GUILTY CO - Natalie Bollinger, 19, Broomfield, 28 Dec 2017 #2 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
The euphoria from an opiate vs a stimulant are not the same. Although this doesn’t come from first hand experience.

Opiates mellow you out and stimulants jack you up.
I have to disagree with this, although I have never used cocaine so I can't compare. (Nor have I used heroin). But I have gotten what I would describe as a euphoric feeling from painkillers. Maybe if I'd compare that to cocaine I'd think it was just a numb feeling...who knows. Or maybe numb IS euphoric to some people.

Me too. It's a commonly noted element in opiate addition and withdrawal. Opiates are capable of stimulation as well as pain-reduction, especially those containing additional ingredients (caffeine, etc). Here's one of many examples:

Certain people become addicted to the feelings of emotional well-being and euphoria narcotics provide emotionally numbing themselves of the effects of past traumas or undiagnosed mental illnesses.
I’m honestly wondering if he has multiple personality disorder. Creating fake personas online that have such depth is not normal. It seems every character is a different person. Or maybe his virtual personalities affected him psychologically in real life. Or perhaps it’s an intertwining of personality disorder meets fantasy online that exacerbated itself until he finally acted on one of his online personas in real life.

Still, even if any of that is the case, it will never justify what he did nor will he be able to use that excuse in court because he seemed to function on a day to day basis just fine. JMO from what I’ve read and noticed.

You may be on to something...went further back in his journal and found this entry...

“Trouble in Second life
by naruto060695, Feb 11, 2012, 7:05:25 PM
Journals / Personal
A few days ago a memory of my past came rushing back at me. You see I am a spirit traveler and I am able to leave my body to cross the dimensions that most humans can not. My spirit has lived a long time, many wouldn't believe me if I told you. Anyway I was born in the dimension called Valamorea or Hell as we have come to call it. With Valamorea I have a family. I have a wife, two daughters and one son. Only my youngest daughter is related tome by blood, or so I believed. My oldest daughter never knew her real father an her. Her mother is my wife's youngest sister. Before I go on I need to say that most of my memories have been sealed away but have been slowly coming back for awhile now. Back to the story, I found out that before I was married I had slept with my wife's sister while we where dating. Around nine months before the the birth of my oldest daughter. She was told that her father was human so she would never see him. My wife's sister could care for the child for she was to under go some trial so I asked to care for the child until she returned. She was sent to this world in order to keep her safe and never returned to care for her daughter. So I cared for the child and she grew calling me daddy. Yesterday I put some pieces together and got some memory back, when I finally remembered that I was her father. I had asked to care for her because she was my daughter and I knew her mother's fate. I raised her like my own because she was my child. So now I know this information but I have no idea if I should tell my wife. I have kept this secret for over 300 years.”

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In the affidavit, the name is quoted as "Akai"; though? How do you know this "Aki" is him?
I'm not doubting you, I'm just wondering how you figured out this was him?

""Don't be afraid, I'm a doctor."Name: Aki Shikami
Age: 26
Occupation: Psychologist
About: This is my horror oc. He is a manipulative psychopath that enjoys toying with others while causing them mental and physical pain. he acts like a saint in public but he has no remorse or emotions in general. He will hurt anyone and has no limit to what he'll do. He spends his free time researching ways to torture people and keeping his mind sharp to avoid arrest. He has a PhD in Psychology and computer programming.
He also happens to have a talent and interest in shadow magic.
The weight of the air is torture
Don't know who I am anymore
The illusion of ignorance
Why don't you take a chance?
The weight of the air is torture
Don't know who I am anymore
The illusion of ignorance
Try to stop it from corrupting"

His email and twitter handle link to the “Alistair” account, which was his most active and recent account on Amino. You can see all of his characters on it. This matches the description he gave to police and is a close enough name that it was likely a spelling error on behalf of LE.
Re: the effects of heroin

“The immediate effects of heroin are often rather obvious. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the type of heroin used determines how quickly the effects are felt. For instance, injecting heroin with a syringe provides an almost immediate reaction. When heroin is smoke or snorted, the effects won’t present themselves for about 15 minutes.

Heroin changes into morphine when it is introduced to the brain, as explained by NIDA. The morphine attaches itself to the opioid receptors in the brain, which allow the human body to experience pain and feel pleasure. The disruption of these receptors is what makes the heroin user experience the euphoria they are looking for.

If the drug is injected, the addict experiences an almost immediate rush of euphoria. After this initial rush, or if they use another method of ingestion, they will experience a period of drowsiness, alternating between being awake and nodding off.”

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Please stay victim friendly and on topic for Natalie here. We want this thread to stay open.
You may be on to something...went further back in his journal and found this entry...

“Trouble in Second life
by naruto060695, Feb 11, 2012, 7:05:25 PM
Journals / Personal
A few days ago a memory of my past came rushing back at me. You see I am a spirit traveler and I am able to leave my body to cross the dimensions that most humans can not. My spirit has lived a long time, many wouldn't believe me if I told you. Anyway I was born in the dimension called Valamorea or Hell as we have come to call it. With Valamorea I have a family. I have a wife, two daughters and one son. Only my youngest daughter is related tome by blood, or so I believed. My oldest daughter never knew her real father an her. Her mother is my wife's youngest sister. Before I go on I need to say that most of my memories have been sealed away but have been slowly coming back for awhile now. Back to the story, I found out that before I was married I had slept with my wife's sister while we where dating. Around nine months before the the birth of my oldest daughter. She was told that her father was human so she would never see him. My wife's sister could care for the child for she was to under go some trial so I asked to care for the child until she returned. She was sent to this world in order to keep her safe and never returned to care for her daughter. So I cared for the child and she grew calling me daddy. Yesterday I put some pieces together and got some memory back, when I finally remembered that I was her father. I had asked to care for her because she was my daughter and I knew her mother's fate. I raised her like my own because she was my child. So now I know this information but I have no idea if I should tell my wife. I have kept this secret for over 300 years.”

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Wow. Great sleuthing, detective. I’m not even sure what to think about that one. I see major clinical psychological problems.
So I take nothing "new" on yesterday's hearing?

Re: the effects of heroin

“The immediate effects of heroin are often rather obvious. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the type of heroin used determines how quickly the effects are felt. For instance, injecting heroin with a syringe provides an almost immediate reaction. When heroin is smoke or snorted, the effects won’t present themselves for about 15 minutes.

Heroin changes into morphine when it is introduced to the brain, as explained by NIDA. The morphine attaches itself to the opioid receptors in the brain, which allow the human body to experience pain and feel pleasure. The disruption of these receptors is what makes the heroin user experience the euphoria they are looking for.

If the drug is injected, the addict experiences an almost immediate rush of euphoria. After this initial rush, or if they use another method of ingestion, they will experience a period of drowsiness, alternating between being awake and nodding off.”

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Thank you. That’s exactly what I read earlier before I posted that someone using heroin experiences euphoria rather than a depressed state of mind when they are under the influence.

There&#8217;s a whole other side to addiction in the form of the psychological aspect and mental illness. The majority of addicts, no matter the drug of choice, aren&#8217;t getting High or intoxicated because they don&#8217;t value their life or because they want to die.

Are addicts playing Russian Roulette? Absolutely. But it&#8217;s not as cut and dry as not valuing ones own life.

Addicts are SICK in a way not easily understood by someone with zero first hand knowledge of addiction. Addiction is the Devil on Earth and it affects all walks of life; rich, poor, happy, sad, teens, adults, all ages. It does not discriminate and it doesn&#8217;t take someone not caring about their own life for them to become addicted.
The problem with that is, heroin presents the user with a sense of euphoria. That sensation lasts over a span of hours and then causes drowsiness when the effects start to wear off. Considering the amount of mams in NB’s system, we’ve determined she used heroin very close to her time of death. And we don’t know if she had used earlier in the day as well. IMO, NB would have been in a euphoric state, not a depressed state, close to the time she was murdered.

I wonder...
Maybe she wasn’t currently suicidal. Maybe she did plan to meet up with him, but it quickly turned sour and he did abduct her. And then from there allowed her the “luxury” or comfort of shooting up before he killed her...just thinking out loud.
I wonder...
Maybe she wasn’t currently suicidal. Maybe she did plan to meet up with him, but it quickly turned sour and he did abduct her. And then from there allowed her the “luxury” or comfort of shooting up before he killed her...just thinking out loud.

IMO, I truly dont think she was suicidal. I also find it hard to believe a person would accept a gun as payment for taking a human life. He had a long time to think about his “story”. He also seems to have a VERY imaginative mind, if not borderline delusional thinking process, from his journal entries found online.

I do think someone who wanted to kill another person while role playing one of their many fictitious personalities, would perhaps seek out someone who was trying to sell a gun on Craigslist.

Maybe, NB posted the gun for sale to get money for heroin. JL could have pretended to be buying the gun and gave her money, drove her to get dope, and somehow he ended up in the area her body was found, where he shot and killed her, with him playing one of his characters that saves the day but is also a villain. Just a theory.
She advertised for a hitman to kill herself? I can't be the only one who is thinking "Wuuuuuuuut????"

This seems so far fetched to me that I am just sat here shaking my head.
IMO, I truly dont think she was suicidal. I also find it hard to believe a person would accept a gun as payment for taking a human life. He had a long time to think about his “story”. He also seems to have a VERY imaginative mind, if not borderline delusional thinking process, from his journal entries found online.

I do think someone who wanted to kill another person while role playing one of their many fictitious personalities, would perhaps seek out someone who was trying to sell a gun on Craigslist.

Maybe, NB posted the gun for sale to get money for heroin. JL could have pretended to be buying the gun and gave her money, drove her to get dope, and somehow he ended up in the area her body was found, where he shot and killed her, with him playing one of his characters that saves the day but is also a villain. Just a theory.
I think selling the gun for drugs is an excellent reason she would have 1. Been on Craigslist talking to this weirdo and 2. Meeting him in person.
In the AJ Hadsell case, research was presented into how drugs can be detected long after death via hair analysis. They can tell how much, and for how long and still provide an educated guess as to whether there was a toxic or lethal amount in the deceased at the time of death, but not when the last dose was taken. For more information, see

As a former addict here stated, long-term and ongoing users often have what would be considered lethal amounts of heroin in their systems due to tolerance. I think we need to be careful when making statements that she used right before she died, or she would have been feeling X. None of us know what Natalie was thinking, feeling or using before she was killed other than what any written evidence LE can dig up tells us. So far, that evidence hasn't produced a Craigslist ad to corroborate the killer's story, and hasn't produced any texts or notes about suicide. I take that to mean none of the texts exchanged between Natalie and the perp made any reference to dying, the hit, the ad or suicide.
IMO craigslist will turn out to have nothing to do with this and it will involve a forum or website where the perps fantasy persona met Natalie (or her persona). If there is one thing we have learned about Natalie, it is that she unwittingly befriended creeps online that violated her boundaries.
His email and twitter handle link to the “Alistair” account, which was his most active and recent account on Amino. You can see all of his characters on it. This matches the description he gave to police and is a close enough name that it was likely a spelling error on behalf of LE.

What's his Twitter handle?
In the AJ Hadsell case, research was presented into how drugs can be detected long after death via hair analysis. They can tell how much, and for how long and still provide an educated guess as to whether there was a toxic or lethal amount in the deceased at the time of death, but not when the last dose was taken. For more information, see

As a former addict here stated, long-term and ongoing users often have what would be considered lethal amounts of heroin in their systems due to tolerance. I think we need to be careful when making statements that she used right before she died, or she would have been feeling X. None of us know what Natalie was thinking, feeling or using before she was killed other than what any written evidence LE can dig up tells us. So far, that evidence hasn't produced a Craigslist ad to corroborate the killer's story, and hasn't produced any texts or notes about suicide. I take that to mean none of the texts exchanged between Natalie and the perp made any reference to dying, the hit, the ad or suicide.
IMO craigslist will turn out to have nothing to do with this and it will involve a forum or website where the perps fantasy persona met Natalie (or her persona). If there is one thing we have learned about Natalie, it is that she unwittingly befriended creeps online that violated her boundaries.

No, actually, we don’t. Look up 6-MAM

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Many suicidal addicts have dosed themselves right before the actual suicide or attempt. That's not uncommon at all. It doesn't make sense that he would accept a gun, used in a crime by him, as payment. Not unless the payment wasn't important to him and he just wanted the experience of taking a human life.

I'm very curious to see more evidence and how this all unfolds.

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What's his Twitter handle?
Here you go...

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