CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #11

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People often use ignore for those who are just here to mess around and play narcissistic games, aka a troll who is just trying to get a rise out of people, not people who provide thoughtful, reasonable, plausible and intelligent commentary, no matter which angle they're exploring.

For example, some like to explore all the possible scenarios, based on actual evidence presented so far, and do so within the bounds of reason. Then there are those who just post nonsense like "THOSE EYES" and conclude from that that SW killed her children, and go on to present theories out of thin air for which there is no evidence on the table, like "sleepwalking". Those people you can't really take seriously and people might consider that they add nothing of value to the discussion, hence the ignore button.
On that assumption then. Killing the girls before she got home wouldn't work. As I'm pretty sure IMO that she would have gone into the girls rooms to see them, even if CW told her not to disturb them.

If ur OH told you when you last spoke about your 3 hour flight delay ( he's away on aThrive "retreat" as she describes it on her video and as NUA's group photo shows - they're all eating a restaurant waiting for news on their flight) wtte:

" ....the kids will be asleep, it's been an exhausting day. Please be quiet when you come in at 2am whatever and don't wake the kids, it's been hard to get them down tonight and I have to go to work early tomorrow........" for instance

why wouldn't you comply with that?

I'd feel a little guilty if I woke the kids and then him. So, I would just pop my head around their door & reassure myself they were all tucked up in bed asleep.
i could always go check the baby monitor(s) next, in the master bedroom and notice that they're well covered, with their faces turned away. Unless kids were sick recently, I'd probably be satisfied with either or both of those scenarios- cuz I wouldn't expect anything untoward/ they were dead.
because I was trying to find Nanz's info on this previously as I do believe he thought the tanks were a great long term solution , for reasons Nanz has given

Nanz, can I ask what did you think of the expert's analysis on the HLN ( Shekkiec) posted it upthread.
I watched it twice and was left more confused than I was before.

Pressurised or not? Heated or not? ( beyond ambient )
Apertures at the top of the 2 tanks or at the bottom?
Apertures- difficult to remove the "lids" or not.
wild card by expert - CW threw the bodies in the overflow open tank. Huh?

I know you and a couple of others posted this vital stuff before - but can't find it now.
The expert on the segment hadn't actually been to the tank site so he was making comments based on looking at photos. He doesn't know what CW actually did just based on the photos. He was giving the audience some information about the tanks. I found it useful just because I really had no idea what those tanks looked like. I was envisioning oil barrels out in the woods (I really was off!).

I think the "wild card" you mention actually is a good idea to ponder. The overflow tank is not as tall as the other two tanks, and the top is open. It seems much easier to throw bodies into the overthrow than the other tanks.

My impression is the manhole cover is at the top of the huge container tanks, though if there is a manhole at the bottom, it could only be opened if the tank was empty. We don't know if the tanks were full or empty or what manhole he use or even what tanks he used.

But...CW did indeed toss two little girls in the tank(s) somehow. Looking at the photo, I think he intended to toss his wife in a tank too, but her dead body was too heavy to carry up to them.

A week, week and a half---absolutely. But 6 weeks, that's a long time to leave your handsome, young husband alone at home. Asking for trouble, UNLESS you are planning to make your own exit anyway...
There are people that have to be away from their spouses for long periods of time for different reasons, and they don't cheat. I have never heard anyone say, oh her husband is overseas for 6 weeks, he left his nice looking wife home alone, that's just asking for trouble. People that cheat, cheat for their own reasons, not because of what their spouse does or doesn't do. JMO
Which is why it's impossible to believe CW's version of events. 2 people in one family who are capable of and resort to murder on the same day?!?! Beyond the realm of possibility in my opinion.
Yes agree. It makes no sense to me either. I guess CW looking for an excuse to try and justify what he himself did, and if that wasn't horrific enough then tries to blame his wife as if she deserved what he did to her. He is real piece of work for sure IMO.
My speculation was that once CW made good on his promise to tell the truth (re. location of the babies), after granted permission to speak with Dad, they let him hit his bunk. It's never been clear to me that if he was going to confess, why he and his Dad didn't just first meet with counsel, and arrange to turn himself in. He had to know the walls were closing in. In fact, the supporting friends he spent Tuesday night with went to the police right after CW left to collect his Dad ad the airport because they realized by morning that CW and his story was off. Perhaps CW was still believing his own story. MOO
I'm wondering if he wanted that conversation with dad at the police station so he could give info to dad like:
* what to do with the dog
* how to access the home (security code, perhaps)
* where to find financial records, etc
* heads up to any disturbing things he might find out - such as the affair
* apology

All speculation on my part.

There are people that have to be away from their spouses for long periods of time for different reasons, and they don't cheat. I have never heard anyone say, oh her husband is overseas for 6 weeks, he left his nice looking wife home alone, that's just asking for trouble. People that cheat, cheat for their own reasons, not because of what their spouse does or doesn't do. JMO
Yes i remember years ago when my husband was in the military. Separated for months at a time. It happens and depending on any individual relationship we certainly have to have that element of trust.
Yes she posted that on FB. It's possible at that time he still wanted to be with her and the kids, or at least try. Remember in his speech he says that having a kid can save a bad relationship(LOL) and maybe he started having an affair shortly after.

Its crazy though like you said, can that really manifest in 15 weeks? Go from trying to save a relationship to murdering your precious children and wife in cold blood?

It's also possible SW was just saying that on SM and it wasn't necessarily true. He didn't look thrilled in that pregnancy video.

Your last paragraph; that’s my theory. We know that their marriage wasn’t what it seemed, as portrayed on FB. Chris had quite a few reasons, IMO, for not wanting Shanann to get pregnant. It doesn’t make sense for him to encourage it.

It’s my opinion that Shanann claimed this on FB, hoping it would send the message to his AP that he was fully committed to their marriage and family.

Sadly, he seemed to be committed to destroying it all.
There are people that have to be away from their spouses for long periods of time for different reasons, and they don't cheat. I have never heard anyone say, oh her husband is overseas for 6 weeks, he left his nice looking wife home alone, that's just asking for trouble. People that cheat, cheat for their own reasons, not because of what their spouse does or doesn't do. JMO

Exactly this.

Someone can cheat in the hour they have free for lunch, or they can be home alone for months and be perfectly faithful!
The expert on the segment hadn't actually been to the tank site so he was making comments based on looking at photos. He doesn't know what CW actually did just based on the photos. He was giving the audience some information about the tanks. I found it useful just because I really had no idea what those tanks looked like. I was envisioning oil barrels out in the woods (I really was off!).

I think the "wild card" you mention actually is a good idea to ponder. The overflow tank is not as tall as the other two tanks, and the top is open. It seems much easier to throw bodies into the overthrow than the other tanks.

My impression is the manhole cover is at the top of the huge container tanks, though if there is a manhole at the bottom, it could only be opened if the tank was empty. We don't know if the tanks were full or empty or what manhole he use or even what tanks he used.

But...CW did indeed toss two little girls in the tank(s) somehow. Looking at the photo, I think he intended to toss his wife in a tank too, but her dead body was too heavy to carry up to them.


Yes I know. On earlier threads we seemed to have more posters who had industry connex or experience who explained tech issues w more clarity than the TV expert.
I also thought the apertures were at the top. He mentions " man ways" and then he also said there are apertures at the bottom. Agree with you - this all goes to our assumptions from the get-go - that SW was too heavy or large to put inside one of the closed tanks, so he buries her instead.

I'm just posting in the hope that our WS member experts come back tbh, but they might not.

What if everything we thought we knew about the tanks is wrong. Frustrating to hear that the open pit is now an option - cause that doesn't make sense to me. He would not have needed to bury SW.
Yes i remember years ago when my husband was in the military. Separated for months at a time. It happens and depending on any individual relationship we certainly have to have that element of trust.

It's not uncommon where I live that wives and kids will spend a summer with family (like grandparents) while the husband stays home and works. I never wanted to do that, but it's not something I find unusual.

I do think however, he liked the taste of life without his family during those six weeks. And the few days after her return were hard - especially since she had to turn around and leave again.

Yes I know. On earlier threads we seemed to have more posters who had industry connex or experience who explained tech issues w more clarity than the TV expert.
I also thought the apertures were at the top. He mentions " man ways" and then he also said there are apertures at the bottom. Agree with you - this all goes to our assumptions from the get-go - that SW was too heavy or large to put inside one of the closed tanks, so he buries her instead.

I'm just posting in the hope that our WS member experts come back tbh, but they might not.

What if everything we thought we knew about the tanks is wrong. Frustrating to hear that the open pit is now an option - cause that doesn't make sense to me. He would not have needed to bury SW.
I hear ya! I would love to have experts chime in. We could use the info - and it's interesting! I know nothing about this industry and was so surprised to see how much land was used, what the operation looks like, etc. I'm very curious to know more.

But would experts stick around a message board with nonsense, repetitive posts with an agenda, and bickering?

If you're an expert joining the case, please join in. We need you.

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Your last paragraph; that’s my theory. We know that their marriage wasn’t what it seemed, as portrayed on FB. Chris had quite a few reasons, IMO, for not wanting Shanann to get pregnant. It doesn’t make sense for him to encourage it.

It’s my opinion that Shanann claimed this on FB, hoping it would send the message to his AP that he was fully committed to their marriage and family.

Sadly, he seemed to be committed to destroying it all.
I think he may have talked her into having another baby, thinking it would help their relationship. Then began an affair. When SW got pregnant, he laughed at first, then looking at that test, the look changed, to worry/fear/what have I done. JMO
I think he may have talked her into having another baby, thinking it would help their relationship. Then began an affair. When SW got pregnant, he laughed at first, then looking at that test, the look changed, to worry/fear/what have I done. JMO

I never did her FB but I know on her early Instagram she talks about wanting 4-5 kids.
I think another baby was her idea and he went along with it and never expected it to actually happen so quick.

Forgive me, I can't recall the date of her posts where she says that CW wants another baby. I do remember A Thayer saying it was a planned 3rd baby but IDK whether AT got that from CW before the pregnancy OR got that from SW alone.

IMO, thinking of female friends & such scenarios, there can be a real difference what one says/ what actually was discussed pre - pregnancy.
Quoting myself here!

Anyway, stupidly I didn't just go look it up before I posted the question - I usually do that.

The answer is yes, easy to temporarily jam or disconnect ur company truck's GPS tracker, despite obvs it being in contravention of company policy.
( Didn't expect to find this thread open during UK time)
If so I MO he could have done it he was quite the mechanic and according to his teacher
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