CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Media, Maps and Timelines *NO DISCUSSION*

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Sam Kraemer TV
37 mins ·

• CBI DNA analyst Caitlin Rogers retook the stand for cross-examination. Defense attorney Adam Stiegerwald had her run through several evidence items taken from Berreth’s townhome. He points out that Krystal Kenney’s DNA is never found on any of the evidence. Also, when Frazee’s DNA is found on two separate parts of the torn up living room floorboards, the level of certainty is significantly lower compared to Berreth’s DNA.

• On redirect, lead prosecutor Jennifer Viehman asked Rogers if she was surprised at the absence of Kenney’s DNA. Knowing Kenney wore protective clothing and used bleach, Rogers testified she wasn’t surprised. She notes they use bleach at the CBI lab to sterilize their stations.

• A Teller County DHS worker testified on her Dec. 26 interview of Frazee. This was done to gather information for a custody decision on the couple’s daughter. She didn’t offer much new information — saying Frazee said they were working on co-parenting and that Berreth wanted to go their separate ways.

• CBI Agent Gregg Slater, one of the lead law agents on the case, also retook the stand. He says he doesn’t know where this investigation would be without Kenney coming forward to cooperate. Stiegerwald was quick to point out (again) Kenney didn’t offer her full interview until the plea deal was signed. On redirect, Viehman clarifies that Kenney offered a brief initial statement before the plea deal was signed.

• We’re waiting on a witness that flew in this morning. Court will resume at 1 p.m. MT.

Note: This is a photo from a previous hearing.

#KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney KOAA 5
Jakob Rodgers‏ @JakobRodgers
Also this afternoon, with testimony for their case winding down, prosecutors began reviewing an elaborate timeline created by investigators, & they ticked off each event that happened in this case, beginning on Thanksgiving Day last year. @csgazette #PatrickFrazee #KelseyBerreth

1:56 PM - 14 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers‏ @JakobRodgers
Cell phone records also showed #KelseyBerreth's phone later traveling with Krystal Lee's phone west on I-70 and north to Idaho. Berreth's phone was locked up on cell towers near Grand Junction, Salt Lake City & Idaho, according to testimony. @csgazette

1:55 PM - 14 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers‏ @JakobRodgers
Also, cell records bolster Krystal Lee's testimony last week that after cleaning #KelseyBerreth's apartment on Nov. 24, 2018, Lee accompanied #PatrickFrazee to barn by Cripple Creek, where Berreth's body was stashed. @csgazette

1:54 PM - 14 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers‏ @JakobRodgers
UPDATE: FBI cell phone investigator testifies #PatrickFrazee & #KelseyBerreth's phones were together repeatedly after she was allegedly killed. Testimony contradicts Frazee's statements to authorities that he last saw Berreth on Thanksgiving Day last year, Nov. 22. @csgazette

1:53 PM - 14 Nov 2019
Sam Kraemer‏ @SamKraemerTV
We’ve also heard from a @CSPDPIO officer that works in the VICE unit, specializing in strategic communication. He built a timeline for all relevant events on the case from Nov. 22-25. He’s going through it. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney

2:01 PM - 14 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer‏ @SamKraemerTV
This afternoon, FBI Special Agent Kevin Hoyland finished his testimony on cell phone records. It appears to validate Krystal Kenney’s story. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney

2:00 PM - 14 Nov 2019
Kelsey Berreth murder case: DNA testing on key pieces of evidence provides mixed results – The Denver Post

PUBLISHED: November 13, 2019 at 11:02 am | UPDATED: November 13, 2019 at 5:18 pm


Prosecutors also asked Berreth’s coworkers if they ever saw signs that Berreth had problems with drugs or alcohol, as Frazee had told multiple people in Teller County. Each said they saw no such signs.

Her coworkers also said that Berreth loved being a mother to her and Frazee’s daughter, Kaylee, and that Berreth never talked about giving up custody of the child. Frazee told others that Berreth had given up all her rights to the child and abused the girl.

Frazee told multiple people that Berreth went to rehab for addiction, testimony on Tuesday showed. But Berreth’s friends said that wasn’t true. One friend, Peter Sergev, said that Berreth went to California for some days in 2018 for treatment for depression and anxiety.

Her coworkers described Berreth as a hardworking, sweet young woman who did not often speak of her private life.
Jakob Rodgers‏ @JakobRodgers
Judge Sells said that he remains "cautiously optimistic" that closing arguments will still be held Friday afternoon. Prosecutors rounded out the day of testimony today by concluding a timeline of events from Nov. 22-Dec. 4, 2018. @csgazette #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee

3:01 PM - 14 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers‏ @JakobRodgers
Fourth Judicial District Court Judge Scott Sells has closed the courtroom for the hearing over evidence admissibility, citing concerns that media coverage could taint the jury pool. Waiting for it to re-open. @csgazette #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee

2:59 PM - 14 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers‏ @JakobRodgers
Update: The jury in the #PatrickFrazee trial has been sent home for the day, as prosecutors and defense attorneys argue over the admissibility of evidence or testimony that's expected to be admitted Friday. @csgazette #KelseyBerreth

2:57 PM - 14 Nov 2019
Sam Kraemer‏ @SamKraemerTV
We’re done for the day as the court again discusses whether testimony from an upcoming witness will be permitted in a closed hearing. State has 2-3 witnesses left. I expect they rest their case tomorrow morning. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney

3:04 PM - 14 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer‏ @SamKraemerTV
Judge Scott Sells says he’s optimistic we’ll still have closing arguments tomorrow afternoon. If not, they’ll happen Monday. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney

3:05 PM - 14 Nov 2019
ennifer Meckles‏Verified account @jennifermeckles
Court ends early again today. We’re still not done – expecting more witnesses for prosecution tomorrow. Judge tells jury we’re still moving quicker than originally expected and they *may hear closing arguments tomorrow afternoon

3:32 PM - 14 Nov 2019

Jennifer Meckles‏Verified account @jennifermeckles
Jurors hear near minute-by-minute of Kelsey, Patrick, and Krystal’s movements and communication from 11/22/18 until 12/4/18 – the day Patrick’s phone was seized by police. This takes more than an hour to get through, but it helps organize previous testimony

3:32 PM - 14 Nov 2019

Jennifer Meckles‏Verified account @jennifermeckles
Final witness today works for CO Springs PD, as an intelligence analyst. He assisted with this case by taking all the phone and surveillance evidence, plus witness info, and creating a detailed timeline of events

3:32 PM - 14 Nov 2019

Jennifer Meckles‏Verified account @jennifermeckles
We’ve heard Krystal’s testimony about what happened on those days, prosecution appears to be showing phone evidence to corroborate each part of her story. Its tedious testimony, tracing 3 phones through multiple towers over several days

3:32 PM - 14 Nov 2019

Jennifer Meckles‏Verified account @jennifermeckles
He walks jurors through the locations of Frazee’s phone, Kelsey’s phone, and Krystal’s phone on the day of the alleged murder (11/22/18), and the next several days after

3:32 PM - 14 Nov 2019

Jennifer Meckles‏Verified account @jennifermeckles
This afternoon, FBI agent Kevin Hoyland returned to the stand. He previously testified about cell phone records in this case and came back to talk more about that issue.

3:32 PM - 14 Nov 2019
NOV 14, 2019
Patrick Frazee claimed his fiancée told him to keep their daughter after 'heated' conversation | Daily Mail Online

He gave his account of the days leading up to and following Thanksgiving last year – the time when Berreth, the mother of his daughter, Kaylee, was last seen.

But cellphone signal, landline calls and surveillance stills from a variety of stores near Berreth’s home directly contradict Frazee’s account of the last time he saw Berreth.


He has listened to testimony at Teller County DistrictCourt withoutt any reaction.




Senior Criminal Intelligence Analyst, Kevin Clark set out the detailed and damning timeline built from all the available data across November 22 to 25th last year and presented to the court on Thursday afternoon.


He had numerous communications with Kenney later on Thanksgiving afternoon and into the evening. And shortly after 10pm on Thanksgiving night, pings showed Berreth and Frazee’s phones traveling together to the Nash ranch – where investigators found the burn site – and back towards Florissant.

The following day Kenney’s phone showed her traveling from her home in Idaho and towards Colorado. Activity monitored across the next two days showed her loop round through Florissant, Woodland Park and back to Idaho where Kelsey’s last cellphone activity registered and from where her last alleged text message was sent.


Longmire said the day before Thanksgiving, Frazee told her Berreth had called him to come and pick up Kaylee but that he couldn't make it right away, so they agreed to meet at Florissant Post Office an hour and a half later.

She said: 'He said they met and started a conversation about their relationship and they decided to keep talking while they drove to the Nash ranch and at that point it was about going their separate ways and they would share custody of Kaylee 50/50.'


Frazee maintained that he and Berreth texted and spoke over the next three days – and that the plan had been for him to pick Kaylee up about 12.30pm on Thanksgiving Day and that she would be with her mother in the morning.

Longmire said: 'He said he picked up Kaylee up about 12.30 Thanksgiving Day. I assumed at their home…and that they agreed to speak again Friday morning.'

She said instead, Frazee 'received a text from Berreth asking him to keep Kaylee…and saying she wanted to go to church by herself and that they would talk later.'


Assistant DA Jennifer Viehman pressed the point, saying: 'He said that was an actual conversation?' Longmire answered: 'Yes.'

At the time of that alleged conversation, investigators found Berreth's cell phone connected to Frazee's mistress, Krystal Lee Kenney, near the Colorado-Utah border.


Slater said that they began to put together a picture of their relationship from the content and pattern of the messages.


'There were also text messages where Kelsey was expressing frustration and anger with the status of the relationship, the direction of the relationship, where it was going, from time to time and her concerns with that.'

Agents studied messages and Facebook posts and comments from Berreth to Frazee as far back as April 2018.

Agent Slater said: 'At one point she spoke about the promise that had been made for her to come down here to establish a life together, a family together and it's not going to be that way. Do you love me?'


'There may be a response back from Patrick (occasionally saying) 'we love you.'

'But they were few and far between.'

Similarly, Slater noted that Berreth often sent links of properties for sale to Frazee via Facebook with a comment such as, 'Hey look at this nice property. Check this out.'


Agent Slater also revealed that cops might never have discovered the burn pit on Frazee's property, the blood in the bathroom of Berreth's home or other vital forensic evidence without the co-operation of Frazee's mistress Krystal Lee Kenney.


Asked where the investigation would have gone without Kenney's co-operation he said, 'I honestly don't know.'

Frazee leaned back in his chair and stared into the middle distance as Slater testified that it was Kenney who broke the case they might never have cracked.

On Wednesday, the court heard how Frazee bad-mouthed Berreth to multiple people, saying she had a drink and drug problem, would disappear for months and speculated she had 'run off' to 'sort herself out'.


Earlier in the day, Alyssa Smith, who has known Frazee since she was a child, said he only mentioned he had a daughter a month prior to Berreth's disappearance. He had never spoken of Berreth up until that point.

Smith admitted: 'I was shocked. He said that he always had [Kaylee] and that he went and picked her up from the hospital when she was born.

'He said that her mom told him to come pick her up. He said he had full custody of the child.


But a string of Berreth's former colleagues at Doss Aviation where she was a flight instructor, cast doubt on Frazee's assertions describing Berreth as a 'strong woman,' who completed grueling training and was 'very happy' to be a mother.

Jennifer Barks, the Human Resources executive at Doss Aviation where Berreth was a flight instructor, testified that Frazee was listed as the beneficiary on Berreth's life insurance policy.


Banks said: 'He told me that he was aware [of the reports]. He told me that Kelsey had gone to him, given him the baby and said she needed a break, she needed to figure things out, she didn't know what to do with her life and would be taking some space.

'He said she had a drug and alcohol problem and that she had gone away for that in the past and he didn't know if it was related to that.'


Hill recalled: 'There was one conversation she said, ''Something really weird happened to me yesterday.'' She said a random lady had come over to her house with coffee.'

'I asked if she drank it she said no.'


The court heard on Wednesday that Berreth's blood was found in locations throughout her townhouse.


On Tuesday Kayla Daugherty, who had a relationship with Frazee for six to eight weeks during 2016, claimed Frazee told her that Teller County was so vast you could 'get rid of someone' and no-one would know. She said that he made the comment in 2015.

Frazee worked as her farrier from 2010 until 2018 though she said that their relationship lasted just six to eight weeks and was 'more sexual,' than romantic in nature.


In testimony Greasby was taken through a series of text messages that she and Frazee exchanged across Thanksgiving last year and early December last year.


The texts spanned November 21 through to December 11, covering the period during which Berreth was missing. Yet Frazee made no mention of this. Instead at the time he asked Greasby to dinner - she did not go - while she offered to keep him company on drives.


Frazee told Greasby that he was seeking full custody of his daughter and described her mother as 'in rehab' and 'bi-polar.'

Another former client, Catherine Donahue, told the court that Frazee 'never had anything nice to say about Kelsey,' who he claimed was 'absolutely crazy' and had 'abandoned her baby directly after the birth.'


Expert witness Jerry Means, Investigations Chief at Adams County Fire and Rescue Denver testified Tuesday that a burn site found on Frazee's ranch had tell-tale signs of a body having been placed in a plastic tote and burned to the point of consumption.


Berreth's family sat in the front row of the Teller County court room as the court heard gruesome testimony about the impact of fire on a human body and Means pointed out to an oily patch of ground, next to the burn site.

The soil was fused together in a way that could only have been caused by burning plastic, he said. And the oily stain was consistent with human body oil.


Means described the chronology of a body burned to the point of destruction. He said: 'Small parts go first, fingers and toes, they dislocate from larger items, your hands for example. The big muscles like your forearms dry out and draw up and it causes the arms to go into a sort of pugilistic posture.'

He said that the same 'drawing up' occurs with the legs and feet with the pelvic area and torso being the last to go before.


Margaret Luce, a former client of Frazee who used his services as a farrier for her horses, took the stand to testify that Frazee had told her that Berreth 'did not want to be a mother,' and that she was 'unstable' and had threatened suicide.

Luce claimed that in a conversation after Berreth's disappearance Frazee had shared the fact that he had returned a gun to Berreth despite having concerns that she would 'hurt herself.'


Later Luce tried to comfort Frazee with the comment: 'Perhaps Kelsey will come back.'

Frazee replied: 'Oh she's not coming back.'


The longtime friend of Frazee took the witness stand where he revealed Frazee told him 'if there is no body, there is no crime' before and after his fiancée Berreth disappeared.


On one occasion after Berreth disappeared and Moore and Frazee were on a drive together, he recalled Frazee saying, 'I don't even understand why, why there's such a big deal over this.'

'And he's like 'man, if I had known it was going to blow up this big, I never would have …'' Moore added.

Moore, who ran cattle with Frazee at multiple leased ranches in Teller and Park counties, testified that Frazee revealed his plans to kill Berreth back in April.


'He said 'I figured out a way to kill her.' And I went 'don't even talk about s*** like that. Get that s*** out of your head,'' Moore recalled.

'And he just kinda grinned and went 'no body, no crime, right?' And I said 'Patrick, get that out of your head,'' Moore added.


Moore said he only met Berreth twice. They first met in November 2016 before she was pregnant. She helped them move cows and Moore recalled Frazee berated her and yelled and cussed at her.


'He was very curious and always asking questions because he point-blank said that he had Kelsey's blood on his pants and he had Kelsey's blood on his shirt and boot, and the bottom of his boot,' Moore recalled.

'He said 'do you think they'll be able to find any of that, even though it's all been washed?'' Moore testified.

Jessica Barreto on Twitter
Previewing Day 10 of the #PatrickFrazee murder trial while @SamKraemerTV gets some rest to prepare for another busy day inside the courtroom. Judge says closing arguments will likely happen today.
Join me on @KOAA at 6/6:30 am for a recap on Day 9, and what we’re expecting today.

5:48 AM - 15 Nov 2019 from Teller County Courthouse

Carol McKinley on Twitter
The judge is calling a mysterious closed hearing this morning to rule on whether to admit evidence in the #PatrickFrazee trial. Look for 1 or 2 final prosecution witnesses before defense gets its turn. Army of new reporters has joined us @ABC
7:04 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Ashley Franco on Twitter
Frazee trial day 11: we can expect closing statements to start this afternoon. From what we heard the prosecution may have a couple of witnesses left. #PatrickFrazee will also decide if he’s going to testify today. I’ll keep you updated. @KKTV11News #KelseyBerreth
7:18 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Stephanie (Butzer) Rose on Twitter
Good morning from Cripple Creek. We’re expecting the prosecution and defense to rest today. Closing statements could come this afternoon. #PatrickFrazee is on trial and accused of killing his fiancée #KelseyBerreth last Thanksgiving.
7:32 AM - 15 Nov 2019 from Colorado, USA

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
Good morning, everyone. I'm in Cripple Creek this morning for day 10 of testimony in the trial of #PatrickFrazee, who is accused of beating his fiancee, #KelseyBerreth, to death and trying to cover it up the killing. csgazette

7:35 AM · Nov 15, 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
Lots on tap for today. First up, prosecutors are expected to call a couple more witnesses, and wrap up their case against #PatrickFrazee after testimony from scores of witnesses. @csgazette #KelseyBerreth
7:36 AM · Nov 15, 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
But there's a wild card today: A ruling expected this morning on whether the judge will allow certain new evidence. Exactly what that could be, I'm not sure -- the judge closed the courtroom yesterday during arguments.
@csgazette #PatrickFrazee #KelseyBerreth
7:37 AM · Nov 15, 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
Also today, #PatrickFrazee's defense team might get its first chance to call its own witnesses. So far, Frazee's public defenders have focused their attention on cross examination trying to discredit star witness Krystal Lee, who was Frazee's mistress. @csgazette #KelseyBerreth
7:38 AM · Nov 15, 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
And finally, Fourth Judicial District Judge Scott Sells said yesterday he was "cautiously optimistic" that closing arguments could be heard in the case this afternoon. If so, delibrations are expected to begin immediately afterward.
@csgazette #PatrickFrazee #KelseyBerreth
7:38 AM · Nov 15, 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
Still getting caught up? Here's a look at testimony from Thursday, when testimony focused on cell phone records and messages between #PatrickFrazee and #KelseyBerreth that prosecutors say point to a cover-up.…
7:39 AM · Nov 15, 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
One final note before heading into the courthouse: Remember that I can't live-tweet, due to restrictive rules placed on members of the media by the judge in this case. So I'll try to have updates when there's a break in the action.
@csgazette#PatrickFrazee #KelseyBerreth
7:39 AM · Nov 15, 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
Here we go. Day 10 on the murder trial of Patrick Frazee. There’s a much larger national media presence here today, with closing arguments possible this afternoon. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney
7:50 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
ICYMI: Here’s our Day 9 Facebook live recap: …#KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney @KOAA
7:51 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
I’ll share updates as we can on breaks and around lunch. We’ll plan for a Facebook live around 8:30 p.m. MT again. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney
7:52 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Kelsey Souto on Twitter
Court begins at 8:30 today for Day 11 of Patrick Frazee trial. Closing arguments are expected to be presented.

7:57 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Jennifer Kovaleski on Twitter
Good morning from Cripple Creek. This is the line to get into the Teller County courthouse. We are here covering day 10 of #PatrickFrazee’s murder trial. Closing arguments are expected sometime this afternoon. The start of what should be a big day in court. @DenverChannel


7:59 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Elise Schmelzer on Twitter
Hello from the #PatrickFrazee murder trial. We’re waiting for court to open for the day. It is busy! Lots more national media here today. Prosecutors have a few more witnesses, then defense has a chance to bring a case, then closings.
8:29 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Jennifer Kovaleski on Twitter
#PatrickFrazee trial is currently in a closed hearing. Waiting for the media and public to be allowed inside. @DenverChannel #kelseyberreth
8:36 AM - 15 Nov 2019 from Colorado, USA

Josh Whitston on Twitter (Video)
#PatrickFrazee arrived by caravan around 7:30 this morning. We’re expecting closing arguments sometime this afternoon. Security is tight as you can see deputies blocking any view of Frazee entering the courthouse in Cripple Creek. @DenverChannel
9:14 AM - 15 Nov 2019
Last edited:
NOV 15, 2019
Frazee trial: Closing arguments expected Friday afternoon


On paper, Friday is expected to be a big day in the Patrick Frazee murder trial — the prosecution will likely rest their case, the defense will bring up their witnesses and both sides could present their closing arguments.


Prosecutors said they had a couple more witnesses to bring to the stand Friday morning, though it's unclear who they may be. The defense has not yet brought forward any witnesses but is expected to do so after the prosecution rests. It was unclear if Frazee will testify.

On Wednesday afternoon, both the prosecution and defense said they expected to be done by Friday afternoon. When Judge Sells asked how much time they'll need for closing arguments, prosecutors requested 30 minutes and the defense said an hour. The judge said both sides will get an hour.

If the court reaches 5 p.m. before both sides rest, the closing arguments will get pushed to Monday morning.

There is no deliberation planned for the weekend.
Jakob Rodgers
Blood spatter in #KelseyBerreth's kitchen -- on refrigerator, coffee maker & high on a wall -- consistent w/ having come from one object bludgeoning a blood source (as in flying off whatever is being swung from one direction to another), analyst says.
12:30 PM · Nov 15, 2019·Twitter for Android
Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
NEW: Bloodstain pattern analyst testifies that crime scene and testimony is consistent w/ accusations #PatrickFrazee beat #KelseyBerreth to death. "Oh absolutely," analyst says. Could have been 10-15 swings, maybe more, he says. @csgazette
10:24 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
Analyst says blood found in #KelseyBerreth's condo is consistent with someone swinging an object onto a blood source, causing splatters across the condo. #PatrickFrazee is accused of beating Berreth to death with a baseball bat. @csgazette
10:25 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Ashley Franco on Twitter
This morning we’re hearing from a crime scene expert. He essentially rebuilt the crime scene in #KelseyBerreth townhome. He said there was nothing in about the blood that made him think the crime was accidental. @KKTV11News #PatrickFrazee
10:25 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Ashley Franco on Twitter
We saw a video of #KrystalLee showing investigators around the townhome and pointing out where she saw blood. Expert says her explanation of blood splatter is consistent essentially with a person being hit with a heavy object while they were on the ground. @KKTV11News
10:25 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Daniela Leon on Twitter
GRUESOME testimony from a blood splatter expert. He says the small droplets of blood found in #Berreths home are consistent with a strong force. He says a baseball bat COULD have caused the splatter.

10:25 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
We’ve heard powerful testimony from Jonathyn Priest, a well-known crime scene reconstruction and blood stain pattern analyst. He explains the documented blood stains are consistent with Krystal Kenney’s story. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney
10:26 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
He says the tiny spots of blood (less than 2-3 mm in size) are actually indicative and consistent with a large force striking a blood source. We saw body cam video of Kenney leading police through Berreth’s home and pointing out where she saw blood. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth
10:27 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Daniela Leon on Twitter
He says to create a pattern of blood like this 10-15 swings may have happened. @FOX21News
10:27 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Ashley Franco on Twitter
Expert also examined a piece of floorboard in court. He said he saw dents on it consistent with a heavy object, such as a bat, hitting the floor. #PatrickFrazee allegedly told #KrystalLee to look for marks on the floor from the bat hitting the floor. @KKTV11News
10:28 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Daniela Leon on Twitter
This testimony is difficult for the #Berreth family. Her father is crying, prosecutors have teary eyes. At one point Dan May stopped questioning and asked #Berreth’s dad if he’s ok @FOX21News
10:28 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
"People aren't easy to kill, they're very resilient. And beatings are nasty, in that they don't really have the effect that they may have on television," the analyst testified. @csgazette #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee
10:28 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
Kenney points out an arc on the east wall, where the TV is. She says it’s thicker toward the bottom. Priest says that’s consistent with a blood source low on the ground. He says blood spots high on the wall show it likely flew off the bat. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee
10:28 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
Also, in the video taken around 11:15 a.m. Dec. 21, Kenney is seen wearing a CBI agent jacket and hat. It seems like police wanted to conceal her identity that day. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney
10:29 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
A video was shown of Krystal Lee, who was #PatrickFrazee's mistress, pointing out to investigators all of the blood splatters that she saw and cleaned up inside #KelseyBerreth's condo in Woodland Park.@csgazette
10:29 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Ashley Franco on Twitter
Expert also noted the blood in the floorboards. He said that would be consistent with pool of blood from a”blood source” being on the floor in the living room. @KKTV11News
10:29 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Jennifer Kovaleski on Twitter
Prosecutors call blood stain & crime scene reconstruction expert in #PatrickFrazee trial. Expert testifies blood stain found in Berreth’s condo is consistent with a baseball bat. Says blood found under floor boards is “more than a drop of blood, this is a lot of blood...”
10:29 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
Blood spatter in #KelseyBerreth's kitchen -- on refrigerator, coffee maker & high on a wall -- consistent w/ having come from one object bludgeoning a blood source (as in flying off whatever is being swung from one direction to another), analyst says. @csgazette #PatrickFrazee
10:30 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
A wall in #KelseyBerreth's living room, opposite the front door, was described as having had a large amount of blood down low, and then more scattered splatter higher up. @csgazette #PatrickFrazee
10:30 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
Priest testified the blood stains on the floorboards are most significant, because they show a large pool of blood was able to sleep through the connection points. He says it could take up to an hour for blood to dry, depending on temp, humidity and volume. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth
10:31 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
Blood patterns on that wall were consistent with a blood source being low, near the floor or on the floor, at the time the impacts were rendered, analyst testifies.
@csgazette #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee
10:31 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
The analyst, Jonathyn Priest, a retired 30-year police officer, testified that he was unsurprised that some items of house didn't test positive for blood. "Bleach and blood don't get along even a little bit. Bleach is a big DNA killer."
@csgazette #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee
10:31 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
DA Dan May had Priest examine a specific piece of the floorboard. Priest says it had two significant round indentations in it, which he says would be consistent with a wooden baseball bat striking the ground. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee
10:32 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Jennifer Kovaleski on Twitter
Blood stain expert testifies that you could fit a body in black tote bag and says given the description on the blood stains it would take a substantial impact to create. Estimates 10-15 strikes, could be more. #patrickfrazee #kelseyberreth @DenverChannel
10:32 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
The analyst also testified that two indentations on a piece of hardwood flooring from #KelseyBerreth's condo was "certainly consistent" with having come form a baseball bat. @csgazette #PatrickFrazee
10:32 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
The analyst also testifies about marks on the floorboards that are consistent with blood pooling and leaching into the joints between the boards.
@csgazette #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee
10:32 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
"To create this stain, that requires a signicifant blood source in order for the blood to flow in there. This is more than a drop of blood. This is a lot of blood," analyst testifies, of blood markings on #KelseyBerreth's livingroom floorboards. @csgazette #PatrickFrazee
10:32 AM - 15 Nov 2019

Clayton Sandell on Twitter
A prosecution blood spatter expert just testified that the amount of blood reportedly found in Kelsey Berreth’s condo suggests it may have taken 10 to 15 blows from a baseball bat to kill her. #PatrickFrazee is on trial for her murder. .Jury may get the case later today. @ABC
10:35 AM - 15 Nov 2019
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Holding a sample of the floor from Berreth’s condo, Priest also described two indentations on the wood plank, though he couldn’t tell exactly what hit it.

“So something substantially heavy and substantially hard had an impact on this area and certainly a baseball bat is consistent with that,” he said.

Kelsey Berreth murder case: Bloodstain expert testifies on crime scene
NOV 15, 2019
PATRICK FRAZEE TRIAL: Blood spatter 'absolutely' fits baseball bat murder
Florissant rancher Patrick Frazee could have swung a baseball bat 15 times or more as he allegedly murdered his fiancee Kelsey Berreth, a witness told jurors today.

A bloodstain pattern analyst testified that blood left in Berreth's Woodland Park townhouse is consistent with the account of a grisly attack described on the stand earlier this month by Frazee's mistress.

"Oh absolutely," said the expert, retired police officer Jonathyn Priest.


Priest said a victim of such a beating could have been conscious beyond the first blow — enough to say "Please, stop," as Berreth allegedly told Frazee in seeking mercy.


Today is the 10th day of testimony. Opening statements were Nov. 2 and the jury has heard from more than 60 witnesses.


Priest told the jury he wasn't surprised by gaps in DNA at the crime scene, given that Frazee's mistress allegedly used bleach to clean up afterward.

"To create this stain, that requires a significant blood source in order for the blood to flow in there," Priest said of the hardwood floor. "This is more than a drop of blood. This is a lot of blood."


According to prosecution witnesses, Frazee's cover-up included an elaborate ruse in which he and his mistress sent text messages from Berreth's phone to make it look like she was still alive, days after Frazee allegedly beat her to death.

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NOV 15, 2019
Kelsey Berreth murder case: Bloodstain expert testifies on crime scene
Kelsey Berreth’s father leaned forward in his front row seat in a Teller County courtroom and cried as a bloodstain expert testified in vivid language and with swinging motions how blood could have been splattered across his daughter’s Woodland Park condo


The bloodstain expert, former Denver homicide detective Jonathyn Priest, said that Krystal Lee Kenney’s description of the blood patterns she found are consistent with a high-impact attack with an object, which would spread a large quantity of small blood spots across the condo. When Fourth Judicial District Attorney Dan May asked if the stains were consistent with an attack with a bat, Priest said, “Oh, absolutely.”

“The fact that there are small bloodstains supports my opinion that we have a forceful incident, not a passive one,” Priest said.


Priest testified Friday the patterns described were consistent with the use of a blunt force weapon. He also said the staining found between the slats of the wooden floor was consistent with a large pool of blood that had time to seep into cracks.

Holding a sample of the floor from Berreth’s condo, Priest also described two indentations on the wood plank, though he couldn’t tell exactly what hit it.

“So something substantially heavy and substantially hard had an impact on this area and certainly a baseball bat is consistent with that,” he said.


Priest also said that the bloodstain on the toilet – the evidence found by Berreth’s brother that intensified what started as a missing persons case – indicated that stain appeared to be from a bloody object that smeared against the bowl and not a splatter.

Rick Sallinger on Twitter
Patrick Frazee solicited fellow prisoner Jacob Bentley to have key prosecution witness murdered. Bentley testifies with letters from Frazee.
11:52 AM · Nov 15, 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
BREAKING: Surprise witness for prosecution testifies that #PatrickFrazee asked him while in jail to use prison gang ties to murder Krystal Lee (Frazee's mistress and a star witness) and other witnesses in this case.
@csgazette #KelseyBerreth
12:04 PM · Nov 15, 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
#PatrickFrazee promised to help this surprise witness, Jacob Bentley, bond out of the Teller County jail, in exchange for the help, Bentley testified.
@csgazette #KelseyBerreth
12:07 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Ashley Franco on Twitter
#BREAKING: #PatrickFrazee told jail friend he wanted to kill all witnesses. specifically #KeystalLee, involved in the trial before the trial started. All of this is written down and was shown to the court. @KKTV11News #KelseyBerreth
12:08 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
A total of 17 letters, mostly written on napkins, were read aloud in court. A Colorado Bureau of Investigation agent read all of them, and said they appeared to be in #PatrickFrazee's handwriting. @csgazette #KelseyBerreth
12:08 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Elise Schmelzer on Twitter
Witness this past weekend gave prosecutors more than a dozen notes that lead investigator says match #PatrickFrazee handwriting. In notes, lists names of people he allegedly wanted killed:
12:09 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Elise Schmelzer on Twitter
Seems that defense fought really hard to keep this witness’s testimony from jury. Had multiple closed court sessions about admissability of some evidence, though not 100% sure this was the witness in question.
12:10 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jennifer Kovaleski on Twitter
Prosecutors call a former inmate to the stand who testifies he was in a prison gang & stayed in the same pod as #PatrickFrazee in jail. He shared 17 handwritten letters from Frazee where he ask the former inmate to kill several witnesses in the case, including Krystal Lee Kenney.
12:10 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
The letters listed several people in this case: Krystal Lee (who also went by last name Kenney); her father, her siblings, her good friend, her ex-husband... as well as Joseph Moore, a longtime family friend of #PatrickFrazee, and many others. @csgazette #KelseyBerreth
12:10 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
"I'm sure she's around family somewhere," one letter apparently penned by #PatrickFrazee said, in apparent reference to his mistress, Krystal Lee. "I'm sure she's keeping as low a profile as possible, because everyone is watching her." @csgazette #KelseyBerreth
12:11 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Elise Schmelzer on Twitter
Importantly! #PatrickFrazee does not admit that he killed #KelseyBerreth. In alleged notes, says he doesn’t know what happened and that he’s innocent.
12:12 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jennifer Kovaleski on Twitter
The letters provide descriptions, phone numbers, and locations of where the witnesses lived. One letter read in court says: “I would really like to see Krystal with a bullet in her head.” #PatrickFrazee #kelseyberreth @DenverChannel
12:13 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
After one jailhouse letter believed to be from #PatrickFrazee listed all of the names, it read: "They all need to disappear unseen until at least Nov. 22, after the trial." @csgazette #KelseyBerreth
12:13 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
The letter to another jail inmate, again believed to be penned by #PatrickFrazee seeking the murder of witnesses in his case, continued:
"Help! Help! ME PLEASE! I repay however. My life and my little girl's life depends on you!" @csgazette #KelseyBerreth
12:15 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Elise Schmelzer on Twitter
At one point during testimony about notes, #PatrickFrazee shook his head. His defense attorneys tried to attack the jailhouse witness, but didn’t cross examine the CBI agent who read through the notes.
12:15 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
Another #PatrickFrazee note, apparently re: Krystal Lee: "If you can get a hold of her and get her to call attorney or an FBI/CBI investigator, and confess in her own words? Or just let her go away? We need to keep everything on the DL. No ties nowhere." @csgazette #KelseyBerreth
12:19 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
In another note, #PatrickFrazee appears to speak directly to Jacob Bentley, the jail inmate from whom Frazee is seeking help, and with whom he's passing these notes: "Make your own notes of mine and flush mine," the note read.
@csgazette #KelseyBerreth
12:22 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
Another #PatrickFrazee note, again to inmate Bentley, whom he allegedly sought help killing witnesses: "I've never been a criminal, but all this planning and talking gets my blood flowing. If I walk out, you and me could pull off all kinds of *advertiser censored*." @csgazette #KelseyBerreth
12:24 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
In the notes, #PatrickFrazee appears to lay blame for the killing of #KelseyBerreth on his mistress Krystal Lee, noting at one point that prosecutors are "coaching her" on what to say, and noting "circumstantial evidence." @csgazette
12:28 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
Next, we heard from a former Teller County inmate. The DA’s office requested we not share his name out of fear of prison retaliation. We are honoring that request. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney
12:29 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
In yet another #PatrickFrazee note, he asks his fellow jail inmate: "How gangster will you get? I got an idea." He then suggests that one person has "*advertiser censored* to sell but you'd have to kidnap and hide the until you're done."
@csgazette #KelseyBerreth
12:30 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
He says after Frazee learned he was in a prison gang, Frazee sought his help on taking out witnesses, including Krystal Kenney & her family, Chad Lee, CBI Agent Gregg Slater, Michelle Stein, Joseph Moore and more. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney
12:31 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
The man kept notes he says Frazee wrote to him. Slater identified the handwriting as Frazee’s. Frazee talks about “just kidnap them until Nov. 22” and that there’s open space near Kenney’s home. “She could just disappear before trial,” he says. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth
12:32 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
Another note from Frazee says he’s not a criminal but “this planning and talking gets my blood flowing”. In exchange, the man says Frazee helped him bond out of jail. Frazee’s notes said they could “do a lot of *advertiser censored* together”. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee
12:34 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
That note was apparently in reference to longtime #PatrickFrazee friend Joseph Moore, a CBI investigator said. Moore was mentioned several times in the notes, and he testified earlier in this trial about Frazee repeating the phrase "no body, no crime." @csgazette #KelseyBerreth
12:32 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
In notes, #PatrickFrazee claims innocence in #KelseyBerreth's death:
"I'm not the monster they say I am. I don't know what happened or where she went. Honestly, my wheels are spinning out of control the closer it gets to trial. Any advice how to defend my innocence?" @csgazette
12:34 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
The notes show Frazee giving information on where Kenney, Chad Lee and Joseph Moore all live. He also provides suggestions for getting rid of them. He says Kenney would be close to her kids. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney
12:35 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
In next letter, after claiming innocence, #PatrickFrazee appears to write to his fellow inmate: "Do you have funds or resources to go to Idaho and back? Was thinking if you could cap them in the desert and head home, Krystal Lee and Michelle, the bff?" @csgazette #KelseyBerreth
12:36 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
On cross, Adam Stiegerwald points out this man only comes forward as the trial is underway & that me just met with the DA’s office on Monday. He notes the man wanted to sell the notes on eBay, citing Frazee’s fame. He also sought a plea deal @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee
12:36 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
He did not get a plea deal for multiple charges in different counties. Instead, the DA’s office said they would help to get the cases resolved in one county. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney
12:37 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
Another apparent #PatrickFrazee letter to fellow inmate:
"Honestly, we should stay off the phones. Maybe ... could send me a letter form an anonymous address? Stay off the radar. I'm hopeful and excited if you/we could pull this off." @csgazette #KelseyBerreth
12:37 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
Apparent #PatrickFrazee jailhouse letter continued:
"Only thing better would be if Krystal sent someone a "text" from her home confessing and telling the truth that I didn't have anything to do at all."
Appears to reference Krystal Lee, his mistress. @csgazette #KelseyBerreth
12:38 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
The evidence was admitted on the sole basis of establishing Frazee’s consciousness of guilt. It was a turn I did not see coming. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney
12:38 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
Other letters from #PatrickFrazee to an inmate discussed concerns that Frazee had that other people would find out about his alleged request to make witnesses disappear ahead of his upcoming trial: "All this *advertiser censored*'s just between us???" one asked. @csgazette #KelseyBerreth
12:42 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jennifer Kovaleski on Twitter
Most of the letters are written on paper towels from the restroom. Another letter allegedly from #PatrickFrazee says: "They all need to disappear unseen until at the least Nov. 22 after trial ..... my life and my little girl's life depends on you!" #kelseyberreth @DenverChannel
12:42 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
On cross-examination, Adam Steigerwald, #PatrickFrazee's public defender, hit at the motivations that Jacob Bentley had for coming forward and sharing the letters. @csgazette #KelseyBerreth
12:43 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
The state, by the way, still hasn’t rested it’s case. I’d be surprised if we get to closing statements today. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney
12:43 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jennifer Kovaleski on Twitter
All of the letters, according to lead investigator Gregg Slater, appear to match #PatrickFrazee's handwriting. Also worth noting: we are not naming former inmate, prosecutors asked us not to because he fears retaliation from prison gang. #kelseyberreth @DenverChannel.
12:44 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
Bentley testified he didn't receive a plea deal in other cases he's facing to testify. Only a promise from the DA's office that those cases would be combined.
@csgazette #PatrickFrazee #KelseyBerreth
12:45 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
But, Steigerwald asked Bentley, prosecutors didn't just make that one promise, right? Did prosecutors also agree to ask members of the media not to name you in their reports, due to prison gang ties? Yes, Bentley replied.
@csgazette #PatrickFrazee #KelseyBerreth
12:46 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers‏
Under further questioning by a prosecutor, Bentley said that his motives changed for coming forward with the #PatrickFrazee letters:
"It just seemed like the right thing to do," he said.
@csgazette #KelseyBerreth
12:47 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
This was probably the most graphic of the notes (warning). It read: “I would really like to see Krystal with a bullet in her head. Piss and on her face. *advertiser censored***ng dirty c**t *advertiser censored** *advertiser censored*.” #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney
12:47 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers‏
Still on cross by defense, Bentley said he originally came forward with the #PatrickFrazee notes, because he wanted a plea deal in his pending legal case. He admitted telling an investigator that the letters were his "ticket."
@csgazette #KelseyBerreth
12:48 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jakob Rodgers‏
Also, on cross examination by Steigerwald, Bentley said he had previously been facing a felony burglary charge that would have netted him up to 30 years in prison. That charge, which is still pending, was recently dropped to misdemeanor. @csgazette #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee
12:49 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jennifer Kovaleski on Twitter
Defense points out former inmate is a convicted felon who asked DA to help him deal w/ multiple pending cases in one county. They claim he saw the letters as his ticket out, but inmate didn't totally agree with that statement. #PatrickFrazee #kelseyberreth @DenverChannel
12:53 PM - 15 Nov 2019

Jennifer Kovaleski on Twitter
Heading back in the courtroom after lunch. Prosecutors could rest their case or call another witness. We’ll update as soon as we’re able. Again, no cameras or live tweeting from courtroom. #PatrickFrazee #kelseyberreth
1:06 PM - 15 Nov 2019
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