GUILTY CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - *Arrest* #70

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I-da-HO check....
same as last time...

CDOC Offender Search

Age: 33
Ethnicity: WHITE
Gender: FEMALE
Hair Color: BLONDE
Eye Color: BLUE
Height: 5' 05"
Weight: 190
DOC Number: 187885
Est. Parole
Eligibility Date: 05/28/2021
Next Parole
Hearing Date: Feb 2021
This offender is scheduled on the Parole Board agenda for the month and year above. Please contact the facility case manager for the exact date.
Est. Mandatory
Release Date: 11/28/2022
Est. Sentence
Discharge Date:
Current Facility
KOAA News5 on Twitter

Prosecutors oppose Krystal Kenney's request to move to halfway house

The DA's Office describes the consideration of having Kenney serve just two months of her sentence in the Department of Corrections as "outrageously, dishearteningly distorted" when it comes to Colorado's sentencing.


"That is abhorrent for the crime and her participation in it," the letter says.

Glad the DA is going public with this fight.

A spotlight needs to be shone on the Colorado legislature's complete lack of regard for truth in sentencing.

I'm hopeful that the Dan May & Co. will manage to put the kibosh on KK's attempts to land herself in a sweet spot for the remainder of her sentence.

It's obvious the DA's office is going to fight this every inch of the way.

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This cannot be happening… She already got away so very easy for what she did. I think its hopefully just a rule that applies to everyone and she will not be accepted for placement in the community. I very strongly hope so….

Please see below:

“Kenney is eligible for the placement under state law because she pleaded guilty to a non-violent offense and is less than 20 months from her release date, as calculated by the Colorado Department of Corrections, Fourth Judicial District Attorney Dan May said. Now, Kenney can apply to a local community corrections program in the state and the board of that local program will decide whether to accept her, he said. “Serving two months out of a three-year sentence for what she did is simply unconscionable,” May said.”

UPDATE: Woman who aided cover-up in killing of Kelsey Berreth seeks placement in halfway house

Lee, 33, was sentenced Jan. 28 to three years in prison — 1,095 days. Thus far, she has served less than 60 days, the district attorney's statement said.

Community corrections is part of the state’s step-down process for inmates awaiting release, though not all qualify. Each county has a community corrections board that reviews applications and decides whether to grant early release to a halfway house.

Community corrections centers are supervised but aren’t locked down. Inmates may be eligible to leave to work or get treatment.

"The fact that this defendant is even being considered for 'step-down' placement demonstrates once again that Colorado's sentencing scheme is outrageously, dishearteningly distorted," said May and Viehman, who prosecuted the case with then-prosecutor Beth Reed, who has since left the office.

Lee is currently confined at the Denver Women's Correctional Facility. It's unclear when a decision will be made on her possible transfer.

What in the actual.
I mean, I know pot is legal in Colorado, but these people gotta quit hitting the pipe.
This is beyond absurd.

No wonder Dan May spouted off about the Colorado Legislature's lack of transparency re: truth in sentencing.

That this is even something that she'd be eligible for right now is beyond outrageous.

I can't imagine that the community corrections board will even entertain the idea of granting her early release.

This decision's a total no-brainer:

"Application: DENIED."
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If this worthless ______ is eligible for release to a halfway house after serving 2 months on her sentence, somebody please just come and put me out of my misery! There would be no justice left in this world. :mad:

Thoughts to the Berreth family because you know they've heard this horrible news.
This cannot be happening… She already got away so very easy for what she did. I think its hopefully just a rule that applies to everyone and she will not be accepted for placement in the community. I very strongly hope so….

Please see below:

“Kenney is eligible for the placement under state law because she pleaded guilty to a non-violent offense and is less than 20 months from her release date, as calculated by the Colorado Department of Corrections, Fourth Judicial District Attorney Dan May said. Now, Kenney can apply to a local community corrections program in the state and the board of that local program will decide whether to accept her, he said. “Serving two months out of a three-year sentence for what she did is simply unconscionable,” May said.”

Who are the idiots in charge of this? Seriously. They need to become famous. So the good citizens of Colorado know who not to vote for, come election time. MOO
Who are the idiots in charge of this? Seriously. They need to become famous. So the good citizens of Colorado know who not to vote for, come election time. MOO

Amen @AgeofAquaruis... I could not agree more! I have a lot of hope that she will be denied. If she gets approved, i may have to consider moving and I don't want to.... Nope, she better remain in prison!
Amen @AgeofAquaruis... I could not agree more! I have a lot of hope that she will be denied. If she gets approved, i may have to consider moving and I don't want to.... Nope, she better remain in prison!

Ditto. Shame on Colorado if they allow this. As a local I'll be watching this farce of an application closely in order to 'know who not to vote for, come election time' myself. SMH Totally disgusted at even the possibility of this vile beast getting released at ALL. moo
Two months, two stinkin months! Are you kidding me?
I was really hoping for the Berreths sake that we wouldn't hear anything from these two for a long while.
Go May Go! I know he'll fight this hardcore!
Well, KK managed to make it on the local news (FOX) this morning with her ridiculous request to be released. I'm SO DISGUSTED that we even have to see her face on our TVs and devices again. Guess the "Rodeo Queen" ain't so tough in the slammer eh? Poor baby :mad: moo

eta: Dan May's OBJECTION attached


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Ashley Franco@AshleyKKTV

#BREAKING: #KrystalLee is being considered for placement in a halfway house. She was sent to prison after her role in the #KelseyBerreth case.

Thanks for update @PommmyMommy

Denver Women's Correctional Facility (DWCF) is also the facility used to process and complete intakes for all convicted female inmates transferring from county jail to the department of corrections prison system.

During the intake process, full screenings are completed and an individual’s needs are assessed. Each offender’s custody level and long-term facility assignment will be determined here (DWCF).

KK may or may not remain at that location (there are only three prisons for women in Colorado including DWCF).

It's very fortunate that KK remains under the watchful eye of DA Dan May's office and that he has a loud voice in his district.

I've was fearful of this idea in my last post after KK showed up on the roster at DWCF which is the same facility used to process female inmates transferring from county jail to the DOC prison system and where KK has remained for more than a month -- and never transferred to one of the other two female prisons for the duration of her sentence.

I also think the Governor of Colorado bears some responsibility here (i.e., planting the seed for KK's defense to initiate request) after January's announcement that he was closing a 650-bed medium-security facility in El Paso County effective March 7 --giving DOC only 60 days to accommodate the inmates. Citing the state's budget shortfall for this decision, I'm wondering how many of these inmates potentially without a home also went to halfway houses.

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