CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #3

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From the raw video footage at

"I want to say to Jessica that you know that your family is strong, we are will be there forever and we will do anything to find you. You are strong, we know you are strong and you can fight this and we are fighting for you too

(inaudible comment by another family member)

"and we love her and we will never ever stop loving her not matter what happens and we will love her forever and ever

(inaudible comment from another family member)

"Yeah we just want her home."

Sarah Ridgeway
IMO, the whole interview and seeing the question asked of her may help with context. I agree with the poster it seems odd phrasing, to me, as a snippet. For one, the focus. I, we, rather than Jessica. Everyone's different but if my child was missing and someone asked abt skeptics saying I was involved, I'd probably say something like, "My only focus is getting Jessica home and safe as soon as possible. Thinking of what she may be going through...! My life and Jessica's is an open book for investigators. I've given them full access to everything and will continue to until my baby's home safe. Jessica, if you see this baby, we're coming for you, honey." Think Desiree, Kyron's mom. maybe the full interview looks better.

Not saying a family member is involved at all. I think people are just noticing details.


When i think of Desiree Young and Kaine Horman, I remember them not even telling the media Kyron is allergic to bees... How odd?! I remember them not speaking for atleast a week, and when they did, they didn't even plead with whoever took Kyron. nothing was also said about Kyrons birthmark on his forhead?? these are the things I remember about Young & Horman.:furious:
Unfortunately as per the discussion re: walking versus taking a school bus .... we must remember that danger can lurk anywhere for our dear children .... Sierra Lamar is only one of many tragic examples of children who are thought to have been abducted on their way to a school bus stop .... sadly these terrible crimes can apparently occur anywhere ):
I know I wouldn't hold up well at all because I am a nervous nelly and very high strung.

LOL! You might surprise yourself, Jody. Most people have strength they know nothing about until they need it.

I hope you never need it.:beats:
Finally got through the whole interview...this poor father's heart is just broken....oh how sad for this family.
LOL! You might surprise yourself, Jody. Most people have strength they know nothing about until they need it.

I hope you never need it.:beats:

Oh honey, I hope I never need it either. It is one of my worst nightmares. I just spent the last few minutes going over your stats. You more than anyone else knows what this family is going through. I am so glad your case came to a happy ending.
A few other points from local media that I haven't seen on here. LE have not discussed the contents of the back pack but they have made it clear that they believe that Jessica had changed her clothes and that also that we should be familiar with her pictures without her glasses. I think this leads to that the glasses and clothes she was described as leaving the house in having been found in the backpack. I'm not sure how else they would know this. Obviously, that is not a good sign. Let's all continue to pray

The clothes in the backpack could be that she took other clothes with her that morning to change into...clothes her mother wouldn't have let her go to school in. Jessica's mother said that Jessica wanted to be a teenager. My friend has a 10 year old daughter that is like that, and my friend caught her taking a pair of shorts that no longer fit and were super short and a tube top (lol) that she would not be supposed to be wearing, planning on changing her clothes once she left her house.
10 ain't always like it used to be! I was still playing with my Barbies at 10.
First, I'm not implying anything of the mother being involved, but there is something off at the point of telling about the door and the friend, and the walking. Every aspect of her telling what took place that morning from the alarm to her putting on her coat was in clear chronological order....then it jumped to the friend, the snowing. It became a little fractured and jumbled..... and you have to surmise old those little pieces together for yourself to complete the picture. There was no clear storyline after her putting on her coat....and you could see it in her face and her actions. Again, I don't believe the mother had anything knowingly to do with JR's disappearance, but there is just something at that point that is very troubling for her. IMO

This also is in conflict what we were previous told....about her standing outside to watch JR until she could no see her. +++++ the friend wasn't mentioned. Was it Jeremy or the middle schooler?...or both? Jeremy and LR walking out the door and the older child waiting for them in front of the house...or on the side and he/she were going to walk too?

Was the older child a bully? Male or female....she never said? Does middle school end in 6th or 8th grade there?


Hmm... your post made me think of something. Could the mother have just gone home after work and gone to sleep? The mention of Jessica's alarm clock, wanting to be independent, etc... idk it just sort-of clicked in my brain. As always, my opinion.
I can tell you one thing, I am paying very close attention now to what my kids are wearing when they walk out the door in the morning, where I really didn't before because mornings are always so hectic.
I'm sure that at least part of the message was: "Look here! Look here! See, I'm showing you a big shiny object here!"

I think the perp may have been getting nervous over the attention being paid to Jessica's neighbourhood and was hoping to suck LE attention in a different direction.

I'm also 95% sure that the perp is sure that the neighbourhood where the backpack was found will not lead LE back to him.
IMO, I believe the backpack was left the way it was to boast about taking the girl. A gift wrapped present saying "look what I did", not unlike a cat leaving a bird on a doorstep. This terrifies me.
I do think he put it there, also, to lead them in the wrong direction
It won't be safe for me to post on this case until we have more information. Something isn't right imo. :twocents:
IMO, I believe the backpack was left the way it was to boast about taking the girl. A gift wrapped present saying "look what I did", not unlike a cat leaving a bird on a doorstep. This terrifies me.
I do think he put it there, also, to lead them in the wrong direction

I agree. And also a little "FU" to the parents in that neighborhood. Like, "I got THIS CLOSE to your house/yard/kid."

So creepy.
Thanks for clarifying.

Using google maps, I have viewed images of the location where the bag was found. What can be learned from those images?

(1) The back-pack was placed where it could be easily discovered.
(2) There are only two streets that allow access to the neighborhood in which the back-pack was discovered.
(3) The back-pack was placed at a point where the person who left it there would be least likely to be seen by a resident: no window looks out onto the sidewalk where the back-pack was found.

The person who left the back-pack did so more than 36-hours after the victim's disappearance (based upon published statements aboutwhen the man who found it believed itwas not there, c. 6:45pm Saturday, when he and his wife left their home). Assuming that this person or persons who committed this crime knew that they would be implicated if stopped by police and the back-pack was found in the person or person's possession, then the perpetrator(s) was/were taking significant risk to drive (assuming a car was used) to this location and leave the back-pack.

Has anyone given any thought to the possibility that the perpetrator(s) wanted to send a message to police, and that the message was so important to the perpetrator(s) that the risk of being caught with the back-pack was out-weighed by the desire to be certain that the police should find the back-pack?

Do we know in which neighborhoods or on which streets LE was stopping cars and searching them during the hours in which it is believed Jessica's backpack was left in the Rock Creek subdivision?
Is the FBI done searching the home? Any news on what they took, if anything?
Hmm... your post made me think of something. Could the mother have just gone home after work and gone to sleep? The mention of Jessica's alarm clock, wanting to be independent, etc... idk it just sort-of clicked in my brain. As always, my opinion.

^^^^this! Moms statement seems odd and over detailed in parts and lacking in others. While I don't know if she was involved, it could very well be that her and Jessica had an argument or she went straight to bed and left Jessica to get ready and out the door on her own. The peeling oranges comment stuck me as strange. But it could just be that every little detail is right there burned into her memory as her last moments with Jessica.
Verbatim: (She says puts on her coats, plural )"I make sure she's going to meet her friend because it's snowing. And your, she, she makes,..her friend says yes, I'm walking too. (big swallow) I watched her walk out the front door and I shut the door.
Thought this would be a good jumping off point for some clarification.

By now they have likely run this area with dogs already and the beauty of a trailing dog is that they are "scent specific". This means they are trained to looks for the person connected to the scent article (something that belonged to the missing person and would have that person's scent on it only). That makes them a great tool because they can work through crowds and stay on task.

Area scent/search dogs are different. They are trained to go into an area void of people (other than the MP with any luck) and search out any human that happens to be there. They're great because they can "clear" a large amount of land very quickly, however if other people are in that same area then they will "find" them too.

Hope that helps a bit.

Thanks Sarx!

I am behind in reading...

But I want to tell you how much I appreciate your expertise... And your patient manner in educating us on Search and Rescue on WS!

You are incredibly valuable! :seeya:
I need the thud smiley

Hi Peeples!

For the thud smiley you can just..

Type colon.. Spell out thud.. Then type colon again!

: Then thud. Then :

: thud :




ETA.... I may not be an expert Sleuthers... But boy do I know my smileys! :giggle:
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