GUILTY CO - Natalie Bollinger, 19, Broomfield, 28 Dec 2017 #2 *Arrest*

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I just finished reading through the full affidavit. Some major points for me (some new, some we already knew):
- 12/28/17 - boyfriend JM reports NB as missing, indicates her cell phone was left in the apartment, and that his Glock 9 mm was missing.
- Police look through NB's phone until it dies; recharge it but can't get past the PIN. Have to get records from AT&T.
- 12/29/17 - NB found deceased, COD single gunshot wound to the head by 9 mm firearm
- AT&T gives detectives text data. 111 text messages to/from an unknown number from 10:58 AM and 12:20 PM on the 28th. She went missing 1-3 hrs after the last text.
- Investigators determine the number is for JL. They put surveillance on him. Observe him outside of his residence. See that he has recently bought a car (Nissan with temp tags). Paperwork for car purchase showed he bought it with his girlfriend, confirmed the number being associated with him, and showed he worked for Domino's.
- Investigators talk to Domino's. They confirm it's the phone number they have for JL that was associated with texting NB as well. Domino's mentions that JL called out sick on 12/28 and on 12/29. JL didn’t show up 12/30 or call, later telling his employer he was sick and sleeping all day. He did work on 12/31.
- Investigators received GPS/tower data for JL's phone. JL went to NB’s residential area between 1204 and 1230 hours. Device eventually goes to Riverdale Rd for 8 minutes.
- 2/8/18 - JL is approached at work by investigators. He follows them to the station, says he thinks he knows what this about - the girl he talked to on Craigslist. He gave over his phone to investigators and signed off allowing them to search it/download data.
- JL gives investigators his whole Craiglist spiel, mentioning that he uses an app called Amino to create fantasy personas, one of those characters uses "charisma" to lure in others before he goes "psycho" on them and "strikes." He alleges that he spoke to NB using this persona, as a fake hit man.
- He brings up his journal being found his senior year, with its mention of his desires to kidnap, torture, and execute someone, on his own. Eventually starts talking about his texts with NB again.
- JL says that he discussed payment for the hit with NB while driving around, JL says that NB said he could sell JM's gun after.
- JL claims at no time did they have or consume drugs together.
- JL initially claims he did NOT go through with killing NB. Investigators press him with GPS data. JL then changes his story and says he went there with NB and before he could get the gun from her she killed herself. Investigators press him again, now with autopsy data showing she didn't kill herself, and he admits to killing her.

JL is a liar. Nothing he says should be taken at face value. Look how many times he lied to investigators just in this interaction. With more than a month to come up with a story, I'm not buying it. Parts might be true. I definitely believe he killed her. I believe he has psycho fantasies. I believe JM's gun was used to kill her. Not sure what else beyond that I buy.

I’m honestly wondering if he has multiple personality disorder. Creating fake personas online that have such depth is not normal. It seems every character is a different person. Or maybe his virtual personalities affected him psychologically in real life. Or perhaps it’s an intertwining of personality disorder meets fantasy online that exacerbated itself until he finally acted on one of his online personas in real life.

Still, even if any of that is the case, it will never justify what he did nor will he be able to use that excuse in court because he seemed to function on a day to day basis just fine. JMO from what I’ve read and noticed.
Interesting. I have ATT and from my knowledge the context of your messages are not available from the carrier. I also have an iPhone and I have my messages downloaded to iCloud (I think). I know you can also do a restore on an iPhone from the last back up. So say her phone has backed up since her last use (it should have after LE charged it and turned it back on), LE could then take her iCloud info and put it on another iPhone and restore all of her most recent texts, calls, etc to that other iPhone. That is IF they can figure out her iCloud password or perhaps Apple could be served a warrant to reset her iCloud password for LE to access her iCloud to do what I explained. If this doesn’t make sense, let me know and I’ll try to explain differently :)

I could be TOTALLY wrong, but if it were that easy why do we read about SO many cases where Apple refuses to cooperate with LE? I should have clarified as well-- I was mentally referring to Verizon actually. I am completely unfamiliar with all tings AT & T, iphone and even the cloud (as I do not back up my info or store it externally anywhere that I am not forced to lol)

With Verizon (in something I'm specifically recalling in 2013) full content of text messages were provided by the carrier for a suicidal/missing person case.
I could be TOTALLY wrong, but if it were that easy why do we read about SO many cases where Apple refuses to cooperate with LE? I should have clarified as well-- I was mentally referring to Verizon actually. I am completely unfamiliar with all tings AT & T, iphone and even the cloud (as I do not back up my info or store it externally anywhere that I am not forced to lol)

With Verizon (in something I'm specifically recalling in 2013) full content of text messages were provided by the carrier for a suicidal/missing person case.

Verizon does it, yes. I believe because they have their own Verizon cloud messaging app. ATT doesn’t have that.

I’m 100% certain you can pull your backed up data from your cloud to another phone because I’ve done it myself many times with my own phones. BUT, I’m not sure about Apple cooperating or not cooperating with LE. Even if LE has access to BOTH the email for her iCloud and her iPhone, they should be able to reset that iCloud password. If they can get into the iCloud, they can then restore her iCloud on another iPhone and it’s all right there.
Orrrrr perhaps they used together and that was what took 26 minutes?
It’s no mistake that they omitted the time of day that his gps placed him at the murder scene. I wonder if the 1-3 hours is the difference between whatever time that is and the time of the phone call saying she was missing.

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No I believe what he said about how she was killed. Kneeling down and he shot her execution style right where she was found. I believe he met her on Craigslist, that he entered his “Aki” persona from his Animo character, drove to her house. I think he took her gun and kidnapped her, that’s what took 26 minutes. Then I think he drove straight to the farm, dragged her out (not hard because she was high), shot her, possibly cut her lip and bruised her eye to look like Aki, and left.

My question would be why they met on Craigslist. The hit or some other reason ?
Just dawned on me....his gps puts him at her apt. until 12:30, but they were texting up until 12:20. So that means they would not have been physically together until 12:20 at the earliest. So they were not together for 26 minutes. 10 minutes max

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I think they got into communication somehow and she thought she could trust him enough to meet him for some unknown reason but was also hesitant so she had her gun nearby. He got to her apartment and possibly saw she was under the influence of drugs and/or her size and that he could easily over power and manipulate her or it was his plan all along and he took her gun and kidnapped her. In forcing her to leave her apartment she left her phone and possibly he made her grab her purse or she was wearing it as cross body purses are really common. He drove out and murdered her as a thrill kill. I do not think she was suicidal and though she maybe had a posting on CL I don't think it was for a hitman. I think he is an individual with some DEEP personality issues and dark mind who had to make his fantasies a reality and took advantage of Natalie..

I hope I make sense, long day.

ETA: Also would explain the quick reason to file a missing persons report.
I don’t think this was suicide or anything like that. After reading the affadavit, I think he assumed the persona of his online character, Aki, just as he stated to police. There is a reason he kept bringing up Amino and Aki specifically.

Aki Bio (he created this character):

About: This is my horror oc. He is a manipulative psychopath that enjoys toying with others while causing them mental and physical pain. he acts like a saint in public but he has no remorse or emotions in general. He will hurt anyone and has no limit to what he'll do. He spends his free time researching ways to torture people and keeping his mind sharp to avoid arrest. He has a PhD in Psychology and computer programming.

Has anyone considered that NB might also have been on Amino and they may well have ‘met’ there.LE has stated that they hasd a brief Social Media connection.
everyone is ignoring one thing, this girl was an addict that had a ton of heroin in her systen,
So suicide thinking seems realistic when it appears she had in the past.
My guess is this was a semicry for help, she ran into this nutjob who basically talked her into it. And then went thru with it
no questions asked
I just finished reading through the full affidavit. Some major points for me (some new, some we already knew):
- 12/28/17 - boyfriend JM reports NB as missing, indicates her cell phone was left in the apartment, and that his Glock 9 mm was missing.
- Police look through NB's phone until it dies; recharge it but can't get past the PIN. Have to get records from AT&T.
- 12/29/17 - NB found deceased, COD single gunshot wound to the head by 9 mm firearm
- AT&T gives detectives text data. 111 text messages to/from an unknown number from 10:58 AM and 12:20 PM on the 28th. She went missing 1-3 hrs after the last text.
- Investigators determine the number is for JL. They put surveillance on him. Observe him outside of his residence. See that he has recently bought a car (Nissan with temp tags). Paperwork for car purchase showed he bought it with his girlfriend, confirmed the number being associated with him, and showed he worked for Domino's.
- Investigators talk to Domino's. They confirm it's the phone number they have for JL that was associated with texting NB as well. Domino's mentions that JL called out sick on 12/28 and on 12/29. JL didn’t show up 12/30 or call, later telling his employer he was sick and sleeping all day. He did work on 12/31.
- Investigators received GPS/tower data for JL's phone. JL went to NB’s residential area between 1204 and 1230 hours. Device eventually goes to Riverdale Rd for 8 minutes.
- 2/8/18 - JL is approached at work by investigators. He follows them to the station, says he thinks he knows what this about - the girl he talked to on Craigslist. He gave over his phone to investigators and signed off allowing them to search it/download data.
- JL gives investigators his whole Craiglist spiel, mentioning that he uses an app called Amino to create fantasy personas, one of those characters uses "charisma" to lure in others before he goes "psycho" on them and "strikes." He alleges that he spoke to NB using this persona, as a fake hit man.
- He brings up his journal being found his senior year, with its mention of his desires to kidnap, torture, and execute someone, on his own. Eventually starts talking about his texts with NB again.
- JL says that he discussed payment for the hit with NB while driving around, JL says that NB said he could sell JM's gun after.
- JL claims at no time did they have or consume drugs together.
- JL initially claims he did NOT go through with killing NB. Investigators press him with GPS data. JL then changes his story and says he went there with NB and before he could get the gun from her she killed herself. Investigators press him again, now with autopsy data showing she didn't kill herself, and he admits to killing her.

JL is a liar. Nothing he says should be taken at face value. Look how many times he lied to investigators just in this interaction. With more than a month to come up with a story, I'm not buying it. Parts might be true. I definitely believe he killed her. I believe he has psycho fantasies. I believe JM's gun was used to kill her. Not sure what else beyond that I buy.


(Marking to look at later with clear eyes, thanks.)
Has anyone considered that NB might also have been on Amino and they may well have ‘met’ there.LE has stated that they hasd a brief Social Media connection.

I was thinking the same exact thing

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everyone is ignoring one thing, this girl was an addict that had a ton of heroin in her systen,
So suicide thinking seems realistic when it appears she had in the past.
My guess is this was a semicry for help, she ran into this nutjob who basically talked her into it. And then went thru with it
no questions asked

I agree! Zero experience with heroin or any other serious drugs, but I'm still able to view this all from within the thinking of a person wasted and binging. I don't think that just because she was happy about enrolling into college recently or that she was applying for jobs the day before or that she got a call back on one job that she was still happy and hopeful during the timeframe that she was wasted. Hence "under the influence". I also wonder where her bf was while she was up all night (the night before) messaging with this stranger? He had to have left or gone elsewhere? It seems to me that if they're relationship was rocky and he was abusive and controlling as it is alleged--- he would have FLIPPED if she was on her phone all night- either on craigslist OR texting all night? Maybe he was sleeping, but maybe they had a huge fight earlier? One that led her to give up hope and just go buy drugs that night?--- DESPITE all that seemed to be going well in her life?

Can't ppl that are often suicidal just flip on a dime like that ESPECIALLY while binging?

And maybe not? Who knows- maybe it started out that she initially just wanted to make her boyfriend jealous or scare him into "changing" by acting suicidal or making him feel guilty for pushing her to the edge and as she got further into the night and drugs maybe her hopelessness and desperation severely progressed.

Maybe her initial outreach to this stranger was initially for support- to be talked off the ledge, but she instead met a REAL predator?

It's all so sad. Her poor sister!
I was watching US figure skater Mirai Nagagu skate tonight and admiring her beautifully applied exaggerated eye makeup and it reminded me of Natalie's. It's not for me, but I LOVE the pictures of Natalie's painted cat looking eyes!

I wanted to bawl, for real. Mirai and her parents were immigrants that fled to the US--- it's not like she was born into privilege! What goes SO drastically different in one beautiful girl's life from the next's? Why couldn't we all be watching Natalie gracefully skating on that ice as well?

I hope something BEAUTIFUL comes from Natalie's death. I hope her sister absolutely FLOURISHES despite it all.
I’m curious if there is way LE will be able to retrieve the context of all 111 text messages. The affidavit stated they were able to view some info in her phone, prior to the phone dying. Once they charged her phone, the phone required a passcode and they were unable to get into the phone again. They came up with the 111 text messages from a warrant served to AT&T regarding her phone usage. There has to be a way for them to have an IT expert knowledgeable in cell phone override the password requirement.

Thankfully, the idiot gave LE his phone & password, so they can retrieve all the 111 texts from HIS phone. Even IF he deleted them, they'll recover them.
I don&#8217;t think this was suicide or anything like that. After reading the affadavit, I think he assumed the persona of his online character, Aki, just as he stated to police. There is a reason he kept bringing up Amino and Aki specifically.

Aki Bio (he created this character):

About: This is my horror oc. He is a manipulative psychopath that enjoys toying with others while causing them mental and physical pain. he acts like a saint in public but he has no remorse or emotions in general. He will hurt anyone and has no limit to what he'll do. He spends his free time researching ways to torture people and keeping his mind sharp to avoid arrest. He has a PhD in Psychology and computer programming.

In the affidavit, the name is quoted as "Akai"; though? How do you know this "Aki" is him?
I'm not doubting you, I'm just wondering how you figured out this was him?

""Don't be afraid, I'm a doctor."Name: Aki Shikami
Age: 26
Occupation: Psychologist
About: This is my horror oc. He is a manipulative psychopath that enjoys toying with others while causing them mental and physical pain. he acts like a saint in public but he has no remorse or emotions in general. He will hurt anyone and has no limit to what he'll do. He spends his free time researching ways to torture people and keeping his mind sharp to avoid arrest. He has a PhD in Psychology and computer programming.
He also happens to have a talent and interest in shadow magic.
The weight of the air is torture
Don't know who I am anymore
The illusion of ignorance
Why don't you take a chance?
The weight of the air is torture
Don't know who I am anymore
The illusion of ignorance
Try to stop it from corrupting"
everyone is ignoring one thing, this girl was an addict that had a ton of heroin in her systen,
So suicide thinking seems realistic when it appears she had in the past.
My guess is this was a semicry for help, she ran into this nutjob who basically talked her into it. And then went thru with it
no questions asked

Addict meets Physo.
So was there a bond or arraignment hearing yesterday the 12th?? Or will this all take place as the article said on Feb. 14th?

TIA! And thank you all for the articles and affadavit!
everyone is ignoring one thing, this girl was an addict that had a ton of heroin in her systen,
So suicide thinking seems realistic when it appears she had in the past.
My guess is this was a semicry for help, she ran into this nutjob who basically talked her into it. And then went thru with it
no questions asked

The problem with that is, heroin presents the user with a sense of euphoria. That sensation lasts over a span of hours and then causes drowsiness when the effects start to wear off. Considering the amount of mams in NB’s system, we’ve determined she used heroin very close to her time of death. And we don’t know if she had used earlier in the day as well. IMO, NB would have been in a euphoric state, not a depressed state, close to the time she was murdered.
lol euphoria, in opiates, have you taken any pain killers, there is no euphoria, just pain goes away you feel weird, and fall asleep.

Cocaine has a euphoric rush, opiates just numb you.
lol euphoria, in opiates, have you taken any pain killers, there is no euphoria, just pain goes away you feel weird, and fall asleep.

Cocaine has a euphoric rush, opiates just numb you.

I have to disagree with this, although I have never used cocaine so I can't compare. (Nor have I used heroin). But I have gotten what I would describe as a euphoric feeling from painkillers. Maybe if I'd compare that to cocaine I'd think it was just a numb feeling...who knows. Or maybe numb IS euphoric to some people.

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