Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #44

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Odd question, but would like all of your opinions.

Could she have injured him on Sunday night during a "freak out", but not known that he was bleeding overnight as the result of it? Or do most of you feel all of the blood was the result of killing him Monday afternoon after the return?

Of course, there would have been blood in the truck if that were the case, and there wasn't any.

I just can't reconcile her bringing him home to bludgeon him, knowing that there would be a ton of blood found in his room. She had four hours to kill him outside the home, why bring him home?

Here for Gannon!!
Odd question, but would like all of your opinions.

Could she have injured him on Sunday night during a "freak out", but not known that he was bleeding overnight as the result of it? Or do most of you feel all of the blood was the result of killing him Monday afternoon after the return?

Of course, there would have been blood in the truck if that were the case, and there wasn't any.

I just can't reconcile her bringing him home to bludgeon him, knowing that there would be a ton of blood found in his room. She had four hours to kill him outside the home, why bring him home?
That's the question many of us are wondering.

He's on the video in the morning, walking on his own, though sluggish. There was no blood in AS's Frontier. So, that does lead to her killing him that afternoon.

Still hard to believe, I know.

But, then again, this is a woman who called LE to report a missing child who was likely dead in her car at the time. She sneaked away from the hospital during an LE interview. She moved a dead boy's body immediately after giving a TV interview stating Gannon will come home.

So...not exactly a woman who is afraid of risks. The short time period to kill him before the girls came home might not have fazed her at all.

AA194 states LS is the only ADULT/HH at work, with access to Gannon from 2:16PM - 5:34PM.

3:15 - LaiS arrives home from school and told Gannon is asleep in her bed, that she can not see him then instructed to go outside and play (this is per LaiS forensic interview)

3:28 - Front door opens and closed (possibly greeting her at door or LS getting LaiS bike out)

3:30 – 3:42 - LaiS on camera riding bike

LaiS location unknown but has been told to play outside.

4:42 HH arrives and picks up LaiS

Edited: wording
That's what I had read too.

"LaiS location unknown but has been told to play outside."
Odd question, but would like all of your opinions.

Could she have injured him on Sunday night during a "freak out", but not known that he was bleeding overnight as the result of it? Or do most of you feel all of the blood was the result of killing him Monday afternoon after the return?

Of course, there would have been blood in the truck if that were the case, and there wasn't any.

I just can't reconcile her bringing him home to bludgeon him, knowing that there would be a ton of blood found in his room. She had four hours to kill him outside the home, why bring him home?
she crazy.
Yes. I have been focusing on blood today. I have lost my out of control quarantine appetite.

They could tell by the Blue Star reaction clean-up was attempted.

Somewhere in the AA it also states blood spatter shape was affected by the drywall texture.

I wish I could see the wall picture better or best in color, I don't know what to look for, usually the luminance photographs blue. It may be the lighter spots on the wall are blood.
BBM- LOL at the 'Out of control quarantine appetite" :) I can relate and have cleared the house of all NON-healthy food.
I am just now finally able to re-read the AA.
I read it when it first came out and haven't had time to get back to it until now.
I will hopefully gain some more info after reading up here about all the blood as I purposely scanned that part because I was reading it with tears in my eyes at 1 AM in the morning but will pay more attention to it today.
Thanks to you and everyone here for #Gannonstrong
Monday morning thoughts, just mine:

At the time of the AW, LE did not have a body, but they did have a scene of a violent assault. They had zero evidence of Gannon after 10:15 am. TS's own behavior, deception, movements opened the case wide open... I personally think Dan May was at the house twice, to confirm for himself the quality of search warrants and eventually the arrest warrant. Without a body, could they make the case that he was dead -- and had died in his room?

I still hold to the possibility that, had Gannon been recovered prior to the warrant, we might've seen a slightly different timeline.

The autopsy reveals more about the manner of death. Gun is new.

A lot IMO will hinge on evidence of gunfire in the home....

I will concede, the video we have seen, may not be the critical clip that kneeled AS. For example, if there's a pop of gunfire on his AUDIO recording, that could be the moment AS wept. If that were the case, however, if LE had reason to believe a gun was used, surely that would've been included in the original AW, right?

This is the movie that plays in my head:

Something happened Sunday night... maybe a series of events -- a soiling incident or some such thing.... then there's "discipline" (abuse).... and an injury....

What we can infer, I think, is that, at some point, a very injured Gannon is on his bed, bleeding badly. I propose he was cut. TS may or may not realize the severity of his injury just yet.... but we know she's awake, Googling throughout the night.

I have to wonder if perhaps she had a completely different thought process -- Gannon is injured, she doesn't want to be blamed, she over-medicates him, to keep him asleep and quiet so the girls aren't alerted.... could it be that, during the night or the next morning, TS took a nearby implement, say a Louisville slugger, and used it, thinking one whack, one cover up, build a runaway story? Blunt force...

She may have overestimated the effectiveness of her weapon. Patrick Frazee, a MAN, told us he was surprised how hard it was to kill someone with a baseball bat. Strong guy, petite fiancee, the expert estimated it took as many as 15 blows. And that was against a wood floor, not against an absorbing mattress... TS could have mistakenly believed that one blow would be enough.....

And here's where I THINK she switched to Plan B. Get Gannon out of the house and murder him.

Amid her lies, I think she told some truth.

Gannon was indeed cut, just not in the garage. Not by Albert's tools.

Gannon didn't walk back and forth to the gate. TS did. With his blood.

Gannon didn't come home with her. Which is what she WANTED us to believe.

TS loaded her weapons into the truck. Both the bat I proposed and a gun. Play It Again Sports was a tale to presplain missing equipment. I won't be surprised to learn that LE has recovered a baseball bat or similar instrument from a landfill....

TS told us she wrapped Gannon's foot as he sat on the "edge" of her car, presplaining the location of his eventual DNA discovery AND suggesting she did, in fact, wrap him. Good to go. I propose that she wrapped his head, preventing blood loss in the truck. I still think it's entirely possible she wrapped his head in such a way that he was blindfolded.

I think the hours for which her movements are unaccounted are key. If TS was able to get a nearly mortally wounded and concussed young man up the basement stairs and into a truck, I believe it's fully possible she similarly walked him to his death.

She is a monster and, I'm not doctor, but I support the Cluster F diagnosis. She isn't married to ANY version of truth.... I can easily hear her say, "I would never ever hurt this child. I DID NOT kill him. I was only doing what I had to do." Severe compartmentalizing. "I would never HAVE killed him ..." so therefore, it's as if she didn't.

IMO she left Petco, drove to the murder site, probably but not necessarily near Palmer Lake, got Gannon out of the car, walked him into a protected location and shot him.

Then she returned to Petco, probably later than she expected to. I submit Petco was supposed to be her alibi.... she wanted to say she'd been there from 11 onward....

The board, the sock, Palmer Lake, her phone, his phone, Eguardo with a gun, two blows, two blackouts, a blood trail.... vinegar, baking soda, trashcans, the cardboard box, the brown suitcase. She herself highlighted all of the elements of this case, she just tried WITHOUT SUCCESS to spin them into a yarn that didn't include her. She IS a monster, she just doesn't want anyone to THINK that about her.

I base my theory on the bloodshed in his room.... Gannon had to bleed for a long time for blood to make it through the mattress, onto the floor, through the carpet and pad to the floor below. IMO that's an overnight situation, not an afternoon one.

My theory is subject to change if there's evidence he was shot in his room. I'm not convinced presently that that's the case. Cut, bludgeoned, shot.... just not shot at home....

I really wish that, in tandem with the harshest sentence imaginable, the judge would forcibly disabuse TS of her delusions. Eviscerate her brain so she has to see what she's done.

Beauty may be skin deep but she proves that evil goes all the way through --


Agree gun is new -- but not certain.

At the time the initial AA was written (prior to GS body located), investigators had evidence that a violent crime occurred in GS bedroom and concluded that LS killed him because of her wildly changing stories about their final days together, her cell phone and internet search records and erratic behavior in the days after he went missing, according to an El Paso County sheriff’s arrest affidavit.

After GS body was located, the DA filed an amended Complaint & Information on March 20, 2020, adding nine more charges against LS for a total of 13.

I think it's important to note that every Complaint filed in courts across the land cite the respective revised statute for that state to define each charge against the defendant. In this case, it's Colorado Revised Statute Title 18 Criminal Code Section 18-1-901.

The nine additional charges filed against LS on March 20, 2020 include:

1) First-degree murder - after deliberation;... 6) Crime of violence (used, or possessed and threatened use of a deadly weapon, namely: firearm);
7) Crime of violence (used, or possessed and threatened use of a deadly weapon, namely: blunt instrument); and charges 8 - 13) Crime of violence (SE), each.

According to CRS 18-1-3.406 - Mandatory sentences for violent crimes, a crime of violence charge is a sentence enhancer that's used in a case which it considers to be exceptional and to involve unusual and extenuating circumstances and which provides that 1) a court shall sentence a person convicted of two or more separate crimes of violence arising out of the same incident so that his or her sentences are served consecutively rather than concurrently. (The state only has to convict LS on 2 of the 8 Crimes of violence against her for a double life sentence)!

CRS Section 18-1-901 states: ...

(e) “Deadly weapon” means:

(I) A firearm, whether loaded or unloaded;  or

(II) A knife, bludgeon, or any other weapon, device, instrument, material, or substance, whether animate or inanimate, that, in the manner it is used or intended to be used, is capable of producing death or serious bodily injury.

At the presser, the DA read the additional charges against LS but stated he would not be discussing the charges against LS. In later reports, the DA's spokesperson made it clear that the charges of GS death by use of a deadly weapon did not necessarily mean that all three (gun, knife, blunt object) applied here but would also not say which was used against GS. (See definition above, it's or not and).

In other words, as typical, the DA simply cited the language from Colorado's criminal code in it's amended complaint, and refused to say which weapon(s) actually used against GS, whereas the Media reported GS was shot, stabbed, and bludgeoned-- without any evidence.

If true that LS killed GS while he was in bed after returning home from their shopping/errands, I don't think LS used a gun. If so, I think we'd be hearing more rumblings of either a gun located or investigators searching for the gun LS used.

I've always believed it more likely that LS stabbed or bludgeoned GS with something like a baseball bat.

MOO Complaint.pdf
New details in Gannon Stauch case, arrest papers leaked on social media
Gannon Stauch case: Leaked arrest affidavit outlines case against stepmother
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That's the question many of us are wondering.

He's on the video in the morning, walking on his own, though sluggish. There was no blood in AS's Frontier. So, that does lead to her killing him that afternoon.

Still hard to believe, I know.

But, then again, this is a woman who called LE to report a missing child who was likely dead in her car at the time. She sneaked away from the hospital during an LE interview. She moved a dead boy's body immediately after giving a TV interview stating Gannon will come home.

So...not exactly a woman who is afraid of risks. The short time period to kill him before the girls came home might not have fazed her at all.


Thanks for your thoughts. I think you hit the nail on the head about her being a woman who is not afraid to take risks. I think I spend too much time trying to rationalize her thoughts and I get frustrated. I needed this common sense response.
That's what I had read too.

"LaiS location unknown but has been told to play outside."
She probably went into more detail about where she was in her interview with LE. Maybe there is a spot in the neighborhood where the kids ride their bikes like a dead end or a court or something like that. Since the other kids were also back from school, maybe she was playing with a friend nearby. I think the little girl across the street is her age. (The one who said Gannon was her best friend and he was handsome.) So sad to think of all the kids who knew him and what they must be feeling.

I don't think the blood soaked through the mattress. According to the AA there were bloodstains "on" the mattress. The blood did soak through the carpet, the carpet pad, and onto the concrete floor, though, which indicates a large amount of blood from a fatal injury. The blood spatter on the wall near the head of the bed might have been from the same injury, as well as the blood covering the electric panel.

Relative to more blood on the floor versus mattress, we know that LS did not immediately get rid of the mattress. (I don't think she had the time or manpower).

Instead, I think LS immediately rolled GS off the bed to the floor (or GS fell to the floor trying to elude the assault). MOO
I couldn't find any mention of her returning to the house or whether it was caught on camera.
She may have been riding her bike the whole time, or if she did come in the house before HH got home may have been told Gannon had gone to the friends house or was still sleeping. I doubt TS let her near the room. She probably waited until they were both gone before she moved the body.

Didn't I read here that HH and LaiS rode their bikes to the Dollar Store where HH purchased the supplies? I thought that riding their bikes bought LS more time to clean & cover her evil deed.
Odd question, but would like all of your opinions.

Could she have injured him on Sunday night during a "freak out", but not known that he was bleeding overnight as the result of it? Or do most of you feel all of the blood was the result of killing him Monday afternoon after the return?

Of course, there would have been blood in the truck if that were the case, and there wasn't any.

I just can't reconcile her bringing him home to bludgeon him, knowing that there would be a ton of blood found in his room. She had four hours to kill him outside the home, why bring him home?

IMO she gave him something to kill him and then drove him around to dispose of him to make it look like he died from a drug overdose when he supposedly ran away later that day, but because he didn't die she had to return home with him before Laina got home from school.

There's a good chance she didn't bring any weapons with her that day so that may be why she brought him back home to finish the job.

The autopsy should reveal what she gave him, to try to kill him before she went psycho.
Didn't I read here that HH and LaiS rode their bikes to the Dollar Store where HH purchased the supplies? I thought that riding their bikes bought LS more time to clean & cover her evil deed.
That was a thought at one point (I myself thought they rode bikes), but it's not in the affidavit, which has understandably taken over the conversation.

I'd like to know if the mode of transportation was bikes, Jetta, or Tiguan.

Per the AW, I just noticed that LaiS was captured on camera as she rode her bike, fron after school until about 3:45 but HH didn't arrive home from work for another hour...

Where was LaiS during this interim time???? And what was TS doing?



Cleaning up blood, renting a moving truck, and googling, “How to find a rich military guy in South Carolina or Florida, preferably one that’s deployed a lot.”


Oh, and maybe snapping some selfies.
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