Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #16

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I will take one for the team and issue a very heartfelt and sincere apology to TS if it means Gannon can be returned to his mother safely and soon.

I’m happy to do it.
I appreciate your kind words.
Wish I hadn't heard and looked at certain visual ... things.
Not sure that I can apologize; but I will eat some crow, and will be overjoyed for Gannon's parents and sister.
I appreciate your kind words.
Wish I hadn't heard and looked at certain visual ... things.
Not sure that I can apologize; but I will eat some crow, and will be overjoyed for Gannon's parents and sister.
I would be over the moon if I am wrong. Jeez, I hope I am. And I would eat the fattest crow you could find if Gannon were alive.
"Innocent until proven guilty" is for the court of law. In our country, it's the government's obligation to make the case of guilt before convicting someone and taking away their liberty. The accused person is not obligated to prove innocence.

WS is not a court of law. This is a crime discussion board. Speculation is allowed here, within the reasonable WS rules that hold the discussions to a higher standard than gossip.

If something walks like a duck, looks like a duck, turns its back on the camera to quack like a's very possible "the herd" will think, "that's a duck."

There is no obligation to conclude something is a duck, though! Maybe the duck is a goose. Alternative ideas are welcome on the board.

^^THIS^^ was the post of the day for me, notwithstanding there have been many excellent posts! Bringing it forward for any who may have missed it. I know I miss many everyday the thread moves soooo fast :) JMHO
Is there any strategic advantage for LE to avoid calling it a criminal investigation and naming a POI so as to avoid certain "rights of the accused" kicking in and/or triggering the not-yet-POI hiring legal representation? Is the whole point of that just to let more rope out?

It help avoids the whole rush to judgment accusation. It keeps the suspect disarmed to some degree. It makes it easier to use evidence gathered in an interview from a suspect who wasn’t Mirandized. It helps them avoid defamation lawsuits. This article about the term POI is super helpful in explaining why they typically avoid calling someone a suspect these days:

In a trap: What it means to be a 'person of interest' | In the Dark | APM Reports
Hello everyone, long time listener, first time caller. I’m honored to officially become part of the Websleuths community.

I’ve been very hesitant to post by thoughts on Gannons case both out of the potentially sensitive nature of the investigation and the backlash that surely comes with anyone daring to suggest LS/TS/SM is anything less than a suspect in Gannons disappearance.

So let me begin by stating my disgust toward anyone assuming his death and assuming her guilt. This community is better than that. Other than the amount of time passed, there is literally nothing, NOTHING that suggests he is dead. This includes LE statements and actions. I will admit that I felt pessimistic about the direction/outcome of this case until I realized NONE of the FACTS tell us to feel that way. LE, despite what seems like common logic, isn’t even designating it a criminal investigation.

If anyone else felt like there were more questions than answers as the investigation moves forward, replace the assumption that LS harmed him with the assumption he’s alive. There are far fewer circumstances where this makes sense but an interesting thing begins to happen with this assumption...not only are there less questions, there’s hardly any questions at all and things begin to look crystal clear. JMHO.

IMO there are two scenarios we are dealing with and BOTH involve apologies to LS.

We’ve been given a lot of bones to ignore the steak.

Before I get toasted to oblivion from the pitchfork wielding mob against LS, do not forget we are not far removed from Shane Carey being all but convicted in the public eye and did a darn good job at making himself look that way, intended or not. LE is not dumb, they will misdirect intentionally to preserve the integrity of the investigation and they are most likely to do this when they think the victim is alive.

Whether you agree or not, I encourage everyone to at least pretend to have a little hope. 7,000+ investigative hours can’t be discounted just because we haven’t heard what we want to hear. IMO


Well, well….color me intrigued.

And what two scenarios might those be, pray tell?

Like my math teachers used to say, you're going to need to show your work here.

From where I'm sitting, there are no known facts that support this assertion.

If there is any sort of rational basis for your bolded statement, please share it with the group.

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Hello everyone, long time listener, first time caller. I’m honored to officially become part of the Websleuths community.

I’ve been very hesitant to post by thoughts on Gannons case both out of the potentially sensitive nature of the investigation and the backlash that surely comes with anyone daring to suggest LS/TS/SM is anything less than a suspect in Gannons disappearance.

So let me begin by stating my disgust toward anyone assuming his death and assuming her guilt. This community is better than that. Other than the amount of time passed, there is literally nothing, NOTHING that suggests he is dead. This includes LE statements and actions. I will admit that I felt pessimistic about the direction/outcome of this case until I realized NONE of the FACTS tell us to feel that way. LE, despite what seems like common logic, isn’t even designating it a criminal investigation.

If anyone else felt like there were more questions than answers as the investigation moves forward, replace the assumption that LS harmed him with the assumption he’s alive. There are far fewer circumstances where this makes sense but an interesting thing begins to happen with this assumption...not only are there less questions, there’s hardly any questions at all and things begin to look crystal clear. JMHO.

IMO there are two scenarios we are dealing with and BOTH involve apologies to LS.

We’ve been given a lot of bones to ignore the steak.

Before I get toasted to oblivion from the pitchfork wielding mob against LS, do not forget we are not far removed from Shane Carey being all but convicted in the public eye and did a darn good job at making himself look that way, intended or not. LE is not dumb, they will misdirect intentionally to preserve the integrity of the investigation and they are most likely to do this when they think the victim is alive.

Whether you agree or not, I encourage everyone to at least pretend to have a little hope. 7,000+ investigative hours can’t be discounted just because we haven’t heard what we want to hear. IMO

We as a community are pretty darn wonderful. We come to together to help the fallen, the forgotten, the invisible, the children. We have our moments- but 99.9% of our community strives for a common goal.

Disgust? Maybe read a few thousand threads. Many of us are crime victims, have searched for one or more missing people, have personal experience we've shared- no matter what the opinion. People here spend hours upon hours working for justice- each in their own way. There are 1000s of life experts. Years of heartache and common sense go far. Opposite opinions make one think. Differing opinions and diversity work here.

Most everything suggests he's no longer with us on Earth. His parents will always have hope- until they see him again. It's just the way it is.

We can smell the wicked at this point.
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That is interesting.
I read it as state of a deteriorating mental condition affecting physical dexterity.
(she got worse as the day went on kinda thing...)

One might almost suppose that she might be running on no sleep, as well. Adrenalin eventually crashes.

I figure they luminol'ed everything on the second trip to the house, and again after the bloody tool remark by LS. Typically, its best to really photograph/video the crime scene before putting chemicals all over. Luminol doesn't tell whether something is human blood, a swab test and a simple reactive test is used.

If it turns out that test shows human blood, then blood spatter analysis begins, along with DNA testing. The garage may have been an early focus if LS is telling the truth, but eventually, I'm guessing there was lots of luminol and. probably RSID testing If no RSID testing, I'd get someone out there to do that.

Then the various teams meet, submit their info, and the lead investigators put it all up on a nifty map of the premises. Even if the only goal is to check out whether LS was truthful about the garage blood, this exercise will tell a story. If the story points to any sort of abuse or criminal behavior, then there can be probable cause to bring a person in for questioning, with their lawyer, because charges are looming. If the person cannot explain what the evidence shows (or refuses to), that's duly noted.

I don't think they are interested in using all of this as an LS lie detector though, as it's obvious she has done some lying. I'm guessing that the story told by the already-collected evidence (by now including fast track DNA, almost certainly) is a story that warrants the collection of more evidence or perhaps close up pictures of the crime scene.

Consider that in the EARONS case, if the VCSO's CSI's had not collected more than enough samples of DeAngelo's DNA and kept it closely guarded in their freezer, the tests that were run years later would not have been possible. In this case, would likely be blood evidence. There's almost always something new in the forensic story that investigators didn't truly expect, when all that evidence is looked at through a DNA lens.

OTOH, perhaps they found something up north in the previous days and that warranted a trip to the house.

I can think of a few other things they could be looking for, that may not have crossed their minds early on but, after review by a team of people, now warrants a closer look at certain parts of the property.
Someone please remind me, what are the two parallel investigations? Search for GS and????
1. Search for GS
2. Investigation into the Disappearance of GS

Logically #2 informs #1, otherwise #1 would just be a random fan-out, which works nicely only until you hit the edge of the neighborhood. Then where to? That’s where #2 comes in.
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See what they're doing there?
They're letting the public know that what they're saying and what they're doing are two different things.
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."
Quoting Shakespeare there.
Not the EPC Sheriff.
Didn't want to confuse anyone with that literary reference.
Especially not any new posters. (I'm waving at you, HardyStew)

Basically just means that what LE's calling it really doesn't matter.
It is in fact a criminal investigation.
BBM So funny! Thanks for making me laugh. :D:p I needed that.
If I could say anything to SM, it would be to stop playing games and let Gannon's poor parents know what happened. If she knows where he is, she has to tell. She's a mom too. How dare she keep this from them.
Well, that's what Tee would like us to think. The investigators are feeding false leads to the media to keep the 'armchair detectives' busy so LE can focus on their work.

Yep... that happens in almost every case I've ever followed in the last 40+ years. o_O

You really have to question a mind that says this, and even believes it.
There is a whole lot more suspicious unexplainable actions by LS than there are signs of any actual abduction. The details that have come out,the videos she posts, the contradictions with her own words, the items removed from the house by police- of course this leads us to think she is involved and that it is going to be a sad outcome for Gannon. .

Please point out anything that points to abduction. Please explain away the things I mentioned. You cant ignore those. I'm open to a happy ending for the family- but I dont see anything that points to that. I only see things that point away.
My guess is that there is more footage that LE is holding back.
They may have a mountain of evidence of which the public is unaware.
Considering what happens when info. is leaked; that's probably a good thing.
Although I think the neighbor's footage was allowed to be leaked.

I think she knows -- or fears-- what happened.
Terrible of some certain people to put others through such torment. :mad:
Yes,and those who shame others,and demand an apology. Pulease. Apologize for being angry,and suspicious that someone who last saw Gannon ",Correct" would put mom,Dad,Baby sister,and the plethora of LEO,and all the agencies throwing their all into finding Gannon through. Endless sleepless nights,missing time with family, digging in the freezing cold snow. On a constant wild goose chase. The pain,and anguish Mom,Dad,and Baby Sister are suffering,and what ever Gannon suffered.
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