Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #16

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Where can I find the video? Sorry I came late to the thread and haven’t seen it posted.. tried googling but can’t find it. TIA
Does this spot make sense if someone doesn't have their phone to use for directions but is familiar with the busier roads? I keep thinking she went just far enough off the busy road that she could find her way back by memory because she didn't have a GPS.
105 is a common alternative to I-25. We take it all the time. Anyone who has attended the annual Renaissance Festival is familiar with it. There are hiking trails as well as several places to get on Rampart Range Road (a forest road that runs between Denver and Colorado Springs.. partially closed in the winter). If you're an explorer, you know the area,at least generally speaking.
If there were further sightings of GS we would have heard about this by now, surely.
There is no evidence to suggest he was taken against his will.
There is no evidence to suggest he has run away.
There is no evidence to suggest SM has harmed him.

With all that said, the three scenarios mentioned are all possibilities.
No doubt LE has evidence we have not yet heard of, who knows where this is leading them.
SM does seem to have something to hide but this may certainly be guilty feelings as to why he may have ran off, if she genuinely believes he did, she would feel blame.

It is too easy to point the finger right now but there is nothing concrete to go on.
Can you imagine how hard it would be not to literally attack SM and beat the info out of her if you were LH or AS? I know it wouldn't help anything but I'm not sure I could control myself if I were them.
I wonder if they have been interacting with her at all. Surely if she wasn't involved she would still talk/ want to be around her husband?
My guess is that they are all keeping quite a distance from her. Just MOO.

As far as the driveway video, the quality (or lack thereof) is so bad I honestly can't make too much out. Old lady eyes and all that...but, to beat an already pulverized equine, it doesn't seem to me that there is even a question of who is on it. Why on earth would the neighbor lie about it?
Speaking on Noe Road as an outsider - the other day when I was "driving" these roads via google maps, I thought it was definitely the road I would turn down if I wanted to get up to something nefarious. My theory is that she was already familiar with that area - (perhaps she's visited Stone Canyon Outdoor Edventures in the past?) and she recalled that there was a dirt road near there.

I honestly thought it was strange that LE was searching the first location because it's so visible from that main highway. When I think of where I would dispose of a body, I always think - ocean, lake, dirt road.

They're nowhere near an ocean. They probably don't have access to a boat. That leaves me with a dirt road.

So u r the one! I knew someone mentioned something about a location a mile up the road and a dirt road. Was going nutty last night trying to find the post! Good find!
Or two feet.

I think Gannon walked to wherever he is now. Speculation only, not fact.

JustMyOpinion, subject to change
I agree completely.

As evidenced by RD's video, GS walked over to and got into the truck himself that morning.

There's no doubt in my mind that he also exited and walked away from the truck...with someone else marching purposefully alongside him.

What followed next is undoubtedly the stuff of nightmares.

Only, it's not a nightmare.
This is real.

What happened to Gannon is all too real.

When we finally learn the truth, we're all going to wish we hadn't.

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After watching and absorbing LH's interview, it feels (to me) as if an even more sombre air has darkened and settled around this entire 'case' I understand and agree that LE cannot tell us much about the investigation and my patience is fine about that aspect,
Yeah, the DA's visit to them stands out like a sore thumb. I cannot come up with plausible scenarios that point away from her.
I have posted already that LE was suspicious of SM from the start. They know a lot and knew from the beginning. That was the reason for Dan Mays visit to the home. They are waiting to make the case air tight.
For me, this is what it all boils down to:

There is, out there, SOMEONE who knows what happened to Gannon and WHERE he is. Who could END this. But CHOOSES not to.

And for that, that person is the worst of the worst, the most cruel and vile, non-feeling dreg of an excuse for a person to allow his family to mercilessly suffer like this.


The reason this particular theory doesn't work for me is that it doesn't fit with her having reported him missing to LE.

If this were some extreme punishment where she dropped him off in a remote location to find his own way home, she wouldn't have alerted police.

Dropping GS off alive somewhere would have been a huge risk, because if found, GS would then be able to recount all the events that transpired leading up to his disappearance.

His disappearance wasn't an extreme punishment.

It was an effort to conceal a crime of violence that had occurred.

The victim of the crime needed to be silenced.

The evidence of the crime needed to be hidden.

That's why GS is missing.

This is all about self-preservation.

I agree one hundred percent.
My guess is that they are all keeping quite a distance from her. Just MOO.

As far as the driveway video, the quality (or lack thereof) is so bad I honestly can't make too much out. Old lady eyes and all that...but, to beat an already pulverized equine, it doesn't seem to me that there is even a question of who is on it. Why on earth would the neighbor lie about it?
I'm not at all sure it's a good idea to be keeping distance from possibly the only person on earth that has more awareness of the location of a missing child!.
Quite the opposite would be far more appropriate, lull her into a false sense of security, do and say whatever it takes to get her to tell you.
They know her longest, they know her best.
They will know how to play her and if they don't LE will almost certainly advise them.
Then again, it's quite possible LE told them to go zero contact for tactical reasons too.
LE had that presser on their own facebook page.
It is too easy to point the finger right now but there is nothing concrete to go on.
Snipped by me.

Correct. It's easy to point the finger right now. I agree.

I'm willing to keep my mind open to other possibilities, but I don't see any that are reasonable with what we know, as little as that is.

There are so many great thoughts to consider, but today's musings mostly started with this post:
Imagine you wanted to hide something without being seen hiding it. And that you wanted an alibi at the time it was hidden. You might go to a shop in town and hang out awhile. Buy something. If you wanted to move without being tracked later, you might want to hide your phone in the shop And come back for it. Now where to? West side is populated. The Black Forest is East and would probably be your best bet, but you’d have to know your way around - and really most of the land is private property. Plus you’d have to drive through lots of town again. Cars, population- instinctively, you wouldn’t go South towards your own neighborhood for fear of being recognized. The one way to go from the University shops that feels quiet and anonymous is North. And everyone from here has been up there. In fact driving up Denver you pass all of that. So it’s familiar and looks very wooded from I-25. So where to go? If you had to be quick, you might pick someplace kind of familiar and yet off the beaten path. Like North to Palmer Lake. But if you live on the south side, by the time you got to Palmer Lake you’d be about an hour from home. And if you left your phone somewhere thinking you wouldn’t be trackable, you’d better make it quick. Imagine your time frame was 11-2pm. You make it up to Palmer Lake around 1130 or 12. Now, I just drove up on Highway 105 through Palmer Lake yesterday. I visit that area about once a month and in my mind I think of it as serene and wooded. The reality is that as you drive every street seems to lead to a house or a neighborhood. There’s lots of open space. It’s wide open. It feels wooded, but it’s not really. Even the lake has houses around it. The further you drive, the more you realize there is really nowhere you can pull over without being seen. Until... you get to the search areas. Those are the first available spots to get off the beaten path. Again, you’d think in your mind that there were lots of places as you’d picture all of the trees and the slower pace, but the actual layout is different. You have to get off of the road to hide in the daylight. And then- well, if you’re 30 minutes from your phone and another 25 minutes home and you have to be back home around 215- you’ve got a little over an hour to hide what you have to hide. Is that a lot of time? It might be enough. That spot makes a lot of sense to me if someone had not planned it all out and was halfway winging it. Especially multiple stops to find a place that you could be hidden.

I lean toward "Gannon came home" in the video, but this post is the most persuasive I've read supporting the "TS came home alone" scenario. But even with such a plausible theory, I have trouble piecing it all together.

Did she keep him home from school for this purpose? If not, how did things go so bad so fast that it ended with his death & disposal? Where & how would the murder have taken place? It had to have been either in the truck or at the site, and it had to have been in between "errands" and away from any stores or people; correct? Did he fight back? Was he injured? Is blood something they've found at the site (with shovels and sieves, I would think not) or in the truck? Did she really think through so many details on the fly, but fail to consider neighborhood security cameras before the real drama even began? Maybe I'm just too resistant to the thought that this was premeditated and planned. It seems (to me) that a "snapped" situation is always more likely, but, IMO, that doesn't fit with the proposed time frame and series of events.

It did occur to me, though, that maybe she backed the truck into the driveway thinking GS would get IN on the passenger side, thus mostly hidden from the camera's view.

Note: I know I'm now probably 6 pages behind - I'm a very slow commenter! ;)
For me, this is what it all boils down to:

There is, out there, SOMEONE who knows what happened to Gannon and WHERE he is. Who could END this. But CHOOSES not to.

And for that, that person is the worst of the worst, the most cruel and vile, non-feeling dreg of an excuse for a person to allow his family to mercilessly suffer like this.


Could be two persons who know, Jmo
I'm not at all sure it's a good idea to be keeping distance from possibly the only person on earth that has more awareness of the location of a missing child!.
Quite the opposite would be far more appropriate, lull her into a false sense of security, do and say whatever it takes to get her to tell you.
They know her longest, they know her best.
They will know how to play her and if they don't LE will almost certainly advise them.
Then again, it's quite possible LE told them to go zero contact for tactical reasons too.
LE had that presser on their own facebook page.

There is no way in Hades I could spend one millisecond in the presence of someone I thought was responsible in some way for my child's disappearance. Even if it were the result of mere neglect in some way. I have very little doubt BM and BD have VERY strong feelings toward TS and I can't see LE asking them to play nice. That would be cruel, considering...
Most of the thread conversations appear to revolve around SM. Just a personal observation here to consider in addition to Tricia's very wise comments about facing the person you are talking about and having to defend those comments. In the Jacob Wetterling case, DR was a named POI by LE. Almost everyone thought odd and private DR was the actor. Threads went on for years here at WS on that case. As it turned out, almost everyone including LE were 100% wrong. I have learned the hard way not to fall into "herd mentality". Just some advice from an old veteran poster. I personally tend to dig at known facts, but that's just the way I'm wired. SM may very well be guilty, but innocent until proven so. MOO

Yes but we’ve got much more than odd and private here.
Agree it is concerning. Could also be intentionally misleading any perp that they r in the clear. All eyes remain on SM and the integrity of the case remains in tact. Moo

Agree 100%. I’ve refrained from sharing my opinions here. I’ve only stated that I am here for Gannon and provided weather information for the area, however, I can’t help but question LS. Her statements have not been constant. The truth is the truth, that never changes. But LS has changed and or added information to Gannon’s disappearance. That sets off the hinky meter.

I watched Landon’s interview against my better judgement. Her pain and suffering is unbearable for me to even imagine. I want nothing more than to have Gannon found. I’d like him to be safe, but my heart knows it’s unlikely at this point. Still I check in regularly and won’t give up until Gannon is found.:(
After watching and absorbing LH's interview, it feels (to me) as if an even more sombre air has darkened and settled around this entire 'case' I understand and agree that LE cannot tell us much about the investigation and my patience is fine about that aspect,
I agree.
It now appears to be in the DESPAIR stage.
I'm just not sure whether this applies to the search aspect or the 'non-criminal' aspect?

The searching or the trapping?
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