Found Deceased CO - Kevin Rudnicki, 20, hiker, Mount Herman, Pike National Forest, 3 Sep 2018

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I have been reviewing the maps for a while trying to figure out a plan. I think I have a possible scenario:

Notice the trail in the center of the picture, it is called Electra, and I have hiked it before. Here's the thing: the start of it is hard to find when on Balanced Rock Road. In fact, when I was looking for it on the day I hiked it, I had to bushwhack down into that little valley to find it.

Maybe Kevin had not hiked it many times before (we know he's hiked it at least once because he had it mapped on his trail maps), and so he did not remember where the trail started. Thus, he bushwhacked down into the valley to find it. Hence, the dog pulled us down into the valley.

Why take this trail? There are several boulder fields on the opposite side of the creek. The easiest way to get there would be via the Electra trail, and then bushwhacking across the creek and up the other side. The boulder fields would be an excellent place to hide (which is why they have been the primary targets of our search).

So then why didn't Kevin just hike up the Reservoir trail? After all, following the Electra trail would from BRR would take Kevin in the opposite direction he was hiking in initially. Hiking up the Reservoir trail would seem far shorter. During the end of August, a storm caused part of the Reservoir Trail to wash out, and so the town closed the trail. Kevin hiked through Limbaugh Canyon in order to go around this closure. Disobeying the signs and hiking the Reservoir Trail would be too much of a risk: seeing someone and potentially getting in trouble.


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I have reviewed the drone footage again twice today. I have found nothing. However, there still remain many boulder fields in the area that the drones did not survey. I intend on visiting these, conditions permitting, when I am done with the semester.
You might want to contact the FB group “Wings of Mercy.” They have drone pilots all over the US and Canada who search for missing people on their own time. They might be able to help search the areas that were missed previously.
Here is an outside the box idea. Have your State Rep contact the Governor and see if a National Guard helicopter with FLIR thermal scanning can perform a "training mission" over the area. Crews must have training hours to keep their certifications up to date. If the leaves are off the trees, the National Guard aircraft may be able to do a low level "visual grid search training mission". The Civil Air Patrol can also do an air visual grid search mission. Go stand in the State Rep's office and demand action. Bring the press with you. Get both state Senate and House members involved. Go to the capital with the press in tow. MAKE A LOT OF NOISE. The last thing these elected officials want is to have bad press that will bite them at election time.
Here is an outside the box idea. Have your State Rep contact the Governor and see if a National Guard helicopter with FLIR thermal scanning can perform a "training mission" over the area. Crews must have training hours to keep their certifications up to date. If the leaves are off the trees, the National Guard aircraft may be able to do a low level "visual grid search training mission". The Civil Air Patrol can also do an air visual grid search mission. Go stand in the State Rep's office and demand action. Bring the press with you. Get both state Senate and House members involved. Go to the capital with the press in tow. MAKE A LOT OF NOISE. The last thing these elected officials want is to have bad press that will bite them at election time.
They are using drones (air surveillance) in the case of a missing hiker/ Air Force Academy Cadet around Longs Peak. Hopefully they will be most willing to help your family as well.
I've sat on this for a couple days now, but I think I should share it: after reading Kevin's document, it is clear that it is pretty much a list of wishes that Kevin wants to be true. It sounds like, from the document, he believed that committing suicide in this timeline would cause his consciousness to travel to another universe where his wishes would be true.

"let the wishes in this document come true for my consciousness and reality, to the best possible approximation of my true intention... Preserve my identity as Kevin and my sense of self, so that this transition be seamless, and I can continue my existence in my own way, preserving my intentions."

This is the ONLY thing I am comfortable with quoting.

Most people who kill themselves do so out of hopelessness, but it seemed that Kevin saw it as means of rebirth, in a way, into a reality of his liking. This may also explain why Kevin seemed so happy when he ran into his middle school teacher on the trail; he was excited to make the transition into his new reality. Of course, he went to an area to do this where we wouldn't find his body.

Now, I'm not saying Kevin didn't feel hopeless when he did this, he most certainly was; he's had a history of severe depression. He believed that suicide was the way into his ideal reality, and thus, I'm saying he must have been excited to go through with it.
This sounds really bizarre, but we now know that Kevin actually believed this would happen. I'll bet his excessive drug use inspired this.

Knowing Kevin, I have not believed that suicide was something he ever had the guts to go through with, but Kevin really changed after he got into drugs, so now I really can't put any behavior past him. HOWEVER, this may also be Kevin's way of making us think he killed himself. It is still possible that he simply faked his death and is now somewhere completely different, after all, the healer our mom saw said Kevin was very much alive. But we can only go off of hard evidence in our search, as much as I'd love the healer to be right.
I've sat on this for a couple days now, but I think I should share it: after reading Kevin's document, it is clear that it is pretty much a list of wishes that Kevin wants to be true. It sounds like, from the document, he believed that committing suicide in this timeline would cause his consciousness to travel to another universe where his wishes would be true.

"let the wishes in this document come true for my consciousness and reality, to the best possible approximation of my true intention... Preserve my identity as Kevin and my sense of self, so that this transition be seamless, and I can continue my existence in my own way, preserving my intentions."

This is the ONLY thing I am comfortable with quoting.

Most people who kill themselves do so out of hopelessness, but it seemed that Kevin saw it as means of rebirth, in a way, into a reality of his liking. This may also explain why Kevin seemed so happy when he ran into his middle school teacher on the trail; he was excited to make the transition into his new reality. Of course, he went to an area to do this where we wouldn't find his body.

Now, I'm not saying Kevin didn't feel hopeless when he did this, he most certainly was; he's had a history of severe depression. He believed that suicide was the way into his ideal reality, and thus, I'm saying he must have been excited to go through with it.
This sounds really bizarre, but we now know that Kevin actually believed this would happen. I'll bet his excessive drug use inspired this.

Knowing Kevin, I have not believed that suicide was something he ever had the guts to go through with, but Kevin really changed after he got into drugs, so now I really can't put any behavior past him. HOWEVER, this may also be Kevin's way of making us think he killed himself. It is still possible that he simply faked his death and is now somewhere completely different, after all, the healer our mom saw said Kevin was very much alive. But we can only go off of hard evidence in our search, as much as I'd love the healer to be right.
The one comfort from all this is that if he did indeed go through with suicide, he seems at peace with it. Even if it was drug induced, he apparently believes he was going to a better place and would still be himself, on his terms. Sad for you and the rest of his family. Suicide, if it was, is more difficult for those left behind.
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It really isn't that uncommon for a person to be quite relieved once they have ended the painful deliberation on what to do to end their suffering; they actually appear to be happy. When a person who was depressed starts acting like themselves very quickly, and without any significant treatment applied, they are at very high risk of self harm. I hope that Kevin is needing a break from reality and is trying to start a new life, but fear the worst.

As for his family, I applaud you for all the work you are doing. I can only hope that if I was in a situation like Kevin's that my family would work as hard as you are to find me. Trackergd has some good insight, and given his SAR experience I would definitely follow his advice. Good luck in your search and we will be here for support when you need it.
I like the drone idea. I would still try and get the national guard and CAP involved since their low level flight would have at least four sets of eyes scanning the ground looking for anything unusual. Make sure both ground and air teams check washes running downhill as this is where a number of missing people have been found over the years. The reason most SAR teams miss a subject is because they run into difficult terrain and go around it, rather than check it, or they think "no one would go in there" and that's exactly what the subject did. Check dense growth areas, washes, unused and overgrown previous/side trails. I would look for rock faces and rock fields as additional places to check and would also looks for ponds, waterfalls, brooks and streams as individuals tend to find the sound calming and in ideal place to pass into time. That said, I pray he is just fine and taking time off from the world.
I've sat on this for a couple days now, but I think I should share it: after reading Kevin's document, it is clear that it is pretty much a list of wishes that Kevin wants to be true. It sounds like, from the document, he believed that committing suicide in this timeline would cause his consciousness to travel to another universe where his wishes would be true.

"let the wishes in this document come true for my consciousness and reality, to the best possible approximation of my true intention... Preserve my identity as Kevin and my sense of self, so that this transition be seamless, and I can continue my existence in my own way, preserving my intentions."

This is the ONLY thing I am comfortable with quoting.

Most people who kill themselves do so out of hopelessness, but it seemed that Kevin saw it as means of rebirth, in a way, into a reality of his liking. This may also explain why Kevin seemed so happy when he ran into his middle school teacher on the trail; he was excited to make the transition into his new reality. Of course, he went to an area to do this where we wouldn't find his body.

Now, I'm not saying Kevin didn't feel hopeless when he did this, he most certainly was; he's had a history of severe depression. He believed that suicide was the way into his ideal reality, and thus, I'm saying he must have been excited to go through with it.
This sounds really bizarre, but we now know that Kevin actually believed this would happen. I'll bet his excessive drug use inspired this.

Knowing Kevin, I have not believed that suicide was something he ever had the guts to go through with, but Kevin really changed after he got into drugs, so now I really can't put any behavior past him. HOWEVER, this may also be Kevin's way of making us think he killed himself. It is still possible that he simply faked his death and is now somewhere completely different, after all, the healer our mom saw said Kevin was very much alive. But we can only go off of hard evidence in our search, as much as I'd love the healer to be right.

Thanks you for sharing this. I'm not comfortable saying more (not because I have any insight) but it is still such a tender time, not knowing what happened... But thank you, for sharing his words, and yours.

Hoping that the clarity you all need comes soon.
Thanks you for sharing this. I'm not comfortable saying more (not because I have any insight) but it is still such a tender time, not knowing what happened... But thank you, for sharing his words, and yours.

Hoping that the clarity you all need comes soon.
This! It must be such a tough time for your family, and sharing such intimate details can't be an easy thing to do. Thank you.
The facebook page is GREAT! Stay strong and brace yourselves - with every good lead comes a slew of useless ones, but they get you closer to the truth.

Focusing on searches is good action - we can at least keep digging and working out any way Kevin is out there hiding in the meantime here.

Please don't forget to contact Colorado Forensic Canines if needed, especially if you get another air scent hit on that hill. Teams — Colorado Forensic Canines

Also it is wonderful to have Trackergd checking in!

Andrew, I have some thoughts on the document and what the realities likely are - I'll post them once I have them thought through more.
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On the map that shows where the dog was pulling, is there anyway to come up from underneath to further explore that area, instead of coming down to it?

There is actually not. The creek bottom is full of large boulders and the canyon sides are very steep. I have actually bushwhacked through that area before, and it is no fun, to say the least. The only safe way to get there is by from above.

Just recently, a young boy was found in a creek bed, and LE said he wouldn't have been found without the searcher being IN the creek. The body was hidden (as of now, not purposefully, but because of water current) from those searching by walking the creek banks.

Areas will look very different from down below--below rocks and roads, cliffs and boulder fields, along creeks and gullies and washes. Unfortunately, with winter snows upon us, a full-on search of these types of areas may now have to wait for early summer when things dry up a bit.

Kevin's family, you are all doing a fantastic job, and I hope your efforts bring resolution sooner rather than later. My thoughts and prayers go with you.
I've sat on this for a couple days now, but I think I should share it: after reading Kevin's document, it is clear that it is pretty much a list of wishes that Kevin wants to be true. It sounds like, from the document, he believed that committing suicide in this timeline would cause his consciousness to travel to another universe where his wishes would be true.

"let the wishes in this document come true for my consciousness and reality, to the best possible approximation of my true intention... Preserve my identity as Kevin and my sense of self, so that this transition be seamless, and I can continue my existence in my own way, preserving my intentions."

This is the ONLY thing I am comfortable with quoting.

Most people who kill themselves do so out of hopelessness, but it seemed that Kevin saw it as means of rebirth, in a way, into a reality of his liking. This may also explain why Kevin seemed so happy when he ran into his middle school teacher on the trail; he was excited to make the transition into his new reality. Of course, he went to an area to do this where we wouldn't find his body.

Now, I'm not saying Kevin didn't feel hopeless when he did this, he most certainly was; he's had a history of severe depression. He believed that suicide was the way into his ideal reality, and thus, I'm saying he must have been excited to go through with it.
This sounds really bizarre, but we now know that Kevin actually believed this would happen. I'll bet his excessive drug use inspired this.

Knowing Kevin, I have not believed that suicide was something he ever had the guts to go through with, but Kevin really changed after he got into drugs, so now I really can't put any behavior past him. HOWEVER, this may also be Kevin's way of making us think he killed himself. It is still possible that he simply faked his death and is now somewhere completely different, after all, the healer our mom saw said Kevin was very much alive. But we can only go off of hard evidence in our search, as much as I'd love the healer to be right.

Sending you and your family thoughts of strength. I can't even begin to imagine what all of you are thinking and feeling. And, thank you for sharing part of Kevin's letter.
How deep is the creek at it's deepest and how large are the rocks/boulders?
The creek is about an average of about 1/2 to 2 feet deep with some occasional beaver ponds about 4 feet deep at spots, just a guess. In the narrow parts of the canyons, the creek is often completely hidden underneath large boulder fields. The smallest boulders are about car-sized. If you can't picture the terrain, its pretty much really steep, wooded canyon walls with massive boulders cluttered in the bottom, with the creek running below them.
Searching will take time and a good plan, but is not impossible. I also think if drones are able to record areas which are more difficult for on the ground searches, having a few folks review the footage could be valuable. We all see things differently.

I agree with the poster who said you should follow your instincts and your desire to more fully investigate the area where the search dog you were with showed particular interest.
That is sure difficult terrain to check. It would take a dedicated team to carefully search, and I could see someone being badly injured by accident. Based on the trails and terrain, I think it is premature to assume suicide. The document may hint at it, but until your family member is located, it is not fact. Those boulder field areas will need to be searched by ground teams. Slipping, falling and sliding in under one of the boulders could hide an individual from view from above. Low level drone flight from a very skilled operator may work to a degree.

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