CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #50 *ARREST*

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I agree she's not telling the whole truth. I would not be surprised that she was taking speed, and I'm sure she was more jacked up than ever after burning the tote. I still think the body was just starting to smell when it was burnt, because of the cool temps. I don't think the gun would have held a lot of odor and if it was bloody, they probably wiped it. I was watching a program with the Body Farm doc and he specifically talked about the timeline of the odor of a decaying body and he said it would begin to smell on the second or third day, and this was a body where the weather was warmer day and night, in the summer. The body in the tote was in cooler temps, probably not higher than mid 50's during the day and possibly quite a bit cooler, and down to below freezing at night. What do you think KK is lying about?
The bludgeoning caused tissue damage and blood loss to KB’s body, so the decomposition process would progress very fast.
Not sure her Sonic run has much to do with her size as it does her lack of humanity.

The comments about looks have bothered me each time, but only now chose to post on it because it seems to have gone over the top in frequency.

People who are obese, or unattractive, or lousy dressers, or having bad hair days aren't bad people because of their perceived lack of "good looks".

And good looking people can be absolutely horrific. Some in Hollywood are prime examples.

I just have a problem when we seem to equate the two (bad people are ugly, ugly people are bad).

That ain't real life.

KK, IMO, is a HORRIBLE person, BUT not due to anything other than her actions and attitude.

That being said, sometimes one's personality is a reflection of their self-esteem and how well they take care of themselves, which can affect behavior and their decision making. Still, doesn't necessarily make them bad people.

The halo effect.

And maybe there is a reverse halo effect, too.

I think KK and PF are both reasonably physically attractive. They are hard to look at because we know what they’ve done.
Three weeks until the April 4th disposition hearing and then April 5th for the arraignment. Surely custody of K will remain with the B’s. I don’t think the arraignment will reveal anything new although this case so far has been full of surprises. Thoughts?
Custody of Baby K remaining with the CB and the B family is one thing I'm absolutely sure of.

I said way back when they ruled in CB's favor over the F family and by allowing them to relocate her home location and routine it was huge, and I don't see that changing going forward. Plus, now we know Momma F will more than likely be called in the States case. ;)
Custody of Baby K remaining with the CB and the B family is one thing I'm absolutely sure of.

I said way back when they ruled in CB's favor over the F family and by allowing them to relocate her home location and routine it was huge, and I don't see that changing going forward. Plus, now we know Momma F will more than likely be called in the States case. ;)
Yup. I’m not concerned about the case against PF, just as I’m not concerned about SF ever succeeding in gaining custody.

PF ain’t walking out of jail, and his momma ain’t getting that baby.

Her son likely murdered KB to gain full custody, and SF shouldn’t benefit on principal alone.

You can’t kill your way to custody.
Yup. I’m not concerned about the case against PF, just as I’m not concerned about SF ever succeeding in gaining custody.

PF ain’t walking out of jail, and his momma ain’t getting that baby.

Her son likely murdered KB to gain full custody, and SF shouldn’t benefit on principal alone.

You can’t kill your way to custody.
MG do you think MommaF will take the stand and plead the 5th at trial? Some people have speculated that PF might entertain a plea in order to protect SF.

I personally don't think he'll ever talk, but that could be strictly bc of my intense hatred of this defendant. :oops:
MG do you think MommaF will take the stand and plead the 5th at trial? Some people have speculated that PF might entertain a plea in order to protect SF.

I personally don't think he'll ever talk, but that could be strictly bc of my intense hatred of this defendant. :oops:
I do think she’ll plead the fifth.

It prevents her from incriminating herself, but even if she had nothing incriminating to worry about, she’d likely use it to protect her son.

This woman knows things, and her truthful testimony would likely bury PF.

She could shed light on his movements, his actions, and his words following this crime.

I do think his mommy is his weakest link, but I’m not sure law enforcement has enough on her in order for the DA to apply pressure to her, and in effect, him.
I've tried to think about the trial.

If both PF and SF plead the fifth, does anyone think it will improve PF's chances?

If PF also refused to talk to LE on his lawyer's advice, then his 'side' will consist of his defense trying to discredit anything the prosecution brings up.

I just don't understand PF's thinking (and I should probably be grateful for that). Does he just figure he has nothing to lose and is he just hoping for at least one sympathetic juror?

He'd been bad-mouthing KB to people for some time, people who didn't know KB and were apparently all too willing to take PF's side without knowing all the facts.

I would like to be a fly on the wall to hear what kind of advice his attorney is giving him.
I do think she’ll plead the fifth.

It prevents her from incriminating herself, but even if she had nothing incriminating to worry about, she’d likely use it to protect her son.

This woman knows things, and her truthful testimony would likely bury PF.

She could shed light on his movements, his actions, and his words following this crime.

I do think his mommy is his weakest link, but I’m not sure law enforcement has enough on her in order for the DA to apply pressure to her, and in effect, him.

I'd like to think (hope) that her taking the 5th will work against PF.

She could easily deny she ever went on the porch to see the fire: her word against KK's. KK is a known liar; SF isn't (yet, anyway). She could claim she wasn't clock-watching on Thanksgiving Day, so she doesn't know exactly when PF and Baby K arrived or whether PF went out again that evening. Who can disprove her testimony?

If I were a juror, I would wonder what grounds she has for claiming the 5th. As far as I can tell, no one has ever suggested she has broken any laws, and claiming the 5th is supposed to be protecting yourself from incrimination, not someone else.
I've tried to think about the trial.

If both PF and SF plead the fifth, does anyone think it will improve PF's chances?

If PF also refused to talk to LE on his lawyer's advice, then his 'side' will consist of his defense trying to discredit anything the prosecution brings up.

I just don't understand PF's thinking (and I should probably be grateful for that). Does he just figure he has nothing to lose and is he just hoping for at least one sympathetic juror?

He'd been bad-mouthing KB to people for some time, people who didn't know KB and were apparently all too willing to take PF's side without knowing all the facts.

I would like to be a fly on the wall to hear what kind of advice his attorney is giving him.
At this point, PF is a man with nothing to lose.

Yes, the evidence is going to be overwhelming, but he’s still looking at life in prison either way.

Might as well roll the dice.

There’s always time for a plea deal anyways.
At this point, PF is a man with nothing to lose.

Yes, the evidence is going to be overwhelming, but he’s still looking at life in prison either way.

Might as well roll the dice.

There’s always time for a plea deal anyways.

He's been in jail for three months now? I can't even imagine that - getting up one morning, the police show up, and you've just laid eyes on your home for the last twenty years for the last time ever (we hope).

No dogs or horses to kick, no gf to abuse - how does he deal with his anger?

And what probably makes him maddest of all is that KK turned on him and got a sweet deal and he's powerless to do anything about it.

If he didn't really have an ulcer before he got arrested, I bet he has one now.
I say “honestly” and maybe “to be honest” when I’m aware I’m saying something that might be construed as rude or that I’d rather not say but that the situation seems to warrant, or that no one else will say. I don’t say “here’s the story” unless it’s a story, though.
I usually start that one with “do you want me to tell you what I really think? Or am I just listening and being supportive “. Which also gets you into trouble.
Just pondering a defense that fits with evidence.-PF claims KB was with him the days phones were together , and KK came down on the 25th and murdered the woman she had been stalking.-Could that be spun into a possible story from the stand?

Does that fit with when PF arrived at and left her townhome? Why didn’t anyone ever see her again after the time he left? Had she ever gone to work with him all day like that before? Had she sent an email to her employer to lie about going out of town? If their phones were together and they were together, and they were texting each other (correct me if I’m wrong), that is also weird. Those are a few hiccups that come to mind.
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Just pondering a defense that fits with evidence.-PF claims KB was with him the days phones were together , and KK came down on the 25th and murdered the woman she had been stalking.-Could that be spun into a possible story from the stand?
I think they will have to try something similar to that.

The problem the defense has, is that PF claims he last saw KB in person when they exchanged the baby on Thanksgiving Day.

I don’t know how they can spin a story that makes sense of him returning to her house (caught on video), and leaving with KB’s phone.

This is a massive lie.

They also need to explain all the communications that occurred when PF and KB’s phones were in the same place (two days after he claims to have last seen her).

I’ve been trying to think of a semi plausible story, but I can’t make it come remotely close to fitting with the evidence.
Just pondering a defense that fits with evidence.-PF claims KB was with him the days phones were together , and KK came down on the 25th and murdered the woman she had been stalking.-Could that be spun into a possible story from the stand?
He would need to explain why he was seen coming and going on the neighbors camera but not KB. which given the amount of comings and going‘s that were missed by that camera might be possible.


He’s already told LE that Thanksgiving day was the last time he saw her, so he couldn’t then claim that he was her for a couple of days after that… Her and her phone…and change his story.
MG do you think MommaF will take the stand and plead the 5th at trial? Some people have speculated that PF might entertain a plea in order to protect SF.

I personally don't think he'll ever talk, but that could be strictly bc of my intense hatred of this defendant. :oops:

There can't be she said\he said at trial if he never says, right?
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