Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #9

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Right, because that metadata would show if the supposed "selfie" was taken while sitting in the driveway. Knowing LS got back out of the truck after Gannon got in the truck tells us she could've taken that selfie and then left the phone in the garage or house.
My take is that she is claiming she took the selfie when she got back from her 4 hour trip on her own phone. So photo would be time stamped on her phone. But, it’s easy enough to take a screen shot or make a copy of a photo, delete the original photo, and the new time stamp would be the time the copy or screen was taken. JMO
I have an 11 year old granddaughter and one thing bugs me. The cell phone. If my granddaughter were making plans to go play at a friend's house there would be a ton of messages back and forth about it. They would discuss it, get excited about it, make plans of activities, etc. Do we know for sure that there was no activity between this young man and his friend?
That's a good catch. So, she claims she had her phone with her. That's either a slip-up or it's true. If true, then she likely did leave her phone somewhere after she drove away (I'm guessing). Otherwise, LE would have a much narrower view of where to search

HOWEVER, let's say she left her phone on most of the time. It would probably show her driving all over Colorado Springs, stopping many times, mostly at stores.

Of course, we haven't seen that selfie (why doesn't she release it since she's so interested in doing her own PR?)

It needs metadata for the police to believe her.

This case is unique (to me) in its amazing, constant use of social media by a person who is clearly a POI, even if not yet named by LE. LS herself keeps us thinking of her as a POI, through her constant inconsistencies and lies in SM.
Only she is putting herself in a POI position. There are so many other theories from kidnapping Abduction the bio mom to bio dad Maybe there's a creepy neighbor. There are many other scenarios that we could be talking about. The only reason that we're talking about her is because she keeps posting odd incriminating things. Her behavior is strange. Her interviews are obviously guilty. If she would just shut the hell up, we wouldn't have anything about her to speculate. The video footage doesn't help her case and her constant changing story does not make her look good either. The bashing of the bio mom isnt needed at this moment. No ones perfect everyone has issues and has nothing to do with Gannons disappearance. The need that she has to prove to the world that she is this wonderful person including about the Flower pot that Gannon made for her in the garage. All of that information is completely unnecessary. If she was just to keep silent and keep searching. Things would look a lot better for her. But thank God she decides to Keep spreading her odd statements and comments. With them it makes it easier to pinpoint her as a POI. This lady stole this bio mom's husband destroyed their family took her children. And now one of them is missing. A my opinion. She's a horrible horrible person she's so narcissistic has to prove that she can be better than the bio mom by stealing her life. In my opinion. I am sure that the bio mom went in a downward spiral. After this lady destroyed her marriage and stole her children. She's a sick evil woman in my opinion. She saw a happy family befriended the mom. And stole it for herself. My stepmother did the same thing to my mom pretended to be her best friend in real life was having an affair with my dad. They were together for 20 years. It destroyed my mom. God I wish we could just find Gannon.


A foot has lots of nerve endings and lots of vessels combined with it being the place where all weight is distributed, foot injuries are often more painful and debilitating than they might seem to be.

That would be painful and make him limp, if, let's say, they went on a hike, or he took off for parts unknown out the back gate.
Doesn't it seem more likely that any injury happened Sunday night or Monday morning rather on Saturday?

There was no compelling reason, that we know of, to go on a hike on Sunday, so why take kid with wounded foot on a hike?

Maybe the wound happened AFTER the hike....but why lie about the timing?

Good question. Based on what we know now, there's no reason why she couldn't have said the alleged foot injury happened on Sunday afternoon rather than Saturday, and then nobody would be asking questions about how a kid with a cut on his foot went hiking. IMO this means there is something about the timeline from Saturday PM to midday Monday that is critical to her story that we don't know yet, but LE does.

I'm going to guess it is about where the third white car was located throughout the weekend. JMO
A few things I learned from that statement:

Clearly there was blood found that needs to be explained away.

Once again, this is all about her. It’s clear that not one ounce of self awareness has creeped in since we last heard from her. If anything, it appears to be dropping precipitously.

She apparently doesn’t have a lawyer, because this was as big a disaster as that tv interview. Out of all the cases I’ve followed, I’ve never seen anything like this.

I've never seen anything like this either.

I really wish someone would just come out and say, "You've been Punked" and Gannon is safe and unharmed. I know that's not going to happen, but it would make more sense than all the crazy going on.
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Is the stepmother on good terms with Gannon's father again? What's up with the sweet talk about the husband all of the sudden?

I don't know. Do you think this recent outburst of logorrhea on the part of TS indicates that AS has given her the apology she was so desperately seeking?

For the record I'm doubting it, especially as Gannon has not yet come home. Nor have we been given any inkling by LE or other, that this is even on the horizon. My inkling says TS is sucking up, as if there's anything she has that AS wants with Gannon missing; so good luck with that.

If he stayed off school because he wasn't feeling well, why is she dragging him out shopping? It's not like buying dog collars couldn't wait. If I had a sick child at home and there was some grocery item I just had to have, I'd run out and back in 20 minutes to buy it, not spend 4hrs in the car with the child.

Yeah... I got nothing. It wasn't even purported to be dog food.
Or maybe to explain why there’s no footage of him leaving the house on foot. “Oh, THAT! Well I can explain. He must’ve went out the back gate.” “But ma’am that gate has a lock on it. We saw it was locked.”

“Oh, yeshhh, uh...well the thing is I have him the key because he wanted to feel important. Oh and he kept going to the gate that weekend to check! So he must’ve used the key to get out that way!”
IMO I imagine that’s just how the conversation would sound *bangs head on desk*
another thought, a woman who documents everything with photos would have sent a photo of the kiddo's cut foot to his daddy with a comment or two about tools on the ground. If she takes photos every time they go anywhere, why wouldn't she inform/photo the cut and show Dad?
She also apparently called pediatrician about the stomach issues GS was having, who prescribed miralax. Wouldn’t she mention said foot injury to pediatrician? Wonder if she did......
I’ve been lurking a bit every day or so on the last few pages of the thread so I could have just missed something.

But why is she casually adding more details as time goes on? Things you’d tell immediately. Like going shopping, the gate, his foot, etc. and there are still somehow humans giving her the benefit of the doubt?

I just...
The trajectory of this case is facing right towards a speeding train IMO and I cannot stand this woman.
I have some questions after reading LS/TS statement:
1. Which Saturday and what time on that Saturday?
2. What were LS/TS and GS unloading?
3. GS sat on the edge of which car?
4. Inside the car or outside the car?
Was the car inside the garage, partially inside, fully outside?
5. What time was this?
6. How big of a bandage was required?
7. Which tool or what item caused GS foot injury?
8. By what point of exit/entry did GS “check the gate”?
9. What time was this?
10. How many times and for what duration did GS check the gate?

JMO MOO...this timeline is turning into a bowl of spaghetti.
ETA not expecting answers here, more like venting. Sigh. MOO

There are no answers because TS statement is a big pile of doodoo.
A few things I learned from that statement:

Clearly there was blood found that needs to be explained away.

Once again, this is all about her. It’s clear that not one ounce of self awareness has creeped in since we last heard from her. If anything, it appears to be dropping precipitously.

She apparently doesn’t have a lawyer, because this was as big a disaster as that tv interview. Out of all the cases I’ve followed, I’ve never seen anything like this.
You must be forgetting about Jodi Arias.

That's the only other person I can think of in terms of steering the narrative and showing narcissistic tendencies.
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None that I have seen and I'm in all the groups including the support Tee one.
And doesn't that Support T page just make you sick? Everytime I read there, I think about leaving the group but then I remember I joined to try to get some new info. I suppose we are not allowed to talk about it here?
I don't believe for a single second Gannon's foot bled. Too much extraneous information. Notice, she doesn't even say WHAT cut his foot. She SAYS Albert has tools. Albert does woodworking. Because because. But she never says that Gannon cut his foot on any of those tools. The whole thing is a blizzard of details to account for blood AND DISTRACT FROM THE ACTUAL SOURCE OF BLEEDING.

Exhausted, exhaustive, she's EXHAUSTING.

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