JAN 30, 2020
Krystal Lee sentenced to 3 years; how much time will she serve? - KRDO
"It's sort of an innocuous crime, it doesn't have any serious consequences like a violent crime would," said Criminal Defense Attorney, Pat Mika, who believes she won't be behind barbed wires and prison doors for too long.
"She is automatically eligible for a reduction of 25% reduction off the top of the sentence before she goes into prison. That reduces her sentence down to 27 months. She is eligible for parole after she serves half of that time in prison so that would give her 13 and a half months in her parole eligibility date comes up," he said.
"In this system, she starts getting processed out about nine months before her parole eligibility date so she could theoretically serve a prison sentence of 4 months or 4.5 months," Mika said.