CO CO - Glendale, HispMale UP11476, 25-30, false ID, in vacant apartment, Feb'98

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The Doe Network 2534UMCO


Photos of the victim from various contacts with ICE throughout the years and Texas driver's license obtained with false identification

Unidentified Male

Date of Discovery: February 10, 1998
Location of Discovery: Glendale, Arapahoe County, Colorado
Estimated Date of Death: 3 days prior
State of Remains: Not recognizable - Decomposing/putrefaction
Cause of Death: Unknown
Physical Description

** Listed information is approximate

Estimated Age: 25-30 years old
Race: Hispanic
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 196 lbs.
Hair Color: Black, thick, curly and in ringlets.
Eye Color: Brown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: No facial hair. Tattoo on his right arm of an owl with the inscription "OWL" above the tattoo. On his left arm was a circular hyperpigmented area consistent with an illegible tattoo that measured 10 cm in diameter.
Dentals: Not available.
Fingerprints: Not available.
DNA: Not available.
Clothing & Personal Items

Clothing: Bright blue short sleeve T-shirt with the inscription "WORLDWIDE NETWORK/ 1019 NGX 2397" and beige-colored shorts.
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: Unknown
Case History

The decedent was located in what was believed to have been a vacant apartment at 4601 E. Kentucky Avenue after the apartment's maintenance man noted a foul odor and entered to investigate. The decedent was surrounded by large amounts of cash and there was evidence of drug parapharnalia.
Investigating Agency(s)

If you have any information about this case please contact;

Agency Name: Arapahoe County Coroner's Office
Agency Contact Person: Kelly Lear-Kaul
Agency Phone Number: 720-874-3625

Agency Case Number: 98-02-07-1930
NCIC Case Number: N/A
NamUs Case Number: UP #11476
Please refer to this number when contacting any agency with information regarding this case.
Information Source(s)

I wonder if the apartment was his or if it was like some kind of drug hideout??

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In addition, I wonder if the ones where he is showing off his tattoos are prison photos?? And if he went to prison, how long was he serving time there???

Sent from my SM-G386T using Tapatalk
In addition, I wonder if the ones where he is showing off his tattoos are prison photos?? And if he went to prison, how long was he serving time there???
It says those photos are from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). So I'm guessing he may not be from this country and therefore has no family here to identify him.
It says those photos are from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). So I'm guessing he may not be from this country and therefore has no family here to identify him.
Ah ok. I'm thinking he is possibly Mexican, Guatemalan, Salvadoran, or Honduran. But I'm thinking very possibly he is Mexican.
This seems very solvable! None of the photos look like prison photos. Not Texas prisons anyway. They do look like they were taken in a jail though. You can see the height measurements on the wall behind him in most of them. (Both jails and prisons are required (although some don’t) take photographs of every tattoo every time) So he’s got fingerprints on file somewhere.

I.C.E. having the photographs doesn’t necessarily mean their agents or agency took them. Although it’s very possible. In fact, most times people are arrested by a typical city/county/state agency and booked into their jail. It’s not until that person’s name is entered into the NCIC that an immigration “hold”, warrant or flag is found. If there is one to be found.

For instance, he gets pulled over in Phoenix Arizona and arrested for DWI, it might not be known at that time by the arresting officer that he’s in the country illegally. An attentive dispatcher would catch it when running his DL/ID number to check for warrants, but it’s usually during the time when he’s being booked in and fingerprinted. That agency then contacts I.C.E. to tell them that they’ve got someone in custody with an immigration hold.

I.C.E. will then make arrangements to pick that individual up and take them into their custody. What happens to them after that I don’t know. It’s up to customs. Most times they’re deported. So, there should be records of him and for him all over it looks like. (Based on the photos)

The tattoos also don’t jump out at me as being “prison tats”. Not that he didn’t have them done while incarcerated but they don’t appear gang related. The woman, possibly, but it’s hard to say based on that one tattoo alone. If there were others it might lead to a gang connection. JMOO

I’m very curious to know what country he was entering the US illegally from. My guess would be North America but I think further south than Mexico or South America.

I’d like to know more about the photos as well. Where and when they were taken. He obviously had frequent run-ins with I.C.E. He could very well have family here in the States and possibly even a missing person report. ETA: Something was bringing him back time after time. Something(one) worth getting arrested for.

This one is very intriguing to me.
Last edited:
Unidentified Person / NamUs #UP11476
Male, White/Caucasian, Hispanic/Latino
45E347D4-C8F6-4732-9616-05F09CFF8B9F.jpeg B9067061-8818-494A-8155-CF3332AE4536.jpeg 4C64BD3A-B8FC-481E-92E8-87B63239864D.jpeg
Date Body Found: February 10, 1998
Location Found: Glendale, Colorado
Estimated Age: Adult - Pre 30; 25-30
Estimated PMI: 3 Days

Measured Height: 5' 8"
Measured Weight: 196 lbs
Hair Color: Black; Curly, thick and in ringlets
Eye Color: Brown

Tattoos: An owl with the word "OWL" above it on right upper arm, circular hyper-pigmented area (10 cm in diameter) consistent with an illegible tattoo (woman’s face) on upper left arm
Clothing: Bright blue short sleeve t-shirt with the inscription "WORLDWIDE NETWORK/ 1019 NGX 2397”, Beige colored shorts

Circumstances of Recovery: The decedent was found after foul odor was noted by the apartment's maintenance man. Maintenance man made entry into apartment believed to have been vacant and found decedent. Decedent was surrounded by large amounts of cash. There was evidence of drug paraphernalia near the decedent.
This young man does not have facial hair except for his mustache...not even a five o’clock shadow. Does anyone else see that?

Eta: never mind, I see it...
This seems very solvable! None of the photos look like prison photos. Not Texas prisons anyway. They do look like they were taken in a jail though. You can see the height measurements on the wall behind him in most of them. (Both jails and prisons are required (although some don’t) take photographs of every tattoo every time) So he’s got fingerprints on file somewhere.

I.C.E. having the photographs doesn’t necessarily mean their agents or agency took them. Although it’s very possible. In fact, most times people are arrested by a typical city/county/state agency and booked into their jail. It’s not until that person’s name is entered into the NCIC that an immigration “hold”, warrant or flag is found. If there is one to be found.

For instance, he gets pulled over in Phoenix Arizona and arrested for DWI, it might not be known at that time by the arresting officer that he’s in the country illegally. An attentive dispatcher would catch it when running his DL/ID number to check for warrants, but it’s usually during the time when he’s being booked in and fingerprinted. That agency then contacts I.C.E. to tell them that they’ve got someone in custody with an immigration hold.

I.C.E. will then make arrangements to pick that individual up and take them into their custody. What happens to them after that I don’t know. It’s up to customs. Most times they’re deported. So, there should be records of him and for him all over it looks like. (Based on the photos)

The tattoos also don’t jump out at me as being “prison tats”. Not that he didn’t have them done while incarcerated but they don’t appear gang related. The woman, possibly, but it’s hard to say based on that one tattoo alone. If there were others it might lead to a gang connection. JMOO

I’m very curious to know what country he was entering the US illegally from. My guess would be North America but I think further south than Mexico or South America.

I’d like to know more about the photos as well. Where and when they were taken. He obviously had frequent run-ins with I.C.E. He could very well have family here in the States and possibly even a missing person report. ETA: Something was bringing him back time after time. Something(one) worth getting arrested for.

This one is very intriguing to me.

ICE definitely didn't take the photos: it didn't exist until four years after the UID was discovered. I suppose it would have been INS back then?

I wonder if some of the records failed to migrate.
That’s true @Blurgle , I hadn’t thought of that. I guess it would have been INS. The only date I see is 1986 on the one where he has the name board around his neck. He looks older in that photo than the rest IMO. Most of them do have that same number (inmate # or record #) on them...not sure, but I’d think that was something INS/ICE put there.

(eta: not the exact same number, but the same format)
There’s Jason Hill. The height is off but he does resemble him. The circumstances could fit depending on his background. The hairline (widow’s peak) matches...could that woman be described as Medusa?

Jason Augustus Hill – The Charley Project
Ah!! Know who this reminds me of?? Darrel Frye! Missing from Washington since 1980. Was on probation at the time of his disappearance. I tried finding out where the “Pine Lodge CC” was. The only one I came up with (before I stopped searching) was a facility that’s now closed down, The Pine Lodge Correctional Center for Women, in Medical Lake, Washington.

I didn’t see that it had ever housed males but if he was a juvenile at the time, it’s possible they had a small section just for juveniles. (ETA: Darrel wouldn’t have been a juvenile at the time (born 1958) but with an alias DOB of 1970, he would have been 16 at the time that photo was taken) And I’m not sure about this, but with Washington bordering Canada, could immigration agents been involved because he was trying to leave the States into Canada illegally??

Darrel Roy Frye – The Charley Project
71E895EA-E0BF-4198-AFC2-F7ECE9D82DB2.jpeg 8C78CA8B-AE5F-49D4-8989-071F34479708.jpeg
Ah!! Know who this reminds me of?? Darrel Frye! Missing from Washington since 1980. Was on probation at the time of his disappearance. I tried finding out where the “Pine Lodge CC” was. The only one I came up with (before I stopped searching) was a facility that’s now closed down, The Pine Lodge Correctional Center for Women, in Medical Lake, Washington.

I didn’t see that it had ever housed males but if he was a juvenile at the time, it’s possible they had a small section just for juveniles. (ETA: Darrel wouldn’t have been a juvenile at the time (born 1958) but with an alias DOB of 1970, he would have been 16 at the time that photo was taken) And I’m not sure about this, but with Washington bordering Canada, could immigration agents been involved because he was trying to leave the States into Canada illegally??

Darrel Roy Frye – The Charley Project
View attachment 223992 View attachment 223993

According to a forum post that quotes a now-missing page from the Washington Department of Corrections website, Pine Lodge started in 1979 as a correctional facility for men. It didn't become co-ed until 1992, or all-female until 2004.

INS only handled issues relating to immigration to the US; they didn't have the right to investigate American citizens. Canada Customs investigated illegal entry into Canada.
I wonder if they would take possession or have access to records for other cases, such as ones like this. Or do you you think we’re most likely looking for someone who had repeatedly entered into the US?
Keeping in mind that Gustavo’s head is slightly titled back, thus changing the appearance of some facial features, this is the closest match I’ve found as far as physical appearance goes. IMO. The chin gives me pause. When I overlapped the images everything lined up...

Gustavo Juan Cabrera – The Charley Project

D76E0100-928E-4974-A340-AEAACA1A1994.jpeg 63946F17-3902-4216-9FFA-879E682BEB17.jpeg

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