CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #36 *ARREST*

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If she was simply solicited to commit murder, and said no, she wouldn’t face any charges, as not reporting it is not criminal.

That’s the least of it though. She knew what she was helping with, and did it anyways.

That’s the criminal part.

Eventually, we will have a clearer picture as to how involved she was in this. No matter what happens though, she will never we held to full account, atleast legally.

I fully expect that the only charge she will face in all of this, is the lone one she is in court for tomorrow.

That ain’t a slap on the wrist, as much as a complete miss.

She’s lucky.

As much as I'd love to see her do time, it gives me some satisfaction to know she will have to fill in that special block on any job application that makes one reveal her assorted felonies. It almost guarantees being passed over for a responsible position.

She'll also now have a two-part introduction: Rodeo Queen and Convicted Felon, such a coveted dual identity!

The downside is that taxpayers will be supporting her with Section 8 housing and food stamps. I do feel for her children and hope the grandparents step in to help them. MOO
As much as I'd love to see her do time, it gives me some satisfaction to know she will have to fill in that special block on any job application that makes one reveal her assorted felonies. It almost guarantees being passed over for a responsible position.

She'll also now have a two-part introduction: Rodeo Queen and Convicted Felon, such a coveted dual identity!

The downside is that taxpayers will be supporting her with Section 8 housing and food stamps. I do feel for her children and hope the grandparents step in to help them. MOO
Yeah, there is still a price to be paid, even if it isn’t in the form of jail or prison time.

Her life as she knows it, is effectively over. I take some small measure of satisfaction in that.

I’ll be a lot more satisfied once PF goes away for life.
As much as I'd love to see her do time, it gives me some satisfaction to know she will have to fill in that special block on any job application that makes one reveal her assorted felonies. It almost guarantees being passed over for a responsible position.

She'll also now have a two-part introduction: Rodeo Queen and Convicted Felon, such a coveted dual identity!

The downside is that taxpayers will be supporting her with Section 8 housing and food stamps. I do feel for her children and hope the grandparents step in to help them. MOO
I feel for her children as well; they are victims too and do not deserve to suffer for the horrible decisions of their mother. MOO
I know it’s frustrating, but don’t give up on this case yet.

KK is not a co-conspirator. Legally, that requires her to have accepted his solicitation and for them to have planned the crime together, and at least one of them to have taken a solid step towards the plan. We know this didn’t happen because PF is charged with solicitation and not conspiracy. And I’m of the opinion he’s charged with exactly what he did.

If the court charged and convicted on moral grounds, she would most certainly be getting life in prison. But it doesn’t. I believe the DAs case has so far shaped up so show that KK was solicited more than once, declined each time (but didn’t report it), PF then carried out the murder himself, and then involved her in the aftermath. I think she took the phone home with her on 11/24, sent the messages and tossed or destroyed it on 11/25.

This whole situation angers us so much because she KNEW before and helped AFTER. This means she’s a horrible human being in every possible sense. But if there’s no evidence to show she accepted his solicitation or agreed to a plan to murder or helped him murder or helped him get rid of the body...they can’t charge her with it. No evidence = no conviction.

She’s getting a pretty good deal, it sounds like, from what we know. This seems to us so incredibly backwards. This person knew before AND helped after, and she gets a deal?? But the truth is, if she would only be legally liable to an accessory after charge otherwise, and they give her tampering in exchange for whatever evidence she has that the DA deems worthy of this exchange, then they’re making the right decision.
That KK is only being charged as she is, tells me that the prosecution either has very little evidence against her, or that they very badly need her for the prosecution of PF, or perhaps a bit of both. If they thought she was in any way involved in the murder of KB, there is NO WAY she would get this deal. At least I would hope! We will see what happens tomorrow.

That KK is only being charged as she is, tells me that the prosecution either has very little evidence against her, or that they very badly need her for the prosecution of PF, or perhaps a bit of both. If they thought she was in any way involved in the murder of KB, there is NO WAY she would get this deal. At least I would hope! We will see what happens tomorrow.

I agree. I would go so far as to say the DA would be unethical to do so if he had enough to convict on actual involvement. That’s why I’m so sure it just isn’t there.
As much as I'd love to see her do time, it gives me some satisfaction to know she will have to fill in that special block on any job application that makes one reveal her assorted felonies. It almost guarantees being passed over for a responsible position.

She'll also now have a two-part introduction: Rodeo Queen and Convicted Felon, such a coveted dual identity!

The downside is that taxpayers will be supporting her with Section 8 housing and food stamps. I do feel for her children and hope the grandparents step in to help them. MOO
But whatever happens, I believe that KK will be in disgrace and have this following her for the rest of her life.
No escape from the court of public opinion and social media, even if she changes her name.
Its small justice but something at least, if it brings the mastermind to justice. Her life as she knows it, is over, and she's in for a whole new reality even if its only a slap on the wrist from the courts. Just like NK. The public remembers. And tabloids love to revive old stories when its a slow news day.
As much as I'd love to see her do time, it gives me some satisfaction to know she will have to fill in that special block on any job application that makes one reveal her assorted felonies. It almost guarantees being passed over for a responsible position.

She'll also now have a two-part introduction: Rodeo Queen and Convicted Felon, such a coveted dual identity!

The downside is that taxpayers will be supporting her with Section 8 housing and food stamps. I do feel for her children and hope the grandparents step in to help them. MOO

Medical coders with her background can work at home anywhere in the west and make $56,000 a year. With two dependents, that's not even close to Section 8 qualification. IMO
I agree. I would go so far as to say the DA would be unethical to do so if he had enough to convict on actual involvement. That’s why I’m so sure it just isn’t there.
I think the County Attorney has charged KK with what he believes he can prove. He will have a hard time adding charges later based upon what he knows now. I also do not see any federal charges in this case.
I'm beginning to think more like what @Trudie has been saying (that KKL may have been the mastermind). I'm not so sure that KKL is a just a poor ol' love struck gal that PF has been using and manipulating.

Who is the actual killer(s)? Did they come from KKL's world/family or PF's?

I have also changed my mind about PF's mother. Yes, she looks formidable and no-nonsense but what if she was bullied by PF instead of the other way around?

Is there a chance that PF didn't pay the killer(s) like he said he would and they are keeping KB held captive for their own depraved reasons?

Could the killer(s) have told PF that they killed and disposed of KB's body but they actually didn't? I think of those cases of mountain, survivalist men who kidnapped women off hiking trails to be their "wives."

I'm beginning to think more like what @Trudie has been saying (that KKL may have been the mastermind). I'm not so sure that KKL is a just a poor ol' love struck gal that PF has been using and manipulating.

Who is the actual killer(s)? Did they come from KKL's world/family or PF's?

I have also changed my mind about PF's mother. Yes, she looks formidable and no-nonsense but what if she was bullied by PF instead of the other way around?

If we are to take this plea deal at face value, it appears that she was far less involved than we had previously thought.

My thinking is accessory after the fact, plead down.

Certainly not the killer, nor the mastermind (I never thought she was either).

PF was certainly the killer, and KK helped to an extent.

As for the relationship between PF and His mother, who knows.
Is there a chance that PF didn't pay the killer(s) like he said he would and they are keeping KB held captive for their own depraved reasons?

Could the killer(s) have told PF that they killed and disposed of KB's body but they actually didn't? I think of those cases of mountain, survivalist men who kidnapped women off hiking trails to be their "wives."

I don't think this is likely.

I wish it were as it might mean KB is alive still, but that would be optimistic to the point of foolishness.
I'm beginning to think more like what @Trudie has been saying (that KKL may have been the mastermind). I'm not so sure that KKL is a just a poor ol' love struck gal that PF has been using and manipulating.

Who is the actual killer(s)? Did they come from KKL's world/family or PF's?

I have also changed my mind about PF's mother. Yes, she looks formidable and no-nonsense but what if she was bullied by PF instead of the other way around?

I know it’s frustrating, but don’t give up on this case yet.

KK is not a co-conspirator. Legally, that requires her to have accepted his solicitation and for them to have planned the crime together, and at least one of them to have taken a solid step towards the plan. We know this didn’t happen because PF is charged with solicitation and not conspiracy. And I’m of the opinion he’s charged with exactly what he did.

If the court charged and convicted on moral grounds, she would most certainly be getting life in prison. But it doesn’t. I believe the DAs case has so far shaped up so show that KK was solicited more than once, declined each time (but didn’t report it), PF then carried out the murder himself, and then involved her in the aftermath. I think she took the phone home with her on 11/24, sent the messages and tossed or destroyed it on 11/25.

This whole situation angers us so much because she KNEW before and helped AFTER. This means she’s a horrible human being in every possible sense. But if there’s no evidence to show she accepted his solicitation or agreed to a plan to murder or helped him murder or helped him get rid of the body...they can’t charge her with it. No evidence = no conviction.

She’s getting a pretty good deal, it sounds like, from what we know. This seems to us so incredibly backwards. This person knew before AND helped after, and she gets a deal?? But the truth is, if she would only be legally liable to an accessory after charge otherwise, and they give her tampering in exchange for whatever evidence she has that the DA deems worthy of this exchange, then they’re making the right decision.

I'll believe KK gets a deal when I see it.

KK knew of PF plans months beforehand and made a point of telling someone else. That's odd and why the bff turned to confide in her employer. KK continued to communicate with PF and tell her friends they were in a relationship. KK traveled 800 miles to the crime scene in order to tamper with evidence and delay LE investigation, how is all that not evidence that KK accepted PF's invitation to play a role in a premeditated homicide? For all we know, it was KK who committed the robbery/homicide. Her actions are very similar to the case of Kari Farver. Text messages impersonating Kari were sent to Kari's mother and her employer. Because of those text messages, LE delayed getting involved. Her mother had to beg LE to investigate. Kari's body has never been found and it was an intensive forensic investigation of the text messages and facebook postings that led to her killer.

Jealous Lover Killed Rival and Posed as Her on Facebook, Cops Say
If we are to take this plea deal at face value, it appears that she was far less involved than we had previously thought.

Certainly not the killer, nor the mastermind (I never thought she was either).

PF was certainly the killer, and KK helped to an extent.

As for the relationship between PF and His mother, who knows.
I don't believe that PF actually murdered KB. I think someone else did the deed
and PF paid for it (or was to pay for it). I have changed my mind about KKL.

I think she did more than just toss KB's phone.

I haven't had time to watch all of the news footage about the latest PF custody hearing but a headline said PF had to wear a flack jacket. But in the footage, he was just wearing the striped prison clothes.
Maybe they were replaying the original custody hearing.

Can someone tell me, is the very, very tall woman in red, PF's sister?
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