CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, found deceased, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *Arrest* #60

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They dont want to draw attention to the "crazy?" I dunno I am asking maybe.

In the recordings today ,he brings up how he asked her if Harley could stay before she left and she said ,no.

No, they need her to be "crazy." Their defense is that she is insane.

I have no idea what their strategy is, unless it is to get her an appeal based on incompetent lawyering. Instead, I view it as their choice - to let the facts stand, however they fall.

Is she legally insane? They will present their expert and then argue it at closing. Job done. But if they want her to appear sane and are successful, that's the basis for an appeal. You seem to be arguing that they don't want to call attention to her "crazy."

All they have to do is sit there and have the jury call her sane. When the defense does stand up (after weeks of this crazy stuff), they will point out she's crazy and hope the jury agrees.

Prosecution needs to prove she's sane. Defense needs her to be crazy. In this state, with this set of legal procedures.

jeez I thought Casey Anthony was a liar.
T is the queen b at being a lying liar pants. my gosh. MOO
I was just going to say this is so reminiscent of Casey Anthony and Zanny the Nanny and her make believe job at Orlando Studios and woe is me and nobody believes me and they took everything from me and me, me, me. Although, Casey Anthony was consistent with her lies. She chose her story and stuck with it until she quite literally backed herself into a dead end hallway and an office that didn’t exist. Not even T can keep up with all the stories she’s told.
The World's Worst Liar.

It almost blows your mind that she continues without realizing how ridiculous her lies sound. She really doesn't give a da*n.

Being a Liar does not make you insane.
They will say her changing stories and the craziness of them shows she is.
I am still catching up, but I wanted to say you are spot on.
She is not insane but she is a pathological liar, I have unfortunately known a few and in my younger years, fell for the lies but I was burned, and I learned from the situations. In the past two to three decades I have seen others fall for pathological liars until they don't. There is always something that will make a person question what they are being told by an (unknown, at the time) pathological liar. Once that time happens, they will never trust what that person says ever again.
AS was past that point, but she doesn't know that, or will not admit that to herself.
She cannot see past the lies, probably having had much success throughout her life previously. I don't think she sees that he is doubting her, as much as he is.
Back to your point, she is the world's worst liar, but she is a pathological liar.
I have no idea if that is even in the DSM alone or if it is a symptom of something else, BUT it is not insane, by any means.
It is lying for attention or lying to remove yourself from any responsibility. She will NEVER accept any responsibility, it will always be someone else's fault.

ETA: Examples: One pathological liar, whom I had already sussed out but others were still under the spell, sat in my living room in 1996, watching the men's field hockey, England was playing (this was way before I moved to Canada), and I noticed a new tattoo on his leg, I pretended to be looking for a magazine under the coffee table and read what it said, it was a list of field hockey tournaments (He played field hockey), it said England Team Atlanta 1996. I already had figured out he was not a DJ In London's biggest nightclub at the time and did not have testicular cancer like he had told everyone, I knew his sister. After he told people he had played in that game and would show off the tattoo as 'proof'.

Another pathological liar, also already sussed, asked how i was doing after having surgery for impacted wisdom teeth, then said " Yeh, I had all of my wisdom teeth removed and they ALL grew back!'.
I just said " wow, never heard of that before"

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He weighed 1 lb. 9 ounces at birth. He had gastrointestinal and other issues as a result.

(IMO, no link right now).

So close @10ofRods ,great memory BTW, but can you imagine, actually 1.6 ? " He weighed 1 pound 6 ounces when he was born, Gannon's birth mother, Landen Hiott, said during a news conference earlier this year before Gannon's body was found in northwest Florida.

"He had a 10% chance of survival, if he survived, he would be profoundly disabled," Hiott said during an interview.

ETA. In other articles the parents address other residual health issues, but overall he was a fairly healthy normal child. Pretty incredible considering a baby of lesss then 2 lbs birth weight.
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I know what he was doing and I know why he was doing it.
How much of it does the jury need to hear?
All of it?
She has already shown us who she is, over and over and over again.
There was nothing new and nothing gained for the prosecution IMO..

It was great yesterday, it was great this morning but this many hours of it neither contributes nor detracts from an insanity defense.
Of course the jury has to hear all of it. There is no such thing as having too much evidence. What a strange concept of not presenting all the evidence. Imo.
I’ve followed this from the beginning and also be watching the trial and reading here.
Please forgive me if this has been covered, I’m struggling to figure out what the catalyst was that set LS into motion to hurt, beat, stab and ultimately Kill Gannon AFTER the return home from the 2nd trip to petco.
I’m wondering why she wouldn’t have done it earlier in the day prior to all the petco etc trips ?
Especially where she had injured him (fire) the previous evening.
Any insight would be appreciated. TIA
I think they are running the risk, however slight, that the jury will think she's crazy.

It's not very often a jury is exposed to this level of freakishly evil so...
I think they're pulling out EVERY stop to make sure the jury sees as much as they've got, to show she knew and knows dang good and well, right from wrong.
Gannon was a premature baby. He weighed 1 pound 6 ounces when he was born, Gannon's birth mother, Landen Hiott, said during a news conference earlier this year before Gannon's body was found in northwest Florida.

"He had a 10% chance of survival, if he survived, he would be profoundly disabled," Hiott said during an interview.

ETA. In other articles the parents address other residual health issues, but overall he was a fairly healthy normal child. Pretty incredible considering a baby of lesss then 2 lbs birth weight.
My cousin's twins were super small, too, able to fit in one hand of an adult when born. They were in the hospital for months and months. I think the only residual issues I heard they had were needing to wear glasses. Someone at my mum's church, their baby came way too early and ended up multiply disabled - CP and I think blind and deaf, too. One of my oldest friends was a teeny tiny baby born in the very early eighties. He's smart as heck, and is deaf and wears glasses or contacts. (His sensory disabilities came from the days when they didn't understand about the damage that could be done by certain levels of oxygen on preemies.) There really is a spectrum of how much or how little or in what way kids can be affected long term.

Thank you for taking one for the team. I appreciate how dedicated you are to this case. Rest up and recharge. Plus, you're witty.
I try. :D

To be honest, sarcasm and cynicism are coping mechanisms I've been using since at least my teenage years to deal with awful things. They're getting a big workout with this case. If I didn't use them occasionally I'd probably just be sitting here crying, and then my typing would be even worse than when I had my ADHD hyperfocus crash earlier, because I wouldn't be able to see my keyboard for the tears. Every now and then it slams down on me just how damn sad and how unnecessary this whole crime was. This poor kid was sacrificed for no other reason than to feed this vulture's ego. There's no wisecrack I can make that can make that any less awful or tragic.

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I think the most exhausting thing isn't the screeching. Okay, it is, I won't lie.

The second most exhausting thing is witnessing her feeding off AS's (and others', not on the calls) misery, like some kind of emotional vampire. She's a ghoul. She's a parasite. You can hear her excitement, the pleasure she gets from it. When I'm not typing actively, I'm often listening with my eyes closed. There's a kind of hunger around the edges in her tone of voice at times that I can't describe accurately, just that it signals enjoyment, anticipation. Like she's playing with her food before she kills it.

I said before that she could have killed Gannon clean and quick, one shot while he slept, but that the pain and terror was the point, and that it wouldn't have satisfied her if he hadn't suffered the way he did. I stand by that. Nothing I'm hearing from her makes me feel any different.

I am not any kind of profiler, just a girl with headphones and ears and opinions, so everything above is my opinion only.
And, now that I've recovered enough to trust myself to be safe, I'm going to go have a long bath. Bubbles and true crime (an old one, Parker/Hulme). I need it.

Love you all. Have a good rest tomorrow. I plan to.
Parker and Hulme are one of my favorite true crimes! I’m also fascinated by Pauline’s murals.

Enjoy your bath and have a restful Thursday. Hugs.
I know what he was doing and I know why he was doing it.
How much of it does the jury need to hear?
All of it?

She has already shown us who she is, over and over and over again.
There was nothing new and nothing gained for the prosecution IMO..

It was great yesterday, it was great this morning but this many hours of it neither contributes nor detracts from an insanity defense.

Actually, once LS entered NGRI, it became necessary to play all of the recorded content because it goes to the period of time that LS claims to be insane. It follows that the defense has not once opposed playing the repetitive audio conversations -- they know it's necessary.
I saw this on Twitter.... omg!

LS says to AL: “I’m not going to tell you anymore false stories, because it’s unhealthy for me, I’m not eating or sleeping, and it’s not good for me.”

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