CO - James Holmes Trial - *Penalty Phase* #3

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Will C. Holden ‏@will_c_holden[video=twitter;627234962094313474][/video]
DeborahCave (#theatershooting trial outburstlady) charged w/ 3rd degree assault, unlawful conduct, obstructing gov't ops& obstructing cop
Judge (not Samour) orders mental healthevaluation plus $5K bond for Deborah Cave, woman responsible for #theatershootingtrial outburst.
I wondered about that too but I believe his "window of opportunity" would have been right after it and as I have mentioned he is such a put together guy but really looked bewildered and just kept on talking.

At the vry end of the day, after Jurors left, one of the States attorneys made some a motion, to be out on the record about the outburst. I have not gone back to view the video, but the lawyer said it was necessary to make this known and part of the record. I did not understand it all as at the time because I was still distracted. It was a totally different statement then the defense.

Also, I imagine D. Cave, must have continued her rant in the cell, therefore that it a Judge that made a new order for observation etc. I bet she was a handful.

Sorry for the wrong word being inserted....that was the iPad changing my words....grrrr.
Well the whole courtroom felt the drama of this lady screaming. One good thing they didn't experience is the tear gas,
The rifle pellets, the shots loud and clear from a hand gun. Wonder how Mr. Coward James Egan Holmes feels after
That experience right there during his trial. Is he like his attorney and suspected MI OR just a big mouth trying to get
Noticed. Oh wait he probably could have advised her on appearance she didn't have black contacts in and riot gear and
A mask. The Defendant, the protected one, the one with the armed guards around him.
I hope and pray the jury comes back with a Verdict 1st thing Monday morning that will knock his socks off.
Then he can go to prison and lick walls . lol
Sorry been watching past videos of his parents saying what a wonderful boy he was. Now I'm reacting to Ms Higgs asking every
Way she could to get them to repeat over and over all the wonderful things he did. He may have been a wonderful child but he negated all of it with his evil act of murdering and disabling all those wonderful innocent people for his own gain.
Thanks for letting me vent.
I really don't think he was all that wonderful growing up, just a quiet kid. No one really knew what he was thinking because he kept that to himself. He kept everything hidden from his parents. The majority of the people who testified were friends of his parents. The only person who got to know what Holmes really had on his mind before the murders was Gargi, how he hated sheeple and wanted to kill. Notice his only intimate girlfriend did not speak up in this phase, nor the gal he had hiked with.
Good point that neither girlfriend testified during the mitigation phase.

Lmao, I just used my talk to text to post from my droid ... Next time ..I am going to do the before and after so everyone can get a good laugh ... as was just hilarious what my talk to text just typed before corrections .
I went back & listened to GB's closing, and I do think it dis-railed him a bit when Cave had her outburst, and I'm glad that Ormond (I never can spell his name correctly, CRS) did ask for something to be put in the records about it. It definitely is a part of the trial and should be on the record.

In spite of that, I think and hope that GB's closing did help the jurors sort out how to regard Mental Illness with regard to mitigation. He said so many of the things that we have: JH's deliberate acts in planning and shopping for the big day, his research of the theaters and documenting that, his telling some of the psych's about "hating everybody," his booby-trapping his apt, etc., etc., etc. A true madman would have never been able to be so patient about a plan to kill people, IMO. He would have just gone out on the street, or to the lab rooms where he worked, or to the doctors' offices and started shooting.

He was of sound mind during all of it, IMHO.
I wonder if it's too late for him to do something about it now the jury have gone to deliberate.

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I have faith in this jury -- they seem to be positive and chipper when they respond to the good Judge -- they have already been through so much & apparently they have stuck together. Plus, juries tend to get an "attitude" about themselves which, I think is good and helpful, and it's that no one -- no one -- knows this case better than they do and that they are the only ones who should have the responsibility of issuing verdicts. Not the MSM, not a gallery attendant who has been there every day, etc., etc., and that gives them unity, closeness, and some confidence. It's their duty, they said they would do it, and now they will do it. It's what I have seen with post-verdict interviews, and many trial principals have seen it. Everyone in that room, other than the gallery, has a specific job to do, and the jury has theirs. And this jury has certainly earned it. In spades, how they have earned it.

Good point that neither girlfriend testified during the mitigation phase.

Lmao, I just used my talk to text to post from my droid ... Next time ..I am going to do the before and after so everyone can get a good laugh ... as was just hilarious what my talk to text just typed before corrections .

I would love to see it!! It's time for another giggle or two and we also like to rage against the machines, STS, right??!! :)
I will too. I bet Nelson thought she might get shot or something. I bet she was scared.

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I hope Mr. Holmes wet his pants. Grrrrr.
It was bad enough that the defense kept interrupting the pros. closing, but then that screaming woman. Such a shame. Pros. didn't object during the defense. The defense was just trying to break his momentum, as he was making points. Her stupid objections were over ruled too, really made me angry.
I was right it was her photo on JH wall. A groupie Lol

Do you have a link to that?

Weird, though. Early reports in July 2012, right after it happened, said that JH was adopted. I wonder if this same woman spread that around back then. She's been claiming to have information at least since 2013 when she filed those petitions.

It's curious that one cannot obtain a photo of this woman's face, not even the booking photo. Is it because she may look like JH?
3 weeks
The judge did good.

Yes, he did -- what she did was very serious. If she had done it while the jury was out or when a witness was being questioned, it wouldn't have been half so horribly timed. But it still would have been horrible and upsetting for everyone in that room.

If she is really homeless, a place to stay and meals and perhaps a psych check-up might be a good thing for her.
Shes probably one of the women who signed up on meet an inmate website.

While it might be a nice thing to do, especially for an inmate who doesn't have any family, etc., it nevertheless creeps me out. Obviously the inmate will have your home address <shiver>. And I'm sorry, I know not all inmates are killers or stalkers or child molesters, but there's no way I would do that. Hope this doesn't offend. :)
While it might be a nice thing to do, especially for an inmate who doesn't have any family, etc., it nevertheless creeps me out. Obviously the inmate will have your home address <shiver>. And I'm sorry, I know not all inmates are killers or stalkers or child molesters, but there's no way I would do that. Hope this doesn't offend. :)

I agree. I would never give my address to someone convicted of a serious crime. Can you imagine if they came looking for you?!

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Originally Posted by MissHaley
anyone know what she filed a motion about??? she said the judge denied it. thanks
I can't imagine what she wanted...

I read it -- thanks, orchids! -- and I still don't know wth she wanted...
I found this.

The Gold Patrol® &#8207;@thegoldpatrol [video=twitter;626892883161927680][/video] #theatershooting Explanation of “Amicus Curiae”, which is what #DeborahCave said she filed in 2013 …

"Amicus Curiae" means "friend of the court." An amicus brief is someone, who is not a party to the court matter, volunteers or is invited by the court to give advice upon some matter pending before it.
thank you!!!! See it was sent to all parties, the whole place was familiar with her!!! No wonder security kept asking her questions!.

Hmmm -- just happened to think upon it again -- I can be slow on the uptake while I eat chocolate... The 3-week incarceration would prolly last longer than the remainder of this trial. Samour is brilliant indeed!! :D
You're right, a 50/50 hold was easily obtained for BS for EXACTLY that reason. Unlike this situation, it was crystal clear to every person on this earth that BS was out of touch with reality... and those in the throes of a psychotic episode are unpredictable, irrational, and more than capable of harming themselves or even a complete stranger... with zero warning... at the flip of a switch. They may not mean to or even understand what it is they're actually doing. There's a reason horror movies are made about psychotic individuals... a reason MI is surrounded by negative stigma and the mentally ill are often feared... and a reason 'Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity' is a legitimate defense for some---and the reason is because psychotic individuals commit heinous crimes when they aren't able to control their mind or actions.

However, by all accounts and the evidence presented during the guilt phase of this trial, this guy was NOT psychotic and the jury found him guilty of murder.

And he certainly knew the difference between right & wrong, and the jury knew what he did that showed that he knew the difference.
I don't think the shrieking lady really helped the defense much. She did throw off the State's closing. But she also showed us what a REAL delusional, irrational person sounds like. She made JH seem normal.

Excellent point! I'm hoping a couple of jurors have that same thought.
Will C. Holden &#8207;@will_c_holden[video=twitter;627234962094313474][/video]
DeborahCave (#theatershooting trial outburstlady) charged w/ 3rd degree assault, unlawful conduct, obstructing gov't ops& obstructing cop
Judge (not Samour) orders mental healthevaluation plus $5K bond for Deborah Cave, woman responsible for #theatershootingtrial outburst.

Wow! That judge socked it to her, didn't he?

And she will get a mental health evaluation.

All this and her Contempt of Court charges, too.

"C'mon in, sit a spell."
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