Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #28

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I know that you did not mean anything by that, but when my child died, two of my friends said to me ' I wouldn't be able to go on. I would kill myself'.
I found that very hurtful, it was like saying I love my children more than you do.

I know this to be true, and I'm sorry that we both do. (((Jennifer17)))
Depends, the series 3 watch , which I have, has data so it works even without the phone. I could be miles from my phone and my watch is still the default. But earlier versions aren’t the same way and need to be near the phone.
I believe SW had a series 3. I'm sure we will find out more about her AW as time goes on. Thank you for the info!
katydid23 said:
Yes, for all we know he had a plan in place, but something triggered him to move faster.

My theory is that they had 'an emotional conversation' and his wife said ' Fine, go be with your new ho, I am taking the girls to my friends in the morning, then we are going back to NC...I'll text ya where to send the child support...'

I think all his plans went out the window because he had an immediate deadline now. Once she left him, he would not have any access to making up the 'she just walked away angry' theory anymore. If she was safely in her parents home, he'd have no access to implement his plans.

So he was forced to strike that night. JMO

I respectfully ponder another scenario @katydid23 ~ if CW and SW had the emotional conversation as you described and it went as you suggested, I am thinking that CW would have welcomed the idea of SW moving away to NC with the girls. He would then be free to live his life as he chose with the AP without interference from SW and if moving forward with the AP was his goal ultimately their move back to NC would be welcomed not unwelcomed. I am sure if CW was intending to leave SW, he spent a lot of time pondering ALL his options in order to move forward with a life with the AP. He probably did predict that the marital home would be sold and that there would be some profit to split between SW and CW. Child support would be required of him but people do that everyday and manage just fine. CW had a good paying job and if he was planning on starting over with the AP he would likely have discussed that with the AP as to their future living arrangements and financials. We don't know the AP's finances or housing arrangements nor are we allowed to speculate due to TOS, but it would seem that they could move in together so reducing CW's financial burdens and living logistics. Who knows maybe CW planned on filing for bankruptcy again and would have another second fresh start. We don't know how much the AP was willing to help CW either be it financials or otherwise. But I do suspect a great deal of discussions between CW and AP over the time SW was in NC never included a plan to kill his family because then he would lose everything including the AP. jmo
disclaimer: Not saying CW did not kill his family, I just don't have a definite opinion at this point.

I understand what you are saying. There is a possibility he would be fine with her moving away and taking the girls.

But what you are describing, him just moving on and establishing a new life with his AP, not always that easy when you have 3 very young children.

And we don't know anything about his AP. But many girlfriends don't appreciate having 3 little children to be responsible for, care wise and financially. My daughter is thrilled that her steady boyfriend has no children yet. She hopes they settle down at some point and start a family.

Her best friend is dating someone with 2 young kids and there is constant drama with the ex and with issues with the kids and their financial/emotional needs. My daughter has said she now realizes how tough it is to be the 2nd wife in some circumstances.

So thats what makes me think he might not have wanted to just move on, but still have 3 kids to be financially and physically responsible for. That is a lot.
ITA. Belittling someone doesn't fall into banter because CW wasn't in a position to respond. It was his wife's business video. What I still do not understand is why were videos showing him losing a game or the girls crying and frightened of Santa or whipped cream in the face necessary at all?
Me neither. There are also hundreds of pictures too. A few that I would deem inappropriate to even take, let alone put on SM.
296, page 15. I'm sorry, I don't know how to post a copy of a previous post. Someday I'll learn some of these skills.

I just still can't grab onto this man being a sociopath or a psychopath or whatever all the names I see flying around here are. Oh, and I can certainly comment on my own grief experience..when my husband died an EXPECTED death after nine years of cancer, died in my literal arms, still, when they took him away from our home, after everyone left I became fragile as a teacup. Never was in my whole life, blah, blah, blah.. Totally unpredictable, out of character, and it took me two years to climb back. Grief is totally totally unpredictable. A significant emotional experience sometimes alters a person. So I am the last to claim I might know what or how this man might have been thinking. I'm sorry if this is too personal. I hope not.
That's fine, as none of us are capable of diagnosing a guy that we do not know, and haven't met. This goes for medical professionals as well.

The reason that people are referring to him as a possible sociopath, is based on previous experience. Previous cases where grieving family members go in front of the cameras, and tearfully plead for answers.

This guy was different. He was cold and emotionless. He had just dumped the bodies of his loved ones like trash, and then he decided to lie about it.

He wasn't like all the others, because he was a cold blooded murderer.
ITA. Belittling someone doesn't fall into banter because CW wasn't in a position to respond. It was his wife's business video. What I still do not understand is why were videos showing him losing a game or the girls crying and frightened of Santa or whipped cream in the face necessary at all?

It’s been hard to keep up but I’ve been giving this some thought and I hope I can explain it right so here goes... I think Shanann turned her video on sometimes to record C.W. bad behavior if he wouldn’t stop. Like at the checkers game. There was nothing pleasant there. Maybe that was something she did as a defense mechanism against what she perceived as unacceptable language or tone. IDK just another thought on their relationship.
ITA. Belittling someone doesn't fall into banter because CW wasn't in a position to respond. It was his wife's business video. What I still do not understand is why were videos showing him losing a game or the girls crying and frightened of Santa or whipped cream in the face necessary at all?
I think that is the crux of what I see as part of the confusion with SW's facebook page. The blending of family life with business life. They should have been two separate autonomous subjects. Like the saying goes "never mix business with family". jmo
It’s been hard to keep up but I’ve been giving this some thought and I hope I can explain it right so here goes... I think Shanann turned her video on sometimes to record C.W. bad behavior if he wouldn’t stop. Like at the checkers game. There was nothing pleasant there. Maybe that was something she did as a defense mechanism against what she perceived as unacceptable language or tone. IDK just another thought on their relationship.
I'm not so sure. I went through her Facebook, and the posts and videos were endless. If I live to be 200, Its unlikely that I'll even come close to putting up that much content.

I think she was simply trying to advertise her business, and videos portraying this happy, healthy, wealthy family, were her method for doing this.

If you take enough videos, you're inevitably going to have things on there that rub people the wrong way.
For those that don't know what liver mortis is (like me), here is the wikipedia definition:

Livor mortis - Wikipedia
If you're interested, this is solid information here: It is important to note that the blood will migrate to the lowest point in the body that it can travel. This may not necessarily be the lowest part of the body. For instance, if the victim was a hanging victim, the lividity will show in the feet, fingertips and earlobes. If the body is found in a supine position, the lividity will be found in the parts of the body touching the ground. Being able to identify the discoloration can be very useful in determining if a body has been moved after death.
Untitled Document
I wonder the timing and how the request to seal the autopsies correlates with the request for CW finger and palm prints and foot ink print? Any ideas anyone? If the autopsies determined COD different then strangulation or suggesting that maybe CW is telling the truth then why would they need CW's finger and palms prints and ink foot print? Just confused.

I don't think the prints correlates with the autopsies. IKD - maybe @Amandaaa can answer that when she has time. jmo
AB 9/20/18
1. Each filed document contains a clue. Chess game between Defense and Prosecution. Defense is saying “It’s against our 4th Amendment right!” To have to give over a swab! And your leaks!” And Prosecution is saying, “We don’t have to answer to you!” Prosecution is methodically putting evidence together.
2. Blood pools in the body and time can tell an incredible tale. Livor Mortis (Post Mortem Lividity) is - what happens in your body, in your organs after you die. Vessels in body are not meant to store blood, but when we die the blood settles to the lowest point of gravity. (See photos) Blood pattern on body gives a timeline, begins to show within first 20-30 minutes after you die. Totally dependent on gravity, not environmental temperature. Locks into final pattern after about 8-10 hours. Unless body is moved prior to fixation. If bodies were moved into different positions, face down or on back, or standing upward, Livor Mortis will change to pool of blood in each new location. In any kind of liquid, the dead will always turn to be face down. “Dead Man’s Float”(that’s what they said) A non supported body in liquid environment kind of skews the way gravity affects the body, and you will get an odd kind of line appearing on the body. Key for us in this case. Odd displacement of livitity in the dependent area. For the children, if there is no flotation livor Mortis indication, 8-10 hour window ended before they were placed in the oil, and there was no way Shanann could have killed them because she didn’t get home until 2 AM. If they were killed on Sunday, we will be able to tell. Impossible for C.W. to be telling the truth.
3. Maybe this is why they’re not releasing autopsy.
4. Could stress and financial burden of SW and kids health costs been too much for C.W.? Shanann had Lupus, Celiac, Anterial Cervical Disectomy and Fusion with Arthroplasty Implant (neck surgery), Not cheap. Tens of thousands of dollars. Kids had 15 conditions. Bilateral ear tubes and Adenoidectomy, ear infection, croup, pneumonia, viral pneumonia, Hypoxia, Asthma, upper respiratory infection, eosinophilic esophagus, dog allergies, cat allergies, mold allergies, cashew allergies, kiwi allergies, adjustment on back, CW may have crumbled under pressure. They had Anadarko insurance, but not sure how much was covered. Will be looked into by investigators.
5. SW may have been killed for being a witness to murder, or potential witness, and that is a statuatory aggravating factor in Colorado when it comes to Capital punishment.
6. Bag found at scene. Evidence #26 “possible barefoot impressions, using their normal latent print process for non-porous items. These impressions were developed from a bag...” Sounds like plastic bag. What is significance of that bag? Whose footprint? CW is fighting giving swabs and prints.
7. Katie’s Law in Colorado requires law enforcement agencies to collect a DNA sample from adults who are arrested for a felony. Asking for another sample is a super abundance of caution. Frederick is a small town. They don’t have murders like this every day. CW will be forced to comply.
Viewer Questions
1. No noticeable scratch marks on C.W.’s exposed body. Could CW have given a date rape drug to Shanann so she wouldn’t fight back? They will do full tox panel, they’ll find out.
2. CW has probably wished a thousand times he had never given those interviews. That thought must play over and over in his sick mind! Guest suspects that CW is a sociopath so telling lies like that and even maybe getting the limelight is part of his sociopathology, and you have to be a sociopath to commit a triple homicide with all these aggravated factors. To dispose of the bodies that way? How could you not be a sociopath?

Is this the post on Livor Mortis, ya all were looking for?
I understand that. Many have stated they do the same in their relationships. I do think however people are confusing verbal abuse to what most of us consider as 'banter', what I see in the videos is not what I consider banter. Banter takes two people going back and forth with each other and laughing and I just don't see that between the pair.
Agree with you about the lack of banter. Banter requires wit and playfulness, while CW is more of a sarcastic type.

Example: SW "Leave it up to me to break something" CW "Good Job, Shanann" SW "You're not very helpful, Chris"
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