Found Deceased CO - Kevin Rudnicki, 20, hiker, Mount Herman, Pike National Forest, 3 Sep 2018

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The teacher said the conversation she had was not concerning. I'm not familiar with how quickly drugs work. Is it possible or worthwhile to also map out a timeframe of when the teacher saw him, when he appeared fine, and the approx. distance he could have gotten when a drug could have kicked in?
I don't believe his sister was home when he left the house, which could be why he returned so quickly.

He did attend school fall semester 2017 and spring 2018. He also went fall semester 2016, but cane home at Christmas and took a semester off after transferring to CSU for a week. He had registered for fall 2018, but did not attend the first week of class. He even lied about his courses when I asked him about school during dinner that Saturday night. I honestly thought he wad doing well, inspite of the breakup. Sounded good on the phone over the summer.

I had asked about his financial aid the previous week, because it hadn't been applied yet. He said everything wad in place and should be applied any day. Shortly after his disappearance, his dad emailed and said he received an email from FAFSA, stating changes to his account had been confirmed. I thought this weird since I usually get these emails. A few weeks later, I learned that he had changed his address and contact info to his dad's address and declined all aid for the semester. So it seems he had no intention of attending school this semester. I believe he changed his contact info so that his dad would get his loan bills and have to deal with it rather than me. Whatever he did and whatever his plan was.....he was never intending to return to Laramie Monday like he and I discussed on Sunday before he left. Question is where did he go? Did anyone else see him? And if he did take his life on the mountain.....where did he go????

I hope some of this at least speaks to frame of mind. As a psych nurse, he presents as someone with a plan and very lethal. But he could also have set it up to throw us off while he disappeared. We just don't know...

Police won't ping his phone because in Colorado...its not illegal to disappear and we don't have any solid evidence to the contrary. I was told all we had was circumstantial evidence .
Police won't ping his phone because in Colorado...its not illegal to disappear and we don't have any solid evidence to the contrary. I was told all we had was circumstantial evidence .
RSBM. Humanize Kevin. Talk to LE again and bring pics of him as a young boy, tell them how close he is to all of you. He missed your wedding, his niece's birthday and he struggles with depression. His girlfriend had dumped him, his fallout with his Dad and that he has his phone with him. If not to bring him home if he has run away, argue that it would be prudent given the area he went missing and a previous homicide, to ping his phone since if he is on that mountain he deserves to be found.
It's a fine line because you don't want to alienate LE, but you need to make a case. They need to understand that this isn't about you, it's about Kevin, a young man who deserves better, who just needs one person to care enough to make sure he isn't on that mountain. If they still refuse, you could ask how to go about getting a court order, what they would suggest to do to give them what they need to ping that phone.
If you haven't yet, contact your local NAMI. Kevin is endangered due to his mental health status. Was he ever placed on the NCIC list? Another helpful organization is CUE. They will make posters for you, help coordinate volunteer searches as well as a variety of other things.
On the map that shows where the dog was pulling, is there anyway to come up from underneath to further explore that area, instead of coming down to it?
There is actually not. The creek bottom is full of large boulders and the canyon sides are very steep. I have actually bushwhacked through that area before, and it is no fun, to say the least. The only safe way to get there is by from above.
I don't believe his sister was home when he left the house, which could be why he returned so quickly.

He did attend school fall semester 2017 and spring 2018. He also went fall semester 2016, but cane home at Christmas and took a semester off after transferring to CSU for a week. He had registered for fall 2018, but did not attend the first week of class. He even lied about his courses when I asked him about school during dinner that Saturday night. I honestly thought he wad doing well, inspite of the breakup. Sounded good on the phone over the summer.

I had asked about his financial aid the previous week, because it hadn't been applied yet. He said everything wad in place and should be applied any day. Shortly after his disappearance, his dad emailed and said he received an email from FAFSA, stating changes to his account had been confirmed. I thought this weird since I usually get these emails. A few weeks later, I learned that he had changed his address and contact info to his dad's address and declined all aid for the semester. So it seems he had no intention of attending school this semester. I believe he changed his contact info so that his dad would get his loan bills and have to deal with it rather than me. Whatever he did and whatever his plan was.....he was never intending to return to Laramie Monday like he and I discussed on Sunday before he left. Question is where did he go? Did anyone else see him? And if he did take his life on the mountain.....where did he go????

I hope some of this at least speaks to frame of mind. As a psych nurse, he presents as someone with a plan and very lethal. But he could also have set it up to throw us off while he disappeared. We just don't know...

Police won't ping his phone because in Colorado...its not illegal to disappear and we don't have any solid evidence to the contrary. I was told all we had was circumstantial evidence .

I am so sorry about your son. I hope that he is found.
Has law enforcement said what they think? What do you think they think? I support LE wholeheartedly but they are either inexperienced with missing persons or I’m starting to get the feeling they feel Kevin disappeared on his own with the lack of info you seem to have been given. Is it possible Kevin took student loan money to admit himself into rehab? Do you think he would do that?
Yeah I saw that. Is there a way to add him? Or do we need to tell LE to do that?
If you register for an account, you can add Kevin yourself. Then NAMUS will contact your local PD to verify that he is missing before publishing him to their site.
Just want to add that you should ask LE if they've listed him with NCIC. If they haven't, ask them why.
Law enforcement has been extremely incompetent during this whole ordeal. They do not care AT ALL and have no interest in the case. All they have done so far was taken the laptop, kept it for 2 months, and then returned it saying they couldn't get into it. I have no faith in them.
If you register for an account, you can add Kevin yourself. Then NAMUS will contact your local PD to verify that he is missing before publishing him to their site.
Just want to add that you should ask LE if they've listed him with NCIC. If they haven't, ask them why.
I just entered the case.
This family is amazing!!! Not only are you honest about the situation and wanting answers, but you are actually willing and capable of doing the work! I want you to know how rare this is. You are really far ahead of where most families are at this stage, even though I'm sure it feels like no movement. Keep on! Don't stop! We will keep up with suggestions and help, where we can.

If LE isn't seemingly very interested, I would definitely return with the mental health angle. Make sure you tell them it would be unusual for him to not contact anyone for so long and he is a definite danger to himself. It's been too long to not have help and answers, honestly.

Getting him in namus is an imporant step, because when unidentified people are found, they will check against namus info. Get that as complete as you can.

I think many people have guided you in the correct way here. I think the next big things should probably be:
- public awareness (posters/ facebook missing page/ getting flyers posted on any local hiking pages or groups)
- search assistance (I would first try local hiking clubs and ask where hidden spots might be, contact texas equusearch- although they might not be able to help if Le isn't searching, and local sar dog groups who are willing to help)
- law enforcement- stay in touch with them. Impress how off this is and how mental health could be a big factor here. It's easiest with them on your side.

I can't stop thinking about yall. I hope you get answers soon.
Law enforcement has been extremely incompetent during this whole ordeal. They do not care AT ALL and have no interest in the case. All they have done so far was taken the laptop, kept it for 2 months, and then returned it saying they couldn't get into it. I have no faith in them.

Contact Kroll Ontrac to have the contents of the hard drive evaluated and files recovered. They can pull up files that were deleted as long as military grade wiping programs were not used.

Sounds like so many small police departments that lack forensic skill sets. It's much easier to say a case is a Missing Person and speculate that they left of their own accord, than to justify to the town fathers why they are spending thousands of dollars to investigate a possible homicide or suicide. Sometimes they are just not up to the task and sometimes it's just lazy investigative work.

I will look in on this thread and try to review the past pages over the holidays. I am swamped with my day job work and active missing person cases.
If you register for an account, you can add Kevin yourself. Then NAMUS will contact your local PD to verify that he is missing before publishing him to their site.
Just want to add that you should ask LE if they've listed him with NCIC. If they haven't, ask them why.

Curious to see how local LE responds to NAMUS. Will they classify him is a missing person or not? If they do, they open themselves up to public (press) review and oversight as to what they are doing (or not) and why. If they publicly state that they cannot discuss the case because it is an ongoing investigation, they have admitted that he is a missing person and there are extenuating circumstances, otherwise why not publicly discuss the case? Pretty much a slippery slope for them no matter what they say or do. I do have to note that they are in a tight spot. If they share too much, they can be sued, if they share too little and it's found out later, they can be sued, so I suspect the municipal legal team has clamped down. We have all seen examples of both scenarios here.

Make a lot of noise, plaster the township with a petitions with as many names as you can muster (you can do online petitions as well under the heading "interested parties", hound the press and township officials at every single public meeting. Get the case on the evening TV news. Ask you State Representative to act in your behalf to bring in State Investigative Agencies. The family, friends and WS team members on here are the missing subjects only vocal advocates.

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