CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #12

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sorry if this has been posted already...

Former FBI Profiler: Jessica Ridgeway's Killer May Have Been at Memorial"


I am awful with links :blushing:
Officer Sanford Strong was on Oprah talking about this in 1991. I still remember it because it made such an impact on me.

It really stuck with me too all these years. Glad others are emphasizing this in their education of the Public.
Good grief have times changed...just watching an episode of "That Girl" while I wake up and Ann's boyfriend Donald tells a little girl Ann has visiting that he only hangs around Ann so he can be with the little girl, and then starts a tickle attack on the child on the couch...
Officer Sanford Strong was on Oprah talking about this in 1991. I still remember it because it made such an impact on me.

Found the video link, for all with little ones about watch it with them then explain, or however you want to approach the topic:

[ame=""]Protect Yourself - YouTube[/ame]
Here is an article about a man arrested in walmart there for trying to molest a child in the store.

Interesting he is showing up here.

Check out his birthday as well. Also there is a PDF out there with detail on the walmart report and it is very interesting to read considering the guesses on his victims age.
"Just a random thought in the education of children (and adults) regarding abduction. It was years ago on a talk show an expert was discussing what to teach your children. My point being he really emphasized that Children need to know even if a knife is in their back or a gun pointed they need to run and make noise. Odds are the perp is going to take off. He really hammered home that once a perp gets you to a secondary location your chances of survival are slim to none. Not to let the fear of being shot or stabbed be your biggest fear. I dont hear that often today then again perhaps i miss it. I dont have a link as it was so long ago I dont even remember the mans name. I just thought it was an excellent point to instill aside from the usual. "

Bravo's post brought over from last thread, because I couldn't agree more, and it's good to see this reiterated!
I too remember hearing to NEVER go with a perpetrator. Just do not go. Fight the being taken from the spot they approach you with all your might! Even the gun they may be wielding they are not likely to use in the spot where they are trying to take you, as it is too risky and not their primary goal.

~Grouphug~ to all and wishing for a day with some justice. Off to fulfill my pledges :)

Most people have instincts that dictate how they react. My first instinct would be to fight, kick, scream, anything to attract the attention of others or just run. But some people might just freeze when a gun or a knife is pressed to their back. Most children would do the same, it's not in their basic instinct to fight back, usually. And even if you have hammered it into them over and over to fight and scream, they are not always going to remember that, especially if a perp tells them "make a move or a sound and I'll kill you." Fear is a strong emotion and will dominate a person's mind at the moment of danger, causing them to do the exact opposite of what they've been taught.
Oddly, I'm finding three different guys with this same name, but different middle names, all RSOs in 3 different states. wierd.

Yea , your looking for 10/07/74 as the birth date . Knocks out the one in flordia.
It really stuck with me too all these years. Glad others are emphasizing this in their education of the Public.

I also remember watching this on Oprah. I've always thought that I'd be able to fight off an attacker by kicking, screaming, and beating the ever living crap out of him. After following the Mickey Shunick case, though, I don't feel nearly as confident as I once did. Mickey fought tooth and nail, was armed with pepper spray, and even managed to gain control of her attacker's knife and cut him up badly enough that he needed surgical treatment. And yet she still didn't make it. I've got to be honest with you... this scares the daylights out of me.
What if this guy is an illegal immigrant with no paper work to tie him to the United States? That would present quite a challenge for investigators trying to find him around here...Can anyone recall any similar cases? Ugh.

(my thoughts during the immigration portion of the Presidential Debate last night)|topnews|bc|large

The person chose an isolated area, crossed under the barbed wire fence at a drainage culvert, and left the body on a hillside. It's still not confirmed if the body is Jessica's.

I keep wondering, since it's such wide open space and hilly, why wouldn't the perp come thru the BACK way on an ATV or something? Those barbed fences are pretty low...going UNDER that would run the risk of them ripping clothing or getting scratched. Although, MAYBE they DID and LE has clothing or blood evidence???
But, I mean, people ride ATV's in terrain like that, it would, IMO, be less noticable than a car pulled over to the side of the road...again, IMO....and just another option no matter how stupid it seems...LOL (AND, I haven't done my homework to see if ATV's are even allowed)
Moving on....
I so agree with many posts on here.
I DO think her body was frozen before this dismembered it.
I DO think it's someone in the general vicinity...AND within the school "system".
IMO, I honestly believe this person thinks they're so darn smart and are just so proud of themself and their "handy work".
I believe they think they "blend in" so well, they'll NEVER be considered a suspect.
And, also, a power freak....with a temper when things don't go his way, or people "won't listen".
I don't think little Jessica "listened" when he tried to get her in his car.

It almost HAS to be someone in the area, with all the bizarre kidnapping attempts going on. But, then again, that's just me, I guess hoping this SOB is caught sooner than later.

The remains were beside a black plastic bag. Isn't it possible that it was put at the culvert and that animals dragged the bag out of the culvert, under the fence and onto the grass?
Just thought I'd post this while the discussion is about child safety. Some of you may have heard of the Daniel Morcombe case here in Australia. In 2003, aged 13 at the time, he was abducted while waiting for a bus not far from his home. Daniel's remains were found August last year....his alleged killer is currently awaiting trial.

Daniel's beautiful parents, along with Qld Police, Dept. of Education, Department of Communities, Child Safety & Disability Services as well as experts in child safety education have developed a fantastic Child Safety Curriculum which is now being taught in schools throughout Qld. This curriculum will eventually go nationwide. How cool would this be if it went global & had the potential to save the life of even just one child.
Most people have instincts that dictate how they react. My first instinct would be to fight, kick, scream, anything to attract the attention of others or just run. But some people might just freeze when a gun or a knife is pressed to their back. Most children would do the same, it's not in their basic instinct to fight back, usually. And even if you have hammered it into them over and over to fight and scream, they are not always going to remember that, especially if a perp tells them "make a move or a sound and I'll kill you." Fear is a strong emotion and will dominate a person's mind at the moment of danger, causing them to do the exact opposite of what they've been taught.

So true especially with a child. I remember back in the day hitchiking with a couple of friends. I know stupid even back then. We felt invicible i guess when there was 3 or 4 of us. The guy made a comment and I knew this was going to go South. My instinct was to jump out of the moving car. I rolled in the gravel but didn't care. I thought i wasn't going to make this easy for him. I had screamed to my friends to do the same but they froze. Luckily i scared him and he slammed on the brakes allowing them to jump out and we ran like the wind. We did report it and sure got heck.
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