CO CO - Oakey 'Al' Kite, 53, Aurora, 22 May 2004

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I’ve followed Al’s case for years and am glad to see this thread bumped up. There has always been something compelling about it to me, I would love to see it solved. This poor innocent man deserves justice. He seemed to be such a likable guy and I’m sorry he died in such a horrific manner.
In the Americas Most Wanted reenactment, Al's girlfriend was depicted being at the top of a stair case when she looked down and saw Robert Cooper out the window. When you're elevated that high, isn't it harder to gauge someone's height? I think it's possible she gave an inaccurate description. Not to mention the things I said earlier that could explain the height discrepancies with Keyes and Robert Cooper.
Yeah Keyes was at least 6'2", I think his drivers license said 6'2" but I've read that he may have been closer to 6'4".

I don't think Keyes did this either, although I don't rule it out entirely. The height is problematic but the biggest issue to me is if they have DNA from the crime scene, obviously Keyes has DNA on file so I'd think he would be an easy rule in/out.

The image of the guy at the atm does resemble Keyes though, and to me looks much taller than 5'8".

Here is a report about Israel Keyes and I did not realise he was caught using the bank card of a victim at an ATM machine. I still do not think it is him in the AL Kite case but worth looking at:

In February 2012, Keyes broke his rules and made two mistakes. First, he kidnapped and killed someone in his hometown, which he had never done before. Secondly, he let his rental car be photographed by an ATM camera while using a victim's debit card.

The Life and Victims of Serial Killer Israel Keyes

A suspect in the NorCal Rapist case has recently been arrested and he might be worth checking out as well as he also used a victims bank card at an ATM machine:


NorCal– The Taunting Rapist
Here is a report about Israel Keyes and I did not realise he was caught using the bank card of a victim at an ATM machine. I still do not think it is him in the AL Kite case but worth looking at:

In February 2012, Keyes broke his rules and made two mistakes. First, he kidnapped and killed someone in his hometown, which he had never done before. Secondly, he let his rental car be photographed by an ATM camera while using a victim's debit card.

The Life and Victims of Serial Killer Israel Keyes

A suspect in the NorCal Rapist case has recently been arrested and he might be worth checking out as well as he also used a victims bank card at an ATM machine:


NorCal– The Taunting Rapist

Here is what I would term as the better known CCTV image from the Al Kite murder:


Audioboom / 56 The murder of Oakey "Al" Kite

Here is Robert Cooper again:


Victim Wanted: Al Kite, Robert Cooper, and the Genesis of Female Fear


Paul Holes theorizes the murderer could have been a Romanian national who was radicalized in Turkey as a member of Turkish Hezbollah. Reading about this terrorist group has been fascinating. Here are some articles about them in the context of the time period.

Refworld | Turkey: The operation of Hezbollah (or Hizbullah) in Turkey, specifically in Izmir, including whether they torture, beat and/or threaten to kill persons who refuse to join their cause, and the state protection available to those who are threatened

Turkish Hold Over Hezbollah Tenuous
Interesting idea. My suspect in this case Ralph Leon Jackson was from Virginia but had a habit of using fake accents just as the Golden State Killer used to do. He also wore disguises including dressing in a more profession manner. Jackson also was very good at tying ornate knots like the diamond knot. Thanks.
Paul Holes theorizes the murderer could have been a Romanian national who was radicalized in Turkey as a member of Turkish Hezbollah. Reading about this terrorist group has been fascinating. Here are some articles about them in the context of the time period.

Refworld | Turkey: The operation of Hezbollah (or Hizbullah) in Turkey, specifically in Izmir, including whether they torture, beat and/or threaten to kill persons who refuse to join their cause, and the state protection available to those who are threatened

Turkish Hold Over Hezbollah Tenuous

Interesting idea. My suspect in this case Ralph Leon Jackson was from Virginia but had a habit of using fake accents just as the Golden State Killer used to do. He also wore disguises including dressing in a more profession manner. Jackson also was very good at tying ornate knots like the diamond knot. Thanks.

In my opinion after years of research in this case another clue to the actual identity can be found in the alias he used. This was of course Robert Cooper and not Romanian etc. If the case is studied in detail the offender did not always speak with an accent and did not always walk with a limp. This was a disguise. Just my opinion but I think the theory about a Romanian being trained up is complete nonsense. Of course we all have different opinions of course. Thanks.
In my opinion after years of research in this case another clue to the actual identity can be found in the alias he used. This was of course Robert Cooper and not Romanian etc. If the case is studied in detail the offender did not always speak with an accent and did not always walk with a limp. This was a disguise. Just my opinion but I think the theory about a Romanian being trained up is complete nonsense. Of course we all have different opinions of course. Thanks.

Here is some more information about Robert Cooper and how his accent and limp came and went:

Robert Cooper, certainly an alias, has never been
apprehended. Upon investigating the
known facts the police surmised he’d been trawling for victims for weeks,
answering roommate classified ads in search of a perfect victim. Cooper’s
physical description varied at each encounter—his limp came and went, as did
a Romanian accent. The execution of Al’s murder was flawless: the ligatures were
taken to prevent the detection of DNA, and bleach was used to soak the murder
weapons and clean the drains after Cooper bathed. Both Al’s phone and Cooper’s disposable cell
phone were abandoned in an area infested with transients; Cooper knew that the
phone calls subsequently made by vagrants would provide a plethora of
false leads for detectives to follow.

Victim Wanted: Al Kite, Robert Cooper, and the Genesis of Female Fear
Paul Holes theorizes the murderer could have been a Romanian national who was radicalized in Turkey as a member of Turkish Hezbollah. Reading about this terrorist group has been fascinating. Here are some articles about them in the context of the time period.

Refworld | Turkey: The operation of Hezbollah (or Hizbullah) in Turkey, specifically in Izmir, including whether they torture, beat and/or threaten to kill persons who refuse to join their cause, and the state protection available to those who are threatened

Turkish Hold Over Hezbollah Tenuous

Here is another report about the recent program about this case. My opinion is this theory is absurd and a joke. That is just my opinion though. I hope Al Kite and his loved ones get justice and if this helps with that this of course would be a good thing:

Was Colorado Murder Victim Killed By Man Linked To Turkish Hezbollah?

Here is part of the above report:

As Sobieski mentioned, the binding method exposed the bottoms of Kite’s feet — which were covered in wounds and bruises — to his attacker. While Holes had never seen this type of torture in any previous cases, Quinn explained there is a form of foot-beating called falaka that is common in Turkey.

“It’s a way to extract information, and also, it’s basically a beating to maintain compliance,” Quinn said.

Falaka is typically performed with a cane or switch, and in the bleach-filled sink at Kite’s house, the offender also placed a honing rod, which is often made of steel and used to realign the blades of knives.

“[The honing rod] would be very comparable to the instruments they used when they carried out the falaka,” Quinn told Holes.
Here is another report about the recent program about this case. My opinion is this theory is absurd and a joke. That is just my opinion though. I hope Al Kite and his loved ones get justice and if this helps with that this of course would be a good thing:

Was Colorado Murder Victim Killed By Man Linked To Turkish Hezbollah?

Here is part of the above report:

As Sobieski mentioned, the binding method exposed the bottoms of Kite’s feet — which were covered in wounds and bruises — to his attacker. While Holes had never seen this type of torture in any previous cases, Quinn explained there is a form of foot-beating called falaka that is common in Turkey.

“It’s a way to extract information, and also, it’s basically a beating to maintain compliance,” Quinn said.

Falaka is typically performed with a cane or switch, and in the bleach-filled sink at Kite’s house, the offender also placed a honing rod, which is often made of steel and used to realign the blades of knives.

“[The honing rod] would be very comparable to the instruments they used when they carried out the falaka,” Quinn told Holes.

One thing that comes out of this program though and it is good to see Al Kite case get attention is the killer went to a great deal of effort to cover up his tracks and he appeared to be forensically aware. Paul Holes may be right with his Hezbollah theory but I think the killer may have gone to the lengths to even mislead with possible DNA evidence:

DNA technique revealing killer 13 years later
At the end of the episode, they stated they found some relatives of the killer in the Balkans and they're working on building family trees. So it may not be such an outlandish theory.

It might be true then. But what I am saying is I believe the killer likely planted false DNA evidence and that his descendents were not likely from the Balkans. Interesting though. Thanks.
It might be true then. But what I am saying is I believe the killer likely planted false DNA evidence and that his descendents were not likely from the Balkans. Interesting though. Thanks.

This is a very interesting case and an interesting documentary with facts about the case and the one thing I think everyone can agree on is Al Kite was a nice man and a completely innocent man in this case who was unfortunate to come over a psychopath and a very dangerous one. Good luck to Paul Holes if he takes this killer on and identifies him because as I say we all want justice for Al Kite:

This is a very interesting case and an interesting documentary with facts about the case and the one thing I think everyone can agree on is Al Kite was a nice man and a completely innocent man in this case who was unfortunate to come over a psychopath and a very dangerous one. Good luck to Paul Holes if he takes this killer on and identifies him because as I say we all want justice for Al Kite:

Interesting fact about the mobile phone not being activated for 30 days to possibly avoid the CCTV footage. In my view the profiler gets many things right but I feel the offender may have had a more normal family background that he hid behind. Just want to make the point that Robert Cooper seemed very good at covering up forensic evidence and yet he left a drop of blood to implicate him. Could this be his biggest trick and red herring. That could be anyone's blood because one of the investigators stated there was not a sexual assault.
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Interesting idea. My suspect in this case Ralph Leon Jackson was from Virginia but had a habit of using fake accents just as the Golden State Killer used to do. He also wore disguises including dressing in a more profession manner. Jackson also was very good at tying ornate knots like the diamond knot. Thanks.
I'm not seeing any info like that about Jackson in my initial searches on him. Can you link me to some sources? The only info I'm seeing about him is the Blue Ridge Parkway double shooting (a very different MO from this killer, IMO) and that he was a normal guy who seemed to kill out of nowhere.
Thanks for the post. Trying not to sound funny but I will not post a load of links about him here as the moderators may not like it. There are a few articles around the time of his arrest then the trial or sentencing rather in 2011.Do not be influenced by the fact he plead guilty as he did not want to and originally plead not guilty. It is my view that because the crime he was finally caught for was close to his home base it can lead people to think it was a one off crime when it was not. If you look at my other posts you will find some information about him. If you look at the suspect in the Al Kite suspect in the CCTV images he has a rather prominent nose side on like a ski slope and I believe Jackson had a nose like that. If you look at his photos he also had a thick and powerful neck and therefore I also think powerful forearms as in the CCTV of Robert Cooper. Thanks for the interest. He is my suspect for Robert Cooper and if it was him I think the blood spot was a red herring. Others including yourself may be right with your theories. One thing for certain Al Kite did not deserve to die in that awful way as he sounded a nice and gentle man.
Thanks for the post. Trying not to sound funny but I will not post a load of links about him here as the moderators may not like it. There are a few articles around the time of his arrest then the trial or sentencing rather in 2011.Do not be influenced by the fact he plead guilty as he did not want to and originally plead not guilty. It is my view that because the crime he was finally caught for was close to his home base it can lead people to think it was a one off crime when it was not. If you look at my other posts you will find some information about him. If you look at the suspect in the Al Kite suspect in the CCTV images he has a rather prominent nose side on like a ski slope and I believe Jackson had a nose like that. If you look at his photos he also had a thick and powerful neck and therefore I also think powerful forearms as in the CCTV of Robert Cooper. Thanks for the interest. He is my suspect for Robert Cooper and if it was him I think the blood spot was a red herring. Others including yourself may be right with your theories. One thing for certain Al Kite did not deserve to die in that awful way as he sounded a nice and gentle man.
I'm not saying this to be a jerk but I really think you need to get your mental health checked out. You seem especially fixated on Jackson despite no evidence to back anything up. In one of your posts you took struggling to post photos from a cold case as evidence that they were photos of him. You believe he's behind cases like JonBenet Ramsey and you also believe he's actually EARONS. If you have any actual evidence besides your word/opinion, I'd love to take a look at it. But your fixation on Jackson and willingness to pin multiple murders on him despite no evidence or similarity to his single known crime is disturbing. I don't know your history but I'm concerned for you. Again, I'm not trying to be mean or discourage you. At a glance, this looks like it goes beyond healthy for you.

Again, if you have evidence, please post it. The mods LOVE evidence, I promise.
I'm not saying this to be a jerk but I really think you need to get your mental health checked out. You seem especially fixated on Jackson despite no evidence to back anything up. In one of your posts you took struggling to post photos from a cold case as evidence that they were photos of him. You believe he's behind cases like JonBenet Ramsey and you also believe he's actually EARONS. If you have any actual evidence besides your word/opinion, I'd love to take a look at it. But your fixation on Jackson and willingness to pin multiple murders on him despite no evidence or similarity to his single known crime is disturbing. I don't know your history but I'm concerned for you. Again, I'm not trying to be mean or discourage you. At a glance, this looks like it goes beyond healthy for you.

Again, if you have evidence, please post it. The mods LOVE evidence, I promise.

Thanks for the post. I have to say I find your post rather rude. My mental health is fine never been better. I have actually posted lots of evidence based on research rather than erroneous DNA hits generated by in view unethical processes. This is why it is best for me not to discuss my suspect. Its a free world but I would rather you not discuss my suspect again. Cheers:) If you have actually studied the cases and the EAR/ONS case you should know the man being held is nothing like the offender people were looking for outside of the supposed DNA hit. He is the wrong age, the wrong height and looks nothing like any of the composite sketches etc etc. I can understand where you are coming from but it is just that I am actually right and someone eventually has to tell the truth and stop all this suffering of innocent people and denial. In all seriousness though I do appreciate your concern and will take it onboard.:)
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