Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #28

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What's interesting to me is how everyone ignores the giant Santa in the room.

Ya'll know CW was PARTICIPATING in those videos people think seem abusive and uncaring to the kids?

He wasn't yanking off his Santa Beard and running to comfort CeCe.
He wasn't saying, "Bella doesn't want to sit with me. Let's leave her alone." Nope. He reached for her AND HELD HER as she reached her arms up for her mom.

Pie in the face video? Water bottle video? He's also participating in those. He actually tries to grab the kids at different points to get them to get a pie on the face or get squirted, before giving up.

At no time does he ever say, "That's enough. Stop it. She is upset. You're going too far."

He does not rush to the crying child and hug her and try to console her, as so many are criticizing Shanann for not doing.

She is the only one being damned for not understanding about cortisol levels or for not taking her kids' cries or discomfort seriously in a few moments of hundreds of thousands of times kids cry in their lives or act scared, unhappy or distressed.

For some reason, silent, complicit CW escapes any criticism.
Absolutely, I totally agree.
Ok, I'm going to be very blunt here and state why I think SW is being victimized MOO MOO:
Because she was popular, very attractive, had a beautiful family with a handsome husband and seemed to have it all despite various health issues and challenges that she faced. I think some people are resentful of her and have a sense of schadenfreude now that she's gone and her "perfect" life can be picked apart. Envy, resentment, jealousy...
I kind of had that feeling too, a shame if that's the case, isn't it??
Yes, but who cares? Who cares that she was "directing" him? People (not you), are saying these videos evidence she was abusive to the children, or a bad or neglectful parent. Yet he was participating. It does not matter if he was "told" to. He's not a child. He's a grown, 30 year old man, a parent, a father.

So my question is why is she the only parent in the room being criticized?

BeanieBod said:
I am somewhat confused by AB. She states that CW put the bodies in the bed of the pickup. However, I thought CW said that he put them in the backseat. A few threads back I questioned how he put all three bodies in the backseat. The truck is a supercab model that has those little back doors.

the arrest affadavit states:" Chris said he loaded all three bodies onto the back seat of his work truck" -

Based on the photo of CW's truck when it was towed away after he was arrested, it had too much in the bed of the truck to be able to put the bodies in as well back there ~ there was a tool box going across width wise and looks to be some type of tubing all coiled up. I can't imagine CW putting the bodies in the bed of the truck, too risky for too many reasons.
Yes, but who cares? Who cares that she was "directing" him? People (not you), are saying these videos evidence she was abusive to the children, or a bad or neglectful parent. Yet he was participating. It does not matter if he was "told" to. He's not a child. He's a grown, 30 year old man, a parent, a father.

So my question is why is she the only parent in the room being criticized?

Agree. HIS parenting has not been picked apart nearly as much as hers. When he is mentioned in reference to the videos, it's generally in a "poor Chris, Shanann is bullying him" kind of way. The argument seems to be that "we're not saying the murder was justified, just trying to figure out the dynamics of the marriage" but that sure doesn't feel like what's going on.It very much sounds like her murder is being justified because she was bossy/anal retentive/ambitious/possibly a hypochondriac. Sometimes (a lot of times) people kill for their own selfish reasons and it has zero to do with the partner-they are just collateral damage. The catalyst may have been totally on his end. She is dead, Chris killed her and put her body in a shallow grave and lied about it on national television. So why is she being analyzed more than him?
I'm new to Websleuths - and as a short "warning" I'm not a native speaker.

I'm following this case from the beginning. My theory was/is that CW was always in the background perhaps not a great talker and kept maybe many things to himself. He would eventuelly never communicate to Shannan that he was hurt by her words or her any of her actions (just as an example!!). But he felt more and more anger towards her.
Yes of course he probably never loved her but if he did I could imagine that his feelings towards her faded slowly away but he simply never told her - maybe to avoid any arguments. Just choosing the easisest way ("out"). Because of this "unstable" relationship he was open towards many affairs. Shannan thought she had found the man of her life and had no clue she and her babies were in serious danger.

I just thought that he might have had really fallen in love with one of his affairs and on his mind he was already checking out of the marriage with Shannan but only *in his mind*. He might have told the AP "we are going to seperate" while playing the perfect husband und father at home just to avoid stress and discussions. At least until a few weeks prior the murders. I also believe that his AP somehow learned that Shannan was pregnant again. While he might have told her that they had nothing to do with each other anymore (except for the children). Now the AP knew that they were still "active" (you know what I mean ) and this might have been a big problem to her. She felt betrayed and wanted probably to end the affair which she believed would turn out someday as a real "relationship" between them two. (On the interview he mentioned that they had talked about a separation. One of my first thoughts was that this was directed to his AP)

I always thought that this could have lead him to kill his entire family. Either to get rid of them as soon as possible or to even "punish" them for being in his way after an argument with the AP. And because of his lack of communication he might have felt like a bird in the cave... But this is just *my theory*.

If it just had been because of Shannan being "bossy" or too dominant I really doubt the kids would have been dead by now. Of course there is still the possibilty that they just witnessed the murder of her mother. But I find this more unlikly because if there had been any loud noises besides the barking dog which caused the girls to wake up I think the neighbours had heard them as well.

This is such a tragic… all had the live ahead of them. Even CW. How could anybody hurt this wunderful little girls with their cute pigtails and than placing them in crude oil - alone in dark oil / gas tanks. I just can't understand how this was a possibilty to him. And I never will no matter what might have really happend that night or the days/weeks/months/years prior. They will never see the sunlight again or listen to their favorite song on the radio.... never eat their favorite food doing things they liked. I feel so unbelieveable sorry for all of them.

Great post and welcome! I'min the same boat as you. I think he was feeling resentment over a period of time and the affair just pushed it over the edge

Do we know if they had a freezer or somewhere to keep bodies until SW came home? It seems like a lot to have done in a short time and then drive to the oil field and back after disposing of the bodies. I would think that CW would have felt some emotion in that time.
Yes. However the VI seems to be getting their info straight from CW. So did he tell her the truth about his situation? IDK if he did or not. JMO

The VI claims that CW told her that he'd wanted a separation several times. However, that's still just his word. If SW's own FB posts are going to be scrutinized and doubted then the same consideration should be given to CW. He very well may have told the VI that he was the one wanting the separation, but that doesn't mean it was true.
Ok, I'm going to be very blunt here and state why I think SW is being victimized MOO MOO:
Because she was popular, very attractive, had a beautiful family with a handsome husband and seemed to have it all despite various health issues and challenges that she faced. I think some people are resentful of her and have a sense of schadenfreude now that she's gone and her "perfect" life can be picked apart. Envy, resentment, jealousy...
Bravo! Well said and holds much truth! The whole "blame SW" thing has bothered me from the beginning. She's not here to defend herself and he's the reason why!
The VI claims that CW told her that he'd wanted a separation several times. However, that's still just his word. If SW's own FB posts are going to be scrutinized and doubted then the same consideration should be given to CW. He very well may have told the VI that he was the one wanting the separation, but that doesn't mean it was true.
Yes, among all the other lies he has told.
Good points about telling the AP that they didn't 'sleep' together anymore... then she turns up pregnant. Uh oh

That was exactly my wife's statement when I asked her what she thought happened before she had heard about the case.
Watching the Chris Coleman case again. Do we know if CW police interviews where recorded. If so will those be released just like the CC case and JA case ? Attorneys if you could give your opinion.
There is no way that CW’s interviews would not have been recorded. It’s standard practice now, especially in a case this serious.

I think they are going to be huge as far as the prosecution of this case goes. There would be hours of lies, culminating with a partial confession. Jurors, like most people, don’t take kindly to this.

If the prosecution doesn’t want the autopsy reports released, then they sure as hell won’t want his interrogation videos released before trial.

We will have to wait.
Regarding how loving CW and SW were and seemed so happy -
Until I started a new relationship with my now husband I didn't realize how absolutely awful my ex was.
I have been with my current husband for 7 years now and to this day something will happen and I get scared and wait for sh&% to hit the fan then my husband will be so loving and kind and remember oh yeah he's nothing like my ex.

My point is that maybe CW didn't realize he could be treated a different way than SW treated him until he started the affair.
Just a thought. Could be AP was obsessed and or very sexual and or sweet and introverted like him. MOO

Of course none of this is a reason for freaking murder.
This is implying that some posters on here have jealousy, envy, resentment towards SW therefore they are victimizing her. I disagree.
Not at all! I'm talking about the general opinion out there, other sites/media are not as well behaved as WS and what they are saying about her is terrible and all based on her MLM/SM.
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I know this post is from a few pages ago but I can't agree more. The fact is, some people are just more likable than others. In life, there are going to be people who rub us the wrong way. Someone that you find really engaging and warm may come off to me as calculating and fake. It is totally subjective and just a fact of life. None of it has anything to do with whether someone should have been killed. The tendency to find "bad victims" is so dangerous for us as a society. There's a reason marginalized women and women in disadvantaged groups are so much less likely to come forward and report a crime. If people will find fault with a married stay-at-home mom battling chronic illness trying to support her family, what would they have to say about a sex worker or recovering addict? It is shameful and I hope people think twice before participating in victim blaming. It is not a game. No one deserves to be brutally murdered.
Yes, thank you. ITA.
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