CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #7

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That seems really far to me too. I don't think it is a good idea to let a 10 yr old walk that far.
But what's done is done.
ETA: I see she was meeting her friend at the park so maybe not walking that far.

It's .5 a mile- 2,640 feet.

We are from Colorado and now live in another active community- kids routinely walk 3 miles just for FUN. Walking 1/2 mile to school verses a longer drive or having to get up earlier to catch the bus- kid chooses to walk- I understand that.
I think we can agree that those on WS are not the type to ever let their kids walk alone (me included- NEVER) but seriously- a 10 year old walking .5 mile is not only reasonable, it's downright short. Kids need physical activity just like adults do (actually, they need more!).

Just my .02, of course, sure many disagree.
They are doing DNA swabbing in the neighborhood. To rule out/rule in a possible suspect. For some reason they continue to concentrate on her neighborhood (which supports that she was abducted very close to home) even though the perp is trying very hard to draw them away from there (placement of backpack and body part(s).

Somewhere way back in the thread and I not even sure which poster mentioned a truck/camper in one of the live videos - wonder if that person is anywhere around to be swabbed??
I understood things to have happened a little differently. It is likely just due to the subjectivity of hearing and interpretation of things.

This is how I read the info:

Jessica called to confirm with the friend that he would be walking to school. She spoke with his father, who confirmed that he would be walking to school.

The mention of the 7:40 comes up later when the police verify that he actually received a call at that time. He did receive a call, from a restricted/ unknown number, which they then concluded was SR's cell phone number.

The father said he and his son waited around for twenty minutes and then when JR did not show up, he drove him to school.( My inference was that the dad may typically wait to make sure his son gets off to school with the friends he walks with)

Then later in the day, the friends father received a call from the landline at JR's home. (around 4:30)

(The LE mentioned something which led me to believe they checked out the phone pings or records of the friend's father to verify his account of things)


That's interesting - I never assumed she talked with the father but with the boy himself. :waitasec:
True. I also read somewhere that the friend had an older sibling in middle school. Middle school usually starts earlier here (at least in our district a bit farther south) so maybe dad drive both kids, drops one off at the middle school and then heads back towards the elementary school...? I don't know where the middle school might be but it might give cause to his 'out-of-the-way' route in the mornings.

Middle school in Colorado is 6th grade - 8th grade. Just thought I might add that :)
Yes, Jessica lives on Moore ST per the scanner transmission and also confirmed via

:face palm: sorry I thought J lived on Moore St and Jessica lives on Iris. I was wrong. It makes sense to me now. Thank you for pointing that out to me :)
Here's my profile of the suspect.... Under 30 white male who never had a girlfriend and lives with his mom or grandma. Seems to always be the case. I am beyond sick of these freaks hurting children!
I understood things to have happened a little differently. It is likely just due to the subjectivity of hearing and interpretation of things.

This is how I read the info:

Jessica called to confirm with the friend that he would be walking to school. She spoke with his father, who confirmed that he would be walking to school.

The mention of the 7:40 comes up later when the police verify that he actually received a call at that time. He did receive a call, from a restricted/ unknown number, which they then concluded was SR's cell phone number.

The father said he and his son waited around for twenty minutes and then when JR did not show up, he drove him to school.( My inference was that the dad may typically wait to make sure his son gets off to school with the friends he walks with)

Then later in the day, the friends father received a call from the landline at JR's home. (around 4:30)

(The LE mentioned something which led me to believe they checked out the phone pings or records of the friend's father to verify his account of things)

So, Jessica and this other parent (uncle?) talked and the plan was that they walk. So, maybe he decides to drive instead (cold, snowy) and therefore had every intention of driving Jessica from the park to the school.

So, she would get in his car, no problem, right?

I wonder if he dropped the boy and went back...

ETA: LE must have thought about this.
What if:
"Hey Jessica....yeah we're going to walk over today. But we might be a little late because we have to run to the store and pick up some peanut butter. Tell you what. Instead of meeting us in the park, how about coming over here to the house. If we're not here, just wait on us. If we're running way behind, I'll just drive you guys. How's that?"

Jessica goes over and waits....till 8:45....when the car pulls in the drive. Great they're finally here, back from the store. But its not "they."

I'm not saying that's how it happened at all....I'm just saying that's a scenario. I'm sure one out of many we could think up.

I'm having the same thoughts.......
I understood things to have happened a little differently. It is likely just due to the subjectivity of hearing and interpretation of things.

This is how I read the info:

Jessica called to confirm with the friend that he would be walking to school. She spoke with his father, who confirmed that he would be walking to school.

The mention of the 7:40 comes up later when the police verify that he actually received a call at that time. He did receive a call, from a restricted/ unknown number, which they then concluded was SR's cell phone number.

The father said he and his son waited around for twenty minutes and then when JR did not show up, he drove him to school.( My inference was that the dad may typically wait to make sure his son gets off to school with the friends he walks with)

Then later in the day, the friends father received a call from the landline at JR's home. (around 4:30)

(The LE mentioned something which led me to believe they checked out the phone pings or records of the friend's father to verify his account of things)

BBM. Should actually be they waited until 20 mins. before 9 (8:40). Not they waited for 20 mins.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Who is J and JR? Can someone give me a backstory here?

"Sarah described a conversation she had with Jessica about taking a recently-introduced bus service to school this year. Instead, Sarah said, Jessica made a plan with her older cousin J<modsnip> to walk to school every day."

ETA: I thought he was a 10 year old 5th grader also. ???

Crud! :doh: Sorry Nurse! Forgot to edit out the name.

Hi Jules!:seeya:
I also thought he was just a friend, not a cousin. If he is a cousin, that makes his dad her uncle, right? And didn't we hear on Wednesday night that an uncle of hers said that the body had actually been found Tuesday night? (Or at least that -- eek, sorry -- a part of it had, or that the family knew she was deceased by Tuesday night.) At the time we all thought that was really odd, and that the police wouldn't lie to the public about when the body was found. We assumed the uncle was mistaken. Could the uncle and J's dad be one in the same man? If so.... :what:
If a 10 year old was supposed to meet me and my child somewhere and did not show up I'd be very worried and make sure I knew she was okay. I would go to the school and make sure she had made it there or I'd go to her home or call to make sure she was okay. an older child I may not but a 10 yr old who I knew was walking alone, absolutely. I wonder if he atleast asked his child after school...."oh hey did Jessica ever show up at school today?". It's strange to me.

I find that whole aspect of the case VERY strange. How could a child get mixed up about the day his friend went missing and think of what happened the day before? I don't think that a 10-year-old would be likely to make a mistake like that about something that is that big of a deal. JMO

On the other hand, if he WAS thinking of the day before, what does he mean that she didn't go into the building? Or, if he was really talking about the day she went missing, why would the father give a different story (considering that the father doesn't figure into the son's version of events at all)?

These pieces of the puzzle are just not fitting together, given what little we know. JMO MOO
hi jules!:seeya:
I also thought he was just a friend, not a cousin. If he is a cousin, that makes his dad her uncle, right? And didn't we hear on wednesday night that an uncle of hers said that the body had actually been found tuesday night? (or at least that -- eek, sorry -- a part of it had, or that the family knew she was deceased by tuesday night.) at the time we all thought that was really odd, and that the police wouldn't lie to the public about when the body was found. We assumed the uncle was mistaken. Could the uncle and j's dad be one in the same man? If so.... :what:

If he knew about the arrangements and knew her mom slept during the day, especially.

I wonder if the perp would have taken someone else, or if they just happened to spot Jessica all alone, no one looking, and it was an instinctive/spur of the moment decision thing.

I brought this over from the previous thread.

If the perp is someone unknown to Jessica, then I believe the perp was waiting for a child that morning and already had a plan in mind for how to carry out his terrible acts. The fact that Jessica was the one abducted is unfortunately due to her crossing his path at the wrong time, IMO.

If the perp is someone known by or familiar to Jessica, then I believe she was the specific target of the abduction. Again, I feel the abductor had a plan in place before he acted on his sick urges.

I don't see this as a spur of the moment thing, I think a good deal of planning went into this. JMO
Didn't Sarah describe Jessica's routine as her alarm waking her up at 7:45 in the morning? If so, what's with the 7:40am phone call?
Is his dad cooperating through all of this? Or is that not an OK question?

let me point out that if WE noticed the discrepancy I am certain LE did too and if there was any reason to suspect J's dad, that the police would be watching him so closely, he'd probably not have time to go to a park and dump body parts without being noticed.
Originally Posted by Confusion

It seems obvious (to me) that the perp wasn't too concerned about hiding the identity of the body, or he would probably have also hidden the backpack somewhere. I was wondering last night if there could be another "practical" reason for dismembering a body, and I did think of one today. It's possible that the person isn't physically capable of carrying 60+ pounds; it could be because he/she is small, has a bad back, some other health problem that restricts lifting (heart, lungs, etc.) or maybe an injury that requires crutches or a cane, which would make it somewhat necessary to use just one hand for carrying.

I have no idea who the neighbors are, and there are probably none that fit, but I was thinking that someone could have asked her for help carrying something into the house, and offering her and her friend a ride to school if it took too long. That could get her inside without having to carry her, but then getting her back out would be a problem - it would have been too obvious to be seen dragging her out, even if she was wrapped in something.


I've always wanted to quote myself!

I just wanted to add on to the list of who might have problems carrying her. Since it has been said that he is most likely an experienced killer, it's possible that he is older, and possibly has severe arthritis, muscular/bone degeneration, recent heart attack, etc., and a garage full of tools (especially saws.) It just seems like people looking for suspects tend to look at young guys (maybe 16-30), the father of a friend, or a friend of one of the parents, etc., but if the person continually gets away with it, they'd eventually looking for someone's grandfather. I just keep picturing in my mind a rather grumpy old man whose own children deserted him and refuse to bring the grandchildren around (possibly because of incest/abuse when they were young.)
I understood things to have happened a little differently. It is likely just due to the subjectivity of hearing and interpretation of things.

This is how I read the info:

Jessica called to confirm with the friend that he would be walking to school. She spoke with his father, who confirmed that he would be walking to school.

The mention of the 7:40 comes up later when the police verify that he actually received a call at that time. He did receive a call, from a restricted/ unknown number, which they then concluded was SR's cell phone number.

The father said he and his son waited around for twenty minutes and then when JR did not show up, he drove him to school.( My inference was that the dad may typically wait to make sure his son gets off to school with the friends he walks with)

Then later in the day, the friends father received a call from the landline at JR's home. (around 4:30)

(The LE mentioned something which led me to believe they checked out the phone pings or records of the friend's father to verify his account of things)

Oh, my goodness. Are you saying that J's father said they waited until 7:40 to see if Jessica would show up, but when she didn't they drove to school AND that Jessica made a call to J at that time, which his father answered, confirming that J would be walking??
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