Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #7

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I am so far behind and can't keep up. I start in the middle, miss the beginning and never reach thread end. Any who, I have been revisiting early articles. I found this interesting. I am sure it has been posted before.

Information received during an interview with Stauch's stepmother and other information lead deputies to believe he's a runaway instead of a missing person, Mynatt said.

Deputies are actively searching for the boy in between calls for service, and the case has been forwarded to major crimes detectives. Such a move is made when additional investigative tools, such as the ability to obtain deleted information off a phone, are needed, she said.

Search underway for missing Colorado Springs boy
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I looked at their “about “ section (Fountain Valley Times) and they call themselves an online magazine created by community members and real estate agents. Too bad they helped spread that flyer. As a local, I can see where folks might confuse it with Fountain Valley News which is a weekly paper that you can pick up at the market or have delivered. It has reporters and an editor so I know they wouldn’t run it. Sadly, their websites look very similar.
About Us
So did she first go elsewhere for dissemination? If not, did she preselect this venue to control the narrative? Because LE didn’t jump on it quickly enough. Why would FVT be her first choice? What day/time was the request to post the article?
You don't need to "mark your spot". Instead, click "Watch Thread" at the top right side of the page. Then when you come back, click "Watched Threads" in the banner at the top of the page. When the list of watched threads loads, click on the little blue dot to the left of the thread title. It will take you right back to where you left off. It's nice and handy and prevents images of dogs lifting their legs. :) Heh!

Amen. Here's the flow I've adapted after damn near ten years here --

* login. check watched threads for updates on stuff i'm following
* as i catch up, and as the threads cycle out and increment, i hit Watch on the ones i want to keep up with
* once i'm caught up, i check "new posts" for any recent cases with buzz that i might be interested in following, adding them to my Watch list if i feel an interest in following them.
* sometimes i hear about another case outside of WS and then i search WS to get more info on it.

I've noticed that most of the "competition," for lack of a better words, to WS seems to have dried up over the years. This seems to be THE place for timely info on a broad range of cases, with a deeper scope and more passionate interest than most news outlets are willing or able to present.
I agree, I don't think she did anything herself.
Do we have evidence of a man friend, though?
And why him alone? Why go to such efforts for just him when it would be so clear that she was involved since she was the last one to see him? So many holes.
I am so sad there is nothing further today. I felt like there was momentum leading to breakthroughs/arrests today.
If she did not do anything than how can you account for her returning in the truck without Gannon?

Where could she have taken him and why is he still missing?

And why did she lie and mislead investigators by claiming he ran away?
All other things aside, in the LS interview video, she said she and her family have had 20+ death threats. With that alone, I don’t think I’d want my face all over the news. IMO the interview video should have been edited before posting since it included her face at one point.
I agree but hindsight is 20/20- the damning video of her and GS was released after this so no one knew at her interview what happened that Monday which was caught on the neighbors video- knowing what we know now it’s just not a good situation but avoidable? I don’t think so because she chose to do the interview
Is this the "no, sociopaths don't in fact know when they're acting incredibly weird, because they literally don't know what's weird" principle?

Not exactly how I'd define a sociopath/psychopath. Sociopaths often exhibit a great deal of social savvy, a bit of grandiosity, and keen insight into what others find acceptable.

They know. They just don't care (as judged by brain activity as compared to "normals.")
I agree but hindsight is 20/20- the damning video of her and GS was released after this so no one knew at her interview what happened that Monday which was caught on the neighbors video- knowing what we know now it’s just not a good situation but avoidable? I don’t think so because she chose to do the interview
I agree recent developments do not paint LS in a very good light at all, but we don’t have all the information for sure and LE has stated this is a “very, very, very complex puzzle” they’re trying to piece together.
It seems like a lot has happened since I first learned that Gannon was missing. I checked in and saw that there was video of him getting into a vehicle. That's the last information I got. But I see that they are doing searches in specific places. I'm baffled by the whole thing.
She kept her face hidden because she was lying, and probably wasn't sure she'd be able to bring a convincing face with her.
Snipped and coloured by me (SACBM)
Likely because she understand's what "duper's delight" is and she couldn't trust herself not to give herself away. JMO
Yes, except she’s not fooling anyone. We didn’t have to see her face to know she was lying, we just had to listen to her words.
That too! :)
All other things aside, in the LS interview video, she said she and her family have had 20+ death threats. With that alone, I don’t think I’d want my face all over the news. IMO the interview video should have been edited before posting since it included her face at one point.
True, but she left her social media accounts wide open showing her most glamorous photographs.
She wasn't too scared really.
UNLESS, naw.. herface was cut or disfigured in some way following an altercation? surely not?
I hope this doesn't turn into some cold-case and end up in a filing cabinet for someone new to look into 15 or 20 years from now. It just feels like he is right there and just needs to be found. We are all so connected to him at this point it would be horrible if he isn't found. I just always find those cold-cases so gut-wrenching. Just feels like the missing person is still wandering looking to be found or looking for peace.
Thank you! Most of this I didn’t know. It will be interesting to learn if there were similar signs of strife in Gannon’s house.

As I recall, it was pretty clear Kyron’s step mother disappeared him. It’s dismaying they never arrested her—I’m sure they would have had they found his little body.

I agree it will be even harder to find Gannon unless they have very good info leading to a specific location, and I hope beyond all hope even if Gannon isn’t found the stepmonster pays. Fortunately, DA May has shown he doesn’t need a body to fight for justice.
Add Jesse Wilson to the list. LE was about to file a no body murder charge when his body was found. Unfortunately it was so decomposed that no COD could be determined. That plus the fact that he was found close enough to the home that he *could* have (not likely) run away flattened out the case. Never say never but his adoptive mother may get away with murder.

In Gannon's case it's good there's video that contradicts LS's story. I'm heartened by the energy LE is pouring into gathering evidence and conducting searches. It may end up like so many other cases we've seen where a deal has to be offered in order to find him but it's clear that LE is doing their best to find Gannon before laying charges on anyone. As frustrating as it is IMO time will reveal all. MOO.
Always some truth in the lies, right? I think from her focus on Sunday, we can safely assume there is importance for her linked to Sunday, for some reason.

IMO, LS’s goal for Sunday was to establish her character and “lack of motive”. Look at us, just one big happy family. She wanted to paint herself as the doting and loving SM, including plenty of posts and photos of her front and center with GS. She also needed to establish a time that day he was seen by someone-the photos and her daughter seeing him after the hike served that purpose. I wonder if this was typical-if GS was featured so prominently in past posts.

I have lurked many times following other cases, but have never been so moved by a case that I felt the need to create an account and be part of the conversation. This case touches me so deeply because GS bears a striking resemblance to my own little one, who also happens to be almost exactly the same age.

Thank you to all who put together the links and timelines, and focus only on what has been confirmed.

I have been engulfed in this case since the very first report. I hope LE is able to bring GS home quickly and bring his family some semblance of peace.
I agree recent developments do not paint LS in a very good light at all, but we don’t have all the information for sure and LE has stated this is a “very, very, very complex puzzle” they’re trying to piece together.
Just by the number of “ very”’s in their statement, I am inclined to think there is a Conspiracy at hand here. A premeditated conspiracy.
Dayum. Y'all have some very vivid imaginations. Sounds like a career in crime fiction is up your alley. I follow a lot of out-of-state cases because I don't get much info on them in California. But, slogging through pages and pages of personal theories just to try to find any actual news event can be tiring. And, those theories constantly morph as news is dropped. The theories being pushed now look nothing like the theories people started with.

I just don't think like that. I feel that if I try to develop a "theory" I dimiss facts that don't agree with it and overlook facts I should have noticed. Yeah, I get impatient, but me making up some story not based on fact doesn't help the victim.

I read every link posted and watch every video, and I just don't see what a lot of people claim. I see no bandage at all in thes step-mom's video. None. But since someone said they did, now there's people making guesses about it's source and claiming that the white thing in the car video is her using her beanie for a bandage. It looked like a beanie to me, and if used as a bandage (when I did not see a bandage in the other video), why was it just flopping around as if she was just holding it?

I have no doubt the stepmother is behind this, but I like to adhere to Occam's razor. At the time she did the interview she was getting death threats. At that point, LE was still identifying it as a runaway situation. So it seems the logical reason for her to wear sunglasses and be filmed from behind was to not encourage others to identify her and make it worse. She didn't have her daughter filmed, either. What doesn't make sense is people armchair psychoanalyzing and diagnosing her as NPD and then make up a bunch of scenarios based on that. I had an NPD birth-mother for 6 years until I was adopted. I was married to an NPD for 10 years and went through a 6-year ugly divorce/custody case. I know NPD. And, I would never couch-diagnose some of that based on a short video from behind. Fact is, plenty of liars are not NPD. And, just because someone has personality faults you don't like, or you think they've done something bad, does not automatically qualify them as being NPD. I know that my BM and my ex are, because they went through professional assessment that diagnosed them as such. I a not a psychiatrist, and I would never try to diagnose a stranger, or even someone I know as having mental issues. That's a slippery slope. The majority of criminals are not diagnosed with any mental illness at all.

If one of my children went missing and their step-mother was interviewed, I doubt she'd show any emotion, either. She never bonded with my children. Never even tried. She made it clear from day one that my children were the burden she took on in exchange for marrying my rich ex-narcissist. Doesn't make her a bad person, just perhaps not capable of love to any children other than her own.

What's my point? Most of the time, the simplest, if not the most easy to understand explanation is what is true. Ideas about how Gannon could be in sex-trafficking, or the SM had been poisoning him... you think LE doesn't have info that would rule that out? None of the neighbors have claimed any kind of conflict in the family, AFAWK. That would seem to be the first thing that comes out in investigations like this. Speculation about how the "NPD SM was resentful about parenting alone and needed some "drama" to bring the husband back makes no sense. AS was not gone all the time. And, he was at home enough to where he would have seen any abuse going on. That has not been reported. Even in the social media comments that clarify the relationship between the BM, SM, and BD, and what allegedly went down with them, there is no accusation of abuse by the SM.

Sorry I condensed a lot of my thoughts in one post, but I'm not one to constantly post. Better to do it all in one. I'm not going to make a guess about what happened, because to me, that seems really game-show. Like people throwing out their theories and adjusted theories, in the hopes that they'll be the one who was correct. I don't care if I'm right or not. I just want a conclusion.
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