CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #29 *ARREST*

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I think they aren't searching because they know something we don't. I have found it strange there have never been any searches. So I speculate they know they aren't going to find anything. JMO
Regrettably, I heard something a couple of weeks ago on SM that I just didn't want to believe and it involved KK but I can't remember if they named anyone else. I'm going to go back and see if I can find it. I can't bring that here, nor would I want to. But, many here, and me included, have long felt LE aren't looking for a body because they know something. Sadly, what I heard would support that, but I just don't trust SM. Heck, many of us don't trust MSM anymore :) JMT
Except the R's have been all over the place with their story. In Segment 1. We saw that poor mother at the press conference looking for her daughter and we reported it after that. So after Dec 15.

When you can't keep your stories straight that usually means it isn't coming from a place of the full truth. Like I said i think they are tweaking their stories because of their personal beliefs about what is true and not. but JMO
The press conference when Kelsey's mother spoke the words mentioned by PR occurred on December 10th.
Curious it was a day after the infamous text to DOSS,and PF. HMMMMMM

Yeah, I 'm thinking the employee was starting to have an emotional meltdown. Imagine if you weren't involved, and you didn't think anything was going to actually happen. And then your friend goes to Colorado for thanksgiving. Comes back and maybe starts saying some strange things to you. You start freaking out, you go to your employer on Nov 26, an attorney, and you say I think something happened, I think that woman went missing, I think my friend is being forced into something and is terrified. Just speculating
MOO, but maybe they didn’t mix up the dates. Dec. 2 is the date KB was formally declared a missing person. But she was informally missing from noon, Nov. 22, through Dec. 1. Depending on her posting/liking habits, etc., it’s not unreasonable to think that there was other chatter among unknowns about her absence, PM’s she was expected to read but never did, etc. Not sure why a “Has anyone seen KB lately? I hope she’s OK!” message would come to the attention of the R’s, but if a post like that were public it certainly could. Wouldn't it be something if FB sharing and newsfeed algorithms were responsible for accidentally outing a crime for once? What poetic justice that would be! (MOO, as always...)

Why would people 700 miles away in Twin Falls ID be following someone they didn't know and had never met in Woodland Park, CO?

Who in Twin Falls would have been following KB OTHER than KK?

KB was a quiet, outdorsy, PRIVATE, religious person. If she was communicating with anyone on Social Media - it would have been with her family or persons from her church. She had very few friends locally that we have ever heard about. She doesn't seem like a person who took 100 selfies a day, posted about nail polish, her meals, or her outfits. We havent heard at all that FB or other group-think behaviors were ever part of her life.

The only people we have been told received the falsified texts from her were her work and PF. And those two deceptions were enough to put off alarms from even her MOTHER.

If someone was pulling an alarm on Nov 26 other than PF, it was someone who was close enough to know she was incapacitated.

Was it KK, BFF, or the R's, or someone else?
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So you have seen mines in the area that you considered to be good places to hide a body. I lived in the area two summers, many years ago, and hiked extensively, and did not. We have different observations. However, my point was that I have never heartd of one actually being used to hide a body. Rampart Range Road, on the other hand, is has always been quite popular.

I don't know about mines in Colorado, but In Mojave Desert, California there have been quite a few instatnces where bodies have been found in pit mines and mine shafts. One of the most recent that comes to mind is Erin Corwin.

Untapped gold mine was site of Erin Corwin body

Here are some others if interested in reading about them

I spent a lot of time in that desert and I can tell you there are hundreds of open mines that are no longer used. They have worked to close or fill in a lot of the mines, but many remain to this day.
MOO, but maybe they didn’t mix up the dates. Dec. 2 is the date KB was formally declared a missing person. But she was informally missing from noon, Nov. 22, through Dec. 1. Depending on her posting/liking habits, etc., it’s not unreasonable to think that there was other chatter among unknowns about her absence, PM’s she was expected to read but never did, etc. Not sure why a “Has anyone seen KB lately? I hope she’s OK!” message would come to the attention of the R’s, but if a post like that were public it certainly could. Wouldn't it be something if FB sharing and newsfeed algorithms were responsible for accidentally outing a crime for once? What poetic justice that would be! (MOO, as always...)
Quite interesting about the dates the R’s are reporting. If those are correct, they may be part of the premeditated murder scheme.

Possibly, it could have been the “perfect” disappearing act/murder if things had gone according to plan for KK and FP and other accomplices or solicitors.

On Nov 25, 1) KB (fake bc not her) sends text to her work and PF saying she will be out. This sets the stage for flakiness or voluntary disappearance on behalf of KB.

On Nov 26 2) FB post/SM post or other type communication expresses KB has gone missing. This might be cover up attempt to show timeline and documentation to support KB left and “people are concerned.”

The text from KB’s phone created doubts that something terrible had happened and provided temporary comfort. I can see how this would delay any further investigation at the moment.

However, evidence for murder is then found and story isn’t credible.

Yes, two days ago a Denver news agency posted on FB that the FBI were now searching in Hansen, ID. Previously they searched in Twin Falls.

yes, but these searches don't seem like searches for a body, which are usually big searches with volunteers. These searches seem a little more targeted. Which I guess could be direct evidence that a body is in this location, but I'm guessing not.
It seems like Rs knew more than they are letting on because as soon as they saw that KB was missing (regardless of the date) they automatically thought to ask BFF to ask KK if this is the person she was asked to kill??

Even though this was a missing person 800 miles away? Just because the fiancé name was Patrick?

Please jump in if I got this wrong.

I’m not making judgements on Rs motives for an interview. It just sounds like people know more than they’re saying. JMO
It seems like Rs knew more than they are letting on because as soon as they saw that KB was missing (regardless of the date) they automatically thought to ask BFF to ask KK if this is the person she was asked to kill??

Even though this was a missing person 800 miles away? Just because the fiancé name was Patrick?

Please jump in if I got this wrong.

I’m not making judgements on Rs motives for an interview. It just sounds like people know more than they’re saying. JMO
I'm on the opposite opinion- I think they are saying more than they really know.
Mrs R saw CB on Dec 10th presser pleading for the safe return of her daughter- and she ‘began to connect the dots.’ So she waited until Dec 17th to call and report what she knew. The End.
Pretty much. Except I'm missing the part where Mrs. R knew that both PF and KB lived in Colorado, and how she figured out that KK's "boyfriend" and KB's "fiancé" were the same person. Exactly what dots did Mrs. R have to connect?
IMO, no matter KK’s role, she apparently thought it was a great idea for KB to be killed. Was she rubbing her dirty hands together in anticipation, leading up to the day?
Did she think she would finally have P to herself, help him raise another woman’s child

Raising another woman's child

Well, she could absorb Baby K into her own family and keep something of PF's forever.

But I think that PF's mother would likely want to raise Baby K, as long as she is able.
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