CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #12

DNA Solves
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yes but why such a specific date?

doesnt seem right to me as a parent. i would want a specific date if that makes sense - perhaps its just me.

Thanks for the welcome. I lived about 5 or so miles from the anthony house back in 08-09 even before CA went missing and ever since then I found this site and have really just been trying to keep up. These boards move quicker than BBC which I thought would never happen.

The date is specific because that was the last day she was seen.
Probably the last day she ate and LE LIKELY knows she was
Killed soon after she was kidnapped. :(
I wondered about the date, too. While I imagined the pastor was told to say certain things to goad the monster, I was appalled when he said that the communities are safer than ever. When he said that, I'll bet 8 Feds pulled out their guns and shot the TV. They were reported in the paper earlier as basically saying there's a monster out there, and keep a close eye on your kids.

Excellent point spam!
What I'm wondering is how anyone could say whether a person crossed over, under, or through the fence ... unless there was a piece of the black trash bag snagged on the bottom wire of the fence. Additionally, if it can be said that the bag went under the fence, how can it be concluded that a person took something under the fence ... why not an animal?

Maybe state of the bag or remains? No bites or tears in the bag or body that would be indicative of animals. As I stated previously usually animals rip open the bag to get what they want and then drag what they want, they usually don't drag bags.
You make a good point. For all of his cred, CVZ is not an official source of facts in this case.

I'd also never heard of him before (or more likely I have a long time ago but don't remember)--but I'm not a regular/current case-follower. I didn't mean to step on anyone's toes regarding his expertise. I was just trying to establish what LE had really said or hadn't, especially since we repeatedly have this untraceable "killer has done this before" quote coming up.
The former LEO's who have TV gigs often seem sensational in what they infer, IMO.
LE has said that they believe the perp is local, they also think this is not his first time.
If he IS local and this is NOT his first time, did he travel to do this before? Or has he done it other places before he was a local? Could he have just moved there? Just been released from jail or some sort of facility?

Or, the obvious question, are there similar unsolved disappearances and/or murders in this area?

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Yes, but it would not have to be a human for drag marks. Could have been shoe prints, if the report was accurate. Would almost have to be shoe prints or evidence on the fence. Any other thoughts?

Depends on how wide the drag marks were.

There could also be scuff marks; not enough to show a shoe print but distinctive enough to differentiate from animal paw prints.
The former LEO's who have TV gigs often seem sensational in what they infer, IMO.

As far as the TV stuff goes, I would imagine it's probably a pretty profitable business to be in, especially post-Caylee. (Not to be too cynical; they might as well get paid for all those years of dealing with that stuff. But I also don't watch any NG-type TV coverage of this stuff so I may be imagining it somewhat more sensationalized than it is. Fear and shock sell, after all.)
What I'm wondering is how anyone could say whether a person crossed over, under, or through the fence ... unless there was a piece of the black trash bag snagged on the bottom wire of the fence. Additionally, if it can be said that the bag went under the fence, how can it be concluded that a person took something under the fence ... why not an animal?

I was wondering the same Otto...

At this point, though, I have to wonder if that is a LE confirmed fact, or that the news saw where the body was picked up from and extrapolated what they though happened. That was a barbed wired fence (I have seen close up pictures of it since), and the bottom wire was no more than 12 inches from the ground (looked more like 8). However, some of the wires might have been down or cut or pushed up. If the wires were intact (sorry for the use of the word), no one would have crawled under it when they could toss over it, but if they weren't all in place, well...why crawl under it when you can toss over it? Unless you could just stoop and get through (like maybe only the top two wires were still in place.

I have crawled over, under, through many barbed wire fences, not many with five wires (most only 3, because to keep cows in, you only need 3), and it's difficult not to get caught on the barbs or cut when you are alone (another person to hold the wires apart is handy.) I cannot see carrying something and not getting caught, so why would anyone do that? (I'm open to suggestions-I got nothing)

Scroll down at this link to a photo of a man at the memorial site. The angle shows how high the bottom barb wire is from the ground. I am posting just for a perspective on the height of the wire from the ground. I don't think in the dark, and mindful that a car might approach at any time, that the perp would risk going under the fence. IMO

I have also been wondering if the perp did not know this road and used the abandoned cluster of buildings and sheds as landmarks to remember or mark where he disposed of the remains...
Thank you very much for trying Deann.

Could you possibly upload the first sequence her or on youtube or some other website?

I really would like to re-watch the original sequence, because I´m 99.99 % sure that I saw this odd sequence.

Is there a possibility that your server or computer had a hiccup?

When I'm watching videos on Youtube, mostly music, I occasionally get a short period of what I call static. Either the image blurs and the sound is okay or both image and sound go random for a second.

In my case, I know it's because I have a bit of a glitchy connection.
Do we know if he works for LE? He used to be an FBI profiler. Maybe he works in some divison of LE but no longer as an FBI profiler? Worth looking up I guess. I just don't think this guy would comment on the case unless he had some inside information and/or permission to do so.

Clint van Zandt? That is who we are discussing right? He is on all kinds of programs for YEARS! I find it hard to believe people haven't heard of him on boards of this type. But yeah he is basically a media type "profiler".

Basically on the same level as the woman who goes on those same types of shows and "profiles' ... pat brown (??? might be wrong o the name).

Anyway, I take them all with a grain of salt.
Not sure the distance from the fence to where her part of body was, but IF it was only part of her and IF in a bag, I don't know why a man could not have thrown the bag over the fence. I remember asking my hubby regarding how far someone could throw a bike when Mickey S. was missing and he thought 20 to 30 feet. Would that be roughly the distance or could that scenario fit?
Do we know if he works for LE? He used to be an FBI profiler. Maybe he works in some divison of LE but no longer as an FBI profiler? Worth looking up I guess. I just don't think this guy would comment on the case unless he had some inside information and/or permission to do so.

If you are talking about Clint VZ....he comments on dozens of cases. I have heard him numerous times make comments and statements that are completely WRONG and in conflict with the known facts of the case about which he is speaking. One thing to note about "former" FBI profilers. There is almost always a REASON that they are FORMER.

Do we know if he works for LE? He used to be an FBI profiler. Maybe he works in some divison of LE but no longer as an FBI profiler? Worth looking up I guess. I just don't think this guy would comment on the case unless he had some inside information and/or permission to do so.
He's a private citizen now and owner of a large security outfit, author, and public speaker.

Van Zandt Associates, Inc. is an international threat and risk assessment group, specializing in behavioral and forensic analysis

After 25 years with the FBI, I guess he figured it was time to retire.

A little background for you on Clint Van Zandt.

Clint Van Zandt, a former US Army Counter-Intelligence Agent and a Vietnam War veteran, retired from the FBI in 1995 after 25 years of service, ending his career as the FBI's Chief Hostage Negotiator and a Supervisor in the Bureau's Behavioral Science or better known "Silence of the Lambs Unit."

He was the chief hostage negotiator and coordinator during the 1987 siege at the Oakdale, LA. Federal Correctional Facility; the 1987 siege at the Atlanta, Ga. Federal Prison; the 1991 prison riot at Talladega Ala. and many other similar situations. He also provided on-site coordination for negotiating the release of a U.S. citizen held by Columbian guerrillas and another kidnapping involving an American oil company executive held by terrorists in the Philippines.
Prior to joining the FBI Van Zandt was a Special Agent with the U.S. Army Intelligence and is a Vietnam War veteran.

BUT, to repeat, he is NOT an OFFICIAL source of FACTS in THIS case.
Clint van Zandt? That is who we are discussing right? He is on all kinds of programs for YEARS! I find it hard to believe people haven't heard of him on boards of this type.

I've only been on boards of this type for about 72 hours total. :) (Other than alt.true-crime back in the early 2000s, which was a very different experience.) But like I said, I'm sure I've read his quotes on some other cases, it's just been so long since I've had a case really engross/horrify me like this (I think it was Samantha Runnion).
I guess I'm still not making myself clear.

Will this former FBI profiler also have access to all the working case files and inside info?

That's the only distinction I'm making--is this person an official spokesperon for LE, with the necessary info to be an official spokesperson for LE. Not whether their opinion is valid or valuable.

I guess it must seem like I'm splitting hairs, so I'm going to let this go for now. :)

No, he would have absolutely no access to information from the investigation. If he did, he'd be forbidden to comment to the media or he'd state upfront that he was speaking on behalf of the investigative team.

So Clint van Zandt is working on the same information as you or I might have. Considering that he's already spoken in the media, it's highly unlikely that he would be called to testify at trial for either the prosecution or defence.
Clint van Zandt? That is who we are discussing right? He is on all kinds of programs for YEARS! I find it hard to believe people haven't heard of him on boards of this type. But yeah he is basically a media type "profiler".

Basically on the same level as the woman who goes on those same types of shows and "profiles' ... pat brown (??? might be wrong o the name).

Anyway, I take them all with a grain of salt.

Didn't know. Aside from the Casey Anthony case, and the Christian Aguilar case, this is the only other big case I have followed.
Do we know if he works for LE? He used to be an FBI profiler. Maybe he works in some divison of LE but no longer as an FBI profiler? Worth looking up I guess. I just don't think this guy would comment on the case unless he had some inside information and/or permission to do so.

He doesn't work for FBI..hence, "former FBI profiler". He has no direct interaction in this case and is just speaking as a criminal talking head for the media. JMO

I'm not saying the guy isn't reputable, just saying he doesn't have any inside information and is speaking in general terms related to his former experience.
I would assume from footprints. JMO

Thanks ... but ... at the same time ... I'm not sure that seems realistic. If she was left there late Friday, then I'm not sure what sort of foot prints or drag marks would still be evident in a field/open space 5 days later. Even if she was left there on Tuesday, a field doesn't leave much in the way of evidence ... in my opinion.
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