Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #7

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EPC Sheriffs office tweet (posted up thread, I don’t know how to Twitter link) was posted at 8:10. Definitely dark and yes there’s ice.

I can’t think of a good reason why. Obviously they wouldn’t be looking for a live child. Dead can wait. Evidence can wait. Very strange.

The only reason I can think of is time.
Either the hours they can have the equipment or something is in pond that will speed up search or pursuit.
I remember people discussing that here early on. I tried to do a search in Websleuths using the terms “neighbor called 911 Gannon” and cane up with lots of posts. But I only looked at a few. Like this one which indicates that a presser referred to the reporting party as a “he”.

CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #2

However, both the person who calls 911 and the person who first alerts that caller to the child being missing could be classified as reporting parties. I think.
When they did the PC I didn't hear LE say "he" as the caller, but right after they mentioned the caller and the time, they said "he" was entered into a data base as a runaway.

Maybe "he" was misinterpreted to be the caller as opposed to Gannon?

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EPC Sheriffs office tweet (posted up thread, I don’t know how to Twitter link) was posted at 8:10. Definitely dark and yes there’s ice.

I can’t think of a good reason why. Obviously they wouldn’t be looking for a live child. Dead can wait. Evidence can wait. Very strange.

Looking at the pics it appears they are using sonar which has a light. Maybe searching in the dark so they use the light to pin point the location on the ice of anything found under the ice.
EPC Sheriffs office tweet (posted up thread, I don’t know how to Twitter link) was posted at 8:10. Definitely dark and yes there’s ice.

I can’t think of a good reason why. Obviously they wouldn’t be looking for a live child. Dead can wait. Evidence can wait. Very strange.
Only guessing, but maybe something about the camera/lighting in the water is better or clearer when the water is dark, like so shadows are reduced?
Or maybe they are just close to finished and are hoping they can wrap up and move locations tomorrow instead of coming back.
EPC Sheriffs office tweet (posted up thread, I don’t know how to Twitter link) was posted at 8:10. Definitely dark and yes there’s ice.

I can’t think of a good reason why. Obviously they wouldn’t be looking for a live child. Dead can wait. Evidence can wait. Very strange.
maybe speed is required due to danger of evidence becoming eroded due to particular conditions that exist in the water or weather at that exact location- already 10 days potentially in the water...
When they did the PC I didn't hear LE say "he" as the caller, but right after they mentioned the caller and the time, they said "he" was entered into a data base as a runaway.

Maybe "he" was misinterpreted to be the caller as opposed to Gannon?

I think I might have an idea of what happened.
The Sheriff's dept did not discuss it at a presser but on a short TV clip.
I'm searching for another as well, it was a question after a tv interview, possibly quite short, not an actual presser . Betcha it's there. I remember it v clearly.
If you're searching for it too will you keep an eye out for a short interview from Sheriff's office, TV, where a question was answered regarding the effect of the leaked footage on the investigation. That was more recent but I remember the first more clearly. The first was very early on, Monday or Tuesday, maybe?
Sandy haired officer , male took the question, far as I recall.. was also a male officer took question about effect of leak on search... It must have been Twitter but I can find neither of them now...
Something has occured to me. I'm going to be very cautious how I put this. If the red truck belonged to Gannon's Dad, AS, it possible LS used the truck in an attempt to frame Gannon's Dad? Let's take it a step further...if LS took a rifle from the home and used it, and that gun was registered in AS name, again was she trying to frame him?

I know it's a long shot but I think back to early reports where it was mentioned that Gannon texted his Dad for permission to go to a friend's house. At some point AS could not get in touch with his son which is when he contacted a neighbor to find out if the neighbor had seen Gannon? In the meantime, LS does not raise any red flags until roughly 6:50 Pm on Monday where she reports Gannon as missing.

We still don't know who discovered that Google search where Gannon supposedly asked if he could be tracked by his parents if the phone was turned off. I'm thinking LE discovered that search on the phone and LS did not offer that information up. If we assume that the neighbor never discovered LS on his home video system and all we have to go on is what we know, at what point would LE, the community or anyone know which way to look?

My point is, somehow I'm thinking, LS was hoping Gannon was looked at as a run away. If LE assumed there was nothing to dispute that and eventually found Gannon and he was wounded by a gun registered to his Dad and then did further testing and found Gannon was in the Dad's truck through DNA, blood, urine, now what would LE and everyone else conclude? It's a very loaded theory but I wonder if it wasn't her goal? LS could never know she would be seen on video loading Gannon in that truck. If that hadn't happened...and all other evidence points to Gannon's dad, then what?

Prooving alibis...when did Gannon's Dad leave the home, how long was he gone, could he possibly have come back home and done this? Slippery slope but it does make me wonder? Add in LS comment on the interview that Bio Mom didn't want Gannon. Did LS take Gannon somehwere known to him and his Dad?

Trying to get inside the head of such a self centered narcissistic individual can be exhausting! But I am trying! One more thing...AS seemed to catch on very quickly that something wasn't right. He contacted a neighbor because he could not get a hold of his son and he quickly kicked LS to the curb once realizing his son was missing and moved Gannon's Bio Mom back in the house. Either he was highly suspicious of LS or he had some kind of inkling she was up to no good. Was he onto her? Did he have reason to think she may be up to no good?

I am trying to put myself in LS shoes, even though I don't like going there. Without that video...Gannon could be gone for any length of time before being discovered. Trying to back track at that point with all evidence pointing to Dads truck and gun..yikes!

ETA- The real question here is, was this an accident with little to no time to plan or was this something much more depraved with a sophisticated premeditated plan?
We don’t have gun registration in Colorado, but even if we did, if this involves any firearm in the home, she’s the one that had access to it. Along with the truck. The father was not even in the state.

I honestly don’t think she set anyone up but Gannon. According to her, it’s his fault that he’s gone. I personally think she hanged herself early on and the video is just punctuation.
If you have the time and inclination, I'd be interested to know what you think about his case. I posted it upthread and it seems to say to the contrary. Just an academic question at this point so I won't be hurt if you ignore it :)


1. When the prosecution seeks to justify a warrantless search by proof of voluntary consent, it is not limited to proof that consent was given by the defendant, but may show that permission to search was obtained from a third party who possessed common authority over or other sufficient relationship to the premises or effects sought to be inspected. Pp. 415 U. S. 169-172.

United States v. Matlock, 415 U.S. 164 (1974)

What I think about it is that it’s a SC case that has resulted in various other Supreme Court cases and a multitude of various state cases that have reinterpreted and interpreted third party consent laws, that it’s very tricky and exceedingly complex and that it does not enable a third party to give consent to search personal property that is someone else’s on their own property.

So to break it down, let’s say LE wanted to search the house to see if they could find Gannon or any note he left. If the homeowner gave permission, fine. But what if they find blood evidence on the floor of the bathroom while looking for Gannon or a note of his? Still probably fine.

However, let’s say they really want to investigate the electronics in the home to see, in part, what SM might have been up to. Dad gives consent. Still okay? Maybe. Who owns the electronics? Communal computer? Maybe okay. A laptop owned by SM? Hey, it’s in the house dad owns and he gave valid consent to search. So it’s okay, right?

No. That wouldn’t be allowed.

Any property of hers that is not common property cannot withstand a fourth amendment challenge based on third party, no warrant consent.

What if they wanted to search for DNA/blood evidence? Blood evidence in a drain trap if dad gives consent? Probably fine. Searching SM's clothes or jewelry or shoes for DNA/blood evidence? Not fine. That's not going to withstand a fourth amendment challenge. That's because:

"Where a third party (rather than the subject of the search) communicates consent, the search is invalid unless the third party has the authority to consent to the particular search at issue." Stoner v. California, 376 U.S. 483, 487–90 (1964).

He may have authority to consent to a warrantless search of common areas in the home but not of her personal belongings. And it is very clear that the focus of LE is on SM as the POI. It is naive to suggest they aren't combing through her clothing, personal effects, phones, vehicles, computers and they aren't doing that without a warrant.

And it makes no sense for them to do so because they can EASILY get a warrant for such a search. SM being shown on surveillance camera leaving the home with Gannon that morning but returning without him BEFORE she says he left the home to go to a nameless friend's house is probable cause to believe a crime related to his disappearance has occurred.

Bottom line - this IS a criminal investigation into the disappearance of Gannon Stauch. Search warrants were obtained. That's procedure in a case like this.
Another thought, if LS used Gannon's phone to ask Dad if it was okay to play elsewhere in the neighborhood, Dad may have noticed that the verbiage didn't match his son's usual lingo! That, right there, maybe have sent up a red flag!

Is it odd to anyone besides me that Gannon had to text his dad who is 2 states away to ask if he can play at X or Y friend's house? I get talking to each other every day and being hands on. In my house, if I am not home, my kids would ask my spouse. Why would Gannon not ask his step-mother but call/text dad, especially since dad is away so much? Was dad concerned with her judgment? Is it a family control issue--"you raise your kid and I raise mine" kind of thing? It just is odd to me that the person in the home is not the one who is asked.
This woman is holding on to hope.
I think I understand what she is saying.
But I'm also wondering if she knows that some hope actually exists and this may be a hostage situation or a kidnapping...?
Is it possible?

I wish. But you better believe she’s holding onto the hope of such a possibility. That’s what a real parent does. Unlike some we’ve seen who claim to have found their kids being killed or dying or dead and didn’t try to resuscitate them (Chris Watts, Lisa Snyder, Ross Harris).
Is it odd to anyone besides me that Gannon had to text his dad who is 2 states away to ask if he can play at X or Y friend's house? I get talking to each other every day and being hands on. In my house, if I am not home, my kids would ask my spouse. Why would Gannon not ask his step-mother but call/text dad, especially since dad is away so much? Was dad concerned with her judgment? Is it a family control issue--"you raise your kid and I raise mine" kind of thing? It just is odd to me that the person in the home is not the one who is asked.

Best guess is that he was like any kid from a home like this and LS said no so he was trying to get his dad's approval. Kids try stuff like that all the time.
Hello fellow sleuthers ...

I'm in the UK, I don't tend to follow too many non uk cases, usually because stories don't make many waves over here unless they're big stories - Nathan o'Brien & Grandparents in Canada, the Watts family in America etc.

So, I only heard the name 'Gannon Stauch' yesterday ... I've done as much reading on threads as I can (I'm in the middle of moving house) and really hoping someone here will be kind enough to fill me in on known facts.

Who reported Gannon missing, stepmom?
Is there any evidence that he actually left to go to friends house? Friends say so?

I've seen the cctv from the neighbour, if Gannon was seen at home after red truck returned then surely that would also be on someone's cctv?

I've watched the interview of stepmother with back to camera and she speaks of Gannon often in past tense ... this doesn't always indicate guilt BUT it certainly set of alarm bells for me in this instance.

What is the carpet theory/information?

Stepmother rented a car the day he went missing?

Gannon needs daily medication? Do we know what & why?

Is he the kind of kid to 'run away' ? Any word from his teachers?

I can recall a couple of cases where someone has several kids and is a 'good parent' to all but one - there'll be one child who they just seem to be resentful of and treat differently.

We had a case in Scotland - Mikaeel Kular 3 years old, beaten regularly by mother until 1 day it was enough to kill him. No such treatment for her other kids.

Do we have any locals here who live in Gannons area? What is the feeling there?
Best guess is that he was like any kid from a home like this and LS said no so he was trying to get his dad's approval. Kids try stuff like that all the time.
That would make complete sense, if I believed he sent that text.

I think he was already gone at that point.
As KRDO NewsChannel 13 reported Wednesday, it is the policy of the Sheriff's Office to investigate reports of missing children aged 10 and older as runaways, until evidence is found to prove an abduction or kidnapping has taken place.
Authorities say Gannon Stauch 'missing and endangered' after days gone - KRDO


The timeline from the moment Gannon was reported missing to the decision to upgrade the preteen to an endangered missing child was outlined by the sheriff's office as followed:

Monday, Jan. 27
- 6:55 p.m., El Paso County Sheriff's Office dispatch receives call of runaway child, 6600 Block Mandan Drive.
- 7:32 p.m., Gannon Stauch entered into state and national databases as active runaway
- Last seen between 3 and 4 p.m. on the 27th
- Nothing found on initial search

Tuesday, Jan. 28
- 12:29 p.m., case turned over to EPSO investigators
- Detectives conduct interviews, collect surveillance, follow up on additional leads

Wednesday, Jan. 29
- Investigation continues

Thursday, Jan. 30
- Upgrade case from runaway to endangered missing child
- EPSO requests resources from NCMEC and FBI Crimes Abduction Rapid Deployment Team

Mynatt said Tuesday that investigators were looking at every part of the timeline step by step
ENDANGERED: 11-year-old Colorado boy has been missing for more than 1 week; authorities search for evidence in pond
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