Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #7

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On reviewing this thread briefly this morning ... the broken quotes were so broken they were not all able to be repaired, and the ridiculing of opinions/suggestion of others trying to be helpful had me hyperventilating over my morning coffee.

Speculation must be based on some fact that is known in the case. There is nothing to substantiate that Gannon is a victim of child trafficking, so we don't want the thread to take off in that direction without MSM or something from LE to indicate it is a possibility. It most certainly does happen in the USA, but there is nothing in Gannon's case at this time to indicate it is either a possibility or a probability.

If you see a broken quote, either fix it if you know how or report it, but do NOT quote it. It becomes a nightmare trying to go back and see who really said what.

If you can't be courteous to other members, please don't post.

Don't tell other members what to do. If you think someone is violating TOS, just Report the post rather than chastising other members or trying to moderate the threads. Mods and Admins are here to do that job and it sets up hard feelings between members when others try to regulate the thread.
Sorry sillybilly, I know better you're right! Hope you enjoy what's left of your coffee :)
Sorry sillybilly, I know better you're right! Hope you enjoy what's left of your coffee :)
The only thing that doesn't make sense is if she did leave him somewhere she would risk the chance that he would survive and live to tell about it. Jmo


A couple of things may have been at play ...
What if .. a long hike was punishment for him being "sick"?The quotes are reflective of this new poster information )
Maybe he was caught playing video games.. or doing something that he should not have been doing if he was home with an illness.
Could the hike have went wrong?
Could he have slipped?
Did he take a fall?
Was he more ill than he appeared to be, and stopped breathing?
Maybe there was panic, and the "runaway" story was composed on the fly?

And then... there is a possibility that the person leaving him is so narcissistic that they honestly believed if the child had made it home .. or to safety..that it would be HER word against HIS..and who is going to believe him ?

Maybe there had been threats made to Gannon that if he told anyone that he was purposely left the cost for him would be high.

I know.. this is ALL hypothetical.. but.. sometimes parents believe that some form of tough love is required in order to make them feel respected. The general population UNDERSTAND what tough love IS and that it has limits, but for some that are narcissistic and hell-bent on proving a point, that tough love becomes abuse.


EBM to try to correct misspellings
I thought the neighbor reported that he had very good sound on the audio recording. Jmo
To add on to this. The neighbor said his system can pick up garage doors opening/closing, car alarms, ect.

If it can pick up opening garage doors, I think voices from AS/TS driveway should be able to be picked up. I am so very curious to hear what it may have picked up Sunday/Monday GS went missing.
I have met people that can rewrite history in their own minds and probably pass a lie detector test because they truly believe it. Usually it’s because the true story makes them look bad, and so they come up with a much better version in which they are the victim or the hero. I’m not sure if that’s what is going on with the stepmom but I wouldn’t be surprised. JMO
There are several troubling things in the interview. LS's statement about Gannon's mother not wanting to care for him is heartbreaking. Clearly, no good parent says that where a child can hear. Yet, there is LS on camera, saying it.

She must surely have thought, inwardly, that he would never hear her - and yet, it will be archived on youtube till the end of time and Gannon would certainly come across it. LS must think he will never hear her words, right?

Then, there's the fact that LS never gives a rundown of what, exactly, she's done to find Gannon. It's almost as if she knows better than to keep putting the idea that he left home at 3:15 to go to a friend's house into the story. She had to choose a time after 3 pm for the friend visit, since the friend would not be home from school until about then. Yet, the video shows her returning home without Gannon at 2:15-ish. She can't claim she dropped him off at or near the friend's house, since it's too early.

The very odd story about the police "threatening to shoot" her seems to indicate a pattern of self-interested exaggeration. Apparently, the daughter resisted giving her keys to the police when they came to impound the car (is that how others understand what she says?) Daughter ends up sitting in the squad car? LS herself does something that make the police draw their weapons? (I doubt it, I figure she simply felt quite intimidated by armed police ordering her to give up car keys).

She also reveals the rather humiliating fact that her husband has, apparently, thrown her out of the house without any personal belongings. Was there also something about problems in the store, while shopping? Whew, she really messed up by giving that interview (the reporter was great, letting her run on like that). She intends, I think, for the audience (all of us) to feel sorry for her. Given that a child in her care has gone missing, it's really hard to feel sorry for her, when our sympathy naturally goes out to Gannon.
Fourth Judicial District Attorney Dan May has visited the Stauch home, and the crime lab will be there for the next few days “as evidence is collected and processed,” the sheriff’s office said Wednesday on Facebook.
Gannon Stauch: Small search groups to look for boy Friday

How often does the DA visit a home which is being searched?
I've been following cases for a while and haven't ever seen this with any I've followed.
To add on to this. The neighbor said his system can pick up garage doors opening/closing, car alarms, ect.

If it can pick up opening garage doors, I think voices from AS/TS driveway should be able to be picked up. I am so very curious to hear what it may have picked up Sunday/Monday GS went missing.
Yes, I also wonder if TS was aware of what type of camera he had and she intentionally tried to avoid being seen or heard.
I don't know much about cameras or how easy it is to recognize them but I would think she at least knew he had some type of camera.

I also thought she had a camera on her own house. If it was working I'm not sure how she would explain what was seen or wasn't seen, such as Gannon not leaving the house when she said he did.

There are several troubling things in the interview. LS's statement about Gannon's mother not wanting to care for him is heartbreaking. Clearly, no good parent says that where a child can hear. Yet, there is LS on camera, saying it.

She must surely have thought, inwardly, that he would never hear her - and yet, it will be archived on youtube till the end of time and Gannon would certainly come across it. LS must think he will never hear her words, right?


Agree with all your troubled thoughts--except I think it's possible that she didn't have a problem saying his mother didn't want to care for him because he's already heard it from her many times. :( The fact that she thought saying that to millions of people on television would paint her in a good light is awfully revealing.
Honestly that one statement might be the thing that makes me the angriest toward her in this whole horrible mess, at least until we learn more.
This is the same question I have about this theory. I just can't see any way she would risk him being able to tell on her and anything she might have done.
Not saying I think this is what happened, but to maybe answer your question...
What if GS was drugged enough to be out cold in the truck. Then dumped in the elements somewhere in the wilderness. If he woke he wouldn't know how he got there. And she could just claim she left him sleeping in the truck while she ran into Petsmart (or wherever) and he was gone when she came back out. Not sure why she didn't go with that from the jump. I am guessing wherever he was left, if she did leave him somewhere to succumb to elements, is kind of close to the house so she could say he walked there. How would her hand get injured though, with this theory? If it wasn't close to the house she may have set up some fake, this is awful to say or think about, sexual assault and left him far away to look like he got grabbed up by a SO.
I've been following cases for a while and haven't ever seen this with any I've followed.
Someone posted that one reason the DA would go to the house is if there was something investigators found and he had some questions that needed clarification and he needed to see it himself.

The poster had asked her husband as he was LE. I think he said it was rare for a DA to go but this was one reason for doing so.

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Yes, I also wonder if TS was aware of what type of camera he had and she intentionally tried to avoid being seen or heard.
I don't know much about cameras or how easy it is to recognize them but I would think she at least knew he had some type of camera.

I also thought she had a camera on her own house. If it was working I'm not sure how she would explain what was seen or wasn't seen, such as Gannon not leaving the house when she said he did.

The camera on the neighbors house was really obvious, IMO. The paint (if I recall correctly) was a light gray/blue and the camera and the housing unit were black. It was also positioned on the far right side of the garage, between the top of the garage door and the eve of the roof. To me, when they showed it on the news, was very obvious. But what I wonder, along with your thinking, is that she KNEW it was there, but did realize 1.) it was angled to capture so much more than just his driveway, she may have thought it just got his and a little bit of the yard next to his driveway. 2.) That is also picked up sound. I'm not too familiar with all these new systems, I haven't had one in years, but back then they didn't pick up sound, just picture. Do Rings pick up sound?
IMO she thought she was so much smarter than she actually is. I also think she overestimated the reach this case has had. Maybe she thought after a few days it would die down and people would go on about their day and not care. I don't think she ever had a clue this would get a big as it did. And, I tell ya, I am so glad it did!
LS's statement about Gannon's mother not wanting to care for him is heartbreaking. Clearly, no good parent says that where a child can hear.

I thought that too! Like wow, if you can say that on TV where the entire country can watch if they wanted to, what kind of stuff do you say to him at home when no one's around??
I want to be a fly on the wall when she and LE sit down and watch that video of Gannon leaving with her and not returning with her and she is simply asked "Where did you leave him?" Maybe I am not devious enough but I cannot come up with an answer that is believable. Can you?
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