Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #28

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My thought behind questioning a fugue state earlier! You explained in a better way what I was wondering about.
I have had a lot of traumatic things happen in my life, but as a victim. I do not remember quite a bit of it. Only reason I know some actually happened is from other trusted people in my life. The brain does some amazing things to protect our psyche.

I'm not entirely convinced this happened with him. However, (just to throw this in..)
I think the fact he was not able to get away with it, is making him now think he made a mistake. Having regret. I dont think its remorse though. Just him being upset that he didn't do a better job in handling things. These are my thoughts based on my view that he is a narcissist. JMO.
I'm new to WS and have tried to keep up with reading all the posts but my job is getting in the way of it! So please excuse me if this has already been discussed, but I read in the MSM at the very beginning of this tragedy that when SW arrived home at 1:48 am the door was locked with an additional lock (which was reported as unusual) and she had to call CW to come downstairs and unlock the door. I cannot locate the articles now. But if true, CW definitely wanted to know and be prepared when she arrived home. Do any of y'all recall reading that?
I'm new to WS and have tried to keep up with reading all the posts but my job is getting in the way of it! So please excuse me if this has already been discussed, but I read in the MSM at the very beginning of this tragedy that when SW arrived home at 1:48 am the door was locked with an additional lock (which was reported as unusual) and she had to call CW to come downstairs and unlock the door. I cannot locate the articles now. But if true, CW definitely wanted to know and be prepared when she arrived home. Do any of y'all recall reading that?
Welcome Croyante!
1. Could she take the children and go to NC in a divorce? In MN that is not allowed unless the ex agrees. I am not sure how far away one is allowed to move.

2. She came home at around 2 am after her work conference and then flying back home after a flight delay.

She had to be exhausted. I would think that she would want an alarm set so she could be sure to get up at the right time in the morning.

But there is no alarm. Not with her phone going off or with a regular clock. NUA would have heard it doing the walk through.

If she used her phone, I would think she would have that plugged in to make sure it was not out of battery.

If she planned on sleeping on the couch, where are the sheets and blankets that one would put on a couch for sleeping?

I cannot imagine that she would be contacting anyone that late. It is not a good time in any US zone.

So why is the phone in the couch?

CW said that he either called or texted her during the day, can’t remember which.

It makes more sense that she was in bed because of the missing bottom sheet. Otherwise, he could have taken any other sheet in the house. Hard to believe they would only have one set of sheets for their bed.
I agree was just going to say the same. Her business was mainly phone based (judging by her SM vids.) so can't imagine she would ever turn the ringer off.
I don’t know if this has been mentioned but since she has an Apple Watch, alerts would default to that when she’s wearing it (or at least mine do, perhaps it’s an option in the settings). So even if the phone was not on vibrate, if she got a text and had on her Apple Watch the Watch would chime, not the phone.
Do we know when LE confiscated SW's phone? Is it possible CW could have had time to get on her phone and delete FB posts, texts, etc.?
I don’t know if this has been mentioned but since she has an Apple Watch, alerts would default to that when she’s wearing it (or at least mine do, perhaps it’s an option in the settings). So even if the phone was not on vibrate, if she got a text and had on her Apple Watch the Watch would chime, not the phone.
Ahh did not know that, could well have been the case then. Thank you!
I don’t know if this has been mentioned but since she has an Apple Watch, alerts would default to that when she’s wearing it (or at least mine do, perhaps it’s an option in the settings). So even if the phone was not on vibrate, if she got a text and had on her Apple Watch the Watch would chime, not the phone.
That's interesting! But I'm assuming the watch has to be within so many feet of the phone itself, right? Like it wouldn't be going off miles away? ...but it makes me think he got annoyed with the phone, making her watch go off and threw it, that's how it ended up in the cushion?
katydid23 said:
Yes, for all we know he had a plan in place, but something triggered him to move faster.

My theory is that they had 'an emotional conversation' and his wife said ' Fine, go be with your new ho, I am taking the girls to my friends in the morning, then we are going back to NC...I'll text ya where to send the child support...'

I think all his plans went out the window because he had an immediate deadline now. Once she left him, he would not have any access to making up the 'she just walked away angry' theory anymore. If she was safely in her parents home, he'd have no access to implement his plans.

So he was forced to strike that night. JMO

I respectfully ponder another scenario @katydid23 ~ if CW and SW had the emotional conversation as you described and it went as you suggested, I am thinking that CW would have welcomed the idea of SW moving away to NC with the girls. He would then be free to live his life as he chose with the AP without interference from SW and if moving forward with the AP was his goal ultimately their move back to NC would be welcomed not unwelcomed. I am sure if CW was intending to leave SW and we know he was likely, he spent a lot of time pondering ALL his options in order to move forward with a life with the AP. He probably did predict that the marital home would be sold and that there would be some profit to split between SW and CW. Child support would be required of him but people do that everyday and manage just fine. CW had a good paying job and if he was planning on starting over with the AP he would likely have discussed that with the AP as to their future living arrangements and financials. We don't know the AP's finances or housing arrangements nor are we allowed to speculate due to TOS, but it would seem that they could move in together so reducing CW's financial burdens and living logistics. Who knows maybe CW planned on filing for bankruptcy again and would have another second fresh start. We don't know how much the AP was willing to help CW either be it financials or otherwise. But I do suspect a great deal of discussions between CW and AP over the time SW was in NC never included a plan to kill his family because then he would lose everything including the AP. jmo
disclaimer: Not saying CW did not kill his family, I just don't have a definite opinion at this point.
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A weed whacker is not consistent like a lawn mower. It looks like grass that is manicured and taken care of. With both of them being perfectionists, I doubt if a scraggly lawn would be acceptable.
That's just the backyard, right? Did they have side and front lawns, too, I thought they lived on a corner with a visible side yard?
I know that you did not mean anything by that, but when my child died, two of my friends said to me ' I wouldn't be able to go on. I would kill myself'.
I found that very hurtful, it was like saying I love my children more than you do.
I'm so sorry, Jennifer. I'm sure that hurt you, but maybe what they really meant was "I'm not as strong as you are." Also I think when people say things like that, they are speaking to the universe out of fear that it will happen to them. Like many people who have not been through that experience, I don't always know the right thing to say, but I do feel for you and all the others here who have lost a child. You are all very strong and courageous.
I understand that. Many have stated they do the same in their relationships. I do think however people are confusing verbal abuse to what most of us consider as 'banter', what I see in the videos is not what I consider banter. Banter takes two people going back and forth with each other and laughing and I just don't see that between the pair.
ITA. Belittling someone doesn't fall into banter because CW wasn't in a position to respond. It was his wife's business video. What I still do not understand is why were videos showing him losing a game or the girls crying and frightened of Santa or whipped cream in the face necessary at all?
I'm sorry, I didn't see your post earlier. I'm trying to catch up, just from today and last night. Could you post a copy if it's possible? Thank you.
296, page 15. I'm sorry, I don't know how to post a copy of a previous post. Someday I'll learn some of these skills.

I just still can't grab onto this man being a sociopath or a psychopath or whatever all the names I see flying around here are. Oh, and I can certainly comment on my own grief experience..when my husband died an EXPECTED death after nine years of cancer, died in my literal arms, still, when they took him away from our home, after everyone left I became fragile as a teacup. Never was in my whole life, blah, blah, blah.. Totally unpredictable, out of character, and it took me two years to climb back. Grief is totally totally unpredictable. A significant emotional experience sometimes alters a person. So I am the last to claim I might know what or how this man might have been thinking. I'm sorry if this is too personal. I hope not.
I'm new to WS and have tried to keep up with reading all the posts but my job is getting in the way of it! So please excuse me if this has already been discussed, but I read in the MSM at the very beginning of this tragedy that when SW arrived home at 1:48 am the door was locked with an additional lock (which was reported as unusual) and she had to call CW to come downstairs and unlock the door. I cannot locate the articles now. But if true, CW definitely wanted to know and be prepared when she arrived home. Do any of y'all recall reading that?
It appears that two things have been conflated here. Shanann arrived home and was apparently able to access the house without issue.

Hours later, when Shanann's friend became concerned, she attempted to make entry to the house. The chain on the front door was on, so she couldn't enter. She called CW, and he said that he would be right home. When he took too long, she called police, who ultimately beat CW to the house.
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I think some posts got removed, so it has a different post number, but it's somewhere around there.

I think the Livor Mortis is going to be super important in the case.
I was doing some laundry (you'd think it could do itself whilst I was sleuthing, lol) while the thread was shut down because I wasn't finding Layla's post. I absolutely agree lividity could be important in the case.
I wonder the timing and how the request to seal the autopsies correlates with the request for CW finger and palm prints and foot ink print? Any ideas anyone? If the autopsies determined COD different then strangulation or suggesting that maybe CW is telling the truth then why would they need CW's finger and palms prints and ink foot print? Just confused.

The prosecution Justified asking for the footprint saying that they had a non-porous bag they wanted to compare it to.

As to the fingerprints and palm prints( photograph) they have not responded to that at this time as to the reason on what that matched.

Colorado Judicial Branch
That's interesting! But I'm assuming the watch has to be within so many feet of the phone itself, right? Like it wouldn't be going off miles away? ...but it makes me think he got annoyed with the phone, making her watch go off and threw it, that's how it ended up in the cushion?
Depends, the series 3 watch , which I have, has data so it works even without the phone. I could be miles from my phone and my watch is still the default. But earlier versions aren’t the same way and need to be near the phone.
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