CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct. 2012 - #22

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It is interesting that AS was attending school in Arapahoe County and the dad's house would be much closer than the mom's house. I wonder if AS and his brother spent much time with the dad.

ACC is about halfway in between the two houses.
I don't know about the elderly angle but I'd love to hear what you've learned.
I don't know much about the BTK, for some reason he never really struck an interest with me, so maybe I should learn a bit more about him then what is on wikipedia.


The documentary below is an older one, but discovery ID ran a new one today that I can not locate. It was very interesting and provided much more info on BTK's childhood days. BTK had a mentor who was a CA prolific serial killer & studied true crime & detective magazines as a child. BTK, also claimed demonic possession and the X Factor, as did Son of Sam and others.
BTK attended WSU & graduated with a BS in Admin. Criminal Justice.

BTK; Dennis Rader(KS)..He escalated to ritualistic murder. He had predug the grave of one of his last victims and photographed/videoed himself in the grave wearing her bra/panties/burial mask before burying the innocent victim...

Burial masks were worn during burial rituals in the neolithic period(stone age)..
Many of BTK victims clothes/other personal items/IDs;dr licenses etc., were found at his residences. Even a few that were prior & future intended victims; the more fortunate ones..

BTK - 1 -
Dennis Rader Documentary Part 1 - YouTube

2 -
Dennis Rader Documentary Part 2 - YouTube

3 -
Dennis Rader Documentary Part 3 - YouTube

The BTK killer's last known communication with the media and police was a padded envelope which arrived at FOX affiliate KSAS-TV in Wichita on February 16, 2005. A purple, 1.44-MB Memorex floppy disk was enclosed in the package. Also enclosed were a letter,

a photocopy of the cover of a 1989 novel about a serial killer (Rules of Prey)

__________________________________________________ ___________________ Victims.pdf

Myths & Facts about serial killers
1. They are nearly all white. One in five U.S. serial killers is black.
2. They are all male. Nearly 16% are female.
3. They are all insane. Insanity is a legal term. Very few
offenders (2%–4%) are legally insane.
4. They are all lust killers. Many are, but several cases do not
involve sexual assaults, torture, or
sexual mutilations.
5. They kill dozens of victims. A few have high body counts, but
most kill fewer than 10 victims.
6. They kill alone. About one in four have one or more
partners in murder.
7. Victims are beaten, stabbed,
strangled, or tortured to death.
Some victims are poisoned or shot.
8. They are all very intelligent. Most are of average intelligence.
9. They have high mobility in the
United States.
Most offenders remain in a local area.
10. They are driven to kill because
they were sexually abused as
Many kill as a result of rejection and
abandonment in childhood.
11. Most serial murderers cannot stop
Some serial killers stopped killing for
several years before they killed again
or until they were caught, including
Dennis Rader (BTK), Jeffrey
Gorton, Jeffrey Dahmer, and
Theodore Kaczynski. Such offenders
often substitute paraphilic behaviors
or other diversions in lieu of killing.
12. Most serial killers want to be
Like anyone, they learn and gain
confidence from experience. Many
want-to-be serial killers end up in
prison after their first murder. Some
become very adept at concealing
their identities and may feel as if they
will never be caught.
I'm at least 2-3 threads behind again :) but, BBM, I just had to say I freaking HATE HATE HATE that stuff. I've never tried it, never will, but seriously? From the little bit I've read it's basically poison reformulated to be create an effect that's sort of combo between cocaine and meth. Even though they're supposedly illegal in my state I see them in convenience stores. Right next to the "5 Hour Energy" there'll be bath salts named things like "Widowmaker" and "Black M amba." All just IMO and what I've heard/read, I can find links if anyone wants them. I kind of doubt it's related to this case though. Seems like this was a much deeper problem and has been going on a lot longer than "let's snort some poison and see what happens." IMO.
I went to a head shop the other day (For the record-TO BUY INCENSE CANDLES! They have homemade incense that is amazing, don't judge me, lol) and struck up a convo with the shop owner that eventually came around to bath salts. He said the manufacturers are constantly sending him free samples and has even had marketing reps come to his store and try to convince him to become a vendor, but he refuses to sell that crap. He has middle school and high school kids come in there and ask about it all the time.

Scary stuff, but i do agree it isn't related to this crime in any way.
A Brief History Of The Crazy Drug Tied To Cannibalism
Erin Fuchs | Jun. 17, 2012, 7:13 PM | 58,109 | 19



Flickr / rodolpho.reis

The use of a hallucinogen tied to a recent cannibal attack has skyrocketed in recent years.

That drug, known as bath salts, has reportedly been linked to some pretty crazy behavior – including the face-eating attack in Miami.

Read more:

Uh I don't think bath salts played anything in this. And that post about the guy in Miami? He wasn't on bath salts.
I seriously doubt it. Bath Salts can cause psychotic and sometimes violent behavior, but also an extremely disorganized thought process. This was an organized, relatively well thought out crime. Not trying to give AS more credit than he deserves, but it's not something that anyone would be able to pull off in a drug-induced psychosis.

I think the fact that he made at least one prior attempt tells us this was not a spur of the moment or drug induced act. Actually, if we are to believe that the attempted abduction at Ketner Lake in 2010 was his doing (and police have said from the beginning they felt the two incidents were related) that means he has been an active (if not succesful) predator since he was 15 years old :what:

There was a noted incident where he got therapy for his *advertiser censored* addiction etc etc at 15. *tossing that out there* ;)
Just one question re: "Bath Salts": Were they ever used for baths or were they always meant to be used as some kind of mood enhancing drug? If not, then who decided that it might be a good idea to ingest/smoke soap?.
There was a noted incident where he got therapy for his *advertiser censored* addiction etc etc at 15. *tossing that out there* ;)

Do we have any more information about that? I haven't been around much for the past day or so...

I had an inkling it might be something a little more sinister than finding his dad's stash of girlie magazines...
I went to a head shop the other day (For the record-TO BUY INCENSE CANDLES! They have homemade incense that is amazing, don't judge me, lol) and struck up a convo with the shop owner there that eventually came around to bath salts. He said the manufacturers are constantly sending him free samples and has even had marketing reps come to his store and try to convince him to become a vendor, but he refuses to sell that crap. He has middle school and high school kids come in there and ask about them all the time.

Scary stuff, but i do agree it isn't related to this crime in any way.

Sorry for the OT but re: the shop owner, good for him!!! No judgement on your store visit of course lol.
I think the father is closer to the younger son than he is/was to Austin.
Do we have any more information about that? I haven't been around much for the past day or so...

I had an inkling it might be something a little more sinister than finding his dad's stash of girlie magazines...

Something that had crossed my mind was that maybe "*advertiser censored* addiction" was what he got treated for because "*advertiser censored*" is what AS blamed his behavior on when he was caught doing something unacceptable. JMOO. Not sure if it is even plausible but it occurred to me, dunno why.

ETA: implying that although he may have had a *advertiser censored* addiction problem, maybe not. Maybe he was just blaming "*advertiser censored*" because someone put the words into his mouth, or someone (himself or another person) "needed" (not judging here! And open to the idea that it was a personal need or a medical-legal need, whatever) to have something other than AS's personal deviance* to blame for whatever the behavior was.

*im not name-calling here but what I mean by personal deviance is what you might sum up as "He's a sick SOB."
Just one question re: "Bath Salts": Were they ever used for baths or were they always meant to be used as some kind of mood enhancing drug? If not, then who decided that it might be a good idea to ingest/smoke soap?.

I don't think they are/were ever soap. I'm a bit lost on where the name came from, maybe just sounded innocent and they look similar enough? I read an article comment online once that cracked me up, a lady with arthritis was super upset that "bath salts" had been banned because "it's the only thing that helps me not ache!" She had dozens of replies letting her know it wasn't the soap type of "bath salts."
I'm so sick of the excesses that people go to for the purposes of getting high...sometimes it seems like pure stupidity. I remember first hearing about these chemicals about a year ago but i thought it was some natural substance initially thought to be harmless. Was that the substance that M Cyrus was smoking on that infamous video? Supposedly it was something legal.

Anyway... ITA, IMO, this case does not have to do with with bath salts. I could be wrong but the murder of Jessica Ridgeway appears to have been premeditated and fairly organized within it's "spontaneity."
Her brothers were little kids at the time she was having them race to the fence and grab it it was electrified!

emo was the rage at that time!

The way you put it makes it sound like it was clearly the result of a sick mind.

However, just about everyone I know who grew up on a farm either tricked each other into touching an electric fence and/or participated in cattle prod duels. In fact, farmers in my area have a saying "a cow touches it once a year; a sheep touches a hot wire once a month; a 15 year old touches it once a week."

I'm just saying that just based on that one action, it's hard for me to tell the difference between Alyssa Bustamente and an average farm kid who grows up to be a perfectly normal and not criminal adult.
Body of young woman found in Clear Creek - The Denver Post
Read The Denver Post's Terms of Use of its content:

I couldn't find much more about this, but the comment is interesting. This article was from June, 2011. FWIW, Wheat Ridge is very close to Arvada and Westy.

Couldn't find an update/identity of the young woman found in clear creek but found the platte river:

Body pulled from South Platte River
Do we have any more information about that? I haven't been around much for the past day or so...

I had an inkling it might be something a little more sinister than finding his dad's stash of girlie magazines...

Imo, this may have been one of the many reasons that the Judge sealed the evidence and placed a gag order in the Jessica Ridgeway abduction/murder investigation. Due to Juvenile criminal records and HIPAA laws, doubt we will learn just how sinister Austin Reed Siggs past is...

Where there is smoke there is fire...
no, I didn't hear that part. trying to feel something AND to kill themselves at the same time?

There were videos posted on Youtube. Alyssa and her two brothers on the grandparents farm/land. It was eerie.
For those asking about BTK. The story was fascinating in that the murders stopped only to return again years later in the same town. He communicated with LE through the newspapers so the public had increased fear reading his about his communications. He would bound then torture and kill. Bind Torture Kill was a name he gave himself. He seemed to want his victim dead. Posing one's body with make up in a church he had attended.
With this desire to kill to get his kicks he is sort of like AS. We have yet to learn what his sexual fantasies are but likely he is into necrophilia. Also he was an elder in his church and family man. AS is also someone you would not expect to commit such a crime. Both crimes have the essence of a dead heart. BTK's confession in court was sterile, unemotional. It makes me think that both of them viewed people as objects. Some of BTK's acquaintances spoke of him as being mean. Going so far as to measure their lawn with a ruler in order to ticket them for city ordinance violations. He also was said to have many dog collars that were thought to be of animals he came across in his job and killed.
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