CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #18

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They had his neighbor talking on HLN. She said neighborhood is in shock, mom was nice lady, quiet. her only interaction w suspect was bc his cats came into her yard where she had dogs. She would ask the cats to leave ans he would take them away. she said family had lots of cats that were uncared for (wonder what else?). i think neighbor lived 2 doors down. She thought he was still in HS.

Yesterday boys w some kind of bike, scooter came to house but she didn't know whether they were for younger brother to play. So it seemed like yesterday life was normal at house.

seems like family has been there forever, and i think brother may be younger as family has been there since younger boy was a baby. she said next door neighbor had boys the same age and they use to play w suspect. She said mom was single mom, mom had boyfriend in past but she thinks they broke up a month ago. Neighborhood is kind where people bother, go to homes, etc.

I heard the same interview. I wonder how her neighbors felt about her giving out their names on TV. You know the media is going to be all over them tonight.
Someone asked a couple threads back how the jogger from the May attempted abduction must be feeling today...

Other than lucky, of course, she must be feeling RELIEF! How scary to have gone all these months knowing this predator was on the loose, not knowing if he would come back for her again. I would have a hard time not looking over my shoulder all the time. I hope this is the beginning of her finding peace and healing. Just wish it didn't come at the cost of sweet Jessica <3 I correct in my thinking that LE didn't have a clue as to who this as until he got a ping of remorse or whatever and told him mom?? Thank God for that.

I told my little one just a bit this morning about Autumn's killer's being kids. I do think we need to take another look and prepare our kids for killer's being kids. My other son is 18 and my lil one could possibly feel safe taking a ride from a teenager thinking nothing would happen. Wow.
Can anybody find any info on Ari Liggett? Did he have any ties to Arapahoe Community College? What if they ran in the same circle?

arapahoe community college has many many locations (campus') thruout colorado....
just as an FYI
Someone asked a couple threads back how the jogger from the May attempted abduction must be feeling today...

Other than lucky, of course, she must be feeling RELIEF! How scary to have gone all these months knowing this predator was on the loose, not knowing if he would come back for her again. I would have a hard time not looking over my shoulder all the time. I hope this is the beginning of her finding peace and healing. Just wish it didn't come at the cost of sweet Jessica <3

She may also be experiencing survivors guilt- knowing now what happened to JR.
was this him too? sorry if already posted....these threads move so dang fast!

Mom says man almost kidnapped son near Ketner Lake in Westminster

WESTMINSTER, Colo. &#8212; Less than three weeks before a kidnapping attempt on the Ketner Lake jogging trail, a Westminster mother says a man with a similar description grabbed her son, and then fled when the boy&#8217;s sister screamed for help.

That happened May 10 on a popular trail near Church Ranch Blvd. and U.S. Highway 36
I think the mom was the tip that was called in to LE last night.
I asked a few pages back, but can someone please quickly fill me in? How was he caught? Have they said? I read something about Mom turning him in and that he confessed to her or something, but was there something that happened recently which would cause him to feel the need to confess? I've missed the last couple of weeks b/c of our Disney trip. TIA

His aunt said he was bothered by something or did something wrong, spoke to his mom and she told him had to turn himself in. I don't know what made him confess or feel bad, but glad he did. Otherwise, I don't think LE had a inkling of him. But I could be very wrong.
JVM said her producer talked to neighbor whose son is good friends w AS since childhood. The friend had talked to him Sunday and he was completely normal, talking about college stuff, etc. neighbor said AS was very respectful and a great kid.
I feel more badly for the perp's brother(s). How the heck do you live with knowing what your big brother did????
It is my opinion from the picture of him that he is not playing with a full deck of cards, jmo he may have been taking some college courses but Holmes was in college as well. Had he not confessed to mom I don't know that he would have been caught.
He may be very mentally ill. He is at the age when the symptoms of schizophrenia frequently become evident and especially in males.

(Please skip lecturing me about how schizophrenics are more likely to be the victim of violence than the perpetrator. Notice that I didn't post that all schizophrenics were violent. If you google dismemberment, you will find that the murderer is frequently schizophrenic or schizoaffective.)

verified psychiatric mental health nurse
I just want to repeat, in case anyone missed it, because it has come up a few times and the thread was moving fast. This guy is ineligible for the death penalty but IS eligible for life in prison despite his age, per SCOTUS decisions.

Holy carp!

Wonderful news! I am stunned that he is 17!!!! WTF? Wonder if he is tied to any other cases....seems unlikely due to his age but so does Jessica's gruesome murder. :(

His poor mother. :(

Well, he's definitely tied to the Ketner lake abduction attempt. That tells me that he is much more sophisticated and frightening than some young killers who suddenly kill.

Hey everyone -

We were on ou Disney vacation. I just saw that there was an arrest. Could someone please fill me in quickly on any basic developments over the last week or two? I tried to catch up quickly but it appears I've missed threads and threads......TIA!

Not much info. in the last two weeks. A 17 year old was arrested for the murder of Jessica. He has not yet been charged yet. Apparently, he waived his right to silence and to an attorney and confessed.

In the last few weeks, LE has divulged little, except the following:
1. The Ketner lake attempted abduction of a woman was definitively linked to Jessica's murder.
2. A photo of a rustic looking cross was released and people asked if they had info about it, IIRC.

It seemed to many of us (hey Shefner!), due to the definitive link between the cases, that an arrest was imminent. We were right.

Several sleuthers felt he was young and a teenager. I didn't think so and I remember saying that I didn't see how he could be a teen.

Others here said that they felt he had studied crimes, the FBI, Law Enforcement or criminology. Lo and was so.

Really proud of the posters here. Such a good job!

I totally didn't predict that either. I thought such a crime would be committed by an older person, especially since it was linked to another attempted abduction. Good on those who called it!!!!!

It is very horrifying to me that this murderer (alleged) was studying forensics. Sounds like one, sick psychopath. Trying to hone his skills and only 17.

I believe all of you who have written that you sense evil from his photo, but I don't. I just see a kid. Maybe my over-reactive inner alarm is broken after too many false alarms. :dunno:

His booking photo scares me. It's the eyes. His high school photo, posted somewhere on the thread, doesn't. He's smiling in it and looks totally normal.

I saw that, too, so I went searching. Here was an explanation of the charges for the Colorado movie theater shooter. Looks like they do two-for-one specials in Colorado, one count for "causing harm" and one for "extreme indifference to human life."

"For each victim who died in the rampage, Holmes, 24, was charged with two counts of first-degree murder, one for allegedly intending to cause harm and another for allegedly acting with extreme indifference to human life, according to court documents."

I apologize if this has already been mentioned. I was having trouble getting on for awhile.

I wanted to bump this excellent information.
She may also be experiencing survivors guilt- knowing now what happened to JR.

So true.... Such an overwhelming mix of emotions for her. And Jessica's family. And the community. And for LE.

It's going to be a long, long road in readjusting to the new normal for everyone...
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