CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #16

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MOO - It seems like such a strange coincidence, that there are multiple attacks, attempted abductions, the murder connected to at least one of them.

The common ties are the descriptions, of light skinned males. More than likely not black, not exactly stated as white or caucasions.

The video from last night, although it may not be connected to JR, looks to be Spanish fellow trying to kidnap that woman.

Now you have the Cross, my opinion is, most common type of person to clutch or wear one would be someone of Spanish decent.

Now thinking outside the box of your cookie cutter predator, what type of people commit crimes of abductions, murders, dismemberment, who would likely have crosses, or rosarys type items of such? Spanish Mexican cartels.

We have a predator or group of predators choosing victims at what appears to be opportunity.

They didnt lure with social skills, rather with drug or force. Why would that be? Because of language and social differences, the type of people you avoid, on any day. Maybe they seem out of place in these areas.

Another poster wondered is theres a crazy drug going around. How would that all be connected? Drug Cartel.

Quick search on Colorado drug cartel, brings up a news story talking about cartel activity in CO, and right off the bat, you see as you scroll down, a Cartel member was arrested for a murder in Westminster.

Its all prolly just crazy coincidence?
I watched NG. tonight as she was commenting on this case. She made some referrence to sexual attack on Jessica, or reason was sexual. I missed the first few words but thought that isnt right. This was crawled across screen this morning too on Robins program. I came here thinking LE. had found something.She also made referrence to reciept as just being found. I kept saying NO NO~ LOL. I dont think she is really up on this tragedy. The only time I saw ANYTHING that could lean toward sex was in the beginning, first tv. by LE. a fellow said they could not distinguish the body gender at that time. The link is probably on page (1) first postings. I wont be too fast to believe anything she says! I will watch repeat at 1am (insomnia). :seeya:
Regarding the number of people in the white car in the vehicle. It could still just be two guys. Driver pulls up, passenger hops out to grab girl. Driver opens up rear door so passenger can grab girl and hop in the back seat with her and keep her contained.
JMHO but sometimes I worry that people on here are saying a little too much and giving the perp thoughts on what to avoid/not do to prevent being caught if he/she is reading here. Some need to be more careful about what they post.

I agree 100% Ari... lot's of thoughts I would like to post, but this morning I began thinking that maybe some of our thought's/idea's/ opinions might help this coward elude being caught.
And maybe not...IDK, but I decided to keep my thoughts to myself for now. I definitely don't want to be responsible for helping this murderer find new ways to avoid getting caught. Maybe I'm over re-acting, but I just want him caught asap... he's so bold , don't want him to get bolder and then run. Do you think he could possibly be following this forum? I'm thinking there's a good chance he is. I'm still pretty green to all of this sleuthing, have followed closely about three cases since I joined WS's... trying to jog my memory.. thinking the first I followed was in June? 2009.
MOO - It seems like such a strange coincidence, that there are multiple attacks, attempted abductions, the murder connected to at least one of them.

The common ties are the descriptions, of light skinned males. More than likely not black, not exactly stated as white or caucasions.

The video from last night, although it may not be connected to JR, looks to be Spanish fellow trying to kidnap that woman.

Now you have the Cross, my opinion is, most common type of person to clutch or wear one would be someone of Spanish decent.

Now thinking outside the box of your cookie cutter predator, what type of people commit crimes of abductions, murders, dismemberment, who would likely have crosses, or rosarys type items of such? Spanish Mexican cartels.

We have a predator or group of predators choosing victims at what appears to be opportunity.

They didnt lure with social skills, rather with drug or force.

Another poster wondered is theres a crazy drug going around. How would that all be connected? Drug Cartel.

Quick search on Colorado drug cartel, brings up a news story talking about cartel activity in CO, and right off the bat, you see as you scroll down, a Cartel member was arrested for a murder in Westminster.

Its all prolly just crazy coincidence?

oh frickin great. just getting happier and happier to be relocated here.
so now we have a guy that walks around public places in broad daylight and tries to abduct women jogging and also is out during morning rush hour/when kids are walking to school and abducts a child..

He obviously did not "stick out" that much in the community. He fits right in until it is too late and that is what scares me the most hearing about how these are now connected.

Excuse this post as I try to include a quote for the first time.

This is especially disturbing to me. I read several threads back the quote from Clint van Sandt (I think that's who it was?) saying these guys are usually really homely and easily identifiable as they're so grotesque in appearance. Something like that. That was ... interesting to say the least. Couldn't figure out why he would say that. The exact opposite message our society should be learning. As some posters mentioned, you look through the sex registry, there is absolutely no rhyme or reason to what these guys look like, unfortunately. We're not looking for the boogeyman.

What concerns me with him not sticking out and LE saying they will only release what is relevant for public safety (completely reasonable, of course) is that he may be in a position where the public is prone to trust this type of person. The obvious example here would be someone in a position of authority. It would be hard to tell the public "we need your help and your tips and your cooperation and be vigilant and you can trust us but hey, watch out for cops."

When I'm out for a walk with my dog, people stop and ask me for directions all the time because the dog is a giveaway that I'm a local in a somewhat vacation-y area. I always make sure I back up and distance myself and I yell the directions. They can hear me and so can everyone else. I'm just trying to think about who else would blend in walking or driving around not looking suspicious at all so as to raise red flags in a neighborhood or near a park (or wherever else he's been lurking) so that nobody has ever called to report a suspicious individual in public areas. Scary either way, but really scary to think who this potentially could be given how he may blend in. Will blend in much better on death row.
Westminster police held a meeting with television news directors Monday afternoon to ask them to use more discretion about the details being reported about the case.

On Sunday night, Fox 31 reported elements of the case, attributed to unnamed sources, that Materasso told The Denver Post contained "bad information."

"We are confident in the accuracy of our story and stand by it 100 percent," Fox 31's Vice President of News Ed Kosowski said.

Read more: Police: Definitive link between between May abduction try and murder of Jessica Ridgeway - The Denver Post
Read The Denver Post's Terms of Use of its content:

:banghead: as much as I want to hear new details in this case.. i do not want the reporting to jeopardize justice for Jessica and the other victims of this perp.. :banghead::furious:
IMO.. Sometimes I think some reporters should be charged with interfering in an investigation or something like that!!!
:furious::furious: when LE says shut up...that means shut up.. There is always a reason why they asked:furious::furious::furious:
MOO - It seems like such a strange coincidence, that there are multiple attacks, attempted abductions, the murder connected to at least one of them.

The common ties are the descriptions, of light skinned males. More than likely not black, not exactly stated as white or caucasions.

The video from last night, although it may not be connected to JR, looks to be Spanish fellow trying to kidnap that woman.

Now you have the Cross, my opinion is, most common type of person to clutch or wear one would be someone of Spanish decent.

Now thinking outside the box of your cookie cutter predator, what type of people commit crimes of abductions, murders, dismemberment, who would likely have crosses, or rosarys type items of such? Spanish Mexican cartels.

We have a predator or group of predators choosing victims at what appears to be opportunity.

They didnt lure with social skills, rather with drug or force.

Another poster wondered is theres a crazy drug going around. How would that all be connected? Drug Cartel.

Quick search on Colorado drug cartel, brings up a news story talking about cartel activity in CO, and right off the bat, you see as you scroll down, a Cartel member was arrested for a murder in Westminster.

Its all prolly just crazy coincidence?

I'm starting to wonder that too. I found this drug-and-gang related case in Oklahoma last year: Carina Saunders, 19, was kidnapped and murdered by a sex trafficking gang as an example to another woman.

She was killed on October 9, 2011. And look at the symbols on her jeans.

As far as I can tell, the two men named in the article are still in jail, but what about the rest of the members of the gang?
Regarding the number of people in the white car in the vehicle. It could still just be two guys. Driver pulls up, passenger hops out to grab girl. Driver opens up rear door so passenger can grab girl and hop in the back seat with her and keep her contained.

Car didn't seem to have rear doors.
I agree 100% Ari... lot's of thoughts I would like to post, but this morning I began thinking that maybe some of our thought's/idea's/ opinions might help this coward elude being caught.
And maybe not...IDK, but I decided to keep my thoughts to myself for now. I definitely don't want to be responsible for helping this murderer find new ways to avoid getting caught. Maybe I'm over re-acting, but I just want him caught asap... he's so bold , don't want him to get bolder and then run. Do you think he could possibly be following this forum? I'm thinking there's a good chance he is. I'm still pretty green to all of this sleuthing, have followed closely about three cases since I joined WS's... trying to jog my memory.. thinking the first I followed was in June? 2009.

I think it's possible that he could be reading here.

I'm a novice sleuther, as well.
:banghead: as much as I want to hear new details in this case.. i do not want the reporting to jeopardize justice for Jessica and the other victims of this perp.. :banghead::furious:
IMO.. Sometimes I think some reporters should be charged with interfering in an investigation or something like that!!!
:furious::furious: when LE says shut up...that means shut up.. There is always a reason why they asked:furious::furious::furious:

I totally agree! Is getting website hits THIS important to this "news" source?? I will never take anything they say for fact again (as at least 60% is incorrect) AND have lost ANY AND ALL respect for this website and all involved. They should be ASHAMED of themselves. IF any of it is correct, they are putting the investigation AND the community at risk by their selfish ploy! GRRRR:furious::furious:
I meant that it is dangerous and I would be afraid to do it. And, as the other poster said, I meant "courage" by "nerve", and I certainly wouldn't attribute courage to the attackers.

Sorry I wasn't clearer.

ETA: So, I am living in a reality where apparently women are not safe.

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it's a sad state of affairs when women need to be courageous to go jogging. I understand you weren't meaning to say that women shouldn't expect to be safe doing ordinary things. It's too bad anyone has to be afraid doing anything.
I can only say one thing about all the conflicting MSM and TV shows that ran today with stories about Jessica's case...I hope it serves as a learning experience and opened some eyes with regard to last night's WS debate about what should or should not be believed. Just because it was written in some newspaper or seen on a tv show doesn't mean squat. For those who were blissfully unaware...welcome to our world!
I totally agree! Is getting website hits THIS important to this "news" source?? I will never take anything they say for fact again (as at least 60% is incorrect) AND have lost ANY AND ALL respect for this website and all involved. They should be ASHAMED of themselves. IF any of it is correct, they are putting the investigation AND the community at risk by their selfish ploy! GRRRR:furious::furious:

I didn't get truly irritated until they came out arguing the factuality of the piece and ignoring the larger issue of respecting the investigative process.
Honestly, if he is not caught & does it much does it matter if there is no DNA? They have it now on a murder case, they just need to catch him & match it. He doesn't seem like the brightest in leaving DNA at seemingly every turn and a possible need to say more.

If it was meant that it would make him mad & go out & try it again, I am not following why he would do that?

no, what ever he's doing is leaving DNA. they don't want him to know where the DNA is coming from. they don't want him to change whatever he's doing and stop leaving DNA. the scary thing is, they assume there will be another time for him to do or not do something differently.
:banghead: as much as I want to hear new details in this case.. i do not want the reporting to jeopardize justice for Jessica and the other victims of this perp.. :banghead::furious:
IMO.. Sometimes I think some reporters should be charged with interfering in an investigation or something like that!!!
:furious::furious: when LE says shut up...that means shut up.. There is always a reason why they asked:furious::furious::furious:

I agree with you tell us how you really feel....:furious:
What I found offensive was the characterization of women joggers as wearing skimpy clothes, bouncing along and not paying attention to their surroundings. I have a pretty low fear threshold myself, but I also realize that as horrible and awful and sad and disgusting as it is when something like this happens, I am more likely to die of heart disease, etc if I don't take care of myself than for something liked this to happen. It is a risk, but everything is a risk in some way. The world is not a safe place sadly.

I am absolutely heartsick at what happened to Jessica and what could have happened to the jogger in the related incident. This guy needs to be caught and I pray that he is and quickly before he hurts anyone else. And one cannot spend time here at web sleuths without realizing how important awareness of one's surroundings and just being smart about where you go when etc. so I absolutely agree that is important. However, I can't stop living life because of my fears about what might happen. I've been there and it's a dark unpleasant place.

I don't want to derail the thread, so this is the last I'll say about the subject. The stereotype of women joggers just really really bugs me and is unfair in my opinion.

I have to laugh a bit. I jog sometimes secluded trails in my area 3-5 times per week. I wear basketball shorts, a gross, stinky, large t-shirt, unshaved legs showing, sweaty hair tied back, just ick!

But in all seriousness, I still take precautions. Huge, sharp knife, phone and constant vigilance. (I take my dog but even though he is massive, he is to sweet to defend me. Poor thing, he'd probably just cry and watch me be murdered.)

That video is a must see for everyone.

If you are looking for a "Dislike Shefner" thread...there isn't one....

No way could there ever be a dislike Shefner thread! You are awesome!!!

I am a Grandma of 4 (with one on the way) and when I go visit my grandbabies in Westminster next week, I will be packN, and not just the suitcase.

This really, really scares me.

I wish you could take them with you when you go back home. At least until this creep is caught!

:giggle: I know this is serious but...

Still smiling from seeing that girl crack him in the jaw. :D

Oh my goodness, me too!!!!! It did my heart good to see that piece of carp drop to the ground - evil, sneaking, stalking piece of carp.

What predators we have preying about on our streets! It makes me so angry! What right do these people have to terrorize and burtalize women and children? And who discusses this sutff? What kind of conversation would that be? "Yeah, man, let's go kidnap some chick." Who has that conversation?

In any event, that woman is a strong survivor. God bless her heart for cracking that predator in the face. I hope it smarted and I hope she marked him enough that someone takes notice.

Hi everyone, I am yet another guest/follower of the threads who finally decided to join and actually respond to the conversation instead of engaging myself, which doesn't do much good. Please apply all of the standard newbie cautions to me: I've tried to read all of the posts on all of Jessica's threads but I'm sure I've missed one (or 10), I probably can't navigate WS very well right now w/all of the features, etc. etc. I'll get there... eventually.

I'm done now. I promise to never post this lengthy of a post again. Probably. Maybe.
Praying for Jessica's loved ones and the community!

Snipped for space.


Excellent first post! Great to have you here.

There was a petite woman a few years ago whose body was found in trash bags in an orchard to the West of where Jessica was found

Wow. Interesting.
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