CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #11

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CW reminded me immediately of Jeffrey McDonald, same story, pregnant wife, 2 little girls.

And both of them are still very much alive, but their families are dead.

One person noted earlier, "At least Jeffrey McDonald tucked his daughters into bed".

And in regards to Scott Peterson, "At least he didn't kill 2 little girls".

CW is quite a winner when he makes those miscreants look "good". As if.
Yes, to the BBM above.

And it should be really interesting to hear his voice messages/texts to her, the next morning.

I am thinking that he figured out he fooled the cops, so the messages will be very 'scottpeterson' type messages---'hey babe, how ar u and my girls, give me a call when u can' type of BS.

If they are sweet, phony messages, then that makes no sense with his story that he asked for a separation that morning.

Also, his interview, where he said he thought she didn't pick up because she was busy. Well, if he had asked for a separation, why would he expect her to pick up his calls. I would probably block my husband's calls and work on getting the locks changed before he returned home after work.

What I don't understand is how he did those interviews after he knew that Nicole came in and said all those things and saw the phone and the purse and the luggage Etc and also the sheets!
I understand that, but what was his motive for speaking with his dad? What was CW trying to accomplish?

His father really had nothing to do with anything. It was really just an attempt to tell LE that this story would be true.Buying time because he knew he was running out of it. LE had him and he knew it.IMO
I keep trying to relate to reasons he requested this. Is his dad in poor health? Does he have legal knowledge? Did CW want to apologize to his dad for what he had done? Did he want his dad to pay for an atty for him? A specific atty?
Does CW come from money?
We just don’t know. My first reaction was he wanted to tell his dad before he heard it from anyone else, but I don’t know. Made me think his dad was an upstanding guy. SW’s brother posted something about asking his readers to respect CW’s family’s privacy, they’ve suffered a loss, too, but there’s been no statement from CW’s dad condemning CW’s actions. So, he may be supporting his defense. Nobody mentioned seeing him in court. You’d think they would have if he was.
I sure hope they can prove TOD for the girls. He was expecting SW home much earlier and I have a feeling that's when he killed them......for her earlier arrival.

But how long is the flight, plus the drive home? Most people I know do FlightAware and I would assume she called him saying the plane was going to be 3 hours late. Or at least he would have known.

I'm having a hard time fathoming this whole thing, but also having a hard time thinking he did this even before she left the ground on take off to come home, hours before she was expected to arrive.
His father really had nothing to do with anything. It was really just an attempt to tell LE that this story would be true.Buying time because he knew he was running out of it. LE had him and he knew it.IMO
That too.

But I can also see how, depending on their relationship, he needed an extra push or bit of encouragement from his dad.
I feel the same way. Both Laci and Shannan were positive, high energy people with vibrant beautiful smiles that everyone loved. The only difference between Peterson and Watts is that Peterson had a better education and was far more likable. He was a people person where as everyone described him as the center of attention at all family gatherings and well liked. CW even in his school days was described as quiet. Shannan's friends said he was a nice guy but was quiet as well, not the high energy, vibrant personality of Peterson. Peterson had confidence, Watts does not.

I believe Casey Anthony was big energy too.
On top of that, he is seeking and receiving attention outside the marriage.

SW and kids were gone for several weeks and when the cat was away, he could play.

Even as energized as SW was, perhaps she came home exhausted or moody - maybe the homecoming was a drag instead of a celebration. Then, as soon as they return home, SW leaves for a conference, and CW is in charge of the kids on his own. That can be a jolting transition to go from a carefree time with no family to having both kids all day (who might also be tired and out of sorts after traveling and switching scenery, etc.)


I think he wanted out from the financial responsibilities of the growing family. The pregnancy might have been "welcomed" but also a reminder of money issues, and being tied down....when he had side action that reminded him he still had game.

I do think the pregnancy was part of his decision and he knew full well he was killing yet another life when he killed his wife.

In my observation, opinion only, men usually don't leave their wives unless there in another woman to go to. But, husbands will kill wives over money. (Yes, you can point out exceptions, I know.)



Agree. His ego was really getting stroked (*clears throat *) :)

It had to be a euphoric high. Walking on the clouds. Losing weight, getting fit, attention for a narcissist is like a super drug.
Combined with the newness of his romance with AP. That rose was really blooming - and shiny - and so attainable - if only his loving family was out of his way :(

CW was honest about one thing, it was earth shattering. At least to those who TRULY loved Shanann, Bella, Celeste, and the unborn Nico.
There's so much of this left to unfold. I know everyone is thinking the AP is the person listed from his workplace but that person could just be the person who worked for the company that located the GPS or flew the drone imoo we just don't know
Do we have confirmation that he paid cash for his tattoos? Is it possible he knows someone and did a barter thing? Are we assuming the same about Shanann's hair and nails and making the same judgements there, too?
They clearly were living above their means....not saying I haven’t done this myself, but we’ve never filed for bankruptcy . Do we know who paid their monthly bills? SW or CW? This overspending had to be very stressful ... and the expenses of a new baby. I think he just wanted out and knew he couldn’t afford to continue his lifestyle with a divorce. As I watch his interview over and over again, I think the main emotion he is showing is relief. Relief that they’re gone. Relief that he is free from his responsibilities.... He can’t even pretend to be sad because he is soooo relieved....He had a taste of life without them while they were in NC and he loved it. This truly makes me sick to my stomach.
Indeed and he may have found a work- around on the device?
(If he did that he would have had the sense to remove the chip from his cell too.)

Early MSM, a thread way back, we were told that he was not meant to be at that cervi that day. It's frustrating that it's so hard to back and re-find the link and hard to work out how Anadarko knew he'd been there.

Cell phone tower /GPS data from his mobile service provider!
I agree that people like to understand the motive but it just doesn't matter. Motive would not satisfy anyone anyway. We are talking about broken people who do not think like we do. Even if CW was to get on the stand and admit to what he did and why he did it, we STILL would not be able to relate. Whatever he could possibly use as motive we would have questions...if he said they were in debt and he wanted to get out... our rationale would be just get divorced. If he said he wanted to leave for another person or be free our rationale would be just get divorced. If he said I didn't want to be a dad anymore we would say fine just get divorced and don't see your kids if that is how you feel. Why take their lives away. Simple as that.

There IS no rational reason to murder your family therefore you would be left just as clueless as you were because you can't relate. NOT relating to his way of thinking is a blessing. If we all thought like him there wouldn't be many people left would there be. Just off anyone who you don't want to be a part of your life. These guys think they are ENTITLED to do this and just because society doesn't approve of it, to them it's not wrong in their minds. In his mind HIS life is what matters and their's just didn't.

I've been studying the Nazi's and Nazi occupied Europe since my teens and I'm almost 60...desperately attempting to understand how one little sick man could have caused the deaths of 60 million people more or less. How did normal people go along with this. I gave up on studying the crazy Hitler and his minions because they were just nuts. I have come to accept some people are just evil and we really will never understand their actions. For me that quest is over but NORMAL people allowing and participating in that autracity is more frightening. What is inside NORMAL people that would allow them to act the way they do and commit geonocide. Scary and it doesn't speak well of the human race.
I agree and a great post, studying human psychology is really fascinating, nature and nurture plays a big part in how one deals with trials and tribulations of life.

In the past, I too could not understand how killers could act 'normal' after committing an horrendous crime until discovering the coping mechanism term of compartmentalization, which seems to be the key. I have unknowingly used this system to survive my childhood, it has its benefits but can mask a whole lot of evil too!

'Compartmentalization is a subconscious psychological defense mechanism used to avoid cognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person's having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves.'

CW must have strong entitlement issues (which is part of the cluster B personality disorders), if he believes he HAD to erase his family for x,y, reasons, he can easily live it. JMO
But how long is the flight, plus the drive home? Most people I know do FlightAware and I would assume she called him saying the plane was going to be 3 hours late. Or at least he would have known.

I'm having a hard time fathoming this whole thing, but also having a hard time thinking he did this even before she left the ground on take off to come home, hours before she was expected to arrive.
I'm not actually.
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