CO CO - Jaryd Atadero, 3, Comanche Peak, 2 Oct 1999

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I just watched Missing 411 and this story broke my heart. There are many aspects to this case that just do not add up to any one conclusive explanation. On the one side, you have the reality that a very small child was left wandering around a forest. There was human negligence involved as well as wildlife predators. Any number of scenarios can happen when a child is lost in a forest. A 3-year-old is easy prey. I know many have questioned regarding his pants being found inside out. Watch this video -
It shows how well a cat can use their claws to pull off clothing, so it isn't out of the realm of possibility that a mountain lion was involved. No one can say whether he was preyed upon before or after his death. Meaning perhaps he was already dead by the time a predator came upon his body.

One the other side, you have a busy trail with a lot of characters involved. We have all seen time and time again how often a seemingly "great" person ends up being a pedophile and/or murderer. In this case, it would simply be a crime of opportunity. As per @Thunder Street 's timeline, you have a 2-hour window before anyone even realized Jaryd was missing. If we assume the scream heard around noon, then a LOT can happen in 2 hours. I have to add here that I can see how a cougar screech could be heard at a distant and thought to be a young child as you can hear in this video -

The mention of the ranger stating to see him, the woman who claimed to see men at a cabin painting a truck, etc .... are all things that should have been investigated properly immediately.
I always pray a case is solved, especially when it involves a child. With so many variables and the reality that 19 years has passed, I don't know if there will ever be a definite answer.

The only real peace can come from knowing that this sweet child is with God know.....
It shows how well a cat can use their claws to pull off clothing, so it isn't out of the realm of possibility that a mountain lion was involved. No one can say whether he was preyed upon before or after his death. Meaning perhaps he was already dead by the time a predator came upon his body.

Thank you for replying. This video does not show a lion deliberately pulling off clothing, as the mother of the child is pulling back while the claws caught on the topmost layer of material. In the animal kingdom, this would have been the skin/coat of their prey, and the animal wouldn't distinguish between the two. If this were the case with Jaryd's disappearance, why wasn't the jacket also found inside out? Why was his underwear and shirt not found? Why is there no damage to the clothing consistent with a mountain lion attack? Why was only the top of the skull present with a lone tooth, neither of which were covered in enough debris to warrant that it was there for four winters. Many experts weighed in on the mountain lion theory, which are contained in th and the overwhelming consensus was that it could not have been a cat. That consensus was based on evidence. As for the cat screaming, Jaryd's sister Josallyn and the lady who was supposed to keep watch over Jaryd both recognized that it was Jaryd who screamed. A human child's scream is solidly distinct from a mountain lion, which sounds more like an infant screaming than the brief shriek of a 3 year old toddler.

With so many variables and the reality that 19 years has passed, I don't know if there will ever be a definite answer.

I'm happy to say that won't be the way this case ends.
Many experts weighed in on the mountain lion theory, which are contained in th and the overwhelming consensus was that it could not have been a cat.

CORRECTION: This should read "Many experts weighed in on the mountain lion theory, testimonies which are contained in the book Missing: When the Son Sets by Allyn & Arlyn Atadero, and the overwhelming consensus was that it could not have been a cat."
Nothing that I can share at this time. Apologies for the radio silence. Other than finding more evidence against the mountain lion theory, the rest is relatively confidential at this point. We have a very promising foundation for our investigation, though, and are compiling information we hope to present to an investigative authority as soon as possible. But there is still work to be done.

Right now we have to remain a little quieter than normal as we dig in. Thank you all for your interest and support. Keep the conversation going and ask me anything. You've all been great to talk to. Feel free to reach out to us on Facebook if you wish (Thunder Street Ministry) and don't forget to visit Allyn Atadero's page Missing: When the Son Sets if you haven't already. It's the definitive archive for everything that transpired.
Since the mountain lion theory inevitably comes back in the conversation, I wanted to post some excerpts from Allyn's book to help curb some of the questions. These are e-mails Allyn received from mountain lion experts and an attack victim, all with first hand accounts of dealing with mountain lion kills/attacks.

First, as a father of 3, I offer my deepest empathy for your loss. You are suffering every parent’s worst nightmare. I find it most unlikely that a mountain lion could turn pants completely inside out. I won’t say “impossible” but I would say “99% unlikely.” Inside out with no trace of blood would be about as close to impossible as I can imagine. —Steve

Atadero, Allyn. Missing: When the Son Sets: The Jaryd Atadero Story (p. 343). Kindle Edition.

March 14, 2015

Hi Allyn,

These are the only clues provided to me: no mountain lion hairs on his clothing, no trace of blood,
pants turned completely inside-out absence of any stains that might have come from either blood or decomposition fluids

Based on these clues, I do not believe that a mountain lion killed and ate your son. A forensic specialist might be able to advise whether all traces of blood or decomposition could have disappeared in 4 years, but it strikes me as unlikely. I would expect a mountain lion to tear clothing in the process of removing it. I do not believe that a mountain lion could turn pants inside out. It also seems most unlikely that a mountain lion would eat the sweatshirt but remove remove the other clothes. I am sorry for your loss.


Atadero, Allyn. Missing: When the Son Sets: The Jaryd Atadero Story (p. 343). Kindle Edition.

March 16, 2015

Dear Mr. Atadero—I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your son. However, based on the information you provided it doesn’t sound like he was a victim of a mountain lion attack. First, when mountain lions attack they usually ambush their prey, jumping on its back and biting the neck. A sign of such an attack would have been quite apparent on the clothing that was found. Second, mountain lions do not “skin” their prey (or shed their clothing.) A shirt would have been torn and bloodied in the area of the chest cavity if a lion was involved. I hope this information helps you in your search.

—Tim Dunbar Executive Director Mountain Lion Foundation

Atadero, Allyn. Missing: When the Son Sets: The Jaryd Atadero Story (pp. 343-344). Kindle Edition.

March 25, 2015

Hi Mr. Atadero—Sorry about the delay in getting back to you—I’ve been out of the office for the past few days. I and my biologist looked at the photos and could discover no signs of a mountain lion attack. At the very least I would have expected to see evidence of blood on the back and shoulders of the jacket. As I indicated in my previous email I am sorry for your loss, but do not believe that the evidence points to an animal attack.

Tim Dunbar
Executive Director Mountain Lion Foundation

March 18, 2015

Dear Mr. Atadero, First of all, on behalf of all of us at the Cougar Network, please accept our deepest sympathies regarding the loss of your son. We are so incredibly sorry to hear of your loss and of course will help however we can in your time of grieving. Based on the information you provided, it doesn’t

sound to me like a mountain lion killed your son. However, please keep in mind I am not a forensic scientist and I have only your brief description to go by. But given the circumstances, the fact that his clothes were found (and not ripped to shreds), and that his body was never recovered sounds like something else may have happened. Have you spoken with cougar biologists in Colorado? They most certainly could answer your questions, as they would have local knowledge of the cougar population there, and their behaviors. In the interest of your sensitivities, I will spare you the details of a cougar kill (usually deer). However, if you would like me to describe a typical kill for comparison (or even provide pictures so you can see what I’m talking about), please let me know. I hope that this has been helpful for you and please let me know if there is anything further with which I can assist you. Michelle LaRue, PhD Executive Director Cougar Network

Atadero, Allyn. Missing: When the Son Sets: The Jaryd Atadero Story (pp. 344-345). Kindle Edition.

March 23, 2015

Hi Allyn, The strangest thing in my mind, sadly, is the lack of blood on the clothes. I am guessing you and others have raised that question as well? I would think there would be blood present if a mountain lion took your son. I can’t say what clothes being left in the wilderness for 4 years should look like, but I would think they should be a lot more beat up than that, and have DNA evidence of a cougar somewhere. Again, I’m so very sorry for your loss and I wish I could do more to help you. Best, Michelle Executive Director Cougar Network

Atadero, Allyn. Missing: When the Son Sets: The Jaryd Atadero Story (pp. 345-346). Kindle Edition.

March 17, 2015

Allyn, First of all, I am very sorry to hear about your son Jaryd. Please know I am praying for you for a peace and answers to your whole ordeal. And please, feel free to ask me anything if it helps.

Thank you for taking the time to write me and share your story. Very humbling... Let me start off by saying I am in no way an expert in forensics, nor any of the sort. I do know a little about mountain lions as you can tell by my own personal attack story at: Only by the Grace of God was I able to get away and down that mountain that day. I know this without question as the peace I felt when I saw the face of Jesus during my screams and run down the mountain. Per your ordeal, one question I would have is no blood on anything. It would be incredibly rare that the mountain lion wouldn’t puncture something on your son’s body.Thus, giving way to some sort of blood drip. I know my shirt, shoes, socks, shorts, and hiking pack all had blood as well as the path itself. In fact, the searched path (3 flattened locations under different trees deeper in the mountains) by hounds found small blood spots. Of course I was about 135 lbs at the time and fought back as hard as I could. Have investigators done any blood samples on the clothing? Or even hair samples? Your story reminds me a little of: Boy, 10, Killed by Mountain Lion. Now is it possible that your son’s fear overwhelmed him and he passed out. Thus, no fight and the animal was able to easily remove the clothing? Possibly. Having no blood would be my big question. Hopefully, they were able to test the clothing even four years later. Hopefully, the weather did not destroy any evidence. Not sure if any of this helps at all? I can only pray someday you find peace with all this. I know your son is walking hand in hand with Jesus now and that, my friend, is the most peaceful, most loving place any of us can be. Praying for you...God Bless Allyn.

—Andy Peterson

Atadero, Allyn. Missing: When the Son Sets: The Jaryd Atadero Story (pp. 346-348). Kindle Edition.
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To anyone who reads Kindle books:

Thunder Street will be giving away 5 free copies of the Kindle version of Missing: When the Son Sets. If you've never read the book and you've had questions about what happened, PM me with your e-mail address (we do not have a mailing list so you will receive nothing further) and let me know you'd like a copy. The first five members will receive an e-mail from Amazon with a link to download the Kindle version. Thank you for your interest.
To anyone who reads Kindle books:

Thunder Street will be giving away 5 free copies of the Kindle version of Missing: When the Son Sets. If you've never read the book and you've had questions about what happened, PM me with your e-mail address (we do not have a mailing list so you will receive nothing further) and let me know you'd like a copy. The first five members will receive an e-mail from Amazon with a link to download the Kindle version. Thank you for your interest.
I’m super interested, but haven’t used my kindle in so long I don’t even know where it is. ;-) If I can find it I’ll check to see if the offer is still open!
Just wanted to upload a couple photos for you to look at. The first one is of the boulder field that leads up to the general area where Jaryd's clothing was found. The camera doesn't do it justice. It's much steeper than it looks. Photo was taken by Jaryd's Uncle Arlyn on our first trip in September 2017. Will upload the other soon.


  • Boulder Field.jpg
    Boulder Field.jpg
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Hoping to have some updates soon. We've been in contact with a former law enforcement official that wasn't previously aware of certain aspects of the case. After reviewing some of the media we provided, he requested a meeting with myself and Allyn Atadero to discuss several occurrences within Poudre Canyon. I don't know what these occurrences are, but will update as the situation allows.
Hoping to have some updates soon. We've been in contact with a former law enforcement official that wasn't previously aware of certain aspects of the case. After reviewing some of the media we provided, he requested a meeting with myself and Allyn Atadero to discuss several occurrences within Poudre Canyon. I don't know what these occurrences are, but will update as the situation allows.

Glad to read this, hopefully this will give Jaryd's case a push into the right direction. It sounds promising that the LE official is willing to sit down with Allyn to listen to him and to discuss the case, after all this time that LE had somehow blocked every other theory about Jaryd's disappearance and death. Thank you for the information, I'll be looking forward to the next update!

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