CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - *Arrest* #60

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CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - *Arrest* #59

Yes, all those things are done to prevent the spread of infection. "Perfectly" in this case is to prevent anyone from catching a communicable disease. None of those things are done to eliminate blood from showing up forensically - I have no idea if they would or not and I highly doubt KK knew either. Also, as I said, you can buy bloodborne pathogen clean up kits on Amazon - so these are not things that are unavailable to the general public. KK didn't somehow know how to eliminate blood evidence better than someone else because she was a nurse. MOO.
Oops, I responded to mysterians post about PF going to the Nash ranch on the night of the murder and for some reason it ended up under the wrong post.

Yes, that's how I understand it.
But I also thought it was mentioned that PF made a phone call to his older friend that night, or maybe even went to his house later on Thanksgiving.
That's what I was wondering about.
Not sure if I'm remembering correctly.

In one set of notes that Pommy posted for us, the reporter said 'no cross at this time.' It surprised me. Unless it is a very fragile victim, like a surviving family member, the defense always crosses in some way, too try and lessen the impact.

The prosecution is presenting a very complex case. It makes sense that they will call some witnesses to the stand more than once, as their knowledge fits into the overall presentation. It will be more convenient for all parties, and clearer to the jury, if a witness that appears multiple times is cross examined only once. IMO
Regarding PF’s hand written alibi, so everything he wrote after “1:30 leave Walmart” is bogus, right? There was no driving to check on and take care of cattle. Seems to me she was killed between 2:21pm (after she googled casserole recipe) and 4:20pm.
I tried to read every post from yesterday. Did I miss KB Google searches? Looks like I even missed time stamps?
Oh boy....
I need to read better.
Ok, can someone be kind enough to link me to that info....
This search warrant Search Warrant.pdf : , pages 13-28, describes PF's cell phone activity, along with KB's cell phone activity(and other phone #s as documented) during the T'giving weekend time period. PF's and KB's phones left the Franchette after PF finally arrived there for his T'giving meal, and phones traveled in the direction of Cripple Creek, per search warrant. I think the cellphone activity will be testified about during PF's trial. It will be interesting to learn more about this activity, IMO. IIRC, KK alleges (and was linked previously)that KB's body was moved by PF to Nash Ranch T'giving night and placed (in the tote) in the hay barn on top of the hay bales. If I'm wrong, please correct this.
I replied to this but it ended up under the wrong post.
My question was about PF contacting his friend or going to visit him at his house that night.
I haven't found it in the search warrant yet, but I'll keep looking, thanks.
i curious about what the field of view [fov] which is how much of an area is part of the image. have any of the images from the neighbors camera been released to the public? i have not seen any that i can remember.
Be patient...all that's coming.
I thought we already had that information, but it was a long time ago so I don't even know if that's what happened.
I think his friends ranch was nearby the Nash ranch, and his phone was either in close proximity or he actually called him.
I can't remember the older friends name, but I just wondered if anybody else remembers something like that.

Patrick Frazee Was Hours Late To Thanksgiving Dinner On Day Kelsey Berreth Disappeared, Brother Testifies

  • Sean, who said he has “not been close” with his brother, said dinner began at 3 p.m. at their mother’s house but Patrick did not arrive until 5 p.m. Sean said that day was the first time he’d met his niece, Kaylee, who was about a year old at the time.
  • In court on Tuesday, there was testimony about the location of Patrick Frazee’s truck and the position of the black box seen coming and going from Berreth’s house on Thanksgiving. The box was facing different directions, indicating the box was moved.
  • A CBI investigator, Agent Gregg Slater testified that cadaver dogs were requested on Dec. 4 and detected human decomposition on the back bumper of Berreth’s Toyota Corolla.
  • Agent Slater testified Tuesday that Patrick Frazee had agreed to pay $700/month to Berreth in child support, but his June or July payment was about $100 short and he hasn’t sent any support payments after July.
  • Slater told the court Patrick Frazee was $72,000 in default on a loan that had matured on Dec. 1, 2018.
  • Kenney, is expected to testify in the next couple of days. In exchange, Lee agreed to plead guilty to evidence tampering. She faces a maximum of three years in prison, but if her story falls apart, her deal is off the table.
I tried to read every post from yesterday. Did I miss KB Google searches? Looks like I even missed time stamps?
Oh boy....
I need to read better.
Ok, can someone be kind enough to link me to that info....
This was news to me too.
Maybe it came from Sam's video?
I haven't seen that either but I think it was posted late last night. Or early this morning.
I thought we already had that information, but it was a long time ago so I don't even know if that's what happened.
I think his friends ranch was nearby the Nash ranch, and his phone was either in close proximity or he actually called him.
I can't remember the older friends name, but I just wondered if anybody else remembers something like that.


The best I remember his friend did a TV interview. Could this be the source?

They haven't got there yet! In case you haven't noticed, the prosecution appears to be going in order of the events as they happened. That part will come soon, I assure you. What makes you think that the chemicals haven't picked up the blood splatter? You think they don't have proof of that and just made it up?

I'm really trying to understand where you are coming from, @MyBelle. I am not picking on you, just trying to understand why you're disregarding everything that has so far been proven as factual. He was at Kelsey's condo that day for several hours, with Kelsey and the baby. Kelsey was never seen alive by anyone after Thanksgiving, probably Safeway employees were the last people to see Kelsey alive, before Patrick murdered her.

No one else, from what we've seen, was in that condo- just Kelsey, Patrick, and their daughter. Only Patrick and the baby came out alive.

Where could Kelsey have gone, without her vehicle? They have phone records showing Patrick had both his phone and Kelsey's, and he was texting her boss, her mother, and God knows who else, pretending to be Kelsey. A lady at the bank and the Verizon store clerk both spoke of how Patrick's behavior was odd. The reason why he wanted the surveillance video from the bank, using some cockameemee excuse about a custody issue, to which she called her lawyers and then called LE to report it. He was asking the Verizon clerk suspicious questions about the phones and then telling him not to believe the things people are saying about him.

I just would like to understand where you are coming from here. Patrick is up for murder, no one else. Patrick's own behavior in the weeks after are suspicious. What do you think he was burning in his mother's front yard on the ranch?
"Like" a thousand times!! I rest my case on this!
I replied to this but it ended up under the wrong post.
My question was about PF contacting his friend or going to visit him at his house that night.
I haven't found it in the search warrant yet, but I'll keep looking, thanks.

IIRC, "Best friend" and "Father figure" was out of town for Thanksgiving, but cell records show PF going to Nash Ranch the night of Thanksgiving.

Which would be a curious thing, considering RS was out of town at the time, if we didn't already know the reason PF headed over to Nash Ranch.

And as a reminder, the reason we know why PF headed over to Nash Ranch is because KK squealed on him. So we know why he went to Nash, and what he did once he got there.

A huge part of the reason we're getting Bombshell after Bombshell after Bombshell dropped on us every single day is because KK gave the prosecution a "voluminous" amount of information about where to look and what to look for...which in term led to the discovery of "voluminous evidence."

"It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings," as the old saying goes.
Word has it, she's warming up her vocal chords.

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I replied to this but it ended up under the wrong post.
My question was about PF contacting his friend or going to visit him at his house that night.
I haven't found it in the search warrant yet, but I'll keep looking, thanks.

Ok, thanks for the clarification.

On page 16 of this search warrant (same one I just linked in my previous post), there's discussion of RS, but it doesn't definitively state that PF's phone had direct contact with RS's phone or arrived at RS's location on 11/22, just says PF's phone was traveling in direction toward RS's residence. I hope this will be testified about/clarified during the trial.

Page 19 of the same search warrant describes possible contact between PF's phone and RS on 11/24. Again, I hope there will be testimony about this during the trial.

Day 4 of the Trial.

Roll Call.

Who's Here For Kelsey?
I'm here now :) How I wish I could stay :( Catch up later with all the excitement. I have no doubt we'll be more the wiser by the end of this trial day!!
Ok, thanks for the clarification.

On page 16 of this search warrant (same one I just linked in my previous post), there's discussion of RS, but it doesn't definitively state that PF's phone had direct contact with RS's phone or arrived at RS's location on 11/22, just says PF's phone was traveling in direction toward RS's residence. I hope this will be testified about/clarified during the trial.

Page 19 of the same search warrant describes possible contact between PF's phone and RS on 11/24. Again, I hope there will be testimony about this during the trial.
Ok, thank you! That's probably what I'm thinking of.
Yes, I'm looking forward to hearing what RS has to say.
I hope he's asked why he told the bank teller, " Forget we were ever here."
And why he was so concerned about PF being seen at the condo.

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