CO CO - Kayleah Wilson, 12, Greeley, 28 March 2010 - #6

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I agree BUT maybe a 12 y/o shouldn't be allowed to wander around alone in a town the size of Greeley with the not-so-good reputation as Greeley. ESPECIALLY after it just being found out she was in a "serious relationship" with this man. I think Kayleah may have fell victim to being a child given too much freedom and not enough supervision.


I suppose the fact the family has no car for transportation and Kayleah has an older brother - those circumstances may have contributed to Kayleah's sense of freedom.

For me, I've learned from my own parenting, not to hold parents up to my standards and I don't want to be held to those who have standards higher than mine. When I was raising my children, honest, I didn't do criminal back ground checks on everyone who came into their life and into our home, our neighbors, teachers, and all the areas a pedophiles could hide out.

We had to put bells on the doors and patio doors so we could hear them being opened at night, and they still got out. I'm very fortunate my children are alive and well, it could just as easily turned out different....and you know what? I wouldn't want anyone blaming me for being negligent. We did the best we could at the time. And I don't even want to get into their overnights!! Yikes!! moo mho
Her mom knew this guy and knew Kayleah knew him; he is her brother's friend and there is a video posted by mom on her MS page with him in it from last October...and not sure what she meant by she (mom) ended the relationship? Only the people in a relationship can end it...she may well have told Kayleah to end it, but it is not the same thing...IMO...
Here is the link to Statutory Rape Laws, state-by-state

Sounds like Colorado doesn't care about their children very much. I didn't know whether to laugh or throw up when I read the Colorado sentencing guidelines. Other states give 100 years or Life, Colorado gives two years, call it 9 months on good behavior and over crowded prisons. What an insult to children and victims. Sounds like a Colorado invitation to predators and killers. No wonder "adults" and the press in CO call an 18-year old s***bag raping a 12-year old "dating" and "girl friend - boy friend". Sick. Maybe people should be calling and writing their representatives and raising hell about this. Maybe the press should quit being lazy, do some research, and use correct terminology in their reporting.

That link is misleading because it mixes up the specific codes involved. In most cases where there is a statutory offence but involves consent the jail time is quite short in pretty much every state. The part you are missing is the "up to", which gives the judge discretion based on the circumstances of the case.

Noone gets sentenced to life if it is consensual. And certainly not a pair of teenagers (allmost teenagers).
If Kayleah hadn't been found would this guy have been arrested? Why didn't they find anything the first time he was talked too?
I don't know if RM is a pedophile...but it still seems like he has some issues if he would be interested in a 12-year old sixth grader. But it is true she did not look like a 12-yr old, in that I mean she did not look like a very young child as generally attracts a pedophile...she looked like a young teenager. I wonder what they could have had in common, that is a big age gap at that time of your life; not so much later on.

My mom met my dad when she was 15 and he was 20 and the did not marry for another 8 years, and stayed married for over 55 years, but she started college at 15, so at least they were in the same peer group...these two were eons apart, middle school vs. senior in high school (I assume?)
so if victim is 14, the other person must not be 18...and if victim is 16, other person must not be 26?
it is very confusing...
In any event, when victim is 12, and he was 17-18, he was always 4 yrs older at least...

All those rules are stupid. A sensible legal requirement should be based on when someone could reasonably be expected to be adequately informed to consent. Sex is sex and age differentials qualifications are absurd. Everyone knows that a 15 or 16 year old knows enough about sex to give informed consent, but we just don't want them boffing someone our age. On the other hand they are going to follow their biological instinct and do it anyway, so we instead create all these qualifications. Most people aren't virgins when they turn 18, which means that in (at least some states) most people have engaged in illegal sexual activity. In places like Florida or California it is pretty hyopcritical for most people to argue about these things. I think 14 is reasonable age, most 14 year olds know enough what sex is and what is expected of them (or should, unless their parents and schools have been derelict in their responsibilities), but 12 is too young.
I am having a hard time getting my mind around the pictures that were given to the news media and put on posters and the the two pictures where she looked much older. I wonder which ones looked the most like her.
Was there proof before, I wonder?

That is where the question of pregnancy comes into play. If she were more than "just a little"pregnant... say, past the first trimester, the ME has all the "proof" they need... DNA test it to the boyfriend! It's undeniable at that point!
Maybe the proof was a pregnancy and he was trying to get rid of the evidence. :(
I had the same thoughts ~ especially since LE said they won't confirm pregnancy but at the same time, didn't deny it. MOO
I meant, was there proof before, if he was accused and/or charged prior to this week as was reported someplace?
I am having a hard time getting my mind around the pictures that were given to the news media and put on posters and the the two pictures where she looked much older. I wonder which ones looked the most like her.

Kayleah may look older, but really, she was in 6th grade and cognitively still developing. Unless this 18yo has the social and cognitive skills of a 6th grader, I have a difficult time figuring out what the attraction was. Perhaps for Kayleah, who was without her father, Robert served more as an authority figure, a male in her life.. and may be the reason she was attracted to him. As for him - who knows? I have a feeling Kayleah could be manipulated and served this guy to his advantage. moo
I don't know if RM is a pedophile...but it still seems like he has some issues if he would be interested in a 12-year old sixth grader. But it is true she did not look like a 12-yr old, in that I mean she did not look like a very young child as generally attracts a pedophile...she looked like a young teenager. I wonder what they could have had in common, that is a big age gap at that time of your life; not so much later on.

My mom met my dad when she was 15 and he was 20 and the did not marry for another 8 years, and stayed married for over 55 years, but she started college at 15, so at least they were in the same peer group...these two were eons apart, middle school vs. senior in high school (I assume?)

I doubt the school they went to would have been an issue. If they hung out with similar people, him a few years younger, her a few years older, their social circles could very easily have been the same.
Kayleah may look older, but really, she was in 6th grade and cognitively still developing. Unless this 18yo has the social and cognitive skills of a 6th grader, I have a difficult time figuring out what the attraction was. Perhaps for Kayleah, who was without her father, Robert served more as an authority figure, a male in her life.. and may be the reason she was attracted to him. As for him - who knows? I have a feeling Kayleah could be manipulated and served this guy to his advantage. moo

An 18 year old could easily be attracted to a girl a few years younger, and a 12 year old could easily be acting a few years older (as she apparently was). The midpoint between 12 and 18 is 15. It is easy to see how that sort of situation might develop.
I meant, was there proof before, if he was accused and/or charged prior to this week as was reported someplace?

Perhaps hearsay? other than DNA collected from a vag. swab or clothing... I guess he would just have to admit to it? I'm not sure. I would think hearsay wouldn't be enough to arrest him on but at her age maybe it was...
physical attraction I can see I guess...but just seems like a big age gap to have more than that going on between them, IMO...'course for teens, it's all about physical attraction i guess...
I doubt the school they went to would have been an issue. If they hung out with similar people, him a few years younger, her a few years older, their social circles could very easily have been the same.

According to this, it seems at least one of Kayleah's friends was a classmate of Montoya.

""Just the past couple of months, he [Montoya] was acting really weird," Kalyeah's friend, Shelly Culver, said.
Culver was in a few classes with Montoya. She says he and Kayleah seemed to like each other a lot. Around the time of Kayleah's disappearance, Culver says Montoya's personality changed."
Perhaps hearsay? other than DNA collected from a vag. swab or clothing... I guess he would just have to admit to it? I'm not sure. I would think hearsay wouldn't be enough to arrest him on but at her age maybe it was...
I believe there is either an admission or forensic evidence. These charges and the $100,000 bail seem pretty serious to have been based on hearsay, imo. MOO
Thank You! Very interesting. Needless to say if Kayleah was indeed pregnant, she couldn't go to have an abortion without naming the father. LE would be all over a child in a case like that and paternity would be discovered IMO.

JMO but if Kayleah was preg. I would think she was beyond the 1st trimester... only because Kayleah was only 12 and in a child that age a pregnancy would probably go unnoticed for quite some time.

Horrible to think she was pregnant, but if she was, it may in no uncertain terms ID the number one suspect in this case... as well as what his motive was...

An article I read stated that her "relationship" (ugggh!) with Montoya began in the fall. If this is when it began, then I suppose she could be approximately 5 months at the most.

According to the newspaper article I read, Montoya wasn't charged for assaulting Kayleah prior to January... since he turned 18 in January, he was charged for assault on her from January 18, his birthday, to March 28, when she disappeared.

Which brings up another question.... When did the mother stop the "relationship," if police believe that it continued up to the day Kayleah was abducted?

According to this, it seems at least one of Kayleah's friends was a classmate of Montoya.

""Just the past couple of months, he [Montoya] was acting really weird," Kalyeah's friend, Shelly Culver, said.
Culver was in a few classes with Montoya. She says he and Kayleah seemed to like each other a lot. Around the time of Kayleah's disappearance, Culver says Montoya's personality changed."

That is exactly the kind of things the FBI said to watch for.
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