Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #28

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Not sure if it was rage, but I wonder if resentment was building and he was un(cannot find word for it) participant in the life size checkers game. I've seen men do activities that they did NOT want to, kinda got the same vibe.

Is the word "unwilling"? He didn't seem to care for the game. Or maybe losing the game.
Have you got links that can support you saying she didn't lose everything in her first divorce?

In 2009 she bought her home. No other seller was mentioned nor has it ever been alluded to. A single woman who owned her own home either got it in the divorce or qualified for it on her own. Either shows she had not lost "everything" in the divorce. Sounds like she was doing quite well to be so young and a homeowner.

Shanann Watts, slain in Colorado with daughters, once lived in Belmont, N.C.
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If it was found by NUA then maybe the chain of custody could be challenged by the defense. I think in this case, everything is going to be challenged. JMO
Yep, I think the defense will object to everything just because they can. Kind of like the Jodi Arias trial that lasted so long because her defense team "objected" to everything.<modsnipped crude comment>MUST MOO MOO!
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If it was found by NUA then maybe the chain of custody could be challenged by the defense. I think in this case, everything is going to be challenged. JMO

Ahhhhhh, that would explain it as to the wording in the affidavit, in my opinion. I never thought about that but I think you're on to something.

If it was my friend and we were doing a wellness check, I will be calling her phone from the moment I walked in the door to see where it was in the house.
If it was found by NUA then maybe the chain of custody could be challenged by the defense. I think in this case, everything is going to be challenged. JMO
Chain of custody wouldn’t matter. What’s on the phone is on the phone. This isn’t biological evidence that could be tampered with.
Yes!! It's a typical sociopathic murderer thing to do: I couldn't just call LE, they wouldn't believe me. It paints the murderer as this sophisticated brainiac who just wouldn't be understood by the tiny-brained police and prosecutors.

Police and prosecutors are not stupid! They see true accidents happen all the time. They understand that not everything is a crime. Most calls that come to LE do not result in criminal charges being brought. No prosecutor wants to bring a case with no evidence so the state loses.

Nothing good happens from a cover-up. Martha Stewart didn't go to jail for insider trading, she went to jail for lying to an FBI agent. Never in my career have I seen anyone help themselves by lying and covering up a questionable act. The one thing I have learned in white collar crime is you're never as smart as you think you are.

BBM- yes! Years ago, my uncle fell down his basement stairs. His wife found him deceased a couple hours later when she returned from a hair appointment. - Her first action was to call 911, then my mom, and then a neighbor.

At no time did she consider hiding his body because of worrying whether the police would believe her story.

And an amen to the last paragraph!
In 2009 she sold her home. No other seller was mentioned nor has it ever been alluded to. A single woman who owned her own home either got it in the divorce or qualified for it on her own. Either shows she had not lost "everything" in the divorce. Sounds like she was doing quite well to be so young and a homeowner.

Shanann Watts, slain in Colorado with daughters, once lived in Belmont, N.C.
Supposedly she sold the NC home and made about a whopping $8,000 profit, according to posts here a week or so ago. She had the $$$$$ NC home built on her own income, and it was mortgaged to the hilt, for a very high amount, considering what we have speculated her salary may have been (all speculation). They did not have much money to put down on the CO home based on sale of NC property, and it has been said here that the CO home was in CWs name initially (assuming he had a job offer here at a higher income). The CO home is also mortgaged to the hilt so there'd probably be little profit it sold considering their $70k or so in debt that has been mentioned here. Sad. So while it seems like one may have been "doing well" it's all numbers and just passing one deed for another it seems, never realizing much profit on hard work.
Right? He sure painted a lovely “reputation” of her - as in, SW was upset and just left with her children. Poof! Gone without a trace. (As he so consistently wanted everyone to believe :rolleyes:) - edit: in what world would this be an acceptable thing to do?!

Funny though that he wasn’t concerned that the wife, whose reputation he so badly wanted to protect, left without taking medical supplies for her children? Basic necessities? Without her car, purse, phone, car seats? Without a goodbye to her loved ones. Seems like HE cared more about appearances than she did.

MOO - He should have been more concerned with his own reputation.

(Anyone else humming a Joan Jett tune?). Edit to complete my thought
ITA. And SW was almost 4 months pregnant with a complicated pregnancy due to her Lupus. Surely any husband would be frantic with worry if his pregnant wife and toddlers go missing? I know Mr Mouse would be searching high and low, calling the cops, begging neighbors and friends to put up fliers and help search. That's the normal reaction of a loving husband who fears for his family's safety. Not this guy busy preening for the tv interviews.
BBM- yes! Years ago, my uncle fell down his basement stairs. His wife found him deceased a couple hours later when she returned from a hair appointment. - Her first action was to call 911, then my mom, and then a neighbor.

At no time did she consider hiding his body because of worrying whether the police would believe her story.

And an amen to the last paragraph!

First off, I'm sorry to hear about your uncle.
We're not really comparing apples to apples here. CW is claiming SW strangled their girls and he snapped and killed her. I'm speculating here and I haven't decided one way or another on who killed the girls yet. I'm guessing if he wouldn't have killed SW he wouldn't have hid his girls either.
Supposedly she sold the NC home and made about a whopping $8,000 profit, according to posts here a week or so ago. She had the $$$$$ NC home built on her own income, and it was mortgaged to the hilt, for a very high amount, considering what we have speculated her salary may have been (all speculation). They did not have much money to put down on the CO home based on sale of NC property, and it has been said here that the CO home was in CWs name initially (assuming he had a job offer here at a higher income). The CO home is also mortgaged to the hilt so there'd probably be little profit it sold considering their $70k or so in debt that has been mentioned here. Sad. So while it seems like one may have been "doing well" it's all numbers and just passing one deed for another it seems, never realizing much profit on hard work.
Doing well means she had not lost everything. She had a roof over her head as a single woman. She had to qualify for this home. Regardless of how she used the equity, she was able to qualify for a home. In her twenties she is besting most of her peers in that aspect. If you read my posts, I am certain they were in financial disarray by the time she died. Others disagree. But it is ridiculous to state she lost everything in her first divorce when this obviously is not true. She was much better positioned than CW if a second divorce were to go down simply because she is not the one owing the debt on the home and she could restart her life much easier with both support of family and certainly a less tainted credit history. In addition, if ANY money were to be made on the sell of the Frederick home, he would be required to split it with her.
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My kids are all adults, but they would have to put me in a mental institution...and save me from myself.
I know that you did not mean anything by that, but when my child died, two of my friends said to me ' I wouldn't be able to go on. I would kill myself'.
I found that very hurtful, it was like saying I love my children more than you do.
AB 9/20/18
1. Each filed document contains a clue. Chess game between Defense and Prosecution. Defense is saying “It’s against our 4th Amendment right!” To have to give over a swab! And your leaks!” And Prosecution is saying, “We don’t have to answer to you!” Prosecution is methodically putting evidence together.
2. Blood pools in the body and time can tell an incredible tale. Livor Mortis (Post Mortem Lividity) is - what happens in your body, in your organs after you die. Vessels in body are not meant to store blood, but when we die the blood settles to the lowest point of gravity. (See photos) Blood pattern on body gives a timeline, begins to show within first 20-30 minutes after you die. Totally dependent on gravity, not environmental temperature. Locks into final pattern after about 8-10 hours. Unless body is moved prior to fixation. If bodies were moved into different positions, face down or on back, or standing upward, Livor Mortis will change to pool of blood in each new location. In any kind of liquid, the dead will always turn to be face down. “Dead Man’s Float”(that’s what they said) A non supported body in liquid environment kind of skews the way gravity affects the body, and you will get an odd kind of line appearing on the body. Key for us in this case. Odd displacement of livitity in the dependent area. For the children, if there is no flotation livor Mortis indication, 8-10 hour window ended before they were placed in the oil, and there was no way Shanann could have killed them because she didn’t get home until 2 AM. If they were killed on Sunday, we will be able to tell. Impossible for C.W. to be telling the truth.
3. Maybe this is why they’re not releasing autopsy.
4. Could stress and financial burden of SW and kids health costs been too much for C.W.? Shanann had Lupus, Celiac, Anterial Cervical Disectomy and Fusion with Arthroplasty Implant (neck surgery), Not cheap. Tens of thousands of dollars. Kids had 15 conditions. Bilateral ear tubes and Adenoidectomy, ear infection, croup, pneumonia, viral pneumonia, Hypoxia, Asthma, upper respiratory infection, eosinophilic esophagus, dog allergies, cat allergies, mold allergies, cashew allergies, kiwi allergies, adjustment on back, CW may have crumbled under pressure. They had Anadarko insurance, but not sure how much was covered. Will be looked into by investigators.
5. SW may have been killed for being a witness to murder, or potential witness, and that is a statuatory aggravating factor in Colorado when it comes to Capital punishment.
6. Bag found at scene. Evidence #26 “possible barefoot impressions, using their normal latent print process for non-porous items. These impressions were developed from a bag...” Sounds like plastic bag. What is significance of that bag? Whose footprint? CW is fighting giving swabs and prints.
7. Katie’s Law in Colorado requires law enforcement agencies to collect a DNA sample from adults who are arrested for a felony. Asking for another sample is a super abundance of caution. Frederick is a small town. They don’t have murders like this every day. CW will be forced to comply.
Viewer Questions
1. No noticeable scratch marks on C.W.’s exposed body. Could CW have given a date rape drug to Shanann so she wouldn’t fight back? They will do full tox panel, they’ll find out.
2. CW has probably wished a thousand times he had never given those interviews. That thought must play over and over in his sick mind! Guest suspects that CW is a sociopath so telling lies like that and even maybe getting the limelight is part of his sociopathology, and you have to be a sociopath to commit a triple homicide with all these aggravated factors. To dispose of the bodies that way? How could you not be a sociopath?
AB 9/20/18
1. Each filed document contains a clue. Chess game between Defense and Prosecution. Defense is saying “It’s against our 4th Amendment right!” To have to give over a swab! And your leaks!” And Prosecution is saying, “We don’t have to answer to you!” Prosecution is methodically putting evidence together.
2. Blood pools in the body and time can tell an incredible tale. Livor Mortis (Post Mortem Lividity) is - what happens in your body, in your organs after you die. Vessels in body are not meant to store blood, but when we die the blood settles to the lowest point of gravity. (See photos) Blood pattern on body gives a timeline, begins to show within first 20-30 minutes after you die. Totally dependent on gravity, not environmental temperature. Locks into final pattern after about 8-10 hours. Unless body is moved prior to fixation. If bodies were moved into different positions, face down or on back, or standing upward, Livor Mortis will change to pool of blood in each new location. In any kind of liquid, the dead will always turn to be face down. “Dead Man’s Float”(that’s what they said) A non supported body in liquid environment kind of skews the way gravity affects the body, and you will get an odd kind of line appearing on the body. Key for us in this case. Odd displacement of livitity in the dependent area. For the children, if there is no flotation livor Mortis indication, 8-10 hour window ended before they were placed in the oil, and there was no way Shanann could have killed them because she didn’t get home until 2 AM. If they were killed on Sunday, we will be able to tell. Impossible for C.W. to be telling the truth.
3. Maybe this is why they’re not releasing autopsy.
4. Could stress and financial burden of SW and kids health costs been too much for C.W.? Shanann had Lupus, Celiac, Anterial Cervical Disectomy and Fusion with Arthroplasty Implant (neck surgery), Not cheap. Tens of thousands of dollars. Kids had 15 conditions. Bilateral ear tubes and Adenoidectomy, ear infection, croup, pneumonia, viral pneumonia, Hypoxia, Asthma, upper respiratory infection, eosinophilic esophagus, dog allergies, cat allergies, mold allergies, cashew allergies, kiwi allergies, adjustment on back, CW may have crumbled under pressure. They had Anadarko insurance, but not sure how much was covered. Will be looked into by investigators.
5. SW may have been killed for being a witness to murder, or potential witness, and that is a statuatory aggravating factor in Colorado when it comes to Capital punishment.
6. Bag found at scene. Evidence #26 “possible barefoot impressions, using their normal latent print process for non-porous items. These impressions were developed from a bag...” Sounds like plastic bag. What is significance of that bag? Whose footprint? CW is fighting giving swabs and prints.
7. Katie’s Law in Colorado requires law enforcement agencies to collect a DNA sample from adults who are arrested for a felony. Asking for another sample is a super abundance of caution. Frederick is a small town. They don’t have murders like this every day. CW will be forced to comply.
Viewer Questions
1. No noticeable scratch marks on C.W.’s exposed body. Could CW have given a date rape drug to Shanann so she wouldn’t fight back? They will do full tox panel, they’ll find out.
2. CW has probably wished a thousand times he had never given those interviews. That thought must play over and over in his sick mind! Guest suspects that CW is a sociopath so telling lies like that and even maybe getting the limelight is part of his sociopathology, and you have to be a sociopath to commit a triple homicide with all these aggravated factors. To dispose of the bodies that way? How could you not be a sociopath?
Ah, Layla, thank you for watching AB and updating us here, I look forward to your summaries every day!
AB 9/20/18
1. Each filed document contains a clue. Chess game between Defense and Prosecution. Defense is saying “It’s against our 4th Amendment right!” To have to give over a swab! And your leaks!” And Prosecution is saying, “We don’t have to answer to you!” Prosecution is methodically putting evidence together.
2. Blood pools in the body and time can tell an incredible tale. Livor Mortis (Post Mortem Lividity) is - what happens in your body, in your organs after you die. Vessels in body are not meant to store blood, but when we die the blood settles to the lowest point of gravity. (See photos) Blood pattern on body gives a timeline, begins to show within first 20-30 minutes after you die. Totally dependent on gravity, not environmental temperature. Locks into final pattern after about 8-10 hours. Unless body is moved prior to fixation. If bodies were moved into different positions, face down or on back, or standing upward, Livor Mortis will change to pool of blood in each new location. In any kind of liquid, the dead will always turn to be face down. “Dead Man’s Float”(that’s what they said) A non supported body in liquid environment kind of skews the way gravity affects the body, and you will get an odd kind of line appearing on the body. Key for us in this case. Odd displacement of livitity in the dependent area. For the children, if there is no flotation livor Mortis indication, 8-10 hour window ended before they were placed in the oil, and there was no way Shanann could have killed them because she didn’t get home until 2 AM. If they were killed on Sunday, we will be able to tell. Impossible for C.W. to be telling the truth.
3. Maybe this is why they’re not releasing autopsy.
4. Could stress and financial burden of SW and kids health costs been too much for C.W.? Shanann had Lupus, Celiac, Anterial Cervical Disectomy and Fusion with Arthroplasty Implant (neck surgery), Not cheap. Tens of thousands of dollars. Kids had 15 conditions. Bilateral ear tubes and Adenoidectomy, ear infection, croup, pneumonia, viral pneumonia, Hypoxia, Asthma, upper respiratory infection, eosinophilic esophagus, dog allergies, cat allergies, mold allergies, cashew allergies, kiwi allergies, adjustment on back, CW may have crumbled under pressure. They had Anadarko insurance, but not sure how much was covered. Will be looked into by investigators.
5. SW may have been killed for being a witness to murder, or potential witness, and that is a statuatory aggravating factor in Colorado when it comes to Capital punishment.
6. Bag found at scene. Evidence #26 “possible barefoot impressions, using their normal latent print process for non-porous items. These impressions were developed from a bag...” Sounds like plastic bag. What is significance of that bag? Whose footprint? CW is fighting giving swabs and prints.
7. Katie’s Law in Colorado requires law enforcement agencies to collect a DNA sample from adults who are arrested for a felony. Asking for another sample is a super abundance of caution. Frederick is a small town. They don’t have murders like this every day. CW will be forced to comply.
Viewer Questions
1. No noticeable scratch marks on C.W.’s exposed body. Could CW have given a date rape drug to Shanann so she wouldn’t fight back? They will do full tox panel, they’ll find out.
2. CW has probably wished a thousand times he had never given those interviews. That thought must play over and over in his sick mind! Guest suspects that CW is a sociopath so telling lies like that and even maybe getting the limelight is part of his sociopathology, and you have to be a sociopath to commit a triple homicide with all these aggravated factors. To dispose of the bodies that way? How could you not be a sociopath?
They showed a photo of a cadaver with livor Mortis. I took a picture and don’t want to offend anyone. Does anyone mind if I post it?
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