CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #13

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<modsnip: discussing private message>

Was SW a perfect person? Of course not. I can't guarantee that she and I would have even gotten along. However, she was still a victim. I don't have to like someone to still be able to stand up for them. Watching her get labeled with personality disorders and mental illness, accusing her of being a liar and having abandonment issues-ALL based upon a few social media posts is disheartening. (Not to mention the insinuation that she lied about her lupus, which was an argument on here several threads back, too.)

Would it be appropriate to look at Bella and Cece and say, "There are blocks on the floor and they're not picking them up. They must have ADHD and Oppositional Defiance Disorder"? No.

We can get a feel for her on her pages, but that's it. No matter how many interviews we read and how often we check out her profile, we don't actually know her.

The "devil's advocate" in me also wants to ask, if true, does it matter? If we did learn that she was depressed or had BPD would that make her less of a victim? Would that make her daughters and son less?

I'm so sorry, mtnlites. I, too, get my dander ruffled when someone says these disorders/diseases are for malingerers or fakers. I have fibro along with other problems, and can guarantee they are not just in my head. It;s like hsving onky so much energy for s dsy and I have had to learn to budget that appropriately. It doesn't stop me from doing what I need or want too often, but at times I really jeed DH's extra hand. Anyeay, I could write a small book on how outsiders see "us", but will spare you all from that.

I may not have approved of the way this couple appears to have lived above their means, but it really is their business. But I will stand up for SW above CW unless I get further evidence to prove otherwise. She seems to have wanted a good life for them and was willing to work hard for that, despite likely lower energy levels than one would expect at her age. She may have wanted a lot of attention (I don't know if this is true), she may have gotten angry at times. She put up a bright front, for sure. But behind our closed doors, does anyone really know us? We can only make assumptions for most of this so far.

I don't even know what point I was hoping to make with this, but I so agree with you, mtnlites. No one knows what happened, but we can probably make reasonable assumptions already.
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I think she saw something on his phone and was going to reveal all, that may have been enough for him to react. Especially where the parents of CW and his bosses were concerned...Every action has a reaction, the result we all know about was possibly CW reaction to SW action... Or threatened action. IMO. She was going to blow the whistle.
Perhaps this was indeed the trigger.
So why do you find it difficult to believe?

Because of the supposed connections. I can't post names, or SM links here. But I can say that what I saw/read on-line looked like one or two people creating multiple accounts in order to provide "back up" to each others statements.

And I believe (at least that is what I've read here, and elsewhere) that during the orig. Banfield interview, the unknown gay lover claimed he was connected to Johathan Lee Rider, the multi-lawsuit scammer...who I believe is a media XXXXX (can't type the word here) and a little nuts.
I read the FB account and Instagram of the alleged gay lover, sounds legit to me. Poor guy. I'm not sure I would have leapt straight into the media flames but can understand why in a way. IMO.
I think she saw something on his phone and was going to reveal all, that may have been enough for him to react. Especially where the parents of CW and his bosses were concerned...Every action has a reaction, the result we all know about was possibly CW reaction to SW action... Or threatened action. IMO. She was going to blow the whistle.

This is very plausible. She definitely was on alert for cheating. She could've checked his phone, saw something confirming her suspicions, and went into full "emotional conversation" mode. Most women would. I know I would, even at 2 am and feeling exhausted.
Just a quick post about the significance of this anonymous person and it being 10 months prior and having no bearing on the case. That is definitely true, it wasn't a current situation and not connected directly to CW's frame of mind at the moment of the murders. However, if it is a true account, I think that is what makes it a valuable aspect of the case because is shows a pattern of deceit and a complexity of CW's state of mind. It would demonstrate an internal struggle and a conflict within his life albeit internally. So I do think it relates to the case currently. I also believe that where there is smoke there is fire and there has to be more going on and likely partners, then even close family and friends knew especially SW sadly.

Actually, he said the relationship lasted 10 months, ending by June. (For some reason, I thought he said it ended in May)

Chris Watts' Alleged Ex-Lover Speaks — but He's Not the Co-Worker Police Say Chris Was Seeing
The man told HLN that he and Chris were allegedly in an approximately 10-month relationship after meeting online last June. They saw each other off and on through the spring, ending things in March or April, the man said.
From the link:

"The unidentified man’s story has not yet been independently corroborated by news outlets, including PEOPLE, but his account of an alleged relationship with Chris does contain details about Chris’ life that are not readily available online and in public documents. Identifying information about Chris’ truck and his home matches PEOPLE’s reporting."

Still waiting for confirmation that this guy is legit.

From the link:

"The unidentified man’s story has not yet been independently corroborated by news outlets, including PEOPLE, but his account of an alleged relationship with Chris does contain details about Chris’ life that are not readily available online and in public documents. Identifying information about Chris’ truck and his home matches PEOPLE’s reporting."

Still waiting for confirmation that this guy is legit.


And his timings are exactly the same as the other guy( connected toJLR) who first came out on SM so that would mean 2 gay relns which started in the same month and finished in the same month.

Also liked the bit about the Ford Explorer truck as authentication as even I had seen that mentioned here many threads ago, as would anyone in a FB Chris Watts theory group.
Second bit was authentication via knowing things about Watts' home. What? Like a nice closet - anyone know anything about that?
Did the man on HLN ever mention going to Saratoga Trail?


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From the link:

"The unidentified man’s story has not yet been independently corroborated by news outlets, including PEOPLE, but his account of an alleged relationship with Chris does contain details about Chris’ life that are not readily available online and in public documents. Identifying information about Chris’ truck and his home matches PEOPLE’s reporting."

Still waiting for confirmation that this guy is legit.

Yeah, and it also says this: “A source close the investigation tells PEOPLE that Chris has had relationships with both men and women outside of his marriage. PEOPLE could not immediately reach the man who spoke to HLN on Wednesday.”

To believe or not to believe, that is the question.
That stuff looks like Lularoe merchandise. Clearly. Which people on here noted early on that her kids wear. Which is another MLM thing. And it fits the deal with that company of people having loads of unused inventory they got fooled into buying:

"In addition to the consultants who have managed to go out of business and break even or make a modest profit, there are many who are greatly in debt. According to Sherry Evans,* a consultant who is still active and attempting to liquidate her inventory, LulaRoe has been financially disastrous. “My sponsor is a single mom of two kids... she raved about how she was able to o stay home and support her family, and I was intrigued,” Evans says. “I saw posts about the amount of money people were making and I thought this was my way to protect my family's financial future.” But after a year of selling and still being in debt, Evans was discouraged.
“Every penny we made was instantly reinvested into a bigger inventory at the advice and insistence of our upline.” Since deciding to go out of business, they have not reinvested in inventory, and have about $3,000 to earn back to just break even from the money invested in LuLaRoe.

"A new lawsuit against the leggings company says women were encouraged to max out credit cards, take out loans, and even sell their breast milk to keep buying merchandise the company knew they could not sell."

Ohhhhh okay. Well, I hate MLM companies in a bad way, so I won’t get on THAT soapbox. Ha. Disgusting schemes. But, moving right along...
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