Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #12

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Just was about 5 minutes before I posted.

I ran a couple errands in Monument and drove by back heading home. It looked like they might be wrapping it up now - quite a few of the searchers were back in the staging area but several were also still at the S-curves. I may run back by later to see if the mobile command unit is still there - should give us an idea of whether or not they're coming back tomorrow before the snow flies.

I wonder how many times the security patrol that's watching traffic has written my license plate number down.
Thanks for doing it, sincerely. It brings us there and it is a very difficult case for many of us here.
Your reports make a huge difference. Respect to you.
Oh, thanks. As a newbie, I don't have a lot of well thought-out theories so it's something I can do to contribute. And it's only 10 minutes away. I so want them to find him so the family can move forward through their grief instead of being stuck in limbo.


Dear @Silverheels,

You are giving us the best reporting - first person sighting of what's happening at the search area!

This is remarkable and greatly appreciated!!

Drive careful and please post when you get home for the night.:)
It does make sense. Time is relative via vantage point. LS strikes me as one who panics in an emergency. At the point of stand still. She’s not likely to think clearly enough to leap into quick action to effect desired outcome. Deduction has led me to believe implementation of a strategic plan is not her forte. It makes sense to me she would seek guidance for immediate assistance. From the moment she took her selfie sitting in the front seat with Gannon before she drove away.

(apologies if this has already been addressed)

I've seen a few folks suggest that she paused before pulling away that morning so that she could take this alleged selfie of her and Gannon.
But if she did take the selfie just before they left, as has been suggested, what exactly does that prove?
That her and Gannon were in the truck at 10:20am?
Yep... we already knew that, since we saw them get in ;)

Going back to her words:

"He told me he was checking to see if the gate was locked because he was the only one with a gate key. It made him proud to be the man of the house while Albert was away. Fast forward, we did a hike on Sunday (cleared), and shopping on Monday ( cleared as well for him getting out of the other side). Please don’t think for a second that there isn’t enough of technology to determine shadows and movement around the truck. There was also proof from my phone that we had taken a selfie in the truck in our driveway that was time stamped. We always send pictures to Albert when we are out and about or when he is away. That can be scanned for actual time verification." Exclusive: Gannon Stauch’s stepmother releases statement about boy’s disappearance

She's trying to make the reader of this statement believe that she's still talking about Gannon getting out of the other side of the truck when they returned from shopping on Monday, when she mentions the shadows and movement on the other side of the truck (clearly, she's reading online about folks who see shadows, so she likely took her cue from that, hmm...), and then she continues that same thought, attempting to cause the reader to believe that there is actually proof (her words) that Gannon was with her when she returned, because then they took a selfie in the driveway that was time stamped. That whole scenario she's describing takes place after she gets home that day. Gannon getting out of the truck on the other side, shadows and movement, then proof from her phone selfie.

So IF that photo exists, and IF the time stamp is not tampered with, she had to have also had her phone with her, or at least took it with her when she left the house.

SM followers: Has TS said anything on a FB ranting or anything similar that's appeared on the internet in the past few days? Please PM me!!!

Who backs their vehicle into the driveway all the time? Why not just walk to the vehicle parked on the street? This really bothers me and I don't know why. There are people that routinely back into spaces...and maybe it's a truck thing? Did the neighbor ever comment that she routinely backs her car into the driveway to load up her kid(s) before leaving?

I watched the neighbor's video several times and I don't see the shadows some people are referring to. Honestly, I can't even tell if it's Gannon getting into the backseat. I'm assuming LE's got better video. If that was Gannon, I can't even make out if he was sluggish or not based on the poor resolution.

Hearing that Dad cried after seeing the video gives me great pause.
Anyone able to pinpoint on a map where this search is happening? I’d like to do what a poster above did- look at google maps traffic and see the congestion. I’m convinced (likely wrong) that something’s happening since it’s the same spot and they’re not leaving like they said they were..

Traffic is getting lighter now. Hope this works.

خرائط ‪Google‬‏‏
Money, naturally.

If she gets arrested, and cannot afford an attorney, the State will pay a certain amount to a private attorney .....

In Florida, if she(any defendant) didn't have funds, a public defender would be assigned. I'm familiar with a case where a private attorney was on a rotating list to be assigned such cases, as pro bono hours are required to keep their credentials to continue practicing law.

I'm not sure how such things play out state to state.

(Edited to include any defendant)
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If LE arrested TS or declared her a POI without Gannon's body because they felt their case was strong enough would they be likely to expend as much time and resources to continue to try and find his body?

IMO as long as the unnamed POI won't escape, there's no reason to rush to an arrest. Once an arrest happens, the person definitely will have an attorney and the countdown to trial begins. While a case could be prosecuted without a body (assuming a missing person is in fact dead) having the body helps. Looking for needed evidence after an arrest isn't good.

I remember following the Dylan Redwine case, though only through MSM and SM. (Thank my lucky stars I found WS this time). I remember the hopelessness, KNOWING in my heart what happened to that poor boy, fearing he would never be found and this man would get away with it. I remember the elation and tremendous waterfall of emotions when Dylan was eventually found, and that man was put away. Dylan went missing Nov 19, 2012. He was found June 26 2013. POI declared July 1, 2017, Mark Redwine ID’d as POI Aug 19, 2017. Grand Jury Indictment July 20, 2017. Arrested July 22, 2017. While we still await trial in this case, Mark sits in jail, precisely where he should be.

I list all of this because I feel this case may run a lot of parallels, and as excruciating as it may be, it may draw out and take more time as the Redwine case did. It does give me hope, though, that even if it takes time, Gannon will be found, and Dan May will secure a conviction.
At the risk of turning this into a shadow, I'll reply. ;)

I don't think she left the phone at home with the intention of claiming she left it at home. I think she might have left at home pretending to be at home on Monday.

But when the video was released that showed she wasn't at home all day Monday, she might have been be asked about why her phone pinged at home when she was gone for four hours. And if that questioning happened, I would expect her to lie and say something like she forgot the phone at home.

That's just brainstorming, not a firm belief about where her phone was and certainly not fact.

She can’t claim to not have taken her phone and to have taken selfies upon return with said phone.
If you’re a defense attorney who loves the spotlight and wants to be part of a sensational case (see Fotis Dulos attorney, CA atty, etc...), you’d sink your claws in now, offering to be of assistance, and get her to shut up so you had some hope of trying to help her beat the eventual charges. IMO.
Colorado has a highly developed state public defender system. There is NO reimbursement for private attorneys from public funds.
Colorado Springs | Office of the Colorado State Public Defender
This is all one giant mind-you-know-what....and a middle finger to LH. It is MOO LS used Gannon to stick the screws to LH specifically & in HER mind, if the same arrow hit AS? So.Be.It.
LS has told on herself over & over again. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but here we all are....wanting Gannon to come home, desperately & discussing LS like she is worthy. Makes me ill.
LE is not saying a darn WORD. I do believe they’ve got LS pegged. They know more. They HAVE more...but they NEED Gannon to seal the deal.
Praying EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. that they find him, for his parents & his lil sister & for everyone here & beyond that cares....MOO

I don’t disagree at all. But the physical resemblance between the little girl and LH are crazy. If it were only to *mess* with LH, the little one was such a target.
If my understanding is correct, she takes Gannon in the truck from around 10am and returns around 2. If I am running errands for 4 hours with an 11 year old in the truck, I would think they would need something to keep them occupied. I think if she has nothing to do with his disappearance and is such a good caretaker of Gannon she would have allowed him to have his phone, switch, something that LE could go back to and see if Gannon had used during this trip.
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