Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #7

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Maybe a motive for a sm to get rid of a child is that they are in the way? Don’t they have yours, mine and ours? The oldest gal is TS’s, Gannon is AS’s and the little one belongs to both. Maybe she only wanted to deal with her own bio children? IMO

I was under the impression only the eldest was her biological child, that Gannon and his younger sister were both from the prior marriage.
Woefully under-informed (or not), this is the very last possibility, in my mind, including but not limited to alien abduction.
This comes up in every missing child case. There may be others (which I didn't follow), but the Shaniya Davis case is the only one which comes to mind for me :(
In Gannon's case, like you, I think the likelihood is very low.
Actually, the little sister is GS's full-blooded sister. Why get rid of one and not the other? Why not just get a divorce?
Just a thought... Maybe "this child" referred to little sister? What's LS's definition of "this"? "I would never hurt *this* child.... But Gannon, on the other hand..." MOO
It does happen all the time...everywhere. It's just not publicly reported.
Human Trafficking is a very very very real problem, so much so, there was an advisory during SuperBowl (seeing that's when a lot of kids get abducted).
So there's abduction then there's the selling of children.

To me, this is very probable because 1) this was not her child 2) she may have had some contention toward the bio-parents and 3) sadly, this is Colorado which is a hotbed for child trafficking.

(does anyone know why the bio-mother didn't have custody and/or lived in South Carolina?)

It's been said (from another source on YT who spoke with a neighbor) that stepmom was seen from another surveillance camera from another home (which hasn't been released to the public) carrying and putting in a lot of items when Gannon climbed in the truck. Then was seen hours later, coming home, without Gannon, and removing just one item.

So if has to wonder, what was she putting in the truck. Unless you're moving, going on vacationing or donating items, it's odd to see a woman load the truck with items (I say 'woman' because men tend to load tools etc).

I still don't 'feel' he's deceased.

Wow, there's a lot of new information here. What's your source on Colorado being a hotbed of human trafficking? I'm not disputing you, I'm just curious where that information is coming from. One would think there'd be MSM articles on such a hot topic.

All three of the adults were living in South Carolina before the Staunches moved to Colorado, about two years ago. MOO.
A couple threads ago, a poster was wondering how Gannon's last name, Stauch, is pronounced. I wondered as well. I was listening to Sgt Mynatt closely during that last presser she did, and she pronounced it like the word "stout" except with a "k" sound on the end. Hope that helps!
stepmom spoke about the boy in the past tense in the middle of her interview. It does not lend me to that belief or feeling unfortunately.
Thank you. I misunderstood the OP you agreed with. I thought they meant since she emphatically insisted he was alive she must know because she did something to him.

Just curious because this theory of him being 'sold' has been popping up more and although I do not think that's what happened nothing would surprise me anymore.

To me that she switched from present tense to past tense is definitely telling. However other innocent parents have done this in interviews so I don't think all innocent people would 'never' use past tense.

When Mollie Tibbett's mother used it in an interview, several posters cited other cases when parents did the same and they had nothing to do with the crime.

For me the first indicator was the reporting of him as a runaway as an attempt to hinder the investigation. Then there was the lack of concern for him, the defensiveness, and presenting herself as a victim.

Then came the video evidence and the interview with the neighbor.

But the strongest indicator right now is the sonar search of the pond. Something solid must have led them there, most likely GPS data or surveillance footage. I'm not sure what else they could be looking for other than a body.

It's discouraging they haven't found him yet but I do think LE has some solid leads and everything will unravel very soon. They did say there are many pieces of the puzzle so I guess we have to be patient and let them do their work.

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That's a fair rule. Doesn't make much sense to let a kid skip school and then let him go to a friend's house.

I would expect her to say "I would never hurt A child" not "THIS child". And she would never hurt "THIS" child because she had been "taking care of him" for two years. So... if she that was not the case she would hurt him? Come on.
I needed to hear her simply say:
“I didn’t hurt Gannon”
“I haven't hurt Gannon”

would never hurt” is future conditional tense.
Indicating uncertainty or hypothetical situations.
Used when one believed, hoped, or expected to happen.

It doesn’t mean she didn’t hurt Gannon.
It doesn’t mean she hasn’t hurt Gannon.
People ridicule, deny or poke fun at things they don't understand or can't accept.
Days leading up to and immediately afterward of SuperBowl is when kids go missing. Look it up!

Again, I am NOT saying this is the case here but to rule it out and lump it into the same category as Bigfoot and alien abduction... is not only counterproductive and insidious to the cause.

I think you're confused. Kids don't go missing around the Super Bowl, trafficked kids are actually brought in for the Super Bowl. It's the sex trade that occurs around major events.
IMO, in the 80’s, early 90’s, satanic panic was blamed for missing children. Today, that’s been replaced with missing children and sex trafficking.

I know sex trafficking is a real thing but it’s hardly ever the case in almost all the cases discussed on WS and elsewhere.
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