CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #12

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Why are you so intent on building a case for the defense. I admit that before this case I hadn't posted since September of last year, but when I was active here last, this was considered a victim-friendly forum. Has that changed?

The difference now is we have a defendant who is telling his story about what happened. He has not been found guilty so since he is the only witness and he says Shanann killed their two children then we have to allow discussion on whether this is true or not. If a member wishes to believe Chris Watts is telling the truth then we must respectfully let that person express their opinion as long as it is within TOS.

Please alert if you see a post that violates our terms of service. It is not a violation of our TOS if someone expresses that she/he believes Shanann murdered her children. Until we have a guilty verdict or until Chris Watts changes his story we will allow discussion on this topic.

I'm new to this forum and have tried to catch up on everything that is being said. My brother questioned NA's reaction the same as you all are and I'll clarify for you as well. Shanann stayed in contact with her team religiously, she had a planner in which she scheduled out her entire day with phone calls, training, conferences etc. Those on her team that were seriously in it to hit ranks stayed in constant contact ALL THE TIME. We become like family and NA was one of the closest to Shan and one of her best promotors. They were always in contact. What CW said in his interview about her talking to her people more consistently was accurate. As far as plane tickets, for the company trips (vacations) and whatnot, those got paid for by the company because of her rank. Yes CW had his car bonus as well as her. This is from someone who knew her and very much adored her. Just trying to clear up some quick things I caught but I have not read through all 48 pages
Hey Everyone,

A bit of clarification.

Please, no more discussion on the viability of Shanann's company or whether her company was or wasn't a pyramid scheme. No more digging up documents or complaints or anything to do with the function of the company. The fact is Shanann's company is not what we are discussing.

If want to discuss if job stress may have contributed to Shanann and Chris' relationship problems please make sure it is in the realm of reality and not the Twilight Zone.

Thank you,
Do we know FOR SURE he didn't take the girls bodies to the tanks PRIOR to Shannan arriving home? Cameras at the neighbords, GPS coordinates from truck, cell phone pings, etc.

Neighbor noticed truck backed into drive that morning... unusual. Cameras might be very telling later on. GPS likely limited his choices about going somewhere else or at a strange time.
Neighbor noticed truck backed into drive that morning... unusual. Cameras might be very telling later on. GPS likely limited his choices about going somewhere else or at a strange time.
There is no dispute he did indeed move the bodies, and yes, I think his timing was intentional. I think he intended to also move her car later in the day, but the friend wrecked that plan by checking in.

There is no dispute he did indeed move the bodies, and yes, I think his timing was intentional. I think he intended to also move her car later in the day, but the friend wrecked that plan by checking in.


CW could have bought himself some time if he would have texted NUA from SW's phone saying that she was feeling a little better but was going to stay home to get some rest and take the day off.

I think CW had no idea that SW was going to see NUA that day because they never talked. I think SW went right to bed and CW strangled her from behind. MOO.
CW could have bought himself some time if he would have texted NUA from SW's phone saying that she was feeling a little better but was going to stay home to get some rest and take the day off.

I think CW had no idea that SW was going to see NUA that day because they never talked. I think SW went right to bed and CW strangled her from behind. MOO.
I don't recall where I saw it or read it but it was something along the lines the door was locked to where SW couldn't get into the house without calling CW to let her in. If the master bedroom is upstairs I believe he killed her right away so that he wouldn't have to move her body to far. JMO of course I could be way off :)
I'm still torn between these theories:

1. She came home, they fought, she killed the girls, he killed her and then freaked.
2. She killed the girls as part of a murder-suicide, but he stopped her and killed her and then freaked.
3. He killed them all, and was planning to kill himself and then backed out.
Maybe she took the trip to take a break from him. She has already been divorced before. We don't know why but maybe she told people when she was going through her divorce a lot of things and then they held it against her later so this time around she finds out he's cheating she decides to keep it to herself so just in case she wants to get back with him and not hear her friends and family complain to her about t or pressure her to leave. Some people don't share their emotions with everyone.
I don't recall where I saw it or read it but it was something along the lines the door was locked to where SW couldn't get into the house without calling CW to let her in. If the master bedroom is upstairs I believe he killed her right away so that he wouldn't have to move her body to far. JMO of course I could be way off :)

Only if he staged he stuff to look like she arrived normaly. Shoes off, keys/purse put down/suitcase by steps.
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