CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #17

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Oct 5 World Teachers' Day

The United Nations' (UN) World Teachers' Day celebrates the role teachers play in providing quality education at all levels. This enables children and adults of all ages to learn to take part in and contribute to their local community and global society.

Occult holiday:

October 5: Opening of Mundus Cereris

"Mundus Cereris was the womb or labyrinthine passage to the underworld"

(you can Google futher to get more on the meaning of it)

Yikes. Honestly it feels like it around here these days. It's like a predator's holiday outside.
Another point I'd like to bring up(and my apologies for jumping in here as I am still about 300 posts behind in getting caught up) but wanted to mention this before I forgot..

In my attempting to primarily go on just the words from LE I was particularly struck by their now seeming to shift the focus heavily on the actual markings on the cross.. Whereas earlier imo it seemed to be more focus on the cross itself.. In my being struck by this seeming shift in focus I intially thought possibly it was due to their somehow discovering the actual meaning of the 3 stroked markings on the front of the cross.. Their learning these 3stroked markings somehow have a particular meaning of importance to the killer..of course this is all just my personal opinions as to what could have caused LE to want to shift or redirect the publics focus onto those 3 markings..

In following that same line of thought I am wondering if they have discovered the killer has in some other way or rather on some other piece of evidence have "marked" it with those same 3 strokes as seen on the front of the cross?.. I could be way off base with that possibility but imo something has been discovered in their investigation that imo has brought about heavily focusing on the 3 marks.. and I believe for that to have happened it would definitely indicate more, diffferent, specific, or new knowledge would have had to have been learned or discovered by investigators in order to bring about a redirect or shift of focus regarding the cross and now very specifically the 3 stroked markings on the center area of the cross..

What are others thoughts on this?

(*all thoughts and opinions welcomed regardless whether strongly disagree or see it completely differently*)

My hypothesis on your post above:

If LE has now shifted its focus in the way you suggest it may have, it would make sense that it was because new information has led them to connect those marks with someone or something, leading them closer to a suspect(s). My own theory on why that would be is that they received a tip that led them to make the connection.

I thought LE said that Jessica's crime was "not random" before she was even found, but that once she was, they kind of changed to a "predator on the loose". Although I never understand what they meant by "not random"- I think it was said in an effort to contain panic, not that it meant that Jessica knew her abductor, at least that was my interpretation. Still it was an odd thing for LE to say, with no suspects.
I agree. And the sad fact is there are many moms out there like this. I was single for yrs, had to work 50-60 hrs a week to make ends meet. I was not usually there when my kids left for school and not home when they arrived back from school. I can see how someone could go 8 hrs without a parent knowing where they are. If someone didnt have my work number and my extension they would not have been able to get a hold of me either. Now I had 3 kids and they did a pretty good job of watching out for each other, but I can see how something could happen and it would not be good. Yes, we as a mother/parent would always feel guilt if something happened to our child and we were not there to protect them.

Don't feel bad, SweetT. I was a full-time homemaker with 4 children. I did the best I could with them...but they still had moments when they lied about where they would be or who they were with. I got tired sometimes and screamed my head off (and it wasn't We always were stretching dollars trying to live on one income so if they didn't have all the things everyone else had, I believed they secretly blamed me. And there was guilt.
No situation is perfect....and the world would be a much nicer place if we could try harder to understand, appreciate and respect one another....
That's something we will never live to regret.
Somewhere back in these 1000s of posts (I believe it was quoting either LE or was someone doing a news report) there was a mention that "it may be a group involved"- or something like that (sorry I have no link). Does anyone else recall anything like that?

I too am very sad that JR's death was so "savage". Makes me sick that someone would do that to a sweet little girl. I'm hoping and believing that the evil doer will be found and hope that person(s) suffer in this world for their actions.

Some of us have speculated about whether there's evidence indicating a possible group involvement, but it's just that, speculation.
mm2005 or even a hospital worker 3 or 4 days on and 3 or 4 days off type thing.

You know, it doesn't even need to be somebody who had the day of for a special reason. He could work retail, he could be on GA, he could own his own business, he could do a lot of things. All the guy has to do is call in sick. He wouldn't have been lying too much, either. Heck, he could have done it while he was on the job. Garbage disposal, newspaper delivery, landscaping maintenance, real estate agent. If he had a trunk he could have had her there all day and nobody knew. :(
I agree that the jogger going for the boy sounds like a different perp to me.

I think the sunglasses may really help, though. He fit in completely and didn't seem odd at all -- on a busy day. He was wearing small-rimmed glasses that were presumably the kind of glasses he may own usually? Certainly he might not wear them now, but that could be a clue in itself, I think.

I know from my guy friends who and who does not ever wear small-rimmed sunglasses. It's not my dad, for instance ;) It could be my brother.

I think the dude sounds trendy or older-trendy (like he's stuck in the 90's-00's in fashion, like me. I'm right at 40 years old). If they are small sunglasses, that's really a riskier fashion choice for men than your basic aviators or classic Raybans.

He could also be hippie-ish, and they are John Lennon glasses, so he could be older.

But what sort of really young folks in Colorado wear small-style male sunglasses? Is that still 'in' at all? I've been looking at a gazillion pictures to try to ascertain that. It looks like maybe the smaller glasses are no longer in style unless you are doing a retro thing. Or he could be stuck in retro, like me :) from actually being the age where they were so very popular.

I'm getting either a tech nerdish (not incredibly fashionable, but enough to fit in very well) young or Nirvana-aged perp here, myself. But I'd really, really like to hear more about sunglass styles for men in that area!

Wouldn't small RIMMED sunglasses be like aviators - something with thin rims? I'm not picturing John Lennon glasses at all. Those have small LENSES.
Dropping in. Still praying for justice for Jessica <3
Wouldn't small RIMMED sunglasses be like aviators - something with thin rims? I'm not picturing John Lennon glasses at all. Those have small LENSES.

There are so many company's that make small rimmed sunglasses now. Some still make the John Lennon styled ones. I would consider aviators to be small rimmed.
They said this on 10/8, before she was even found. I think the feeling has since changed, IMO only.

You and Sigh Sister may very well be right on that.

I have now corrected this in my previous post, thanks for the correction.
I in no way am saying I believe the drug cartel is involved. I am just saying the type of people who are no strangers to this sort of behavior are the MS13 / Cartel / gang types. As another poster in the last thread was able to articulate what I didnt, A person like that could operate under their own directives, or sick thrills.

Its just a coincidence, the descriptions, the evidence found, ect... which can all be linked together, but its just a coincidence Im sure.

And as someone else stated, they hope its not an undocmented person, which brought up the memory of the train killer, a man (not cartel affiliated) who killed in Mexico and the USA.

If anything the Gang/Cartel (not as a whole, but acts of one or maybe 3) gets some other ideas flowing.

But the fact remains, there is 1 or more people being described as "Light skinned" and bewteen 5ft5 and 5ft9, trying to abduct people left and right down there.


Here's a farfetched idea but interesting imo. The year 2012 evidently is meaningful according to the Mayan calendar. Ancient Aztec culture involved human sacrifices; February and October were the months to sacrifice children. Is it possible that any modern day people have returned to these ancient beliefs and practices?

If interested read about it here ~ [ame=""]Human sacrifice in Aztec culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

There are specific mutilations (cutting out the heart) and practices (cut off the arms and thighs and hang the head in the rafters along with the drinking of blood) that took place surrounding the belief that this could keep the world from collapsing.
Although I think the majority of bloggers mean well some of them are totally off topic have personal stories that hold no merit and ridiculous. Also the police seem to want help but withhold a lot of pertinant informantion so as not to jeapordize a case aka...a persons rights. I really feel that one.... please keep your info on topic and two that LE should really provide more info so as to help the general public. Do we have DNA linking the two cases and do we have an actual sketch of the perp? The news media does not help either with so many bogus stories and fake sketches. If LE really wants to catch this sicko a little help would help.
I am unsure how that would tie in with the leaving of the cross at one of the crime scenes, Two different religions?

Possible? Yes I suppose ritual sacrifice centered on the Mayan calendar is possible, but is it likely? I don't think so.

As always, the above is simply MOO
Although I think the majority of bloggers mean well some of them are totally off topic have personal stories that hold no merit and ridiculous. Also the police seem to want help but withhold a lot of pertinant informantion so as not to jeapordize a case aka...a persons rights. I really feel that one.... please keep your info on topic and two that LE should really provide more info so as to help the general public. Do we have DNA linking the two cases and do we have an actual sketch of the perp? The news media does not help either with so many bogus stories and fake sketches. If LE really wants to catch this sicko a little help would help.

Hi vallan, nice to see you posting.
You and Sigh Sister may very well be right on that.

Once they found her, the condition of her remains probably told a story that was not compatible with any kind of "normal" killing of a child by someone known to them, but instead the work of a dangerous predator who would have been satisfied with any victim he could overpower. By 10/8, I don't think LE had completely ruled out everyone close to Jessica, only, perhaps her parents. They were probably going off of stats at that point, that a child is so often harmed by a family member, a family friend, etc.

LE's words once she was found were clear, in telling the community to BOLO for anyone acting strangely, washing cars, etc...the standard speech for trying to locate an unknown predator. While the perp may live near Jessica, I doubt very much he knew her. She was a small potential victim, alone for just long enough to be taken.
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