CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #13

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There has been cases where ppl admit to one crime so LE doesn't get them on the bigger crime.
For example there is a case where the person admitted to trafficking drugs from Mexico while this person murdered a couple.
LE wonder why so quick to admitting that they were trafficking drugs.

My point is maybe he admitted to the co-worker affair so that maybe LE wouldn't look beyond this person.
Such as other affairs and then find out it was not just women he was having affairs with.

Anyway was just thinking out loud.

Do we know that he admitted it? The affidavit is vague.
Except a lot of people think the girls were already dead when SW came home. So that kind of loses the whole “fit of passion” idea. Especially if, by chance, the corpse photo was a foreshadowing event. It might not have been planned for an incredibly long time, but I’m guessing that by the end of that six weeks in NC, he was planning how to make his freedom permanent.
Even if this murder occurred in the heat of passion, he absolutely could have thought about it beforehand (I doubt this came out of nowhere).

It’s possible that the kids were killed first, but if that were the case, I’d expect him to have executed this crime much more effectively. Dumping the bodies at his workplace, just wreaks of a lack of planning.
Shanann and the kids’ clothes don’t look excessive or particularly expensive to me. I’m not seeing designer stuff. I see off the rack, easily bought at deep discount or clearance if you wait awhile. Doesn’t look like she overspends to me. If you don’t continally weed your closets, they can pile up, fast.

I do a mass sorting every six months of my kids' clothes and I can easily fill 5 30 gallon trashbags. Every six months.
I have a question about financial strain . I know it seems as if her job was doing well but I also see posts from her SM that show Lularoe . Was she working that as well? That along with the other job could cause hardships financially and strain of time away from family. Not implying in anyway she deserved
Shanann Watts
Shanann Watts
Shanann Watts

Didn't expect that since have been told so many times that the main MLM job was so successful and read so many comments saying so from colleagues and SW.

Am back to where I was back in thread 2 or 3 - it's a hall of mirrors.
Nothing is what it seems in this case.

(Never heard of the brand but assuming another MLM. Shanann's FaceTime clips show how great she is at sales. At the same time I've just seen other clips where CW is really engaging & loving with his kids.)
But I wonder if he thought that might happen or was he just trying to relate to his friend.
I noticed his friend did say he had sympathy for him so maybe Chris was playing him.
Just found that part of the interview interesting.
I've had female friends strung along by married men who couldn't leave because they claimed they would lose their children if they got divorces. So yes, it could very well be a lie CW told.
Sorry guys. I just woke up, and you post while us folk sleep, so way behind.
From previous thread, there were comments, that perhaps SW wasn't eating, ? not feeling well etc, as no 'plate of food' in front of her.
There are loads of people without their plate of food: so not all 'not hungry, ill' etc.
Probably their orders haven't arrived at table.
Are you familiar with the DSM-V? A neat closet doesn't meet the criteria for any mental illness, personality disorder, or mood disorder. It means she had a well-stocked, and very organized closet, period.

Professionals have a hard enough time diagnosing patients after seeing them multiple times. People on the internet have no business diagnosing anyone based on SM photos.

I've been lurking for a long time, but thought I'd come out of the woodwork for this. I'm very familiar with the DSM-V and I've spent a large part of my adult life conducting mental health assessments. It should be noted that you can't diagnose without knowing how a symptom or behavior affects the person's life, as impairment in functioning is part of the criteria, so like bluesneakers said, there's no place for internet diagnosis. That said, I haven't seen anything here or on what I've seen of SW's SM that would convince me that she meets criteria for any mental health disorder. Yes, people who are manic may spend a lot of money. That doesn't mean everyone who buys a lot of stuff they don't need has bipolar. People with borderline are impulsive, but so far I haven't seen anything that suggests she's impulsive or has unstable relationships. SW liked a neat house. That doesn't mean she has OCD. (Huge pet peeve of mine. OCD does NOT mean that you just like things neat. It's so much more than that).

Of course we're going to speculate about the mental state of both SW and CW, but it's irresponsible to try to diagnose from her SM.
So now when I thought the thread was finally calming down fromdisgusting and baseless allegations like "she killed her kids because her eyes look crazy", now we are going to: She had a major, intensively horrible personality disorder because she has a lot of product and/or clothes in her closet?

Wth is happening here?

Its baseless and thus victim bashing IMO.

Borderline personality disorder is no joke. It is characterized by a pervasive inability to function in the world and have normal relationships with anyone. Characteristics include:

1. Fear of abandonment
2. Insecure identity.
3. Intensive and disruptive interpersonal relationships
4. Impulsivity including drug and alcohol abuse, promiscuity, gambling, spending.
5. Suicidal ideation/gestures/self harm
6. Emotional lability/mood instability. Can't self regulate emotion. Over sensitive.
7. Chronic feelings of emptiness
8. Intensive displays of rage
9. Paranoia/intensive and/or disassociation. Seems like psychosis. Breaks off from reality.

A lot of Lululemon in someone's closet just means she got snookered into another MLM that has "sales people" spend their own money on inventory they never can hope to actually sell.

You know I'm sure SW was not a perfect person. Few (except my mother) are. She surely had flaws. Maybe tried to portray perfection too much. I don't know.

But it seems nasty and ugly to make baseless allegations against her. For what purpose? Is the inference that his ridiculous story may be true? Or is it that she asked for it?

Gosh I don't like this.

She was innocent. No matter what imperfections she had she did not do anything to merit being murdered.

I could understand if people were discussing the possible pressures in the marriage. Or even whether there were any signs that one could look to to possibly state she may have had psych issues, if exploring the validity of CW's ridiculous story.

But to simply make an allegation like that as if it's fact? Based on a closet?

I'm sure it is very hard to hear those comments about her SM being fake, especially for friends & family who were close to them both! I do agree that her glow came from within and she was excellent at lifting people up and maintaining a positive outlook. But I do feel that she knew a different side of CW. JMO

I do agree to a point about seeing another side to CW. I think it was a recent revelation to Shanann. She also might have misread his Narcissistic/sociopathic traits. We all have down days, our partners, too. When we see them experience bad days at work or stress of any kind, we hold on to them and see them through it.

It seems like (imo) Shanann came from a good family, hard working, and honest & very loving. She might not have ever dealt with a CW type in a close relationship before. What can start as just being supportive of Narcissistic/Sociopaths partners leads you into a continuous 'job'. Hence Shanann always fluffing him up on Social Media. It's not fakery SM to Shanann - she's doing what she can to always 'help' CW. Because it's what partners do - I think Shanann was just carrying the load when she thought it was needed.

I hope I'm making sense. I'm envious of succinct posters! :)
Maybe she knew about at least some of it.....? Some women put up with it to some extent. And if he was a narcissist as many are saying, then he probably had ways of blaming it on her anyway, sort of making her feel like if she was better, he wouldn’t have to look elsewhere. That, or when she figured it out, he could have done the narcissist thing of making her doubt what she knew...making her feel crazy for even second guessing him.

She complimented him a lot on SM. It could have been just a SM front...but on the other hand, sometimes people being emotionally abused try everything they can to worship the person and build them up to make them happy so that things will go better in the home.

Just thoughts. This case is just heartbreaking.
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