CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #11

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I am concerned that it appears some don't think it is a big deal, if CW "only" killed his wife and his son. Personally, I have no doubts that he also killed his daughters. But even if I am wrong about that....we DO KNOW that he confessed to killing his wife INTENTIONALLY, and that would have been with full knowledge he was also killing his son. PLUS what he admits to doing to their bodies afterwards is a crime in itself. So we do know squat, and squat is very very bad.

If someone breaks into your house, and you have the chance to shoot and kill them, some people would. Someone kills your kids, some people would kill the person that did it. IMO
Gosh... I bet it was tough sitting around CW knowing he likely did something to the family. "It was like he was just waiting for something to happen"
I bet that was just a small amount of time it took to actually think about what he was claiming happened... no way jose.
Really? I don't. They're nice but I wouldn't call it extravagant. A Bentley, yes.
So please answer my other question.
Is there any indication either or both was doing drugs?

I've seen no reporting that they were on drugs and no reporting that they were not.
Back in the day, people who were enthralled with and wanted to defend mass killers could write them love letters in jail, and boy, did they. The famous mass murders like Ted Bundy could count on adulation to ease the "rejection" which is why he is said to have killed women in the first place. Nowadays the internet is the communication method of choice, but poor CW, he may not have DSL or even dial up in the slammer. He can probably get snail mail, though.

If someone breaks into your house, and you have the chance to shoot and kill them, some people would. Someone kills your kids, some people would kill the person that did it. IMO

Most people who kill in self defense or in defense of another call 911 as soon as possible. They don’t hide the body of the intruder and anyone else who was killed in the house.
No, I mean she may have posted it because she was in a depressed state and had already planned the girls deaths. IMO

I have had a long battle of depression for years , been in some VERY dark places...I always hid it, it's a sign of weakness I thought...People see you look fine on the outside. I have always called it "cancer of the soul" because for me, this is what it feels like.

I have been receiving treatment now with medication and CBT with a therapist for 2 years now..Feel best I have in a long while, still have bad days now and point is.....never, ever once have I thought about planning my children's death.

I definitely thought of planning my own demise in those dark times, but the thought of leaving my kids motherless always turned me back from the brink.

I really do not believe SW's beautiful angels died by her hands.
I disagree with “born different”. Everyone has the same opportunity to make choices with their free wills as anyone else. Many people are born into difficult situations, with mental illnesses, or other struggles, and they do not mass kill their families. This was a choice he made, and the blame lies solely with his adult choice. Not his birth, and not his parents.
I see your point, but I must add that many of us are born with "off" DNA that affects our behavior.
Oh...the ones where he was all smiley for the cameras, showing off his new shirt, showing zero concern nor any signs of being distraught AFTER murdering his family (IMO due to the facts and evidence we have seen so far), and driving them 40 miles from home to DUMP them in dark, black, disgusting oil and throwing SW in a shallow grave?? Those videos?!

It’s laughable that there is any comparison made between SW and CW’s videos. They are literally NOTHING alike.
It's a fact that he killed his wife, not just your opinion!! And going by circumstantial evidence he also killed his daughters
Gosh... I bet it was tough sitting around CW knowing he likely did something to the family. "It was like he was just waiting for something to happen"
I bet that was just a small amount of time it took to actually think about what he was claiming happened... no way jose.
From seeing his presentation, I'd say he's not too intelligent, or maybe didn't care to prepare. SW coming home so many hours late could have thrown his whole mass murder plan off schedule, and he doesn't have the smarts to adapt.
Totally agree with you. I don't think he did either.
Neither do I. You cannot believe anything he says. He twists it all to make himself look a bit better. I don't believe he had the courage to tell the truth to his wife. He would not have wanted the fallout. I just cannot imagine how he lives in the hell he has created.
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