Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #9

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I'm always pages or an entire thread behind.

Was it certain that they pin pointed her location in a specific area? Because I was just thinking, she is a district 49 curriculum developer which is a good distance from her district. I am in district 49 and I'm next to Black Forest, about 30-40 mins from where she lived.. There is also a lot of empty space, farms everywhere, a lot of construction which hasn't stopped, much more snow over here. This is me assuming that she did something awful to him, she works over here, she knows it'd be easy if this is the place she went.
But this thread started out saying she backed in to hide his walking issue from neighbors, not the camera she had to know was there across street pointed at her driveway with contrasting color ? So why back in and why not park in garage if she knew camera was there? Maybe he jumped out of truck after he woke up later and what are we going on 1/2 a video with no date stamp?
I had wondered this too. Why not put the truck IN the garage and avoid any cameras picking her up. From what I have seen the few times they have showed the garage open in MSM video/pictures it, IMO, looks like they have a lot of stuff in the garage and may not have room to park any vehicles in there. That may be why in the different footages they have shown on the news the black SUV is always parked in the driveway also.

Edit - finishing up my thought
Going on somebody else's thought down below about taking "chances." In my mind it would make sense that if she really had time to think this through she could have moved some things around in the garage so she could at least pull in enough to get GS in the driver side back seat if she really didn't want her cameras or any neighbors camera picking up her movements. This got me thinking she didn't do that because one of two things. 1) She was worried that she wouldn't get things back where there were and AS would notice when he got home and think it was weird. Going on this line of thought, he may have also thought it was weird and out of place if she suddenly cleaned the garage so she could fit a vehicle in, which would make her look guilty. or 2) She really didn't plan this out as I had been thinking since the begging. I was thinking she maybe had planned an elaborate kid-ran-away-cops-don't-really-look-TS-comes-in-to-help-heal-and-marriage-is-saved plan (I know, kinda crazy.) But, so many things don't make sense. Now I'm wondering if it was a crime of passion or a tragic accident she is covering up.
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So are we concluding she did not care if the camera was on her leaving or that she did not know it was there and is lying or lied, and if the later who saw the entire video afterwards showing he did not wake up and or wheres the proof he was not asleep ? Also couldn't he have gone out the back and hopped the fence and escaped the video we never saw in front at 330 friend claim time frame?

What are the thoughts speculation on what she put in the truck? To go to Dr or Shopping I usually don’t carry much. Is the truck her primary car? Do we know?

Replying to you both - I wish I knew! I am hopeless at making out anything on cctv footage unless it's very clear. I could see her backing it in ok from an MSM clip.

Re the cameras tho, and being caught on them. It's possible she thought her actions looked innocent... But then she lied about timings, which blew that out of the water IMO. Maybe she was so desperate she had to take a chance. So much about this is just aarghhhh. Wish we had the missing puzzle pieces :confused:
Well, this "behind closed doors group trying to eliminate foul play" is clearly a sneaky way of saying "the Grand Jury", no?

I mean, it would dovetail nicely with the prior searching presence of Dan May, no?
Couldn't it also mean that there is a criminal investigation along with the initial missing persons investigation and they just don't want to call it that yet?

Is it common to keep any information about a Grand Jury from the public or would we have heard something about that by now?

“If anyone feels they have information regarding the search for Gannon please call 719-520-6666, or email #bringgannonhome #findgannon
3:27 PM · Feb 11, 2020 (local/MST)
EPCSheriff on Twitter
ETA: The accompanying photo says, “PROGRESS CONTINUES IN THE SEARCH FOR GANNON STAUCH,” and “423 TIPS RECEIVED” (+38 since yesterday).
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It seems reasonable to think that LE is working both backwards and forwards. Last known sighting of GS. Last known sighting of who was last to be known to be with him. That window becomes more and more narrow when reasonable things are taken into account. Travel time. Time of day. Traffic. Weather. Location. Opportunity. Destinations. Surroundings. Needs. No confirmation by LE that GS arrived back at his home Monday afternoon. After the neighbor's video ends - with the arrival and backing in of the truck - it ends there. Pretty promptly. But that camera was still going. Those next hours may be the most telling. Let LE work this. They have known much more from the very start. Every agency involved brings immense knowledge and experience. And the emotional investment from the start cannot be understated. Pray for GS. Pray for this entire family. Pray for all working with this awful situation - every friend, neighbor, searcher, pastor, witness, LE, agency, official and yes - animal !! Those beautiful horses and canines need prayers too !! Then pray that each and everyone of us can find a way to reach out - show more love in the world - even in the smallest way. Everyday. You build great strength from the ground up.
Exactly. He could have got in the "safer" side.

Arguably, it's more dangerous backing onto a driveway where a child might be waiting. Presumably, you've locked the house up at this point (not often I'd start up my car then remove the keys to go back and lock up) so Gannon would be outside. Why leave him waiting there? Quicker that he hops in with you. I do find this odd myself.

The only reasonabke explanation, and I'm probably basing it more on our narrower roads here in England, is that she maybe wanted to turn the car round. So she backed in to pull out left, rather than do a U turn in the street. Again, I'd bet the direction they went in has been clarified by now.

But personally I still think she had a less innocent ulterior motive.

We don't know that Gannon wasn't actually ill. Also, presumably, there's a carseat on the other side of the car, for the little sister (or a booster). In our family, the carseat-kid loads in first so no one has to climb over it. In this case, the family has a narrow driveway and must always enter from the driver's side. When in the street, Gannon would have had to climb over the car seat.

We cannot see the tail very end of the truck. We cannot see anyone standing out there that entire time. He could have been just inside the garage. We also can't see whether she loads more stuff into the truck after parking it in the driveway.

People have habits. I'd like to know if this is habitually how they entered the truck when using it as a family vehicle (I bet it was).

There could be other reasons why LS backs into the driveway. She may have been trying to evade a known camera (their own doorbell cam?) and was not aware of the Infinity cam two houses down.
Been following this case and have been wondering, what is the extent le has gone through questioning the step mom? She was obviously the last one to see him, especially with him getting in her pickup and him not returning with her. I'm just so frustrated with the "laws" and the le not wanting to do anything until they have more proof...what more do they need?
For things to hold up in a court of law. There's only one shot to get it right. Trust the team that is working on it. They will find the truth for Gannon.
The driver would have to enter the door on the street open to traffic once either way. Question is why back in just to put Gannon on drivers side.
IN MY OPINION, Because a group of houses front doors face the street to the right (from camera view) and to further obscure Gannon from view of oncoming cars by being placed behind her head as she drove. IMSEO. ;)
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That’s probably daunting even so. A 40 mile radius is a lot of terrain. Right? Can someone compare it to a city or something to describe it hay that looks like geographically? Like how large it is?
If my math is right......a 40mi radius is about 5000 square miles. New York City is about 300 square miles. So you could fit over 15 New York City's within a 40mi radius.
We don't know that Gannon wasn't actually ill. Also, presumably, there's a carseat on the other side of the car, for the little sister (or a booster). In our family, the carseat-kid loads in first so no one has to climb over it. In this case, the family has a narrow driveway and must always enter from the driver's side. When in the street, Gannon would have had to climb over the car seat.

We cannot see the tail very end of the truck. We cannot see anyone standing out there that entire time. He could have been just inside the garage. We also can't see whether she loads more stuff into the truck after parking it in the driveway.

People have habits. I'd like to know if this is habitually how they entered the truck when using it as a family vehicle (I bet it was).

There could be other reasons why LS backs into the driveway. She may have been trying to evade a known camera (their own doorbell cam?) and was not aware of the Infinity cam two houses down.
I would more comfortably agree if I was convinced her intentions were not nefarious. As it is, I'm suspicious of everything she says and has done until the facts emerge, although truthful elements no doubt will be in the mix somewhere!

Genuine question, does this mean that when she returned that section of the truck was also out of scope? So what is to stop her saying he returned with her? But then, why did dad apparently react so forcefully?
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Couldn't it also mean that there is a criminal investigation along with the initial missing persons investigation and they just don't want to call it that yet?

Is it common to keep any information about a Grand Jury from the public or would we have heard something about that by now?


I don't know those answers, unfortunately.

I do know that people did seem to think it was unusual to have Dan May coming around so early in the process; so I'm drawing inferences that actually it's not that early in the process. Having a grand jury mulling over whether to bring charges or not would, certainly, make things further along in the progress towards a courtroom.

It seems reasonable to think that LE is working both backwards and forwards. Last known sighting of GS. Last known sighting of who was last to be known to be with him. That window becomes more and more narrow when reasonable things are taken into account. Travel time. Time of day. Traffic. Weather. Location. Opportunity. Destinations. Surroundings. Needs. No confirmation by LE that GS arrived back at his home Monday afternoon. After the neighbor's video ends - with the arrival and backing in of the truck - it ends there. Pretty promptly. But that camera was still going. Those next hours may be the most telling. Let LE work this. They have known much more from the very start. Every agency involved brings immense knowledge and experience. And the emotional investment from the start cannot be understated. Pray for GS. Pray for this entire family. Pray for all working with this awful situation - every friend, neighbor, searcher, pastor, witness, LE, agency, official and yes - animal !! Those beautiful horses and canines need prayers too !! Then pray that each and everyone of us can find a way to reach out - show more love in the world - even in the smallest way. Everyday. You build great strength from the ground up.
Agree. I think phones and cameras and inconsistencies will gel here. Not just neighborhood cameras either. They can piece together the route I believe if they get traffic camera data and gas stations etc.
I'm always pages or an entire thread behind.

Was it certain that they pin pointed her location in a specific area? Because I was just thinking, she is a district 49 curriculum developer which is a good distance from her district. I am in district 49 and I'm next to Black Forest, about 30-40 mins from where she lived.. There is also a lot of empty space, farms everywhere, a lot of construction which hasn't stopped, much more snow over here. This is me assuming that she did something awful to him, she works over here, she knows it'd be easy if this is the place she went.
Good question. Yeah, does anyone know where she works / worked?

It would probably look bad if he was found there, but it would be an area that she is familiar with.
Exactly. He could have got in the "safer" side.

Arguably, it's more dangerous backing onto a driveway where a child might be waiting. Presumably, you've locked the house up at this point (not often I'd start up my car then remove the keys to go back and lock up) so Gannon would be outside. Why leave him waiting there? Quicker that he hops in with you. I do find this odd myself.

The only reasonabke explanation, and I'm probably basing it more on our narrower roads here in England, is that she maybe wanted to turn the car round. So she backed in to pull out left, rather than do a U turn in the street. Again, I'd bet the direction they went in has been clarified by now.

But personally I still think she had a less innocent ulterior motive.

I agree with the effort part. Where the truck is initially parked you can't just turn into the driveway without curb jumping and going over the lawn. You'd need to drive up, turn around, and pull in on a bigger radius. Swinging out left and backing in is fastest. Also that may be her SUV in the other spot and if a narrow driveway, might be hard to get out the driver side door parked to the right of an SUV without a little contact.
The reason for the "crickets" is because there are at least 20 explanations or more I could think of, and I don't know about any "lies" except I heard third-hand that a neighbor said the father got upset because he believes the stepmother lied about something to do with the truck ride. Under the circumstances, for me personally, it's not worth the time and energy to propose alternative scenarios because my impression is that most of the posters in this thread are not open to them. If you are, let me know, and I'll be happy to discuss them with you.

I have zero reason to suspect the neighbor's account isn't credible.

"Drayton told Clayton Sandell with ABC News that when he gave the video to Gannon's father, he broke down crying and said they needed to give the video to investigators. Drayton claims that Gannon's father said, "she lied ... he didn't go to a friend's house." We haven't been able to independently confirm that the two individuals in the video are indeed Leticia and Gannon, but the El Paso County Sheriff's Office didn't dispute Drayton's claims and said the video is being considered evidence in the investigation."

The neighbor has also made these statements himself, in MSM video interviews. (they've been linked repeatedly)

So either it's real, factual and credible, and she did in fact lie about when Gannon left the house that day... or the neighbor, reporter and spokesperson for the sheriff's office shouldn't be believed.

I know where I stand.
Everyone else is certainly welcome to believe what makes most sense to them.
The reason for the "crickets" is because there are at least 20 explanations or more I could think of, and I don't know about any "lies" except I heard third-hand that a neighbor said the father got upset because he believes the stepmother lied about something to do with the truck ride. Under the circumstances, for me personally, it's not worth the time and energy to propose alternative scenarios because my impression is that most of the posters in this thread are not open to them. If you are, let me know, and I'll be happy to discuss them with you.
So who is lying here about the Dad's reaction. Rodderick Dayton? The news reporter? Who?
I had wondered this too. Why not put the truck IN the garage and avoid any cameras picking her up. From what I have seen the few times they have showed the garage open in MSM video/pictures it, IMO, looks like they have a lot of stuff in the garage and may not have room to park any vehicles in there. That may be why in the different footages they have shown on the news the black SUV is always parked in the driveway also.

Edit - finishing up my thought
Going on somebody else's thought down below about taking "chances." In my mind it would make sense that if she really had time to think this through she could have moved some things around in the garage so she could at least pull in enough to get GS in the driver side back seat if she really didn't want her cameras or any neighbors camera picking up her movements. This got me thinking she didn't do that because one of two things. 1) She was worried that she wouldn't get things back where there were and AS would notice when he got home and think it was weird. Going on this line of thought, he may have also thought it was weird and out of place if she suddenly cleaned the garage so she could fit a vehicle in, which would make her look guilty. or 2) She really didn't plan this out as I had been thinking since the begging. I was thinking she maybe had planned an elaborate kid-ran-away-cops-don't-really-look-TS-comes-in-to-help-heal-and-marriage-is-saved plan (I know, kinda crazy.) But, so many things don't make sense. Now I'm wondering if it was a crime of passion or a tragic accident she is covering up.
I think the night he went missing, it was reported that LE was at the house searching and they backed a car out of the garage.

My guess is they could only fit one car in the two car garage. Maybe the side of the garage that can fit a car is the side being blocked by the black suv. She might hqve preferred to back the truck partially into the garage, but she probably didn't want to play musical cars. Either because of time, laziness, or that it would seem suspicious or draw attention.

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