CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #27 *ARREST*

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Pretty sure KB never used her phone after 11/ that was likely to be the day she was killed. And LE would be able to tell from phone records if she had ever gone without using it before for nearly three days. Most people do not jmo.

Idk the details of her phone log. I have no idea how much time is needed to get info. Some cases it happens fairly soon, some not.
We’ve not heard her to be a big SM fanatic. A lot of times it seems a missing girl has to be on SM every ten minutes.
I don’t find it odd that someone MIGHT go a day or two w/o using their phone.
I’m curious, did IN TELL police PF murdered KB on Thanksgiving?
I for one do not have phone password protected. I think the phone when taken with Kelsey’s purse that it was turned off. Then for what ever reason it was turned on in Gooding idaho (not so much the town but possible gooding co., to send the message to Kelsey’s work & PF, then turned back off.
I have been thinking a lot about this.
1. Did KB turn her phone on and even send the texts (even if forced to). Doubt it.
2. Was KB phone not password protected? Bad if so!
3. Did someone know KB’s phone password?
4. Did someone use KB’s finger/touch ID to get into the phone.
5. Were the texts pre-typed in airplane mode then sent later. I’m not big on this one.
6. Who threw the damn phone away and where is it?! Ugh!
I personally don’t think he wanted the baby dead too. His mother watched her a lot and is even seeking custody. He could have let KBs mom see her but didn’t. I think he saw the baby as his property. JMO
If KK is indeed the one solicited by PF, she must have not been strong in her refusal to PF the first time he asked her to kill Kelsey. Or, PF thought his charm, sweet talk, and promises of the future would sway her the next two times he asked. Let’s be honest, he totally ignored her answers, it was all about him, and he is use to getting his way!
Crime Online is reporting it but their article is based solely on the one report from KMVT, then KKTV (sister stations).

Patrick Frazee asked Idaho nurse ‘more than once’ to kill Kelsey Berreth; investigator comb Twin Falls for clues in murder investigation [VIDEO]
Accused killer Patrick Frazee attempted to enlist an Idaho nurse in the murder of Kelsey Berreth, a local news station reports.

According to KKTV 11, sources told its Idaho-based sister station KMTV that Krystal Lee is connected to the three solicitation of first-degree murder counts Frazee was charged with following his arrest in late December.

The sources said that Frazee allegedly asked Lee multiple times to murder Berreth, the 29-year-old pilot and mother of Frazee’s 1-year-old daughter.

@PommyMommy.... correct me if I am wrong because I have total faith in you :-)...... should I be skeptical of this particular reporter from CrimeOnline???..... In reading this, reporter says "In announcing Berreth's arrest at a news conference etc" (Bereth's arrest????... what gives with that??). The reporter then goes on to to mention FoxNews31 sent a reporter to Hansen, Idaho.....then says "Hansen worked as a nurse in Twin Falls".... if I'm reading this correctly (and I've read it 3 times), this reporter is all over the map with errors....I know what she means, but it really makes me wonder if she is jumping the gun to get a story out.... I'll reread the other news outlets highlighted here....
I am feeling that IN is complicit in the effort to provide a cover up for the murder and was originally solicited to participate in the murder. The lack of a charge leads me to believe she ultimately declined to be part of the actual murder. I see no way, if she was the solicited party, that the ping and text are innocent.

In this link under the 1-4-19 update they actually report that the reason for sealing documents was "for the safety of a possible witness." I think that implies she is cooperating to some level and that she is working a plea deal. I can also accept they may have offered her protective custody as part of the deal; and that is why she seams to have disappeared. Though the FBI searching Hansen so heavily does offer questions as to the extent of her cooperation.
Idk, if LE stated she was killed on Thanksgiving. IMO, it would not be unusual for anyone to go a day or two w/o using their phone. I didn’t use mine yesterday. I didn’t feel like being bothered. Today, I returned calls & texts.

True but would you leave your freshly baked homemade Cinnamon buns out to go stale?

I really do think those Cinnamon buns told the story of the day something happened to her.
IMO, it remains unclear when she was allegedly killed.
Unless, as Rio explained, she told her mom she baked rolls.
I don’t know if KB had meds. Certain meds would disqualify her from flying, imo.
I agree, but would be somewhat telling if she took birth control pills and they were still in the bathroom and the pills from Thursday on that week were still in the package. It would indicate she was not there to take them, not necessarily that she was killed that day, but would add to the probability. IMO
Not if she didn’t accept and agree (which would then lead into the world of conspiracy). If she did, we may see conspiracy charges. As they stand now, they’re just solicitation charges for him. The solicitee, even if they don’t tell LE, is not criminally culpable if they turn the solicitor down.

So lets say I'm in her position. LE comes to talk to me and they have enough information about the cellphone that I start talking and talking. He told me to take the cellphone to idaho and send the messages. I didn't want to I was afraid. He scared me. He didn't just kill KB in a fit of anger, he planned it out. He came to me three different times to ask me to do it. If he was willing to kill KB, he might kill me so i did it. etc etc More detail. Do you think she could get immunity for her role in the cellphone if she was able to make it look like she was afraid of him. Not saying it is a good story- she could have gone to the police, lives hundreds and hundreds of miles away. But do you think LE would make an immunity deal because her info was good and all she did was dispose of the phone and send messages , or not? Obviously, i don't expect you to read minds lol, but liklihood?
True but would you leave your freshly baked homemade Cinnamon buns out to go stale?

I really do think those Cinnamon buns told the story of the day something happened to her.
I do too. I also think whatever they found on that second search had to be conclusive proof of her death - IMO - I just can't imagine them announcing it otherwise especially for her already grieving family.
Anyone else here watch "You" on Netflix? It came out in September 2018, the main character excelled at sending texts from people's phones after having killed them. It kept people from searching for the missing. Maybe PF got some idea's from the show.
You (TV series) - Wikipedia
Idk the details of her phone log. I have no idea how much time is needed to get info. Some cases it happens fairly soon, some not.
We’ve not heard her to be a big SM fanatic. A lot of times it seems a missing girl has to be on SM every ten minutes.
I don’t find it odd that someone MIGHT go a day or two w/o using their phone.
I’m curious, did IN TELL police PF murdered KB on Thanksgiving?

Perhaps, but on a holiday weekend, it seems like she would make contact with other family members, or reply to texts sent etc...she cannot have been so isolated that no one reached out to her over the weekend, could she? But then we are back to her not being reported missing/asking for welfare check for so long...maybe it was normal for her.
True but would you leave your freshly baked homemade Cinnamon buns out to go stale?

I really do think those Cinnamon buns told the story of the day something happened to her.

There’s a lot of scenarios. If I am alone in a small home, cleaning a crime scene, I honestly would wish to eliminate the scent of cleaning chemicals. Or, I might need to be there for enough time I needed to eat. Idk what happened, obviously. I’m still searching for info stating PF lived in poverty & his mom financially supported him.
@PommyMommy.... correct me if I am wrong because I have total faith in you :)...... should I be skeptical of this particular reporter from CrimeOnline???..... In reading this, reporter says "In announcing Berreth's arrest at a news conference etc" (Bereth's arrest????... what gives with that??). The reporter then goes on to to mention FoxNews31 sent a reporter to Hansen, Idaho.....then says "Hansen worked as a nurse in Twin Falls".... if I'm reading this correctly (and I've read it 3 times), this reporter is all over the map with errors....I know what she means, but it really makes me wonder if she is jumping the gun to get a story out.... I'll reread the other news outlets highlighted here....
Wowzers. I don't know if Ellen is a member here, but @leighEg is. Let's hope CrimeOnline will make some corrections.

Patrick Frazee asked Idaho nurse ‘more than once’ to kill Kelsey Berreth; investigators comb Twin Falls for clues in murder investigation [VIDEO]
I keep thinking it would be a difficult situation with KB within 15 miles (I think this was mentioned in MSM) versus Hansen, Idaho if this is a relationship between PF and KK as mentioned in some articles. Then there are the child-sharing responsibilities.
Even if she rec’d 15 calls/texts after speaking with her mom, IMO, it does not mean a thing. Only that she didn’t answer/respond. Maybe she was napping, cleaning house, showering, etc. Some people (as we know) are attached to their devices. Some, not so much.

I don't think anyone means to say it is one thing that the LE are going by. It is the sum of everything ie last sighting, last phone use, cinnamon rolls, her vehicles and other belongings, PF's whereabouts after, Informant information etc etc.
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