blood detection tools

All the pictures are such poor quality I can not make out much with the exception of the mattress and Tiguan. The white portion on the Tiguan is the blood stain from the luminol reaction.

ETA: It seems like a lot of blood and clean up to me. I would think she would start the clean-up immediately Monday morning if all this blood existed then.

Thanks for making me think @Bbybluz.
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I don't think the blood soaked through the mattress. According to the AA there were bloodstains "on" the mattress. The blood did soak through the carpet, the carpet pad, and onto the concrete floor, though, which indicates a large amount of blood from a fatal injury. The blood spatter on the wall near the head of the bed might have been from the same injury, as well as the blood covering the electric panel.


You're right on point. Here's a screenshot of pages 15-16 of the arrest affidavit where this is detailed, including the (very dark and poor copy quality) photographs of the blood stains. You can see how it looks like blood poured down the side of the mattress to the floor where they found the blood through the carpet down to the concrete.

They also noted that it appeared someone tried to clean up all of the blood. The preliminary assessment from the CSA/bloodstain expert was that the stains on the wall came from "one or more blood spatter producing events, which could include gun shot, blunt force or a stabbing."

They could definitely tell he hadn’t run away and he was missing. Really only one reason would fit that scenario.

The Three Subtypes of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

......"Narcissists have the emotional maturity of children. Which is why they feel anger at many things children do. Things that most adults have learned to handle, cause anger for many narcissists.

Narcissists expect all the special treatment. And for EVERYTHING to revolve around them. They expect to be superior and “better” than everyone.

This is unrealistic for anyone to attain. Which is why narcissists spend most of their life feeling angry and resentful."

Exactly, I had to research on my own, why I was marrying the wrong type of guy (they were all narcissist). I learned that there are 3 different types. The biggest narcissist was my mother, who I don't talk to.

My youngest son's dad is the bully naracisst. I tried everything I could but my youngest son, age 17 yrs is just like his dad :(

1. Grandiose “Overt” Type

This type is considered to have the highest severity of poor interpersonal and psychosocial functioning, and higher comorbidity with other psychiatric disorders (including other personality disorders and substance abuse). They may present with more anger and hostility than the other types. Despite more illness severity, people with this type of NPD are less likely to present for help and engage in treatment. In some severe cases, individuals with this presentation may encompass the “malignant narcissist” subtype.

2. Fragile/Vulnerable “Covert” Type

This type is considered to possibly present more often for mental health treatment, with higher comorbidity with depressive and anxiety disorders. These individuals have more issues with vulnerability to criticism, and fluctuation between high and low self-esteem. NPD may actually be missed as a core source of their symptomatology, as they do not necessarily present with the overt grandiosity and lack of empathy as some with the disorder. But they still may have underlying traits of covert expectations of superiority or recognition and remain preoccupied mainly with their own sensitivity and perceived failures.

3. High-Functioning “Exhibitionist” Type

This type is less likely to have psychiatric comorbidity and may not necessarily meet the functional impairment criterion for NPD, except during periodic crises or unexpected failures (such as losing a job or undergoing a divorce). They appear to be outwardly successful and generally maintain their ego stability, but they still maintain an essential NPD personality structure; issues with entitlement and self-centeredness may lead to interpersonal issues and exploitative, unempathetic behaviors......
- 50 droplets of blood AFTER cleaning
SMH, thank you for pointing out this obvious point.

Even though I've read the affidavit a bazillion times and knew she cleaned up, I was thinking 50 drops of blood was from the impact. Duh. It's 50 drops AFTER clean up.

The violence and out-of-control rage of that scene shocks me, especially knowing it was a woman against a child.

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SMH, thank you for pointing out this obvious point.

Even though I've read the affidavit a bazillion times and knew she cleaned up, I think was thinking 50 drops of blood was from the impact. Duh. It's 50 drops AFTER clean up.

The violence and out-of-control rage of that scene shocks me, especially knowing it was a woman against a child.

Yes. I have been focusing on blood today. I have lost my out of control quarantine appetite.

They could tell by the Blue Star reaction clean-up was attempted.

Somewhere in the AA it also states blood spatter shape was affected by the drywall texture.

I wish I could see the wall picture better or best in color, I don't know what to look for, usually the luminance photographs blue. It may be the lighter spots on the wall are blood.
Per the AW, I just noticed that LaiS was captured on camera as she rode her bike, fron after school until about 3:45 but HH didn't arrive home from work for another hour...

Where was LaiS during this interim time???? And what was TS doing?


I said the same thing two threads ago!
I have yet to find an answer.
SMH, thank you for pointing out this obvious point.

Even though I've read the affidavit a bazillion times and knew she cleaned up, I was thinking 50 drops of blood was from the impact. Duh. It's 50 drops AFTER clean up.

The violence and out-of-control rage of that scene shocks me, especially knowing it was a woman against a child.

Yes, and that was just the drops on the wall around the bed. There were also traces of blood in the grooves and texture of the wall and on the baseboard around the bed. She probably smeared all the blood around when cleaning up and left traces in the texture of the wall. They also pointed out that the outline of blood around the outlet cover and in the socket pointed to a large amount of blood covering it.

It's really hard to see in the pictures, but you can see all the evidence tags where blood was located.

I don't think the blood soaked through the mattress. According to the AA there were bloodstains "on" the mattress. The blood did soak through the carpet, the carpet pad, and onto the concrete floor, though, which indicates a large amount of blood from a fatal injury. The blood spatter on the wall near the head of the bed might have been from the same injury, as well as the blood covering the electric panel.

Since there were bloodstains on the mattress and blood soaked through the carpet and pad, I wonder if he was trying to hide from her in the corner, and she killed him there. Later she put him on the bed after most of the bleeding stopped. The bed pictures are very dark and blurry, can someone tell me if G is in both of them?
I said the same thing two threads ago!
I have yet to find an answer.
I couldn't find any mention of her returning to the house or whether it was caught on camera.
She may have been riding her bike the whole time, or if she did come in the house before HH got home may have been told Gannon had gone to the friends house or was still sleeping. I doubt TS let her near the room. She probably waited until they were both gone before she moved the body.

I couldn't find any mention of her returning to the house or whether it was caught on camera.
She may have been riding her bike the whole time, or if she did come in the house before HH got home may have been told Gannon had gone to the friends house or was still sleeping. I doubt TS let her near the room. She probably waited until they were both gone before she moved the body.

And speaking of which, LaiS gets home around 3:11, seen riding bike at what, around 3:22 - but Gannon left to go see friend at 3:15? If LaiS was outside wouldn't she have seen him leave? I know this didn't happen but geez, TS is just plain stupid....

ETA: And wasn't the rape at 3:30-4:30 but she was texting about shopping or headphones or something right in the middle of the rape? Phew --
I couldn't find any mention of her returning to the house or whether it was caught on camera.
She may have been riding her bike the whole time, or if she did come in the house before HH got home may have been told Gannon had gone to the friends house or was still sleeping. I doubt TS let her near the room. She probably waited until they were both gone before she moved the body.

AA194 states LS is the only ADULT/HH at work, with access to Gannon from 2:16PM - 5:34PM.

3:15 - LaiS arrives home from school and told Gannon is asleep in her bed, that she can not see him then instructed to go outside and play (this is per LaiS forensic interview)

3:28 - Front door opens and closed (possibly greeting her at door or LS getting LaiS bike out)

3:30 – 3:42 - LaiS on camera riding bike

LaiS location unknown but has been told to play outside.

4:42 HH arrives and picks up LaiS

Edited: wording
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Since there were bloodstains on the mattress and blood soaked through the carpet and pad, I wonder if he was trying to hide from her in the corner, and she killed him there. Later she put him on the bed after most of the bleeding stopped. The bed pictures are very dark and blurry, can someone tell me if G is in both of them?
Gannon is only in the picture TS took that morning. The other picture was taken later that evening when LE looked around the house.

Gannon may have been somewhere else when she started the attack but I think it's more likely that he was killed in his bed. The blood in the corner on the carpet and floor is right where the head of the bed was. I think blood likely sprayed both on the wall behind his head, and on the other wall on the left side. The blood on the floor was beneath the left corner of the bed, where they removed the carpet.

I think he was hit more than once, either with a blunt object or whatever weapons she used, and the injuries were to his head and upper body, causing the blood to spray on the wall, leak down the side of the bed, and onto the floor.

And speaking of which, LaiS gets home around 3:11, seen riding bike at what, around 3:22 - but Gannon left to go see friend at 3:15? If LaiS was outside wouldn't she have seen him leave? I know this didn't happen but geez, TS is just plain stupid....

ETA: And wasn't the rape at 3:30-4:30 but she was texting about shopping or headphones or something right in the middle of the rape? Phew --
Yup, she was texting during the “rape,” and he was kind enough to allow her to greet her daughter at the door, and move freely about the house.

I’m disappointed she didn’t cook him dinner to repay his kindness.

Quite rude if you ask me.
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AA194 states LS is the only one with access to Gannon from 2:16PM - 5:34PM.

3:15 - LaiS arrives home from school and told Gannon is asleep in her bed, she could not see him then instructed to go outside and play (this is per LaiS forensic interview)

3:28 - Front door opens and closed (possibly LS getting LaiS bike out)

3:30 – 3:42 - LaiS on camera riding bike

LaiS location unknown but has been told to play outside.

4:42 HH arrives and picks up LaiS
Yeah, that's what I thought. Thanks for posting the times.
I think she was probably outside the whole time. She was probably riding around near the house, in view of the camera, when she first went out. She may have been caught on camera when she returned and it's just not included in the Affidavit. I'm sure there are a lot of details that are left out.

Yes, and that was just the drops on the wall around the bed. There were also traces of blood in the grooves and texture of the wall and on the baseboard around the bed. She probably smeared all the blood around when cleaning up and left traces in the texture of the wall. They also pointed out that the outline of blood around the outlet cover and in the socket pointed to a large amount of blood covering it.


Interesting insight! How unfortunate she went into the teaching profession (or attempted t0).

One joy in life is developing the maturity when you don't get upset over every little mistake or burst of energy from children. That comes with either experience, natural disposition (some people are just more patient by nature), or a combination.

Interesting to think that a narc doesn't mature into that but are stuck in the anger stage (which is often an immature first response to many things).


Freud was the first to call it. He said infants are born "narcissistic," meaning that they not only designed expressing every single feeing, but that infants must feel and be allowed to express all their desires and wishes, vociferously if that's their style. Later, Margaret Mahler identifies patterns that cause adult narcissists (she is a famous psychiatrist).

She says that at least one parent, usually the mother, needs to mirror and basically indulge infant narcissism. In other words, if a baby is crying urgently due to a reason, the mother "agrees" that life is awful for Baby and does everything possible to make it right again. If baby is happy and giggling, mother stops her busy work and laughs and giggles too. In other words, Good Mothers (Mahler called them "Good Enough Mothers") mirror their baby's feelings and take all their feelings seriously. Not every single time, which is impossible, but most of the time. Most mothers seem to do this intuitively.

But some mothers scream back at the baby. They stick the baby alone in a room, in a crib or carrier, slam the door, scream at baby more, and may even react by pinching or otherwise harming an infant.

Freud said that infant (primary) narcissism was a survival mechanism endowed by nature, such that as Baby becomes Toddler, they have enough self-esteem to get up and walk when they've fallen, to try speaking even if they can't say words just right, etc

Bad mothers mock their toddlers, set them up for failure, prank them, and do nothing to encourage the child to feel good about themselves. Because these mothers are themselves narcissists, they overestimate their child's abilities and the children get in over their heads, socially and intellectually, at an age where a parent's job is to bend the toddler into a kid - by teaching them how to be careful, how to judge how to cross the street, etc.

Anyway, healthy kids learn by age-appropriate errors (and encouragement). Good parents organize the kid's life so that they gradually learn that other people have needs too (having them play by themselves, sleeping through the night etc) and by around age 4-5, a healthy child (according to Freud and Mahler) has outgrown primary narcissism and will rarely regress to selfishness, poor judgment, expressing every single feeling and reacting with screaming and tantrums to not getting their way.

Those who remain narcissists go a different path - and it's all because of their own narcissistic parent(s) or caretakers. The degree of selfishness shown by the parents of future narcissists is significant (they will stuff food they like into a small child's mouth, whether the child likes it or not, and at a pace that suits the parent not the child - they'll even continue spooning food into the mouth of a crying baby and then complain the baby is choking and crying).

Narcissistic moms give their kids positive attention only when there's an audience and it reflects back on them. This does not produce pro-social values or real self-esteem and teaches the kids that it's how one appears to others that's important, not who one truly is. Being "good" is simply a performance, not a learned experience.

Narcissists don't necessarily become Antisocial Personalities, but they are more likely to do so. There is more of a genetic component to APD. But you can see how an antisocial narcissistic parent ends up with a child who is a lot like them. Narcissists know how to dominate and take advantage of others, just like APD people, and they often ensnare people who are low in self-esteem and if not, they are quick to try and make others feel badly about themselves.

This is perfectly fine behavior for 3-5 year olds (who have difficulty following the rules of games, will cheat to win because that makes them happy to win, who are intensely jealous of other kids having things they don't, who occasionally smack another kid just because they're mad and don't yet understand that others have feelings or that consequences are real). And while it's normal 3-5 year old behavior, parents, adults in general and teachers in particular - as well as healthy play with other kids - will help them grow up.

Certainly by 8, it's noticeable if kids are still in that earlier phase. Most kids are well on their way to healthy, hard won self-esteem and having empathic feelings toward others by 5-6. For some it's even earlier, and some never achieve it.
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