Found Deceased CO - Kevin Rudnicki, 20, hiker, Mount Herman, Pike National Forest, 3 Sep 2018

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I am so sorry for your loss and hope you are comforted by some sense of relief of knowing where he is and also that Kevin is at peace. I am so sorry for any tough times he endured and for your pain at this result. I am also amazed and in awe of your perseverance and your ability to find your brother and bring him home. I don't think there are adequate words, but your family is in my thoughts and prayers tonight.
I am greatly saddened to say that Kevin's friend and I found Kevin today at 9:20 am. Of course, we cannot convey how saddened we are, but we are also relieved that the search is over. We are extremely grateful for the kindness and advice this board has had to offer.

I am open to answering any questions, we have been prepared for this for a while now. Kevin was in the area that the dog wanted to pull, about 1/10 a mile down the hill from the road. Backpack, belongings, clothes, and the skeleton remain.

Again, we thank you all for your immense help.

Words on a forum aren't really enough to convey what I want to say. You followed your gut and your heart and now Kevin can be at rest. While I think it's right and unsurprising that you found him, I also wish it hadn't had to be you, y'know? When some time has passed and you're feeling up to it, I would very much like to read your thoughts on what may have happened and whether the coroner could give you any additional insights.

If you have any questions down the line about death by suicide or it becomes relevant, I am happy to tell you what I know (which is more than a lot). In turn, I may have learned something from you on this thread about perseverance - please consider sticking around and helping other families in similar cases.

For @Kevinsmom98 This is just a virtual hug, but I hope it helps even a little to know so many strangers around the world care about Kevin and your family. I was born in Colorado Springs, so have a special attachment to things like this that go on in those mountains. I am both deeply saddened and relieved, for Kevin and everyone that loves him. Whatever questions or musing you have that you need a neutral ear and truthful response, or if you just need a place to vent, we are here for you.
I am greatly saddened to say that Kevin's friend and I found Kevin today at 9:20 am. Of course, we cannot convey how saddened we are, but we are also relieved that the search is over. We are extremely grateful for the kindness and advice this board has had to offer.

I am open to answering any questions, we have been prepared for this for a while now. Kevin was in the area that the dog wanted to pull, about 1/10 a mile down the hill from the road. Backpack, belongings, clothes, and the skeleton remain.

Again, we thank you all for your immense help.
Very sorry. I’m glad you found him at last. I applaud your love and dedication. RIP Kevin.
One more thing. The family of KR has been open and honest. I appreciate that they have been willing to share everything in order to find KR and bring him home.

Thank you Family of Kevin Rudnicki.
This x 1000. RIP Kevin. @PalmerLakeAnon you brought your brother home in time for Christmas. I have two sons and I hope they grow up to love each other as you loved Kevin.
I am greatly saddened to say that Kevin's friend and I found Kevin today at 9:20 am. Of course, we cannot convey how saddened we are, but we are also relieved that the search is over. We are extremely grateful for the kindness and advice this board has had to offer.

I am open to answering any questions, we have been prepared for this for a while now. Kevin was in the area that the dog wanted to pull, about 1/10 a mile down the hill from the road. Backpack, belongings, clothes, and the skeleton remain.

Again, we thank you all for your immense help.

I am so, so sorry for your loss. Hugs and deepest condolences to all of you.
Oh geez, ((big sigh)) did reading your post take my breath away with a deep swoop. PalmerLakeAnon you are an amazing young man. I admire your perserverance and maturity. You and your family are in my heart.
Thank you to all my fellow websleuthers for coming to Kevins's thread and offering insight and support.
PalmerLakeAnon, please consider when you are ready sticking around and offering your skills, your are great with maps!
I have to go back and look at your maps and see where this all maps out. Also be sure to let the search dog handler know that the dog was on the right path. It will help in future searches to help bring other loved ones home to their family.
Thank you to everyone on this board for brainstorming. My son, Andrew is an amazing young man. He found his brother. I had a feeling today was the day.

I got to touch my son one more time. I am so grateful for that.

Tearing up . . . all of you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

I am so very sorry to hear that your search has ended this way. It cannot be easy to not only be the one to find him, but also come here to let us all know about this sad outcome.
I have you both in my thoughts and send you strength to get through this unimaginably difficult time.
You found him. You never gave up, put everything on the table in order to be led the right way and you found him. I know that had to be very difficult. But I hope it soothes your heart to know that you were there for your brother, no matter what that entailed. We are here when yall need anything. I'm sad hes gone, but im relieved that your searching can come to an end. Yall did an amazing job.
I am greatly saddened to say that Kevin's friend and I found Kevin today at 9:20 am. Of course, we cannot convey how saddened we are, but we are also relieved that the search is over. We are extremely grateful for the kindness and advice this board has had to offer.

I am open to answering any questions, we have been prepared for this for a while now. Kevin was in the area that the dog wanted to pull, about 1/10 a mile down the hill from the road. Backpack, belongings, clothes, and the skeleton remain.

Again, we thank you all for your immense help.
I am so so sorry to hear this! May Kevin rest in peace, condolences to all of you. How heartbreaking.
Thank you to everyone on this board for brainstorming. My son, Andrew is an amazing young man. He found his brother. I had a feeling today was the day.

I got to touch my son one more time. I am so grateful for that.
Lotsa love and strength to you. I can't imagine the horrific pain and devastation you and your family are going through. It sounds like you raised wonderful sons. Andrews love, devotion and determination to find Kevin stands out as to what kind of young man he is. I am praying that Andrew is ok- even though he may have expected this in his heart, it is still a very traumatic and painful experience. Thinking of you all.
Thank you to everyone on this board for brainstorming. My son, Andrew is an amazing young man. He found his brother. I had a feeling today was the day.

I got to touch my son one more time. I am so grateful for that.
For you and especially for your son Andrew some words.

I’m an author though I write under a pseudonym. There was something in one of my book I wrote after I lost my only beloved brother suddenly and too young that I hope will speak to you.

"One day some people came to the master and asked 'How can you be happy in a world of such impermanence, where you cannot protect your loved ones from harm, illness and death?' The master held up a glass and said 'Someone gave me this glass, and I really like this glass. It holds my water admirably and it glistens in the sunlight. I touch it and it rings! One day the wind may blow it off the shelf, or my elbow may knock it from the table. I know this glass is already broken, so I enjoy it incredibly.'" - Achaan Chah Subato - Theravandan meditation master

On the wall of the family room is a family tree that my Aunt drew out with careful calligraphy, giving us each a copy. I note many branches, some ending abruptly as some died too young, some were widowed, some childless, a lifelong bachelor or spinster among them. Now on a branch, which had ended abruptly, is a name, next to mine.

For he indeed will always be my family, his story, joining these others, each entwined into a family history of black sheep, white knights, the victors, the vanquished, each carrying with them loves and burdens and more than one beloved friend with which they shared the journey. Each name, name by name and page by page will be laid down until inevitably, only one name will remain, for that glass is indeed, inevitably broken. That person will, I hope, trace the names, and whisper the stories that haunt the winds, even if no one is left to hear, but ghosts on the page, with no earthly house in which they wait for us.”

Thank you for being the ones to whisper your loved one's story.
You found him. You never gave up, put everything on the table in order to be led the right way and you found him. I know that had to be very difficult. But I hope it soothes your heart to know that you were there for your brother, no matter what that entailed. We are here when yall need anything. I'm sad hes gone, but im relieved that your searching can come to an end. Yall did an amazing job.

mpnola put the words in my mind into a post and I echo them. So very sorry for your loss.

Family often prevails when the authorities and professionals do not or will not. This is a shining example of dedication and search for the truth.
so much love and hugs and healing to you, @Kevinsmom98 and @PalmerLakeAnon, and all those who knew and loved Kevin. May you find the safe, loving, space to grieve and, when it is time, to celebrate Kevin and all that he was to so many people. His suffering is over now - it's yours whose pain lingers now.

Know that we are still here, to listen, to offer kind words like everyone has before me, and to just be. Sometimes that's what you need. Be good to yourselves.

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