CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #2

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I just sent Dayle Hinman a message as to why the suspect would leave the backpack 6 miles away out in the open, to be found. Now after writing her that question, I changed my mind..he is toying with LE. :what:

((Dayle Hinmann is a forensic profiler on Trutv)).
Hi all, I don't post often but read frequently!

I just wanted to say that something about the phrase 'there is a good chance she has changed clothes' bothers me. If the clothes she wore to school that day were found in her backpack, what makes them say she changed clothes, rather than them being removed from her body? If mom noticed additional clothes missing from her room, that would suggest that maybe Jessica planned to disappear (though I think 10 is awfully young to run away or meet someone online?) The wording 'there is a good chance she has changed clothes' implies to me voluntary action on Jessica's part and it isn't sitting well with me.

Maybe the evidence...or none, even the condition..found on the clothing makes the speculation for the change of clothes?
I know we can't sleuth mom. But are we allowed to know where mom and Jessica lived before Colorado?, besides MO.
Maybe this is a delicate way of LE letting the public know there is a possibility that JR does not have those clothes on anymore...

This info in itself leads our minds in horrific areas... But framing it sensitively gives public a reason to think there is a chance she merely changed clothes...

Hope this makes sense...

and all JMO

I hate to say it, but after LE found Sierra Lamar's backpack, didn't they make a statement about Sierra changing her clothes? IIRC, there were clothes at the scene that were neatly folded.
Forgive me if this has been discussed, but have any of Jessica's family members been interviewed or given statements to the public?

I'm trying to think back to previous missing children's cases where the FBI is involved, and I'm kind of fuzzy about it, but don't they usually have the family make a plea if they feel a stranger is involved or even just a simple plea to the public for tips?

Also, do we know if mom had a boyfriend?

They played a video on the today show this morning, of someone making a plea for her to be returned, but i don't know who it was, as my back was to the TV
If 10786 Moore St is the correct address for Jessica's home, then there is an RSO literally right around the corner from her home - his address is 10714 Moore Circle.

I agree that the backpack was planted to divert the search away from Westminster. Reminds me of the Morgan Harrington case where the killer planted her t-shirt in downtown Charlottesville, VA & Morgan's body was later found on a farm about 15 miles from town. Police believe the killer planted the t-shirt to keep the search focused in town.

I believe the abductor is feeling a lot of heat to risk planting that backpack in a heavily populated area.
Although these FBI statistics from 2010 indicate that stranger child abductions by sexual predators are rare, when combined with slight acquaintance abductions. The number increases to 15% of abduction cases where the FBI CARD teams are called in..

FBI LE Bulletin

8 Crimes Against
Children Spotlight - Child Abductions

According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC),
every year, more than 200,000 children are abducted by family members. An additional 58,000
are taken by nonrelatives with primarily sexual
motives. However, only 115 reported abductions
represent cases in which strangers abduct and kill
children, hold them for ransom, or take them with
the intention to keep.

Over the past 4 years, the FBI has seen a decrease
in abductions committed by a stranger or RSO. However, it is important to note that abductors with sexual
intentions are, in fact, sexual offenders who have not
yet been identified and, therefore, are unknown to
local law enforcement agencies.
A majority (68 percent) of the child abduction
cases the FBI’s Child Abduction Rapid Deployment
(CARD) team has assisted in has resulted in the identification of an offender who had a relationship with the child victim.

Moreover, an RSO was involved in only 10 percent of the investigations, 5 percent of
who knew the victim.
I don't know how much I'll be able to follow this one. Having a daughter the same age, it's hitting too close to home. It makes me sick to my stomach. I'm hoping and praying that Jessica is found safe, unharmed, and returned to her family where she belongs.
Perhaps the home where the backpack was originally located was in an area being searched until Saturday evening, and the perp couldn't just walk out with it 'til after everyone left.

Perhaps Jessica never was wearing those clothes on Friday.
I just sent Dayle Hinman a message as to why the suspect would leave the backpack 6 miles away out in the open, to be found. Now after writing her that question, I changed my mind..he is toying with LE. :what:

((Dayle Hinmann is a forensic profiler on Trutv)).

Possibly, trigger, but if the backpack was disposed of in other locations where children were not regularly present. It would raise a red flag. When her backpack was located, it was thought to have been left by a careless/forgetful child playing in the area. If not for the community email communication system and connecting the dots by an alert citizen. It may have never been tied to Jessica's abduction, due to jurisdictional linkage blindness..

Hopefully, the abductor's dna is in FBI CODIS and the backpack will contain dna forensics evidence to identify him..

Jessica's father attended a child-custody hearing in a Missouri courtroom Friday. Police don't believe the custody issue is related to her disappearance.

No evidence points to any family involvement, Materasso has said.

After reading the above snippet, I believe Jessica's father may been been at a custody hearing for another child of his. IMO.
I apologize if this has been discussed, but I'm seeing the questions about her possibly changing clothes. Why would she have done that? Do we know or are we just speculating? That seems very strange to me. My daughter wears to school what she wore when she left the house. ??
This statement makes me think that LE suspects the family, IMO.

I don't know...I think they tend to say that so that the public isn't in a panic. I've seen them make similar statements in different states in equally obvious situations.
Perhaps the home where the backpack was originally located was in an area being searched until Saturday evening, and the perp couldn't just walk out with it 'til after everyone left.

Perhaps Jessica never was wearing those clothes on Friday.

It was stated by the Westminister PD PIO, that her backpack was located outside the primary search area.. usually 5 miles..
I wondered this last night and still wonder it -- whether the neighborhood kids found the backpack elsewhere, like down in that stream in the open area, and pulled it up to the street thinking they were doing somebody a favor by rescuing the pack.

The detective in the late-night press conference Sunday night was pleading for parents to talk to their kids and assure them they weren't in trouble, so I think he's wondering the same thing.

I have been very impressed by Westminster LE -- they're thorough, professional, up to date, and respectful of the public without allowing it to jeopardize the investigation. They don't appear to have made any assumptions or left any stone unturned.
Re:Changing clothes

What if they have reason to believe she was meeting an older male from the Internet? She is young for that, but maybe she had been in contact with someone and planned to meet them before school?
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