Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #7

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I'm not saying I'm right but keeping an open mind is what's best even if its uncomfortable.
But supposedly (rumored?) there's a longer version of the video of stepmom and Gannon getting into the truck where stepmom was loading in a lot of items before taking off. If true....could it have been clothes and items he would need in the near future?

I mean, we don't really have much information. We're all going on speculation and feelings. There hasn't been one likely motive provided that I've read besides she was 'mad' or wanted 'revenge'.
To me selling a child (as chilling as that is) seems more 'practical' for lack of a better term, than killing a child because your mad and wanted revenge. Want revenge? ....burn the house or flatten tires etc.

I find it weird that this all happened when dad was gone too.
In all honesty, he didn't leave me with a good feeling. I'll just leave it there.
And also, why isn't there any reward being offered?

If those who are involved in investigating his disappearance had made any kind of suggestion to the media that Gannon may be the victim of trafficking, then I would consider keeping an open mind toward that sort of possibility.

However, they have not suggested this, and based on what we do know, I find zero reason to suspect it. But, that's just me.
That's a fair rule. Doesn't make much sense to let a kid skip school and then let him go to a friend's house.

I would expect her to say "I would never hurt A child" not "THIS child". And she would never hurt "THIS" child because she had been "taking care of him" for two years. So... if she that was not the case she would hurt him? Come on.
Or instead “I could never hurt Gannon” depersonalization by using “child”
I'm not saying I'm right but keeping an open mind is what's best even if its uncomfortable.
But supposedly (rumored?) there's a longer version of the video of stepmom and Gannon getting into the truck where stepmom was loading in a lot of items before taking off. If true....could it have been clothes and items he would need in the near future?

I mean, we don't really have much information. We're all going on speculation and feelings. There hasn't been one likely motive provided that I've read besides she was 'mad' or wanted 'revenge'.
To me selling a child (as chilling as that is) seems more 'practical' for lack of a better term, than killing a child because your mad and wanted revenge. Want revenge? ....burn the house or flatten tires etc.

I find it weird that this all happened when dad was gone too.
In all honesty, he didn't leave me with a good feeling. I'll just leave it there.
And also, why isn't there any reward being offered?
So were a bunch of his clothes and personal items missing from the house?

Assuming that that first "unofficial" missing poster was created AFTER he was reported missing.....

I originally thought the quotes around "sick" was very strange.

But I wonder if someone questioned her with something like, "so this sick boy decided that today was a good day to run away?"

Then she might respond something like, "well, he must have been faking it. He didn't really seem sick to me now that you mention it."

But another thing about all that that doesn't add up is..... so he's home "sick" all day but waits until 3pm to run away.....with nothing but the shirt on his back?

I'm not saying I'm right but keeping an open mind is what's best even if its uncomfortable.
But supposedly (rumored?) there's a longer version of the video of stepmom and Gannon getting into the truck where stepmom was loading in a lot of items before taking off. If true....could it have been clothes and items he would need in the near future?

I mean, we don't really have much information. We're all going on speculation and feelings. There hasn't been one likely motive provided that I've read besides she was 'mad' or wanted 'revenge'.
To me selling a child (as chilling as that is) seems more 'practical' for lack of a better term, than killing a child because your mad and wanted revenge. Want revenge? ....burn the house or flatten tires etc.

I find it weird that this all happened when dad was gone too.
In all honesty, he didn't leave me with a good feeling. I'll just leave it there.
And also, why isn't there any reward being offered?

For the most part, rewards do not work. Rewards bring out the crazies that create a ton of worthless nonsense that LE has to wade through. It is a waste of LE resources.

I don't buy Gannon being sold. Because when is the last time that happened? It doesn't happen to kids living in the burbs. What does happen more often, are the parents or their significant other killing kids.
Hmmm, i hadn't seen her profile on........I mean, I hadn't heard she had found that site that we can't talk about.

So? What? She sells him for $10k? $20k? Basically giving him many years of torture, and then a death sentence? Is she THAT desperate for money?

I do agree, though. As far as a motive, I can't think of a good one. A popular theory is he either had dirt on her, or she injured him, and she disappeared him so he couldn't tell on her.


I think the motive will be the usual one we see. Her hate and anger took over. It is usually not more complicated than that.
In my opinion, I don't believe that there was any kind of Revenge or premeditated motive for his disappearance. Maybe, there was some kind of accident or an over reaction in discipline that cause him harm or worse☹.IMO
Someone posted earlier why isn't there a reward being offered and that is a very good question!
I don't know. A lot of her actions seem to point to premeditation. IMO.

If we hadn't seen him walk out to the truck, I would be much more on board with the fit of rage / accident theories. If that were the case, I don't think she would have let him walk out of the house.

Can't see much on grainy video, but I didn't see anything to make me think he was hurt or injured. I think that theory grew legs because the neighbor said he was walking slow, or possibly drugged, or something.

I was just wondering- when was the last non family sighting of Gannon( not counting the neighbor's video). Was it Friday at school? Just wondering if his teacher's mentioned Gannon feeling ill or if he went to play with neighborhood kids anytime Friday- Sunday and if their parents noticed anything out of the norm for Gannon.
I think the motive will be the usual one we see. Her hate and anger took over. It is usually not more complicated than that.
Yes I also believe this - when a POI is named we will find all kinds of information IMO but right now everyone is super quiet - almost like LE wants the last information to be 2 people left and only 1 came back - and the other was reported missing HOURS later
With TS's interview, can you imagine how stressful that must have been? Her life / freedom literally being on the line. Her mind going a million miles a minute. Can't say the wrong thing. Have to say the right things. Don't say "was". No long pauses. Act natural. Etc.

Don't get me wrong. I don't have ANY sympathy for her. I just think that the above reasons could have attributed to some of the weird words, phrases, and "sentences" that came out of her mouth.

So I think you have some rumors in there, or atleast things that I believe are rumors.

The rental car and carpet, fit into that category (as far as I’m aware).

As far as we know (and congruent with the cctv footage of the stepmom and Gannon), he was never spotted on cctv footage. He was also not spotted by any witnesses.

The only support for Gannon leaving to go to a friend’s house, is the mom’s word. That footage seems to have destroyed her narrative, as how can a kid go to a friend’s house when he didn’t even return home from their drive?

As far as we know, Gannon had no history of running away. That story never made sense, and became more unlikely with each passing day.

Most kids tend to take things with them, and return fairly quickly. It rarely goes on for a prolonged period of time, especially with everyone looking for them.

Another rumor, albeit one that seems credible, is that Gannon apparently made a Google search asking if a parent could find him if his phone was off.

Convenient. Way too convenient.

I agree, I think this woman likely resented Gannon, as she clearly was bitter over being forced to care for him (her words basically).

I think he was the proverbial “red-headed stepchild,” atleast when daddy wasn’t around.
Thank you, MassGuy for answering a couple of questions I’ve had as well. I haven’t been able to keep up with the threads at all....
but, has there been any information, or speculation, that the parents marriage was on the rocks? Just wondering if LS could have done something out of pure spite.
With TS's interview, can you imagine how stressful that must have been? Her life / freedom literally being on the line. Her mind going a million miles a minute. Can't say the wrong thing. Have to say the right things. Don't say "was". No long pauses. Act natural. Etc.

Don't get me wrong. I don't have ANY sympathy for her. I just think that the above reasons could have attributed to some of the weird words, phrases, and "sentences" that came out of her mouth.

What came out of her mouth is weird, because she harmed an eleven year old boy and is lying about where he is. JMO
Thanks - it’s frustrating I cannot find the link to her making the first 911 call... or the second call now either

regarding these searches- I believe they have data from something that’s making them target these - gps ? Cell? Camera footage along the route? Could be by now IMO
I hope you're right. I keep worrying that they don't have any location data. And maybe their only shot is cctv, and that sounds like a monumental task. Especially now, when I'd think most of it has been deleted / over-written. Plus, if she went in the mountains or a rural area, how many cameras are there going to be? Their saving grace may be that known 4hr window, though.

I was just wondering- when was the last non family sighting of Gannon( not counting the neighbor's video). Was it Friday at school? Just wondering if his teacher's mentioned Gannon feeling ill or if he went to play with neighborhood kids anytime Friday- Sunday and if their parents noticed anything out of the norm for Gannon.
IMO, it doesn't matter if he was ill or not.
For the most part, rewards do not work. Rewards bring out the crazies that create a ton of worthless nonsense that LE has to wade through. It is a waste of LE resources.

I don't buy Gannon being sold. Because when is the last time that happened? It doesn't happen to kids living in the burbs. What does happen more often, are the parents or their significant other killing kids.

I am so sorry to tell you this but it happens everywhere. <modsnip>
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IMO, because I'm in a hurry and can't find a link right now, but I'm pretty sure it was part of a neighborhood newspaper ( "Fountain" something or other). MOO LS submitted it to be published. It's her story of what happened, condensed (badly) to one page.
I saw that too, only members of the HOA have access.
Thank you, MassGuy for answering a couple of questions I’ve had as well. I haven’t been able to keep up with the threads at all....
but, has there been any information, or speculation, that the parents marriage was on the rocks? Just wondering if LS could have done something out of pure spite.
Nothing in MSM that we can quote unfortunately...but MOO is that yes, there was strife.
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